IRC log for #brlcad on 20160306

00:08.43 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
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03:13.53 simran I am Davinder Kaur from Guru Nanak Dev Engineering college. I want to contribute in Material Database work.
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03:43.44 softcoder32 hello, i am a gsoc aspirant with good knowledge of python and C, i wish to participate in gsoc under brlcad. i am interested in the project Python_Geometry
03:44.16 softcoder32 i wish to have directives on where to start. thanks
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05:38.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bheemana.phanikumar * 0 /wiki/User:Bheemana.phanikumar:
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09:29.29 tandoorichick brlcad: I've commented on the ticket #429 with the problems encountered and also attached the new patch along with a few screenshots for comparison.
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10:31.30 *** join/#brlcad Gabriel_ (bc1bab04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:33.44 Gabriel_ hey starseeker, I am back with a few more questions about adding "exec" to search.
10:34.25 Gabriel_ first, the "search" command usually looks for matching patterns within the currently opened database?
10:34.44 Gabriel_ is it any option to search in all the databases?
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12:54.04 Gabriel_ I have another question about the "add exec to search" project - could we execute more commands on found objects? (commands probably separated by ';', like it is done in UNIX)
12:54.26 *** join/#brlcad divamgupta (~divamgupt@
12:54.52 Gabriel_ I mean is it needed to chain more commands together?
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13:52.50 abanda please for a reference where i can understand most of the functions implemented in brlcad source code
13:55.23 starseeker Gabriel_: it searches in the currently open database
13:56.19 starseeker ideally we would want to be able to exec multiple times on found objects like in UNIX, yes
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14:00.29 abanda please for a link guys
14:06.03 Gabriel_ you mean execute the same command on found objects or different commands on those objects? or both?
14:08.08 Ch3ck_ I can't seem to launch the GUI of the latest svn checkout for BRL-CAD
14:08.25 Gabriel_ like would this be possible? "search b* -exec draw {}; draw{} \;"
14:08.37 Ch3ck_ Does anyone have this same issue?
14:08.48 Gabriel_ (I know that "draw" is not the best example)
14:08.54 Ch3ck_ starseeker, brlcad I don't know if there's something wrong
14:10.53 Ch3ck_ I might have missed here
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17:56.21 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67248 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/main.c: checkpoint
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20:05.01 Gabriel_ hey guys, related to the "add exec to search" gsoc project, assuming that the implemetation of "exec" would accept more commands at once to be executed on the found objects, how should the commands be stored?
20:06.11 Gabriel_ I've thought about getting that whole string, separating in with strtok and then save the tokens inside a list, would this make a good approach?
20:07.03 Gabriel_ each token would be each individual command which is to be executed on the found objects
20:07.23 *** join/#brlcad divamgupta_ (~divamgupt@
20:09.14 *** part/#brlcad Ch3ck_ (~Ch3ck@
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