IRC log for #brlcad on 20160307

00:27.57 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
00:27.57 *** topic/#brlcad is Welcome to BRL-CAD! || Don't ask if someone is here, ask a better question. || We're participating in GSoC 2016! Patches required. || Major release 7.26 coming any day now... :P || New website deployed, feedback welcome! || Logs:
01:30.10 *** join/#brlcad acmjnyfnoqdkrfom (
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03:33.42 boj Hi, @starseeker, recently, I have read the manual and know some basic concepts of BRL-CAD modeling system, now I want to do somthing. As you suggested last time, creating brep_cobb and a un-closed Bot like a plane(both plate mode and ordinay BoT mode), and using *rtshot* to track the ray, I do this and get the result, It is different, I mean if the plate mode is only useful when the whole surface is not enclosed? I also try a closed sphere w
03:34.28 *** join/#brlcad boj_ (~boj@2001:250:3c02:763:8d9d:c208:fd93:9ece)
03:34.54 boj_ That is to say, if I want to migrate the plate mode into NURBS, do I need to check if the surface is closed? Or you have done it before?
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10:21.25 Gabriel_ Hi, I am back with some of my yesterday questions about "adding -exec to search" GSoC project.
10:22.38 Gabriel_ I've seen that in UNIX "find -exec", the command has to determine whether the current command has to be applied to a file inside the current directory or in another directory.
10:22.58 Gabriel_ In the latter case, the full path of the file must be determined.
10:23.54 Gabriel_ Here, I've been told that "search" only looks for the objects inside the currently opened database.
10:25.13 Gabriel_ I guess that there is no need to determine the path of the found object (such as UNIX does), since BRL-CAD "search" is only looking in the currently opened database, am I right?
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12:47.04 starseeker boj: indeed, a plate mode NURBS import will *not* check if the surface is closed
12:47.27 starseeker boj: we check now because we only support closed shapes - the idea of plate mode NURBS is to support objects that are not closed
12:47.55 boj sorry, I do not really get it.
12:48.39 starseeker boj: a B-Rep is made up of mulitple surfaces, which together bound a volume in space
12:49.01 starseeker boj: a single surface (like 1 of the 6 cobb sphere plates) does *not* bound a volume in space
12:49.13 boj yes, I can understand
12:49.43 boj can we say the 6 cobb sphere is closed together?
12:49.49 starseeker yes
12:50.03 starseeker together, those 6 surfaces are closed
12:50.12 boj that should be fine, I have tested different case
12:50.32 boj so we need a scheme to identify the closure?
12:51.01 starseeker no, we need a raytracing approach that will generate in and out hit points, with a thickness, when we have a surface that is *not* closed
12:51.06 starseeker like the plate mode bots
12:51.20 starseeker but for NURBS
12:51.34 boj pls allow me think for a is a little bit confusing..
12:52.03 starseeker boj: there is a test file in src/librt/tests called extreme_ssi_test.g
12:52.16 starseeker in it are two non-closed NURBS surfaces
12:52.31 starseeker currently, we cannot raytrace those surfaces, because they do not bound a closed volume
12:53.35 starseeker a "plate mode" NURBS raytracer would take the infinitely thin surface, and from the single hit point we can get from that surface would generate in hit and out hit positions and normals that treated that surface as if it were a very thin solid in space
12:53.45 boj I know, the *thickness* is just a kind of description(or property) of the surface, they do not really exist, when do raytracing, why we need it is just for a in/out hitting point?
12:54.14 starseeker yes - BRL-CAD is a solid raytracing system. We need solids, and surfaces are not solids
12:54.34 starseeker so "plate mode" raytracing "fakes" solidity by turning it into very thin solids
12:54.45 starseeker boj: brlcad might be able to explain it better
12:55.06 boj and the *thin solid* is described by the thickness? I think I can get it.
12:55.19 starseeker essentially
12:55.54 boj OK, I read the code, in bots, the thickness of each triangle is in-variable?
12:55.56 starseeker the surface is "assigned" a thickness, and the raytracing results from the individual surface are adjusted to reflect that thickness
12:56.13 starseeker right - the thickness is a property of the whole surface
12:56.44 boj aha, it seems to be more clear to me.
12:57.26 starseeker so if you raytrace just one of the six cobb surfaces, you'll get either 1 or 2 hit points depending on what direction the ray comes from.
12:57.45 starseeker that's what a single surface reports. But for solid raytracing, we need 2 or 4 hit points
12:58.21 starseeker So, in the 1 hit point case, we would take the reported intersection and normal and deduce two hit points from that original hit point
12:59.34 boj you mean then, along the normal direction, we can calculate another hitting point while the surface with a *given thickness*?
12:59.42 starseeker there are some subtle issues, like where in space the deduced points should go and what to do near the edges of the NURBS surface (or if, say, you're shooting a ray at a tangent that misses the actual NURBS surface but would hit the pseudo solid with thickness)
13:00.15 starseeker boj: that's one scheme. another is to treat the actual hit as the midpoint and generate two new points, above and below
13:00.39 boj above and below? how to say?
13:01.39 starseeker so we have a hit on one of the cobb sphere surfaces. That hit has a normal. We can take our thickenss value, and generate two new points - one back in the direction the surface normal is pointing, and one in the opposite direction from that of the surface normal.
13:02.08 starseeker or we might generate points along the ray direction, using the surface normals from the hit point
13:02.38 starseeker Or there might be other schemes - BoTs are rather simpler in many ways since they're individually flat
13:02.58 boj but if we trace the back direction of hit point, will it miss?
13:03.02 starseeker as I say, brlcad may have more/better insight on how to approach this...
13:03.34 starseeker you mean, shoot the ray from the other side of the surface?
13:03.42 starseeker no, it should still report the hit
13:04.22 starseeker boj: I've got to run - if brlcad comes in later he may have better ways to explain
13:04.44 boj OK, thank you
13:04.58 boj I need to think it and make a short plan..
13:05.22 boj thanks @starseeker.. :)
13:09.24 *** join/#brlcad yorik (~yorik@
13:14.57 Ch3ck_ starseeker, I can't seem to load the GUI for MGED on the latest svn checkout
13:15.00 Ch3ck_ I built as debug
13:15.07 Ch3ck_ I don't know if there's something wrong I am doing?
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14:15.21 ``Erik tafodinho: tip #1, chat in the channel :) general tree walker would be useful, but would require some pretty hefty C chops, as it'd involve things like complicated recursion on possibly volatile data structures, function pointers, etc. If that sounds like something you believe you can handle, I'd recommend starting with the general recommendations for new gsoc students on the wiki
14:16.16 ``Erik tafodinho: once you have BRL-CAD installed, maybe look at some trees in sample geometry and try doing things with the existing tree walkers to get a feeling for how they work?
14:18.46 tafodinho ``Erik: thanks for the info
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14:55.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67249 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/main.c: checkpoint
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17:58.40 Gabriel_ How should the commands which are to be executed of found objects ("add exec to search command" project) be stored?
17:58.52 Gabriel_ Would it be a good idea to store each of them in a linked list?
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20:14.48 jasvir hi all. I was trying to build brlcad. But each time I try, I ended up with an error while executing make.
20:14.59 jasvir Please help me to resolve this.
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21:00.17 tandoorichick to run mged you can build just that, instead of 'all'. make -j4 mged
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