IRC log for #brlcad on 20160311

00:53.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67302 (brlcad/trunk/include/bu/mime.h brlcad/trunk/include/bu/path.h and 3 others): Remove the mime/prefix bits from bu_path_component. It's undecided what we'll do about supporting prefixes - we have a potentially ambiguous case on Windows if a user has a g: drive and wants to specify a .g file prefix to a path with g:/path/to/file - did we mean a file on g: or a file on the current drive
00:53.24 Notify with the .g type? Whatever we do end up with, it should live separtely from bu_path_component - probably with the mime handling logic.
00:53.26 Notify ...
01:14.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67303 brlcad/trunk/TODO: update todo list
01:29.51 starseeker brlcad: what were you expecting interactive mode to do in rt? (-I option)
01:30.36 starseeker at least as far back as r22755, it appears to simply be a way to do bu_nice_set for the rt application depending on the size
01:31.05 starseeker as near as I can tell, that's still what it's doing...
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06:22.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Krishnacodes * 0 /wiki/User:Krishnacodes:
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07:28.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Kutaymacit * 0 /wiki/User:Kutaymaci:
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11:24.04 Robert_Dumitru Hello! I am a freshman year student at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Computer science section, willing to enter the open source world to gain more coding experience. I am interested in Benchmark Performance Database project. I saw the GSoC 2014 approach and I want to know how I can improve it so that I will be accepted, but I am afraid of doing something too similar to past tries. I
11:24.04 Robert_Dumitru want to use Django as the web framework and ,probably ,PostgreSQL for the database, Bootstrap for the front-end part and plotly.js charting library for representing the information acquired from the log files. Is my plan fullfilling the project needs? Do you have any advice for me? Is contribution to Brl-cad mandatory?
11:25.50 *** join/#brlcad divamgupta (~divamgupt@
11:33.45 shubham_ Robert_Dumitru: Previous contributions is not mandatory to be a part of GSoC with Brl-cad.
11:33.54 shubham_ But you must submit a patch for your project.
11:34.50 shubham_ A patch is required for a student to be a part of the GSoC project with brl-cad
11:36.30 shubham_ You can start working on a patch for your project now and must submit it with your proposal or before the application submission deadline ends
11:39.54 shubham_ For comments regarding your queries related to your project, you can contact the devs and mentors who have worked on it previously, through the mailing list or irc.
11:57.09 ``Erik starseeker: rt's interactive mode USED to do some funky iterative sampling where the output was broken up into a large grid and each grid unit was filled with a single ray's color, then it'd iteratively refine until at final resolution :/
11:57.30 ``Erik quadtree style, yo
11:57.41 starseeker ``Erik: that must have been a *really* long time ago then? (before the great source code reorg even...)
11:59.40 ``Erik I thought it was still working when all the isst tcl stuff was going on *shrug*
11:59.46 starseeker hmm
11:59.52 ``Erik (I think that was about the last time I looked)
12:00.00 starseeker will have to check - maybe it's not the -I option
12:00.51 ``Erik hm, I thought it was -i, but it's been years
12:01.26 ``Erik woops
12:01.37 ``Erik I might be thinking thinking incremental mode
12:01.41 ``Erik n/m me :)
12:02.10 starseeker that's what I thought it would be (render quickly, refine image)
12:02.52 starseeker will check again later - time to pretend I know how to drive...
12:03.18 ``Erik there's always code spelunking in the repo (and if svn is too slllooowwww, the git mirror at /usr/www/ is up to date)
12:03.42 starseeker heh
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16:17.46 NunoLopesUE Hello
16:20.34 NunoLopesUE Is anyone there? im kinda new on IRC
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17:57.57 Lavan To Morrison : The project idea - "Benchmark Performance Database" is listed out but it seemed to be already completed under GSoC 2014 itself - . I'm confused, What exactly do you propose the students to complete for this year GSoC?
18:00.11 Lavan ...on the project idea of "Benchmark Performance Database
18:00.20 Lavan ...on the project idea of "Benchmark Performance Database"
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18:28.04 jasvir starseeker: hi. qged is got compiled and is running but I am facing a problem. Whenever I start qged, the draw area got covered by screenshot of terminal. I am unable to figure out about what problem is.
18:28.17 jasvir can you please help me to figure it out
18:29.32 jasvir
18:29.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67304 brlcad/trunk/TODO: Add TODO for rtwizard command line
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18:46.05 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 67305 brlcad/trunk/src/brlman/ our style is 4 char indents, not 3; and need to set tcl-indent-level if we're going to treat this as a tcl mode instead of an sh mode file.
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19:28.03 tandoorichick what is the difference between the bot_specific structure and the rt_bot_internal structures? when do we use the former and when do we use the latter?
19:28.16 *** join/#brlcad ucanbizon (58e384cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:28.22 ucanbizon hello !
19:30.49 brlcad niiice.. new server has SSD drives. time to write 1GB in small block chunks goes from 23sec to 3sec :)
19:30.54 brlcad hello ucanbizon
19:31.08 ucanbizon how are you :D
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19:41.16 brlcad starseeker: if I'm reading the filesystem hierarchy standard correctly, there are a couple places html files can live
19:43.21 brlcad looks like PREFIX/share/doc/brlcad/html or PREFIX/share/brlcad/VERSION/doc/html are kosher, the latter being what we do now
19:43.25 brlcad so should be fine
19:44.02 brlcad looking at BSD, I'm seeing a similar pattern
19:50.27 NunoLopes Hi
19:51.15 NunoLopes Im looking for mentor of importer x3d
19:52.11 brlcad starseeker: wrote the wrong term -- incremental is what I suspected was broken
19:52.15 brlcad -i not -I
19:52.59 NunoLopes are you looking for an exporter too?
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19:53.43 brlcad ucanbizon: fine thx
19:54.28 brlcad NunoLopes: your question indicates that you've probably not looked at what is in brl-cad currently
19:54.59 brlcad I suggest exploring (and actually running) some of the converters
19:57.08 ucanbizon I never participated or intended to participate GSoC before
19:57.31 ucanbizon I am very in to computational geometry
19:57.44 ucanbizon Can I propose an idea
19:58.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67306 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Targets.cmake: There's a bug for the Apple isystem flag issue now - add the link to the comment.
20:00.18 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
20:06.25 ucanbizon will quadrilateral mesh generation be useful for brlcad?
20:09.44 brlcad ucanbizon: in what context?
20:10.19 brlcad quads are obviously useful for a lot of different things, but how specifically they get related to a CAD system, depends
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20:18.13 brlcad ``Erik: so I don't know if/when/what changed... but I'm rather flabbergasted by the amount of ram being reported
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20:21.14 ucanbizon sorry for late answer
20:21.40 ucanbizon but to be honest i downloaded the brlcad yesterday
20:22.25 ucanbizon but in before when i was parttime working in a company
20:23.26 ucanbizon they were saying quadliteral meshes give more precise results
20:23.31 ucanbizon in solvers
20:25.25 brlcad and avoiding meshes altogether gives even more precise results
20:26.24 brlcad what's the point? still need to relate their development to some feature / capability / direction of relevance
20:26.54 brlcad brl-cad's n-manifold library technically supports quad meshes (and every other count)
20:27.29 ucanbizon oh sorry I didn't know that
20:37.45 brlcad no need to be sorry :)
20:37.55 brlcad having specialized quad meshes would have some value
20:38.34 brlcad but to make a good proposal, you'd have to characterize that value
20:39.43 ucanbizon thanks :D
20:46.00 ucanbizon I want to make a patch, so i looked at the bug reports. but they are too old. I do not know if those bugs are still exist
20:46.11 ucanbizon What should I do
20:48.52 brlcad ucanbizon: our BUGS file is essentially a stack, so items near the top are more recently reported
20:49.07 brlcad less detail than an sf bug report, but the commit log often has more details
20:49.35 *** join/#brlcad YANICK_ (~YANICK19@
20:49.50 brlcad you're also welcome to discuss candidates here, can generally tell you pretty quick what might make a good patch
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22:38.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 67307 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/doc/docbook/system/implementation/en/bool_eval_development.xml: add general api warning
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22:45.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67308 (brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/hv3_man_browser_test.tcl brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/man_browser.tcl): Tweaks for archer/mged man page viewers
22:45.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 67309 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/doc/docbook/system/implementation/en/bool_eval_development.xml: edit m_type note
22:47.06 starseeker jasvir: did you have a question on qged?
22:47.19 jasvir yes
22:47.53 jasvir I got a reply on mailing list but yet it's not clear to me
22:48.02 starseeker OpenGL is a drawing canvas
22:48.36 starseeker nothing is being drawn on it right now, so the most likely answer is that whatever happened to be on that part of the screen is what's staying there
22:48.47 starseeker remember, qged has *no* drawing capabilities at the moment
22:48.58 starseeker the central widget is just a space filler
22:50.57 starseeker brlcad: sweet! (SSD)
22:52.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67310 brlcad/trunk/TODO: not looking at the -I option...
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23:08.48 Gabriel__ Hello, I have made a small patch regarding the search command. Will posting it on sourceforge be enough or is there anything needed to do?
23:11.03 maths22 starseeker: I'm really liking that it has 16 GB of ram instead of the 3.5 gb the current server has (or can access)
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23:42.53 jasvir starseeker: can you please guide me how should start with it?
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