IRC log for #brlcad on 20160505

00:07.35 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
00:36.12 *** join/#brlcad jfmwvjjqkfqvutpw (
00:37.51 starseeker brlcad: just to check - did you specifically exclude chan_mult and chan_permute from the deprecation list (they're in the animation tools directory, but I don't seem them in CHANGES...)
00:51.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67830 (brlcad/trunk/sh/ brlcad/trunk/src/anim/anim_cascade.c and 23 others): Add deprecation warnings for the video and animation tools
00:54.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67831 (brlcad/trunk/CHANGES brlcad/trunk/src/anim/chan_mult.c brlcad/trunk/src/anim/chan_permute.c): Add chan_mult and chan_permute to the anim tool deprecation list.
01:52.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 67832 brlcad/trunk/TODO: no need to merge them when they're going away
02:00.03 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
02:15.20 brlcad starseeker: not specifically, don't know how they escaped both passes
02:47.06 brlcad maths22_: if beastiebots no longer registered/active, should the web root go away?
04:10.07 brlcad NOTICE: anyone that has/had an account on the .bz server and wishes to retain it, please e-mail or PM me to restore your login
04:29.14 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
04:30.28 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
08:08.00 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
08:10.24 *** join/#brlcad sniok (~sniok@
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10:45.25 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
12:25.20 *** join/#brlcad sniok (~sniok@
12:38.44 *** join/#brlcad tofu_ (~sean@
12:41.44 *** join/#brlcad Notify (~notify@
12:42.22 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
12:44.49 *** part/#brlcad learner (
12:53.22 *** join/#brlcad yorik (~yorik@
13:36.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67833 (brlcad/trunk/src/sig/a-d.c brlcad/trunk/src/sig/bw-d.c and 14 others): Add deprecation messages to the sig tools listed in CHANGES
13:36.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Oleksandr dubenko * 9652 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: Web project: added plan and logs links
13:37.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Tandoorichick * 0 /wiki/User:Tandoorichick:
13:39.27 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Oleksandr dubenko * 9652 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: Web project: added plan and logs links
13:40.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Oleksandr dubenko * 9652 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: Web project: added plan and logs links
13:41.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Tandoorichick * 0 /wiki/User:Tandoorichick:
13:41.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67833 (brlcad/trunk/src/sig/a-d.c brlcad/trunk/src/sig/bw-d.c and 14 others): Add deprecation messages to the sig tools listed in CHANGES
14:13.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bojian ustc * 0 /wiki/User:Bojian_ustc:
14:13.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vasco.costa * 9598 /wiki/Summer_of_Code/Checklis:
14:13.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 9601 /wiki/User:Krajkreddy/main: /* Contact */
14:13.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Fawadthekhan * 0 /wiki/User:Fawadthekhan:
14:13.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Starseeker * 9602 /wiki/OpenBSD_Build_Log: Stash the results of an OpenBSD BRL-CAD build attempt for later analysis (too long for
14:13.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Gauravjeet * 9604 /wiki/User_talk:Mandeeps708: /* Hello Mandeep */ new section
14:13.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9606 /wiki/User_talk:Mandeeps708: /* hi */ new section
14:13.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9607 /wiki/User:Mandeeps708: personal info
14:13.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 0 /wiki/File:Image01.png: Plugin installer freecad
14:13.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9614 /wiki/User:Mandeeps708/gsoc_proposal:
14:13.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Starseeker * 9615 /wiki/OpenBSD_Build_Log: More minimal Ninja report of OpenBSD build issues
14:13.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Yorikvanhavre * 9616 /wiki/Summer_of_Code/Checklis: Added FreeCAD info to "18 - a few more things" section
14:13.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 9618 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: stub in everyone
14:13.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 9621 /wiki/BRL-CAD_Commands: manually migrate the addition of burst
14:13.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 9622 /wiki/ESA_Summer_of_Code_in_Space/Project_Ideas: manually migrate changes for socis 2016
14:13.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9624 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: /* name*/
14:14.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9626 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: /* The FreeCAD Plugin Installer summary */
14:14.08 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9629 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2014: /* name linked */
14:14.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Catchchaos * 9630 /wiki/User:Catchchaos/GSoC2015/Proposal: GSoC Proposal for GPGPU Boolean Evaluation
14:14.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Catchchaos * 9633 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: /* GPGPU Support for Boolean Evaluation Used in Ray Tracing */
14:14.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Oleksandr dubenko * 9634 /wiki/User:Oleksandr_dubenko: Created profile page
14:14.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bojian ustc * 9637 /wiki/User:Bojian_ustc: Created page with "= Personal Information = * Name: '''Bojian Wu''' * Email: '''ustcbjwu[AT] * IRC: '''boj''' * Blog: ''''''"
14:14.27 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bojian ustc * 9638 /wiki/User:Bojian_ustc:
14:14.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Amarjeet Singh Kapoor * 9640 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: /* Form based script parameterization (needs better title) */
14:14.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bojian ustc * 0 /wiki/File:Figure_1.png:
14:14.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bojian ustc * 0 /wiki/File:Figure_3.png:
14:14.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bojian ustc * 9646 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: /* Plate Mode NURBS raytracing */
14:14.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Amarjeet Singh Kapoor * 9648 /wiki/User:Amarjeet_Singh_Kapoor/GSoC2016/Projec: /* Detailed Project Description */
14:14.45 *** join/#brlcad Mathnerd314 (~quassel@supertux/Mathnerd314)
14:14.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Amarjeet Singh Kapoor * 9650 /wiki/User:Amarjeet_Singh_Kapoor/GSoC2016/Projec:
14:14.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9627 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: /* blog link */
14:14.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9603 /wiki/User_talk:Mandeeps708: added info
14:15.05 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mandeeps708 * 9613 /wiki/User:Mandeeps708/gsoc_proposal:
14:15.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Amarjeet Singh Kapoor * 9647 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016: /* Form based script parameterization (needs better title) */
14:15.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vasco.costa * 9599 /wiki/Summer_of_Code/Checklis:
14:15.45 *** join/#brlcad sniok (~sniok@
14:25.19 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
14:27.16 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
14:31.25 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~amarjeet@
14:55.50 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~amarjeet@
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16:01.13 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
16:46.22 *** join/#brlcad shubham (71c189f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:00.53 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
17:38.37 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
18:04.26 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~amarjeet@
18:56.37 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
19:14.18 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@
19:47.44 *** join/#brlcad tandoorichick (b64b2d01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:25.40 *** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
21:08.06 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
21:13.34 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
22:00.03 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (~starseeke@
22:00.36 starseeker arrives on the new server
22:37.32 brlcad woot
22:37.44 brlcad enjoy the faster compiles ;)
22:45.34 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
23:10.26 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
23:19.40 ``Erik brlcad: is the thing on ssd's?
23:21.40 ``Erik also; there seems to be some php56 vs php70 conflict going on, who's trying to put php70 on? O.o
23:40.39 *** join/#brlcad poxip (~poxip@unaffiliated/mrpoxipol)
23:44.22 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, ssd ... dunno about php7

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.