IRC log for #brlcad on 20160721

00:49.33 *** join/#brlcad LordOfBikes (
01:25.17 *** join/#brlcad asad_ (
02:13.32 starseeker OK, so it looks like mged and rtwizard work with 8.6, but archer isn't happy
02:13.37 starseeker isn't sure why yet
02:21.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68427 brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: update Tktable version
02:46.36 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
03:24.05 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68428 brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/archer/archer_launch.tcl: fix Tktable version
03:26.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68429 (brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/archer/archer_launch.tcl brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/humanwizard/HumanWizard.tcl and 7 others): trying to treat Archer and ArcherCore as defining global variables seems to be iffy with the latest itcl/itk. Temporarily switching these out gets us further, but after that I'm getting a low level Tcl crash message from the init.tcl script.
03:27.08 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68430 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: generalize carl's work to more than just help options -- he worked on overall command option consistency as well as making many manual pages more consistent.
03:27.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68431 brlcad/trunk/TODO: 63406 needs docs if 7.24.6 matrix editing doesn't work.
03:31.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68432 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/rt.xml: in the process of making rt's manual page match rtedge, he incorrectly migrated a comment about -o disabling parallel processing. that's only true with rtedge because of how it seeks around the buffer and needs this in order
03:36.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68433 brlcad/trunk/src/rt/opt.c: ws cleanup and change >= 180 back to > 179
03:37.18 starseeker isolates a behavior difference between itcl 3.4 and itcl 4
03:37.28 starseeker we'll see if it's considered a bug or not
03:37.41 starseeker there's a deeper problem, but at least that's a start...
03:39.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68434 brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tube.c: clearly denote floating point
03:49.28 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68435 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/brlcad.xml: high resolution flags no longer exist. -h is still reserved, albeit for help now
03:56.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68436 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/fblabel.xml: lowercase high res flag no longer exists, so adapt to uppwercase one remaining
04:02.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68437 (brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itcl/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itk/CMakeLists.txt): relative dir positions changed
04:07.15 *** join/#brlcad tandoorichick (~rakshika@
04:20.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68438 brlcad/trunk/TODO: added copyrighted images, but must preserve attribution and copyright notice from ayam dev
04:21.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68439 brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: lastname, firstname - credit gustave with his windows SMP support contributions
04:23.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68440 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Cliff not just removed support for old rle format, he removed the deprecated tools. thus, user visible and needing a final callout
04:26.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68441 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/images/CMakeLists.txt: Add Ayam license file. Think it's just the brep icons so far, but should check to see if there are others that improve on what we're currently using. Should probably come up with some way to use icv to autogenerate the boolean variations at build time...
04:27.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68442 brlcad/trunk/TODO: Added license file
04:30.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68443 brlcad/trunk/TODO: looks like 61494 is user vis
04:31.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68444 brlcad/trunk/TODO: bob's addition of fbclear to archer is user vis worth mention
04:38.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68445 (brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itcl/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itk/CMakeLists.txt): simplify version number handling
06:41.59 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
08:02.34 *** join/#brlcad sniok (~sniok@
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15:16.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68446 (brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itcl.dist brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itk.dist brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/iwidgets.dist): Remove a few files we aren't using
15:26.17 *** join/#brlcad Mathnerd314 (~quassel@supertux/Mathnerd314)
15:29.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Heliogalvan * 0 /wiki/User:Heliogalvan:
16:12.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68447 (brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itcl/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/itcl/generic/itcl.decls and 17 others): Back down from itcl/itk 4 to latest 3.4 - rtwizard still seems to work, and archer still fails with "cannot access object-specific info without an object context"
16:17.42 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
16:26.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68448 brlcad/trunk/src/rt/opt.c: Looks like stray comma got added
16:28.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68449 (brlcad/trunk/src/other/incrTcl/itcl/doc/Class.3 brlcad/trunk/src/other/incrTcl/itcl/doc/List.3 and 87 others): Upgrade to latest Itcl/Itk 3.4. Mostly this is a test - this version of Itcl/Itk runs archer with 8.5, but not with 8.6
16:57.32 *** join/#brlcad Mandeep_Singh (~mandeep@
16:59.59 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~amarjeet@
17:03.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68450 brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: tweak get_html_data - earlier change didn't work well.
17:45.54 *** join/#brlcad sniok (~sniok@
18:07.33 *** join/#brlcad sniok (~sniok@
18:17.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68451 brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/tclcad_obj.c: nothing temporary about it after two years, remove dead comments
18:19.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68452 (brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/BBNode.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/BRNode.cpp): the headers properly wrap themselves with BEGIN/END_DECLS, so don't need to manually wrap them here
18:22.42 starseeker we appear to be making heavy use of an accidental propery of itcl3 in Archer that has not transitioned to itcl4
18:23.26 starseeker has put itcl3 in place in the 8.6 branch successfully, but system installs are going to provide 4 if they provide anything...
18:24.46 starseeker wonders how large a rework of Archer we should accept before a) just using the bundled itcl3 always instead or b) starting to think about Qt...
18:25.59 starseeker brlcad: I note the acknowledgements panel is still present in the About dialog in Archer - did you want to change that?
18:26.27 starseeker minimally should be updated...
18:27.21 Stragus makes "ewww" sounds at the mention of Qt
18:27.42 starseeker <snort> how much experience do you have with Tk?
18:28.04 Stragus None :), having trouble maintaining the Tk code?
18:28.27 starseeker Stragus: less that than running into limits with what we can easily do in Tk
18:28.41 Stragus That sounds like a problem
18:28.56 starseeker it hasn't helped our usability much
18:30.29 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
18:30.57 Stragus I can imagine. Perhaps an OpenGL-based GUI would integrate better with the OpenGL rendering... I have done a few things with mine:
18:31.49 Stragus Qt would provide all the ready-to-use widget collection, but it has its own share of issues
18:31.54 starseeker nods - that was/is one of the possibilities, but Qt gives us a lot of useful stuff we'd more or less have to hand-roll inOpenGL
18:33.01 starseeker rather likes the look of nanovg
18:33.48 Stragus Its rendering is poorly optimized. My screenshot above does 4000 fps
18:34.16 starseeker blinks - wow. just bad execution on their part, or did they make some design tradeoffs?
18:35.37 Stragus Bad design. It's immediate-style, instead of buffering, minimize state changes, uploading large buffers and as few GL Draw() calls as possible
18:36.06 starseeker hmm
18:36.40 Stragus Look at their screenshot, 44 fps. It's like a terrible joke
18:37.05 starseeker heh - perhaps they were optimizing for interactivity on crappy hardware?
18:37.33 Stragus No, everything that memononen guy writes is terrible for performance, serious design issues
18:37.46 Stragus He comes up a lot in #opengl due to his fontstash and friends
18:38.08 starseeker has found fontstash itself quite useful...
18:38.17 Stragus Ah! :)
18:38.28 starseeker granted, I'm not pushing any performance boundaries when I use it either
18:39.14 Stragus Well, just keep that in mind when comparing 44 fps to 4000 fps
18:39.49 starseeker Stragus: if you've looked at libdm at all, you know we've other other stuff to fix before that's going to be worrisome
18:40.25 starseeker Stragus: if fontstash isn't very good, what's your recommended solution for text?
18:41.23 Stragus Not sure actually, I wrote my own based on freetype
18:41.40 Stragus really needs to put a lot of stuff on github or whatever
18:42.35 starseeker what about fontstash is bad peformance wise? I knew nanovg was slow, but I've seen less about fontstash
18:43.22 Stragus The hashing function and table is bad. It's querying freetype constantly for the kerning between characters. Oh, and there are actually errors in the spacing and kerning
18:44.06 starseeker fontstash doesn't use freetype, unless something changed - doesn't it use stb_freetype?
18:44.09 Stragus I don't remember what the actual GL rendering was... but it should all be buffered, batched, uploaded and drawn together
18:44.38 Stragus Ah yes, there is #define in it to switch to freetype. If you don't use freetype, then there's no glyph hinting and other issues
18:44.50 Stragus Glyph hinting is pretty important for small fonts
18:45.12 Stragus With glyph hinting, tiny fonts are still readable:
18:45.22 starseeker nods - knew it was simplistic, but plenty good enough compared to our old solutions..
18:46.29 Stragus (For screenshot, the sizes are in pixels, not font "points" or whatever)
18:48.48 starseeker Stragus: check out our current font logic for the GLX backend:
18:49.36 starseeker Stragus: I think the more sophisticated OpenGL text solutions do do better with freetype - Sean's a fan of FTGL, which I think does better but was/is also more work to integrate
18:49.39 Stragus Oh, X fonts :)
18:50.34 Stragus I never really looked into ftgl, I know they have some interesting features
18:51.25 starseeker Once we get a proper cross-platfom OpenGL backend in place we can start to get more sophisiticated, but right now any major libdm work has to take glx, wgl, X, and several others into consideration
18:51.37 Stragus Large fonts also benefit from signed distance fields, I wrote code for that
18:52.06 starseeker Stragus: heh - yeah, you'd probably achieve some fame on github if you were so inclined
18:52.09 Stragus Just use freetype2 and be cross-platform, same results everywhere
18:52.14 starseeker nods
18:52.52 starseeker freetype has improved a *lot* in terms of ease of integration, one of the things that will really help when we switch
18:53.23 starseeker wish their license was just a bit more liberal, but I think we're OK to use it
18:53.50 Stragus If you think you might use my code, I think that would motivate me to clean up, provide demos, perhaps even... *shivers* documentation
18:54.47 starseeker Stragus: well, right now our "cutting edge" libdm backend is using OpenSceneGraph to provide a cross platform API to give us an OpenGL canvas, and then we're using fontstash for cross platform text
18:54.49 Stragus An OpenGL gui really has some serious advantages for GL-based CAD software
18:54.57 Stragus Darn.
18:56.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68453 brlcad/trunk/src/util/CMakeLists.txt: the tk apps need to specify their tcl/tk library deps. not necessarily coupled to X11 either (e.g., aqua)
18:56.34 starseeker so if you have a lightweight wrapper library to initialize and interact with opengl and a fast/decent text rendering solution I'd be interested :-)
18:56.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68454 brlcad/trunk/src/shapes/fence.h: use the decl wrappers from common
18:57.25 Stragus Text, definitely so. For the OpenGL setup, I have always used GLFW everywhere, it's excellent. Or did you mean more than managing context/input?
18:57.37 starseeker would prefer not to pull OSG along unless/until we're actually using the scenegraph, which requires quite a bit more libdm/libfb/mged work to do properly
18:57.57 Stragus OSG is terrible. It does 110k malloc() calls to render a cube
18:58.00 starseeker glfw would work if we could embed the OpenGL canvas it provides in a Tk context
18:58.05 starseeker window rather
18:58.27 starseeker last time I looked at glfw, it was assuming it always provides the window
18:58.37 Stragus Indeed, I think that's the case
18:58.50 starseeker that might be fairly simple to change - if so, it would sure be way lighter than OSG
18:59.14 starseeker Stragus: is OGRE better than OSG performance wise, or do they make many of the same mistakes?
18:59.21 Stragus Yes should be, I'm fairly familiar with the GLFW code
18:59.32 Stragus Ogre is also very osbolete
18:59.52 Stragus Seriously, why not use your own engine?
18:59.53 starseeker Stragus: huh. Who are the new kids on the block? Or is implementation lagging behind theory?
19:00.06 starseeker Stragus: 'cause we'd rather not write one ourselves?
19:01.00 starseeker hunts up glfw - that sounds like a nice respite from rewriting Tcl/Tk CMake build code
19:01.04 Stragus Well, it's not like you need shadow cascades, spherical harmonics or deffered lighting... Your needs are pretty light?
19:01.11 starseeker correct
19:01.38 starseeker although I'm not opposed to using fancy features once we get a proper scene set up...
19:01.49 Stragus So it could take about as long writing good GL code than figuring out how to work with some engine that's potentially slow and/or poorly adapted and/or lacking features
19:02.42 starseeker nods - that could very well be
19:03.05 starseeker but the odds i would do a new one the "right" way are fairly low, at least for a first cut
19:03.35 Stragus I think I have quite a bit of experience with GL if you ever have questions
19:04.37 starseeker Stragus: ideally we'd want to integrate things like LoD (Hoppe's code dump of progressive mesh code make that even more interesting)
19:04.58 starseeker give how big the models we work with can get, some sort of size management would really help
19:05.15 Stragus I wrote this 3 years ago in spare time... I wanted to test my computational fluid dynamics then got distracted:
19:06.27 starseeker heh - nice!
19:06.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68455 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/BRLCADWrapper.h brlcad/trunk/src/libanalyze/find_subtracted_shapes.cpp and 9 others): remove the extern C wrappings as all our headers should now be properly wrapped for the caller
19:07.41 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
19:08.50 Stragus For LODs, is it something you can just precompute?
19:09.23 starseeker maybe... there are multiple options there
19:09.33 starseeker NURBS models we might be able to re-tessellate on the fly
19:09.42 Stragus I'm not sure how important a "smooth" choice of level of details really is. Done properly, one can't even see the transition points
19:09.52 starseeker nods
19:11.23 starseeker yeah, GLFW doesn't expose the context creation independent of the Window creation
19:11.36 starseeker wonder how hard it is to extract the context part...
19:11.39 Stragus Yes, but I think it could be hacked in
19:14.37 Stragus And dreda is the maintainer, always answering questions in #glfw
19:15.01 starseeker recalls asking long ago about the possibility, I think it was deemed a bit out of scope
19:15.11 Stragus Ah :/
19:15.12 starseeker that would have been back around the togl work
19:15.36 starseeker still, boiling the context subset of this might not be too hard
19:15.48 Stragus nods
19:16.13 starseeker question is whether it's worth it just to displace the OSG sources - that does work now, however cumbersom it might be
19:18.05 starseeker If Tk provided an OpenGL widget worth anything I'd cheerfully make it the client's responsibility to supply an OpenGL context
19:18.18 Stragus That's really a huge dependency, and just to create a GL context?
19:18.44 Stragus I don't even know if OSG supports the creation of core contexts, debugging contexts, and so on
19:18.50 starseeker at the moment - eventually we plan to use the scene features, but before we can do that some of MGED's basic assumptions need to be altered
19:19.40 Stragus I really would *not* recommend OSG. I have had the displeasure of debugging something in OSG for Lee, I have looked under the hood
19:20.25 Stragus The horror, the horror... It's like academia C++ pushed to 11
19:21.18 starseeker Stragus: well, I'll look at extracting the context bits out of glfw and see if they can replace what we're currently using OSG for
19:21.30 Stragus Also using GL display lists, immediate mode, and so on. If you want to do anything modern, then forget it, it's not in OSG
19:22.07 Stragus (110000 malloc() calls to render a cube, argh!)
19:23.02 starseeker Stragus: bear in mind we do need a reasonable fallback mode if OpenGL is hozed on a computer for some reason - I'd be fine with making a a platform agnostic version of tinygl or extracting mesa's software-only rendering backend for that...
19:23.40 starseeker more importantly though is we can't assume super-modern OpenGL features all the time - there has to be a reasonable "degraded" mode we can guarantee everywhere
19:23.40 Stragus A fallback mode, meaning a GL 1.1 path?
19:23.56 starseeker well, whatever can be usably implemented in software
19:24.05 starseeker I think mesa may be up around 2, but I"m not sure
19:24.08 starseeker haven't checked lately
19:24.31 Stragus I think they implement GL 3.1
19:24.38 starseeker do they
19:24.53 starseeker huh - I haven't been keeping track, that's further along than I thought
19:25.37 Stragus GL 3.1 is pretty much modern GL, minus compute shaders and other goodies
19:26.08 starseeker the question is whether their software-only mode can do that
19:26.37 Stragus Yes, I think so. Anyhow, your needs are simple, so even writing ol' good GL 1.1 shouldn't be too hard
19:26.42 starseeker nods
19:27.01 starseeker we've suggested student projects in the past to take tinygl and make it more cross platform
19:27.36 Stragus Last update in 2002, that's not a good sign
19:27.50 Stragus "16 bit Z buffer. 16 bit RGB display. High speed dithering to paletted 8 bits if needed. High speed convertion to 24 or 32 bits"
19:27.53 Stragus Okay, that's not good
19:28.45 starseeker if we make an alterned version of the glfw wrapping API, we could probably put the key software rendering bits from mesa's swrat or maybe softpipe behind that API
19:30.03 Stragus Does it really come up often that people run CAD software on machines without any GL? Even Windows or Linux without drivers provide at least GL 1.1
19:30.06 Stragus (in software)
19:31.54 starseeker it does sometimes happen that the drivers will temporarily be in a non-functional state (after an update) or someone tries to display across a network interface and things get interesting
19:32.47 Stragus And when you want to be bullet-proof even in such cases, okay
19:32.54 Stragus And * you want
19:32.57 starseeker that usually happens when there are tight deadlines people are trying to satisfy (I think there's some sort of universal law about that)
19:33.03 starseeker so, yeah :-)
19:33.08 Stragus Eheh :), got it
19:33.31 starseeker but you're right, GL 1.1 would do what we need
19:34.01 starseeker tinygl may not be very impressive, but it's better than the raw X backend (which can only do wireframe - no shaded mode)
19:34.25 starseeker not being able to assume shaded drawing for your scene interface is a bummer
19:34.41 Stragus Mesa's LLVM can generate SSE/AVX code and be somewhat-kind-of-usable
19:35.05 starseeker that would require the llvm backend though
19:35.34 starseeker we may get there someday if we incorproate support for Open Shading Language, but it's an even bigger dependency than OSG if I'm not mistaken
19:35.57 Stragus Open Shading Language?... Why not GL's GLSL?
19:36.13 starseeker OSL is for raytracers
19:36.23 Stragus Oh. Interesting
19:37.32 starseeker ah, this looks like an active ftgl fork:
19:38.05 starseeker few other forks with changes
19:38.24 Stragus wants to see the GL rendering code
19:39.04 starseeker not sure where that'd be tucked away - Sean probably knows
19:40.10 Stragus Technically, my font manager doesn't depend on GL, and rather delegates the rendering to an abstract "renderer" which does, doing the buffering and batching
19:40.45 Stragus So you can switch the renderer at will. ftgl may work the same way
19:40.49 starseeker nods - I seem to remember something about that for fontstash as well - opengl was just the "output" form used for the rendering
19:40.58 Stragus Right
19:41.08 *** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
19:41.44 starseeker ugh - ftgl has a whole subdirectory for MSVC builds?
19:41.56 Stragus Also, fontstash is not flexible enough to do things like two-channel post-processing with custom spacing, in order to do outlined text
19:42.02 starseeker nods
19:42.27 *** join/#brlcad asad_ (
19:42.31 starseeker ew - no project with a decent CMake build should need checked-in visual studio project files
19:43.07 Stragus That's another reason I don't put anything on github. Can't stand all build systems, I write Makefiles or even just bash scripts
19:43.40 starseeker nods - github works find for that though - you just check in what you want and let someone else make the build system they like
19:43.53 Stragus I frequently need to do things like compiling the same .c or .cu file multiple times with different options, and it's always a nightmare with build systems
19:43.58 starseeker has a bunch of forks/projects that are CMake-ifications of other projects
19:44.02 Stragus Ah, cool
19:44.35 starseeker new one just this week, in fact:
19:45.04 Stragus Eh, neat
19:45.32 starseeker they give you the "forked from" link so you can always reference the original project
19:46.59 starseeker my SuperLU CMake build even got a user - I've gotten several patches back updating to the latest version.
19:47.25 starseeker someday I'll finish up my Meshlab conversion - it hasn't ticked me off lately, so I've kinda stalled
19:47.51 Stragus You are a CMake fan then :)
19:48.18 starseeker I'm a fan of what it allows you to do - one build system for OSX, Linux, BSD, and MSVC
19:48.40 starseeker I'm not crazy about their syntax - I think they should have gone with lua or some such rather than inventing their own language
19:48.51 Stragus It just seemed so complicated to do basic things like "compile this, run that, *then* compile X 10 times with these options"
19:49.08 starseeker but compared to sh+m4+automake+autoconf+... it's awesome
19:49.41 starseeker Stragus: yeah, the latter bit does conflict with their mental model of build targets
19:50.07 Stragus Exactly
19:50.45 starseeker usually there are work-arounds that are simpler than trying to maintain and sync multiple build systems across different platforms though - we did that pre-CMake, and it sucked
19:50.47 Stragus I want to compile my CUDA pipelines for all variety of CUDA hardware, and for all runtime options for the pipeline, which can be a total of 200 times
19:51.59 starseeker Stragus: Couple of possible approaches... I'd probably write a CMake script to automatically set that up in the build directory.
19:52.32 starseeker configure_file and execute_process can be used to do quite a lot, if you really need to
19:52.55 Stragus I'll try to motivate me to try again one day... :)
19:53.02 starseeker heh
19:53.44 starseeker I don't recommend CMake for all situations, certainly - but when you want to be trivially portable to Windows+MSVC, it just makes life a lot simpler
19:54.19 starseeker You can do most of your work on a Real OS, then check things on Windows just by pulling the updates, configuring and building
19:54.31 Stragus I'm not concerned by MSVC, I tend to write C gnu99
19:54.40 Stragus (which compiles with GCC, clang and ICC)
19:54.43 starseeker no updating VS project files and hoping the bugs aren't too bad because nobody else has checked in 6 months
19:54.51 Stragus Eheh
19:55.11 starseeker nods - unfortuantely, we have no choice but to pay attention to MSVC
19:55.23 *** join/#brlcad yorik (
19:55.53 starseeker several times we've had to "port" possible third party libs over to MSVC ourselves, because were the first in the open source community to actually care
19:56.17 Stragus I'm actually surprised you do
19:56.27 Stragus What's wrong with mingw64, the Intel compiler?
19:57.31 starseeker we haven't yet managed to fully port to mingw64, and I've had fairly mixed luck with it over the years - mainly getting it set up correctly. It's still quite easy to do that wrong
19:57.49 Stragus Okay, that is surprising
19:58.07 starseeker the Intel compiler is usually pay-to-play - I think there may be a program now for open source projects, but I don't know about on Windows
19:59.01 starseeker we really should get mingw64 working... I've been half hoping someone would take Qt Creator, the new clang Windows porting work, and whatever bits from the mingw setup are needed to make a true "plug and play" open source C/C++ development ala MSVC
19:59.18 Stragus Not sure. I know SURVICE wanted some code to compile on Windows without expecting people to use mingw64, because people want software they pay for, and apparently ICC was the best solution
19:59.44 starseeker it's a good compiler
19:59.52 starseeker or at last, that's what I've heard about it
20:00.15 Stragus It's supposed to be good at auto-vectorization. I do my own SSE/AVX, and GCC comes up on top by 2% or so
20:00.22 starseeker but the Visual Studio Community edition can be used for open source projects and is both free and simple to get working
20:01.22 starseeker ideally, we would be able to build anywhere someone wanted to build - mingw is actually our most glaring defect in that regard
20:01.53 Stragus I agree, it is very surprising. It's the same old good GCC!
20:02.26 Stragus I never had any trouble with my code and mingw64
20:11.40 starseeker Stragus: well, if you're interested you can grab the latest trunk and see if it builds
20:13.46 *** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
20:19.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68456 brlcad/branches/tcltk86/src/other/CMakeLists.txt: Note the itcl4 issue Archer is having, and provide relevant info.
20:24.07 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
20:31.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68457 brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: note the 2013 doc camp team (save for sean and cliff which already have core status) under documentation.
20:51.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68458 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gdiff.c: remove dead code
20:58.20 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
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21:45.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68459 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: jon added a -f vertex fuse option to obj-g that fuses verticies within a given tolerance. this helps the solidity detection work but is slower (hence off by default).
21:45.54 *** join/#brlcad asad_ (
21:50.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68460 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: keith fixed the bb command volume reporting, which was returning mm^3 instead of the localized units. also increased precision beyond one digit past the decimal, reported by a user having problems with sub-inch boxes.
22:06.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68461 brlcad/trunk/TODO: note where things left off with the joint articulation work (both the old system and the new joint objects) from the big bullet branch merge (r62451)
22:13.15 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
22:14.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68462 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff made fast4-g import CCONE1 even when they have an illegal thickness. previously discarded them, but now imports as volume cones. (r61433)
22:18.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68463 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob fixed (in r61402) the fork+exec method being used on windows in rtwizard where edge drawing and ghosting were not working.
22:20.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68464 brlcad/trunk/TODO: we're all in, need brep support
22:29.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68465 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: keith fixed the face validation check so that it no longer tests the normal against the distance tol, instead checking the dot product against the parallel tol. this improved ray tracing and bounding boxes of really tiny triangles with edges at/near the distance tol. (r61337)
22:32.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68466 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: keith added conversion timings output to the step importer, telling how long it takes to load and convert
22:35.26 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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22:41.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 68467 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff improved the search command's manual page with a list of the -params parameters that can be specified.
22:42.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 68468 (brlcad/branches/brep-debug/doc/docbook/system/implementation/en/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/brep-debug/doc/docbook/system/implementation/en/bool_eval_development.xml): changes to support pdf export
22:59.39 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
23:10.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68469 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Note upgrade to libpng 1.6.23
23:59.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 68470 (brlcad/branches/qtged/src/qged/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/qtged/src/qged/cadresources.qrc): Pull in some of the appleseed resources for Qt UI customization. Doesn't quite apply cleanly to qged (for one thing they're using a preprocessing trick on their stylesheets) but it looks like it may have some helpful hints.

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