IRC log for #brlcad on 20160827

00:49.45 *** join/#brlcad LordOfBikes (
05:22.51 *** join/#brlcad milamber (~cjd@2602:306:8094:9990:fc50:f0d5:491a:bffc)
05:29.49 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
07:10.08 *** join/#brlcad boj_ (~boj@2001:250:3c00:2074:4cdb:5260:7e32:3a6d)
07:34.39 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@
07:46.47 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet_ (~Amarjeet@
07:48.05 *** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
07:59.41 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@
08:03.32 *** join/#brlcad Mandeep_Singh (~mandeep@
08:11.38 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
08:37.35 *** join/#brlcad asad_ (
09:18.21 *** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
09:27.40 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@
11:19.14 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
11:55.03 *** join/#brlcad shubham (2d73b027@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:20.11 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@
12:23.00 brlcad starseeker: what are the respective sizes of the corrupt and rebuilt repos?
12:24.40 brlcad also, what happens to the "skipped" commits -- is there a gap in the commits or are they all down-shifted because of the rebuild?
12:26.33 brlcad also, are you sure that checkouts will need to re-checkout and not just update?
13:35.43 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@
14:05.48 *** join/#brlcad Mandeep_Singh (~mandeep@
15:06.01 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:08.48 ``Erik yowza, is the kind of thing that should get back to the mrb or whatever replaced it :D
15:09.36 teepee brlcad: hi, we were just discussing the presentation/showcase mentioned in your mail
15:10.36 teepee would that include just the brl-cad projects? if yes, I'm totally happy with the blog posts amarjeet wrote about the staus of the project
15:29.56 *** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
15:38.31 starseeker brlcad: I'll check on the size - the commit numbers are down-shifted
15:39.12 starseeker I don't know 100% that people will need a new checkout, but I'd hate to try to guarantee that there wouldn't be subtle issues going with just an update...
16:12.13 brlcad interesting paper:
16:13.25 brlcad teepee: no it would not, anything awesome is showcase material -- time is the only constraint
16:14.05 brlcad some projects resort to doing a video presentation, which is very easy for anyone to present via proxy
16:14.22 brlcad i think 3min is the timeframe we worked with last year
16:15.04 teepee ok, cool, so we'll discuss if we can have like 3 slides mostly pictures to flash through with maybe 10 words or so :)
16:15.39 teepee right after pressing the save button for the evaluation which hopefully works :)
16:15.41 brlcad okay, slides work too -- 3-6 slides generally consume 3min
16:16.12 brlcad yeah, beware there is a "delay" after you hit that save button .. solid 5 seconds or so of white screen
16:16.29 brlcad but did work for me
16:16.42 teepee is not a fan of those "you can press that button only once" guis
16:17.19 brlcad ``Erik: nifty freebsd overview:
16:17.33 brlcad (desktop)
16:17.42 brlcad teepee: yeah, me either
16:18.08 brlcad actually opposed to the whole "you cannot change it once submitted" too ... that's new this year
16:18.13 teepee twiddles thumbs...
16:18.20 teepee ahh, there it is already
16:18.21 brlcad should be able to change until the deadline
16:18.50 teepee yep, I found that much nicer, especially with 2 mentors, the other could have a look though and add things
16:19.08 brlcad exactly
16:19.31 teepee but then, not a huge deal. so I left the last question with "No" :D
16:19.42 brlcad especially with any shared mentoring, one might have been 10 hours a week, the other 15 hours ...
16:20.15 brlcad teepee: did you see the lightning talk presentations from previous years?
16:20.28 teepee no, is that available somewhere?
16:22.27 brlcad
16:22.56 brlcad more here:
16:23.50 teepee nice, I'll have a look...
16:23.58 teepee ahh, coreboot :)
16:24.58 brlcad they were time-constrained both those years, but hopefully more time this year for more orgs
16:25.38 teepee I guess with more than 5 minutes it would not be a lightning talk anymore :)
16:26.07 brlcad the talks are timed and cut off
16:26.29 teepee those would also be nice candidates for recordings maybe
16:27.54 brlcad yeah, some of them are incredibly interesting
16:28.27 brlcad some people are just great presenters and speak well, other orgs prepare awesome videos and just hit play, some just totally wing it ;)
16:29.16 teepee It's nice to be able to see those recordins in case one is interested but can't attend personally
16:29.45 teepee or things like FOSDEM where there are like 20 tracks in parallel
16:30.33 teepee for some strange reason lots of opensource/non-profit groups manage to do extremely well regarding that, e.g. CCC, FOSDEM, Debian, ...
16:31.00 teepee for some reason I'm still waiting for the github conference talks which is like 4 month past and the web page still mentions the live stream :/
17:22.54 *** join/#brlcad Stragus (
17:45.08 brlcad starseeker: can you send me a list of the repo transactions that were corrupted, that you're culling?
17:46.05 *** part/#brlcad milamber (~cjd@2602:306:8094:9990:fc50:f0d5:491a:bffc)
17:46.28 *** join/#brlcad tandoorichick (b64b2d01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:52.52 *** join/#brlcad Mandeep_Singh (~mandeep@
18:13.52 *** join/#brlcad Caterpillar2 (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
18:21.08 starseeker brlcad: sure - by email?
18:28.38 starseeker actually, I'll send you full info on what I'm trying to do
18:35.08 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
18:48.43 starseeker brlcad: sent
18:52.54 starseeker decided to be insane and try OpenBSD as a desktop OS...
18:57.44 starseeker brlcad: I'm half inclined to cull 68308 as well, since that's the commit that got the duplicate emails...
18:59.02 starseeker it doesn't *seem* to cause any problems in-and-of-itself, but as I'm thinking about it I'm leaning more and more towards caution
19:18.22 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
19:44.55 nmz787_ brlcad: did you see my replies?
19:46.17 nmz787_ brlcad: you mentioned something about not using less than 5 microns dimension... which conflicts wholly with "BRL-CAD users can accurately model objects on scales ranging from the subatomic through the galactic and get "all the details, all the time."" from here:
19:47.08 nmz787_ brlcad: I am working on MEMS devices which have nanoscale through macroscale features... I had been assuming that statement was good reason to avoid commercial softwares (as well as all other open-source CAD tools)
19:47.31 nmz787_ brlcad: can you explain your 5 micron warning more? you mentioned computational stability or something.
19:47.46 nmz787_ 5 microns is HUGE for some of the things I will be doing
20:02.41 starseeker brlcad: spotted an issue with the 7.26.0 release - we call out the new fastgen support, but I think that's only exposed through the "gcv" command - which is currently flagged as "NO_INSTALL"
20:03.38 starseeker brlcad: we should probably either update the release notes to not mention that work yet or go back and enable the install of gcv
20:08.18 starseeker figures the latter, even if it does mean rebuilding the binaries...
20:38.59 starseeker brlcad: or I suppose we could do like 7.16.8 and make an errata patch...
20:39.20 starseeker (for the source tarball - obviously still need to rebuild binaries...)
20:42.31 starseeker wonders why we're in the System Administration/Hardware/Symmetric Multi-processing category at sourceforge rather than Science & Engineering/Mechanical and Civil Engineering/Computer-aided technologies (CADD/CAM/CAE) like LibreCAD
20:45.29 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@
22:31.34 *** join/#brlcad asad_ (

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