IRC log for #brlcad on 20170213

00:05.06 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
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02:02.17 *** join/#brlcad davezd (
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07:27.39 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
07:45.00 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
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16:30.21 elpea hi! how should I go about duplicating a set of primitives as easy as possible? I have a region I want to make copies of and translate.
16:50.59 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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18:47.12 *** join/#brlcad ARChak (~virususer@
19:53.18 Stragus Meh... As a first (free) open-source contribution in years, I attempt to give some 4000 lines of state-of-the-art SSE-optimized Kaiser-Bessel (ringing-free, sRGB-aware, etc.) image resizing to generate mipmaps that preserve/enhance details in SuperTuxKart's mipmaps
19:53.40 Stragus And they claim not to see much difference between old (left) and proposed new (right): o.O
19:54.34 *** join/#brlcad tandoorichick (~rakshika@
19:58.29 brlcad Stragus: heh, maybe try a higher-resolution sample (e.g., 2kx2k image) where it's really clear how blurry current method is vs new
19:59.04 brlcad elpea: sounds like you want the 'clone' command
19:59.33 Stragus Eh, yes... (come on, they use glGenerateMipmap() )
20:00.24 Stragus Anyhow, there's some good stuff in that code if anyone's interested, like sRGB-to-linear and back conversions with 0.01% accuracy in about 20 instructions (for 4 values if you use the SIMD path)
20:00.29 brlcad starseeker: definitely sounds possible ... though 7000+ pages in under a minute actually sounds a bit crappy :)
20:00.52 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, I noticed when the application was submitted -- expired to the day
20:01.04 Stragus Or rather, with an error of 0.01% rather than 0.01% accuracy :)
20:01.05 brlcad ``Erik: there's a script that will update it to a new version - have to find the instructions
20:01.32 elpea brlcad: thank you!
20:02.19 brlcad you're quite welcome -- let me know if you have any questions, though clone is pretty darn simple to use
20:03.16 brlcad Stragus: hehe, who doesn't love 99.9% inaccurate? :)
20:03.32 Stragus Yes, it sounds less impressive that way! :)
20:07.21 Stragus And that's the code if you guys need high quality mipmaps:
20:07.46 Stragus (or image shrinking in general)
20:11.47 elpea brlcad: just one for time being; any (easy) way to undo the clone operation?
20:12.25 elpea or should I dump the db prior to using it
20:19.20 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
20:22.12 brlcad Stragus: dear lordy that's a big file :)
20:22.40 brlcad looks interesting.. will have to see if this can integrate with our image processing library (src/libicv/size.c)
20:23.13 brlcad would probably rip out the mipmapping stuff -- the image resizing is more interesting bits
20:24.45 brlcad elpea: hm, dumping the db is probably reasonable
20:25.12 brlcad iirc, clone doesn't modify or even reference your original geometry, so you should be able to kill the entities it creates safely
20:25.43 Stragus brlcad: Right, you may want to keep only sRGB and linear resizing
20:29.50 elpea brlcad: alright, thanks
20:31.25 elpea thank god for killtree.
20:32.53 brlcad elpea: what are you working on?
20:33.21 brlcad Stragus: what would be one of the entry points to you code?
20:36.32 Stragus brlcad:
20:37.35 Stragus Other files in , such as cpusimd.c for the SSE 4-wide sin(), stuff easy enough to copy/paste
20:37.35 gcibot [ Index of /stk ]
20:38.58 elpea brlcad: I got myself a 3d printer recently and am working on a lot of different hobby (and hopefully more) stuff. right now I'm making snap-on holders for my few dozen tools. I needed the clone command to duplicate such holder part for some diamond-coated miniature files, 2*5 rows.
20:55.31 brlcad elpea: neat -- got any pictures?
21:30.12 elpea brlcad: I'll upload some if I get this printed successfully tomorrow :) I've done some other stuff in brl-cad already, such as a small container box, GPIB cable cover and a garbage bag holder. nothing too fancy and I've only been CAD'ing for two weeks but I'm liking this particular software more and more every time I sit down to figure it out a little more :)
21:47.03 ``Erik pictures are for weenies
21:47.19 ``Erik goes back to wiring up the i2c or spi port to this radar unit O.o

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