IRC log for #brlcad on 20170307

01:03.21 *** join/#brlcad chsvluzglhljkeir (
01:20.00 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
01:20.00 *** topic/#brlcad is GSoC students: if you have a question, ask and wait for an answer ... responses may take minutes or hours. Ask and WAIT. ;)
01:56.57 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:58.05 brlcad annzabelle: csg -> step conversion? I don't see that in the ideas list -- is this an idea of yours?
01:58.27 brlcad I wasn't aware that freecad did much with csg
02:40.53 *** join/#brlcad Alvis (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:702:80e6:2ce2:cd65:fdbf)
02:48.47 brlcad Hi Alvis, don't be shy ;)
02:49.08 brlcad thanks for the intro and thrilled to hear about your background and interests
02:49.26 brlcad Alvis: were you the one that e-mailed me a while back
02:49.46 Alvis Yes
02:50.08 Alvis I've checked out brl-cad a couple of times and couldn't find you, so I've decided that email might be a better means of communication
02:50.40 Alvis and now I've finally got a irc desktop client so it makes things much easier now :)
02:51.06 brlcad getting in touch can be ad hoc -- just reach out any and every way possible
02:51.10 brlcad you'll get someone's attention ;)
02:51.39 brlcad irc usually works best, but you got to stay connected or use something like 'irssi' with 'screen'
02:51.58 Alvis haha sure :) I've emailed brlcad-devel if that's what you're talking about
02:52.03 Alvis Oh I'll check them out
02:52.08 brlcad that works
02:52.13 brlcad screen is a persistent terminal
02:52.27 brlcad irssi is simply a console irc client (which you can run in a screen session)
02:52.45 Alvis like for 'screen' it never disconnects and keeps fetching messages?
02:52.46 brlcad which basically gives you irc 24/7 that you can get to anywhere if you run it on a server
02:52.52 brlcad right
02:52.55 Alvis ohhhhh nice
02:53.10 Alvis That's exactly what I've been looking for years lol
02:53.30 Alvis but didn't spend much time in research cause I only use irc for open source communications :p
02:53.54 brlcad yeah, open source tends to dominate irc these days ... open source and a few games
02:54.23 brlcad so have you done any opencl coding before?
02:54.34 Alvis Anyway regarding the OpenCL project, I have experience in CUDA and my research project is on numerical analysis, solving equations for graphics
02:54.41 Alvis not opencl but cuda
02:54.48 Alvis but I'm a quick learner ><
02:55.01 Alvis and I love learning :)
02:57.09 brlcad what kind of cuda work have you done?
02:57.39 brlcad and what do you mean by solving equations -- which equations? :)
02:57.45 Alvis Navier-Stokes
02:57.53 Alvis the pressure equation ><
02:57.57 brlcad nods
02:58.21 brlcad so fast fluid simulations of some sort?
02:58.25 Alvis yea
02:58.34 Alvis graphics simulations for water and stuff
02:58.44 Alvis My prof has been guiding me to explore various solutions and compare their performance
02:59.09 Alvis So far the simpler ones including Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and Conjugate Gradient
02:59.24 Alvis and tried out different memory options such as matrix-free, csr
03:00.29 brlcad lots of iterative methods
03:01.07 Alvis yup, so far we've been trying to figure out ways to adopt CUDA architecture and optimize the iterations as much as possible
03:01.13 brlcad so cool .. ever done anything with ... nurbs? :)
03:01.35 brlcad (specifically solving nurbs equations)
03:02.33 Alvis nah... :/ I'm new to graphics, fortunately and thankfully my prof trusts me to be self-motivated enough to learn all the necessary prerequisites
03:02.49 brlcad no worries, that's what I would expect ;)
03:03.23 Alvis ahh I see from wiki "NURBS are commonly used in computer-aided design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM), and engineering (CAE)"
03:03.30 Alvis nice, I feel relieved~
03:04.21 brlcad if you want some "light" reading ..
03:05.00 brlcad and
03:05.41 brlcad so what are you interested in?
03:06.15 Alvis actually... just curious... what level university are GSoC projects intended for, I saw OpenCV has a project that says "don't even think about doing this project unless you're a phd who has an expertise on this area"
03:06.20 brlcad you mentioned the gpgpu opencl ray tracing, any particular aspect -- what do you know about ray tracing?
03:06.40 brlcad project requirements span the gamut
03:07.10 brlcad we have some projects that are more appropriate for a PhD and others that are good for students with just a year or so experience
03:07.23 Alvis ahh ic
03:08.08 Alvis I've only had some introduction into ray tracing and graphics simulation, I encountered the term when I'm trying to learn about animation graphics
03:08.59 Alvis I've been exploring around various areas that spread across the spectrum, cause... rarely could I find opportunities to have some amount of guidance to help me learn more efficiently and effectively
03:09.21 Alvis Usually if I read tutorials on my own it takes a much longer time, and things are much easier to get stuck ><
03:09.41 brlcad so I would recommend you do three things to figure out what to do next
03:10.24 brlcad 1) compile and install brl-cad from source, learn enough to model a sphere and ray trace it using BRL-CAD tools
03:11.21 brlcad 2) look at the 2015 GSoC GPU work, maybe even try to compile and run it (it's in an svn branch), read through the dev log and understand the gist of what he did
03:11.53 brlcad 3) look at the 2016 GSoC GPU work, understand how it relates to the 2015 work and how far he got ... what worked and didn't
03:12.25 brlcad that should all be doable in just a few hours
03:12.27 Alvis Sure, thank you!
03:13.07 brlcad and it will give you a really strong practical understanding of where things are, what we're trying to do, and how we're going about it
03:13.55 Alvis yuppp
03:14.13 brlcad then you'll be in a good position to propose what you might want to do
03:14.55 brlcad whatever you propose, it should fit into our bigger picture in some manner, either being a continuation of prior work or tacking a piece not yet tackled
03:16.52 brlcad the 2015 effort attempted to hit the whole pipeline and got 80% there -- it got some really basic spatial partitioning (how you march a ray through a scene) and opencl-accelerated intersection testing for a half dozen object types (how you determine whether/where you hit something)
03:17.28 Alvis wow, this is really interesting
03:18.54 brlcad the 2016 effort tackled part of that 20% missing, boolean evaluation (weaving segments to evaluate CSG logic for final processing before hit points are turned into an image)
03:19.23 brlcad neither effort finished, but HUGE progress has been made
03:35.47 Stragus looks forward to giving tips and feedback on writing high performance GPU code
03:39.23 Alvis :DDDDD
03:41.21 Alvis I feel so hyped with all the experts in this channel :DDD
04:16.02 brlcad Alvis: so I think the next step are those three things mentioned and see what you think
04:16.48 brlcad you're probably going to have a lot of new concepts getting thrown at you, so just take your time and absorb what you can, ask questions if needed (and wait here for the response)
04:16.52 brlcad someone is always here
04:17.13 brlcad answers may come minutes/hours/days later (usually not days though)
04:17.23 brlcad seconds even
04:18.05 brlcad once you have a feel for what's what, next would be to try making a modification like what vasco suggested on the mailing list (converting a primitive to opencl, for example)
04:18.52 brlcad that will then be a whole other challenge, learning to navigate a huge existing codebase with thousands of features, cobwebs and gemstones at every turn
04:19.07 *** join/#brlcad Alvis_ (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:702:9944:b485:3b3f:fbef)
04:19.51 Alvis_ Great ahnks
04:20.04 brlcad Alvis_: did you see all the previous messages?
04:20.17 Alvis_ yup
04:20.19 Alvis_ I'm on desktop client
04:20.26 Alvis_ why did my name change :/
04:20.27 brlcad okay, great
04:20.38 brlcad you're connected twice now
04:21.08 Alvis_ err
04:22.50 brlcad that implies you might have missed some messages -- what was the last message you saw before "ahnks"?
04:23.42 Alvis_ once you have a feel for what's what, next would be to try making a modification like what vasco suggested on the mailing list (converting a primitive to opencl, for example)
04:24.03 brlcad ah, so just missed one
04:24.03 brlcad 23:18 < brlcad> that will then be a whole other challenge, learning to navigate a huge existing
04:24.06 brlcad <PROTECTED>
04:24.16 Alvis_ aha
04:24.17 Alvis_ ic
04:24.24 Alvis_ I mean... thanks :) of course
04:29.01 LoH ugh, making working OSX packages is pain
05:02.58 *** join/#brlcad gabbar1947 (uid205515@gateway/web/
05:10.50 brlcad LoH: too many manual steps
05:11.16 LoH brlcad: we have it scripted now
05:12.01 LoH (finally)
05:12.31 LoH Sound did the final work on it.
05:32.46 *** join/#brlcad xfactor (62a2c293@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:43.17 xfactor Hi all! I'm a prospective GSoC student with BRL-CAD. I'm not on irc often so I was wondering if there is any other way I can keep up-to-date with discussions on this forum? I subscribed to the mailing list and but haven't received any mail since
05:45.46 brlcad xfactor: which mailing list did you subscribe to?
05:46.20 brlcad logged IRC (on 24/7) and joining the brlcad-devel mailing list is generally what I would recommend
05:47.06 brlcad i.e., not using the lame web interface to IRC but installing a proper IRC client so you can keep it running
06:04.40 Alvis_ xfactor I installed HexChat to tackle to issue
06:04.47 Alvis_ I've been using web irc too, it was really painful
06:04.52 Alvis_ installing a desktop client is so worth it
06:04.54 Alvis_ it's free
07:07.52 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (uid129553@gateway/web/
07:40.30 xfactor @Alvis_ does HexChat keep track of threads even when you are offline?
07:40.42 Alvis_ not sure, but don't think so
07:41.23 Alvis_ xfactor quoting brlcad "use something like 'irssi' with 'screen'"
07:41.39 xfactor Okay! I'll try it
07:44.23 xfactor @brlcad I used this link to subscribe:
07:59.52 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
08:38.25 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
09:12.27 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
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10:18.40 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
12:25.56 *** join/#brlcad Caterpillar (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
13:00.19 *** join/#brlcad Sound (~Sound@unaffiliated/sound)
13:36.33 *** join/#brlcad yorik (~yorik@2804:431:f720:b93f:290:f5ff:fedc:3bb2)
13:44.47 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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14:15.07 *** join/#brlcad adit (2f09825c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:15.18 adit <PROTECTED>
14:15.26 adit I am bent on doing GSoC for this org. As for my vr proficiency is considered, I know quite a bit in that area, so any assistance would be helpful.
14:15.32 adit I also won the google powered hackathon two to three days ago where I made a virtual city.
15:08.22 *** join/#brlcad witness_ (uid10044@gateway/web/
15:12.45 *** join/#brlcad sniok (
15:51.10 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@2405:205:4085:9816:20df:9cb:f862:9314)
16:08.42 *** join/#brlcad tandoorichick (~rakshika@
16:51.23 *** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@2405:205:4085:9816:20df:9cb:f862:9314)
17:11.40 *** join/#brlcad Sound (~Sound@unaffiliated/sound)
17:16.13 *** join/#brlcad Alvis (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:702:9944:b485:3b3f:fbef)
17:28.21 Alvis Hi
17:28.32 Alvis When I try to run make
17:28.32 Alvis <PROTECTED>
17:28.39 Alvis Which makefile should I point to
18:08.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 69519 brlcad/trunk/README: -
18:08.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 69519 brlcad/trunk/README: -
18:24.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 69520 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/help/help.cpp: if dir is ever null, help_files() won't init files and it'll be accessed uninitialized.
18:24.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 69520 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/help/help.cpp: if dir is ever null, help_files() won't init files and it'll be accessed uninitialized.
18:29.11 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
18:57.37 *** join/#brlcad sniok (
19:13.07 *** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
19:27.12 *** join/#brlcad Alvis (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:700:b4c5:78cf:a2df:1a80)
19:29.03 *** join/#brlcad Alvis_ (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:700:85e6:abdf:96df:6f4e)
19:33.53 *** join/#brlcad Caterpillar2 (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
19:37.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 69521 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/check.tcl: show count of marked overlaps in status
19:38.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 69521 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/check.tcl: show count of marked overlaps in status
19:43.25 *** join/#brlcad Alvis__ (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:700:58d1:b95e:8519:fb6e)
19:47.36 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (uid129553@gateway/web/
20:36.35 *** join/#brlcad gabbar1947 (uid205515@gateway/web/
20:52.00 *** join/#brlcad LordOfBikes (
21:04.49 *** join/#brlcad Alvis__ (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:702:8089:9ef0:784e:6c57)
21:26.35 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
22:32.09 starseeker ``Erik: does Notify need updating, or is it sf that is causing the double messaging?
23:02.33 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
23:14.19 *** join/#brlcad Alvis__ (~Alvis@2620:101:f000:702:8089:9ef0:784e:6c57)
23:15.11 *** join/#brlcad LoH|Work (cdafe260@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:21.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 69522 brlcad/trunk/BUGS: recursive submodel no happy. need stack-based traversal.
23:22.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 69522 brlcad/trunk/BUGS: recursive submodel no happy. need stack-based traversal.
23:33.23 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
23:53.20 *** join/#brlcad Alvis (~Alvis@

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