IRC log for #brlcad on 20170420

00:19.54 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
00:19.54 *** topic/#brlcad is GSoC students: if you have a question, ask and wait for an answer ... responses may take minutes or hours. Ask and WAIT. ;)
00:32.44 *** join/#brlcad edpetmxmrjwmfzrj (
02:01.37 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
05:19.25 DaRock starseeker: how does it find TERMLIB_LIBRARY? What is it looking for exactly?
06:54.37 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
06:55.14 *** join/#brlcad DaRock1 (
07:27.12 *** join/#brlcad elpea (
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11:13.30 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@
11:29.37 DaRock starseeker: I'm spinning here, can't quite get my head around it. FindTERMLIB has some real quirks in it - I don't get the cmake stuff enough yet, but what appears to be happening is I get successes and finally a fail on a missing LIBTERM_INCLUDE_DIR. What I don't get is where the fail is happening exactly
11:33.24 DaRock starseeker: and here's why - firstly, the variable is set (correctly); and secondly, the logs indicate yet a different issue entirely. When it runs a test compile to see all is well, it still looks for libterm! And it succeeds as far as I can tell. I ran the compile manually myself to see - couldn't do the cmake particular stuff though so maybe thats the failure. BSD has so thats probably why
11:35.08 DaRock starseeker: so if its in the system already, there'd be no need for the builtin anyway - except it can't seem to find it. But I'll buggered if I can figure out a patch yet :)
11:41.26 DaRock starseeker: actually one thing has struck me - I don't see anywhere that the automation can even be overridden. It looks like it ignores any input in that area and _only_ tries to determine it itself. Which might explain why it finds the system termlib and goes with it - but doesn't check the others - and then failure means it fallsback to the builtin. But why the fail when everything seems to succeed?
11:42.53 DaRock starseeker: last piece of info, that I'm not sure about and have little to go on with, is in the logs after the last test compile it states a return value of 1, not succeed or anything
11:43.25 d_rossberg DaRock: but does the in BSD come with the development (aka header) files?
11:44.08 DaRock any chance you could quickly tell me the header file for it? :)
11:44.30 d_rossberg to enable the termlib which comes with brl-cad you have to set BRLCAD_TERMLIB to BOUNDLED
11:44.36 *** join/#brlcad elpea (
11:44.57 DaRock not the aim atm
11:44.57 d_rossberg sorry BUNDLED
11:45.43 d_rossberg is the termlib in the base system or a package?
11:45.56 DaRock I have term.h, termios.h, termcap.h, ncurses.h, curses.h, ....
11:46.01 DaRock base
11:48.01 DaRock but if it has the lib, it usually has the header - just not sure which that is right now
11:48.26 DaRock and ncurses-curses are the same here
11:49.58 DaRock d_rossberg: I'll also point out that building tests works fine for termlib according to the logs and my own compilation btw
11:50.14 DaRock so the headers must be found
11:50.47 d_rossberg is just looking in the BRL-CAD sources for a termlib header, couldn't fine one yet
11:50.58 DaRock lol
11:51.09 DaRock what do you know of cmake, then?
11:55.14 d_rossberg it looks like you need termcap.h
11:55.50 DaRock can you see if there's any reference to user set variables having any effect here? ie I should be able to set TERMLIB_LIBRARY or TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR and it should honor those
11:55.59 DaRock sorry - file is misc/CMake/FindTERMLIB.cmake
11:58.33 DaRock it also doesn't appear to set any variables (particularly those 2 mentioned) once found - so when it runs that final check... failure
11:59.30 DaRock no include is set, so it may as well play pong for a bit, then continue with the builtin anyway
12:00.07 ``Erik DaRock: a lot of cmake info is shoved to stdout and never saved anywhere, it might offer a clue if you rm -rf'd your build dir and ran cmake >> logfile
12:00.43 ``Erik (I think termlib might only be used in a couple weird places, like nirt and burst... not sure on that, though)
12:01.26 DaRock ``Erik: and a lot is not output, and is only found in the logs - I'm reading both. But that misc/CMake/FindTERMLIB.cmake file is _definitely_ faulty
12:04.52 DaRock ``Erik: stdout - -- Found ZLIB: /usr/include
12:04.52 DaRock -- Found LEMON: /usr/local/brlcad/bin/lemon
12:04.52 DaRock -- Found RE2C: /usr/local/brlcad/bin/re2c
12:04.52 DaRock -- Found XSLTPROC: /usr/local/bin/xsltproc
12:04.52 DaRock -- Looking for tputs in termlib
12:04.52 DaRock -- Looking for tputs in termlib - found
12:04.52 DaRock -- Performing Test LIBTERM_RESULT
12:04.53 DaRock -- Performing Test LIBTERM_RESULT - Success
12:04.53 DaRock -- Could NOT find TERMLIB (missing: TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR)
12:04.54 DaRock CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:480 (_message):
12:04.54 DaRock <PROTECTED>
12:04.55 DaRock <PROTECTED>
12:04.55 DaRock Call Stack (most recent call first):
12:04.56 DaRock <PROTECTED>
12:05.00 ``Erik hm, yeah, it's using bundled on one of my bsd boxen, :/
12:05.36 DaRock probably all. same port after all - same here :)
12:05.55 DaRock this all began from a png fault...
12:06.16 DaRock then a conflict with tk/tcl
12:07.19 DaRock the bandaid fix is to allow all bundled... but that just increases dist size, increased chance of conflicts (ie tk)
12:08.11 DaRock apparently its simply going to fail unless you use bundled - which is ok for average user who wants it to work out the box, but if you're a porter or packager...
12:09.35 DaRock ``Erik: btw - urt is not a dependency afaict. There is no need to deprecate the port because urt is builtin - and in fact probably been ignoring the dependent port anyway :)
12:10.45 DaRock but that gets us back to this builtin issue - we should be able to choose system if wanted and add builtins only if needed (like urt)
12:12.27 DaRock ``Erik: can you run a test for me? Comment out the urt under LIB_DEPENDS and see if it builds - you might be quicker on the resolve there
12:12.40 DaRock and runs, mind
12:19.39 DaRock so does anyone know enough about the cmake system to see what needs to change? Honoring overrides, whether the variables are properly set, etc?
12:23.36 d_rossberg i'm using the cmake-gui, there i see all the parameters and can play with them (e.g. trying to set TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR to /usr/include)
12:25.07 DaRock does that let you see them during build? Or only prior?
12:26.03 DaRock I don't see anywhere in FindTERMLIB.cmake where that variable is set
12:26.26 d_rossberg before and after the cmake run, the log messages of the runs are shown in the gui too
12:26.30 DaRock I see it says it can be set, but doesn't check it or set it itself
12:26.46 DaRock sounds useful :)
12:27.41 DaRock How? I thought it only checked it was valid?
12:28.00 DaRock afaict thats the fail point
12:28.15 DaRock it isn't set, so that macro fails
12:29.24 DaRock or have I misread the docs on that one?
12:30.09 DaRock that macro fails, then the build fallsback to builtin termlib
12:30.26 DaRock I'm installing cmake-gui now :)
12:32.24 d_rossberg is just checking the FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS()
12:37.24 DaRock I'm a newb at cmake, so tell me if I'm wrong. I read the logic as include some macros, create a new macro that checks header files for a func and validates the include dir and sets the link opts, then runs a series of checks of different terminal/cursor libraries for tputs. (does absolutely nothing with this info) It then starts to setup a test env, and backs up the required libs variable, then sets it to the termlib_Library
12:38.07 DaRock runs a quick compile test, and grabs the result
12:38.20 DaRock can't figure out the mark_as_advanced yet
12:39.15 DaRock then runs Find_Package_Handle_Standard_Args which determines if the library exists, and if the include dir exists
12:42.29 DaRock d_rossberg: so how does cmake-gui work then?
12:45.12 d_rossberg just call cmake-gui, set the build directory there (the souce directory should be automatically set then), and hit configure
12:54.30 d_rossberg as far as i can see the THIRD_PARTY macro (defined in misc/CMake/ThirdParty.cmake) in src/other/CMakeLists.txt line 211 should find and set the TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR
13:03.48 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
13:12.57 d_rossberg DaRock: the bug seams to be in THIRD_PARTY() it doesnt set the _INCLUDE_DIR for system libraries at all
13:13.56 DaRock actually yeah, now that you mention it I didn't see anything either. I'm still trying to process it myself
13:14.49 DaRock That's one bug. I'm wondering if the FORCE is making it only use termlib as well.
13:15.46 DaRock but shouldn't that be something that can be overridden anyway?
13:16.03 DaRock so why not honor it?
13:17.17 DaRock or is it only ever going to do things automatically?
13:23.22 DaRock so would I be right in saying that set(TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/include") should be used after/in the if(BRLCAD_TERMLIB_BUILD) statement?
13:23.36 d_rossberg the FORCE shouldn't be the problem
13:24.03 d_rossberg TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR should be an empty string, i.e. no special directory
13:24.14 DaRock why?
13:24.17 d_rossberg if that's valid ...
13:24.51 d_rossberg /usr/include will always be recognized
13:24.56 DaRock actually, that is practically forcing the use of termcap - why bother checking ncurses then?
13:25.09 DaRock not atm...
13:25.25 DaRock and that's why I'm having trouble I think
13:26.31 DaRock there is no honoring cli input or env vars - its not even checking. The it simply sets its own - /and/ fails
13:27.02 DaRock finally falling back to the bundled for no good reason
13:28.22 DaRock is there anyway to test the FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS separately?
13:32.46 d_rossberg THIRD_PARTY() is the one which should be fixed, i think; just looking at it
13:33.20 DaRock ok, just ran the build with an adjustment to FIND_PACKAGE_.... blah blah (tired of typing that out :) ) by using an empty string instead of the include dirs and it succeeded
13:36.57 DaRock it fails on /usr/include. Weird...
13:39.23 DaRock d_rossberg: so how do we fix it then? use a set()? Check for user set variables?
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13:44.26 d_rossberg as i've said: i'm just looking at it ;)
13:45.33 DaRock why all the redundant checks btw? It looks like it checks basically the same thing at least 3 ways...
13:47.12 DaRock LOL! I just checked and unless you have an empty string as the last arg it will always fail!
13:49.34 DaRock and again, why is that check needed anyway? It only checks if the include dir exists, and that has already been checked at least twice before!
13:56.02 DaRock fwiw I think FORCE shouldn't be in the set() there already
13:57.12 DaRock and if the test always fails anyway, I'm not sure TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR should even be set
14:04.00 d_rossberg lol indeed, the macro in FindTERMLIB.cmake is called from THIRD_PARTY() before it's able to set TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR to any meaningful value
14:05.17 d_rossberg FORCE and CACHE together in a set command are depricated, that's true, but not forbidden
14:07.12 d_rossberg however, there are mor obvious issues here than the FORCE (which prevents you from hacking it)
14:11.48 DaRock FORCE overrides any user set vars, right?
14:12.48 DaRock for starters TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR is never set AFAICT
14:13.08 DaRock secondly, any value in the last arg will cause a failure
14:13.22 DaRock and why is it needed at all anyway? :)
14:13.52 DaRock other than that, whats the more obvious issues? lol
14:32.01 d_rossberg DaRock: include the line "find_path(TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES termcap.h PATH_SUFFIXES include)" somewhere in FindTERMLIB.cmake before the FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS() and test it again
14:34.15 d_rossberg using the standard FindZLIB.cmake as reference it looks like it is in the responsibility of the find macro to set the include directory
14:34.47 DaRock theres a find_path(TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR ${lname}.h) in the macro found there already. I didn't realise that set anything though
14:35.34 DaRock but that of course doesn't include the PATH_SUFFIXES include
14:37.55 DaRock should I simply change the current find_path line?
14:38.42 d_rossberg ? where did you found the find_path?
14:39.03 DaRock in FindTERMLIB.cmake
14:39.15 DaRock around 41
14:44.35 d_rossberg and which revision? i can't find it here:
14:44.35 gcibot_ [ BRL-CAD / Code / [r69674] /brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindTERMLIB.cmake ]
14:45.55 d_rossberg however, find_path(TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR termcap.h) could be sufficient as well
14:48.18 d_rossberg in 2013 the find_path() was removed
14:48.38 DaRock lname should be the library name shouldn't it? and so expand?
14:49.16 DaRock where do I find the rev?
14:49.59 d_rossberg the point here is that the header file's name isn't termlib.h but termcap.h
14:50.24 d_rossberg do you work with subversion?
14:50.30 DaRock nope
14:51.48 d_rossberg but?
14:51.50 DaRock I'd say the point is that FindTERMLIB goes through a series of checks to find a working solution, but only uses the first one - termlib. Why the checks? Why override any user input?
14:52.38 DaRock I'm using the ports system on FreeBSD, so I believe it grabs the releases
14:52.46 DaRock I'll run a check though...
14:53.47 DaRock all I have is 7.24.0 in the Makefile in the ports tree
14:54.07 d_rossberg ncurses etc. are possible replacements for termlib?
14:54.26 DaRock according to FindTERMLIB.cmake
14:56.10 d_rossberg so,
14:56.12 DaRock it runs through a series of checks - and takes the first working one afaict
14:56.38 d_rossberg FindTERMLIB.cmake looks for possible replacements of termlib as well
14:57.31 DaRock I'm not 100% sure of its effectiveness though
14:58.10 DaRock but none of that fixes the final issue of the Find_Package_.... last arg failure
14:59.42 d_rossberg some find_path() is definitely missing, it must set TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR too
15:01.06 DaRock well if find_path() sets the TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR then its is doing that
15:01.21 d_rossberg i.e. in the 7.24.0 sources you could try to replace find_path(TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR ${lname}.h) by find_path(TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR termcap.h)
15:02.43 DaRock I don't believe that is the main issue though - the last line (macro) fails because any string aside from an empty one causes it to spit out missing include
15:04.00 DaRock I thought that if TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR wasn't set it would cause the fail as well, but if it is actually setting it, then it will definitely go boom - tested that already
15:05.05 DaRock I've set it to "", "/usr/include", "/usr/local/include" and it failed on the final 2
15:05.11 DaRock "" worked
15:05.41 DaRock removing the last arg entirely fixes it too
15:10.35 DaRock line 79
15:13.43 d_rossberg really? i tried it and the compile (make) failed
15:14.01 d_rossberg maybe it works with the 7.24.0
15:14.38 DaRock not sure about the compile, but the macro doesn't come back with a failure at least. Compilation is another issue
15:14.46 d_rossberg however, FindTERMLIB is reposible for setting TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR
15:17.04 DaRock yes but that macro is in FindTERMLIB
15:17.32 DaRock and regardless of whether that variable is set it will fail
15:17.44 DaRock unless it is an empty string
15:22.18 DaRock alright - this getting very confusing....
15:23.04 DaRock I'm going through sources of output - CMakeError.log, CMakeOutput.log, and stdout
15:23.16 DaRock They all disagree
15:24.31 DaRock CMakeOutput.log says STATUS: Performing Test LIBTERM_RESULT
15:24.31 DaRock STATUS: Performing Test LIBTERM_RESULT - Success STATUS: Found TERMLIB: /usr/lib/
15:25.16 DaRock Stdout says -- Looking for tputs in termlib
15:25.16 DaRock -- Looking for tputs in termlib - found
15:25.16 DaRock -- Performing Test LIBTERM_RESULT
15:25.16 DaRock -- Performing Test LIBTERM_RESULT - Success
15:25.16 DaRock -- Found TERMLIB: /usr/lib/
15:25.52 DaRock and it finally says CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
15:25.52 DaRock Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
15:27.27 DaRock CMakeError.log says include files terminfo.h, termio.h, termlib.h, tinfo.h not found
15:27.50 DaRock and thats with the last arg removed
15:29.15 DaRock if the last arg is TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR then I don't see -- Found TERMLIB: /usr/lib/ or STATUS: Found TERMLIB: /usr/lib/, I get NOT FOUND
15:30.27 DaRock 3 tests for the basically the same thing, the can all succeed, it it will still fail - why?
16:23.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 69675 brlcad/trunk/src/external/CREO/CMakeLists.txt: MSVC isn't happy when linking - see if we can throw it some stubs
16:58.38 d_rossberg DaRock: i fixed the system termlib issue in the current development branch (trunk)
16:59.38 d_rossberg what is missing in the 7.24.0 is mainly the test if the find_path() was successful
16:59.50 DaRock ok. I'll have a look later... brain's fried :)
17:00.08 DaRock how does that go?
17:01.14 *** join/#brlcad gabbar1947 (uid205515@gateway/web/
17:01.45 d_rossberg look at the current
17:01.46 gcibot_ [ BRL-CAD / Code / [r69676] /brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindTERMLIB.cmake ]
17:02.53 d_rossberg look at
17:02.54 gcibot_ [ BRL-CAD / Code / [r69676] /brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindTERMLIB.cmake ]
17:03.45 d_rossberg (sorry) after the find_path() there is an if statement which checks if it was successful
17:04.37 d_rossberg whith a similat statement in the 7.24.0 version of the file it should work too
17:06.19 DaRock ok, I see that. But why was the last macro failing with the TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR then? and why did it fail with manually setting it?
17:08.31 DaRock and what happens with the RESOLVE_LIBRARIES() and LINKOPTS?
17:09.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 69676 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindTERMLIB.cmake: the macro was unable to detect a system termlib because of not setting TERMLIB_INCLUDE_DIR which causes FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS() to fail (and maybe something more)the necessary find_path() was removed in 2013 => integrated find_path() again
17:09.23 d_rossberg manually: because of the FORCE (all variables are FORCED initialized with invalid values)
17:10.12 d_rossberg and the macro was failing because it found the but not the termlib.h header file
17:10.54 d_rossberg but this generally ok because is only a symbolic link
17:11.28 d_rossberg the macro finds the real library later on
17:11.47 d_rossberg which is ncurses in FreeBSD
17:12.29 d_rossberg RESOLVE_LIBRARIES() and LINKOPTS seem to be not necessary (any more?)
17:12.31 DaRock SOB!
17:12.45 DaRock I should have picked that up!
17:13.40 d_rossberg i don't think this was a trivial issue
17:13.48 DaRock there are some links all over though - usually between .so and .a files though, so it slipped through... damn! I should have got that though - sorry about that
17:14.57 DaRock righto... I might have a crack on those later then - try remove and see if it doesn't like it. Should work later too if it works on 7.24.0
17:15.20 d_rossberg is a link too but there is a termcap.h header file - which has ncurses maros
17:15.47 DaRock thanks for the help through it - I'll post back my results later once the brain's/body's had a chance to recover
17:16.07 d_rossberg it was a bug in BRL-CAD nevertheless
17:16.29 DaRock it does make it confusing - there probably should be a link to the header for libtermlib as well
17:16.43 DaRock in BSD that is
17:18.02 DaRock if there's one for termcap it makes sense
17:18.14 DaRock probably a lack of interest...
17:21.22 DaRock thanks for the fix btw
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17:51.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 69677 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/check.tcl: Change meaning of -F option. Instead of subtracting first unioned solid from every unioned solid of the other tree, subtract from only the first unioned solid. Less likely to resolve the overlap, but more symmetrical and intuitive.
17:54.59 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
18:05.20 *** join/#brlcad Caterpillar (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
18:58.07 elpea I recently installed BRL-CAD on a 128GB SATA3 SSD with a clean Windows 10 (64bit), and when I try to start the application I get this: he application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)
18:58.57 elpea by "the application" I mean MGED. it eventually starts up but last time I counted 33 failed attempts with the aforementioned error popping up before it launched. any ideas?
19:01.03 elpea I don't get this behavior on my other machine, a laptop with similar sized SSD running Windows 10 (64bit)
19:39.24 starseeker DaRock: Ah, I see d_rossberg got it
19:39.57 starseeker DaRock: sorry I didn't get to it sooner - having to juggle other stuff atm...
19:40.15 starseeker elpea: I'm more surprised it started after failing to start, actually...
19:41.13 starseeker elpea: if you google 0xc0000142 you might get some ideas...
19:42.29 Stragus "The problem is that the ddl that launches the application is unsigned or digitally no longer valid."
19:42.47 Stragus So that's Microsoft not wanting you to run non-signed software
19:43.42 starseeker erm
19:43.53 starseeker brlcad: anything we can do about that?
19:44.23 Stragus I love how helpful the error message is to understand the problem, without googling it
19:47.51 elpea Stragus: if so, I don't understand why the application starts up fine on my other machine
19:48.14 starseeker elpea: it may be that the check to prevent running unsigned binaries is turned off there
19:53.00 starseeker hmm... I don't see any cost-free way to sign open source code - it looks like the only previously cost-free option is no longer free
19:53.43 Stragus Screw signing
19:54.05 Stragus just lets the Windows and OSX users of his software fight against their OS signing policies
20:00.50 elpea starseeker: I'll have to check... couldn't find anything in the AppLocker on the second machine (if that is even the correct place to look)
20:01.34 Stragus Last I checked Google, you had to edit the registry to disable that
20:01.52 elpea I'm pretty sure I haven't done that.
20:11.53 elpea oh well. need to get my magician hat on to conjure free disk space for linux.
20:18.34 elpea is this channel logged? I asked some questions here earlier but shut down my computer and found out my client wasn't logging...
20:23.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 69678 brlcad/trunk/src/external/CREO/CMakeLists.txt: Tweaks
21:09.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 69679 (brlcad/trunk/src/external/CREO/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/external/CREO/shim.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/external/CREO/shim.h): Get the "test" build working with MSVC
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23:59.57 *** join/#brlcad Stragus (

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