IRC log for #brlcad on 20170916

00:39.04 *** join/#brlcad ncaewnjxvflntnic (
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15:43.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mariomeissner * 10240 /wiki/User:Mariomeissner/logs:
16:00.21 *** join/#brlcad mario_ (8af60235@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:00.59 mario_ Hi! I can't make rtweight load my .density file. It always throws segmentation fault. Any suggestions?
16:03.49 brlcad mario_: do you know how to use a debugger? what's the backtrace?
16:04.34 brlcad starseeker: gdal's CMakelist seems to be loading global cflags... now sure how to make it not do that
16:04.49 mario_ I'm using the Ubuntu subsystem on Windows, so I don't know how I would load a debugger there
16:05.08 brlcad type "gdb", does it run?
16:05.46 mario_ yes it does
16:05.54 brlcad then you have a debugger ;)
16:05.59 mario_ cool!
16:06.10 brlcad gdb --args path/to/rtweight ...options...
16:06.18 brlcad then at the gdb prompt:
16:06.22 brlcad gdb> run
16:06.40 brlcad it should segfault and bring you back to gdb> prompt
16:06.47 brlcad gdb> backtrace
16:07.05 brlcad that should say exactly where it died
16:07.33 mario_ oh thank you! I'll come back with the backtrace if i can't figure it out
16:07.47 brlcad k, sounds good :)
16:07.58 brlcad learning how to use a debugger is an essential skill, very useful
16:08.10 brlcad i suggest going through a quick 10 minute tutorial for the basics
16:08.23 brlcad far more powerful than printf() debugging that most people start with
16:08.36 mario_ I love the eclipse debugger ;) but never really used a command line one
16:08.54 mario_ ill go through some tutorial yeah
16:08.57 mario_ thank you for the suggestion!
16:09.19 brlcad the eclipse debugger is almost certainly gdb
16:09.32 mario_ ye but with a nice interface :P haha
16:09.35 brlcad this would just be teaching you what those buttons are doing
16:10.02 brlcad nice interface fails you when you need to go anywhere else, like now
16:10.14 brlcad or another platform, or another compiler, or another language, or ...
16:10.32 mario_ yeah true
16:10.34 brlcad that's why learning the lower-level concept is generally considered essential
16:10.38 brlcad
16:10.43 brlcad that looks to be a decent intro
16:10.44 mario_ god damnit, its failing to build rtweight now
16:10.46 brlcad quick read
16:11.11 mario_ pnglibconf.h: No such file or directory # include "pnglibconf.h"
16:17.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 70285 brlcad/trunk/src/other/gdal/CMakeLists.txt: for some reason, the gdal tests and flags seem to be affecting more than intended. looks like -Wl,--no-undefined is succeeding and then failing on all the general header/type/function tests, many of which overlap with our tests.
16:18.33 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
16:18.43 brlcad mario, that's a bizarre error .. it implies you don't have a successful cmake
16:19.06 brlcad of your trying to compile manually and haven't specified the right directories
16:23.33 mario_ Ill rerun cmake
16:23.49 mario_ I was just running make rtweight like always
16:23.53 mario_ used to work just fine
16:28.16 mario_ nope, same still happens
16:46.42 mario_ Ill reboot..
16:52.19 *** join/#brlcad mario_ (8af60235@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:06.51 mario_ ive done everything in my power to try to solve it
17:06.55 mario_ but problem persists
17:10.27 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
18:09.12 starseeker brlcad: that's surprising, I wouldn't have expected those assignments to have global scope
18:13.04 starseeker testing bullet just after ejno got done with it, I'm seeing the same issues
18:14.01 starseeker ejno: are you able to do a successful bullet run, either with trunk or the revision where you wrapped up work on it?
18:14.20 starseeker I'm trying to drop the tank car on an arb8, and it's inter-penetrating
18:16.46 ejno hey starseeker, thanks, i'm looking into that
18:18.33 ejno would you mind uploading the db somewhere if you still have it?
18:18.36 starseeker sure
18:19.29 starseeker
18:19.45 ejno thanks!
18:20.09 starseeker part of it may be the object size, but unless you scaled the tc before it did work...
18:20.42 starseeker if the scale is that critical, we'll need to auto-scale the scene down to bullet's dimensions and then scale the results back up for the .g somehow...
18:20.45 ejno so this used to work before i made the changes?
18:21.10 starseeker it doesn't seem so, based on my testing, but I was trying to reproduce your video demo scene
18:21.14 starseeker which did work...
18:21.25 starseeker I may have done something wrong
18:21.25 ejno ah
18:22.06 ejno it's probably related to the scaling
18:22.20 starseeker I've got another demo I'm trying to assemble - a scaled up ktank dropping onto our example dsp - that has similar issues even which I scaled the overall scene down
18:22.23 starseeker ndos
18:22.26 starseeker nods even
18:23.16 starseeker ejno: how hard would it be to pull the bbox of the scene, and scale it down pre-bullet for simulation so it fits in the "safe" size range?
18:23.30 starseeker then scale it back up after simulation
18:27.01 starseeker ejno: I may have lost a build definition or two (in particular float vs. double) when I pulled the bullet srcs under libged, so that's another possibility (although I'm seeing the same behavior with older builds, so it seems unlikely)
18:27.23 ejno it's something i've been thinking of. probably a week or so, and i'll work on it
18:27.37 starseeker ejno: cool, thank you!
18:28.02 ejno glad to do it
18:28.20 starseeker it's getting tantelizing now, with a demonstrated run on Windows :-)
18:29.29 starseeker if you like I can also prepare an example with the dsp/ktank setup, although that may need that feature we talked about earlier of generating sweep bounding boxes in the direction of motion to cut down the size of the pieces bullet is looking at...
18:34.41 ejno thank you, i agree though, that's probably not necessary until the scaling work is done
19:00.45 Stragus Eh, I didn't think Bullet would be satisfactory for your physics needs. It detects collisions _after_ the fact then artificially push things away until they don't collide
19:00.54 Stragus It's good enough for games I suppose
19:31.35 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
19:36.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 70286 brlcad/trunk/src/other/gdal/port/cpl_port.h: mac provides locale_t via the xlocale.h header .. pretend they're one in the same until we observe otherwise.
20:08.52 brlcad starseeker: I might have misread the output, but it looked like all the gdal tests were nearly all failing because of the -Wl,--no-undefined flag first passing successful but then causing all subsequent gdal tests to fail
20:09.28 brlcad and since gdal's header/type/etc tests happened before ours, the cached result seemed to be a lot disabled that shouldn't have been
20:14.38 brlcad Stragus: I don't recall having ever asserted bullet's simulation as being inadequate, at least not where you'd end up using it in cad modeling where it's almost entirely used to get objects to come into contact (e.g., per gravity) as part of some modeling operation or demonstration
20:15.23 brlcad now for v/l sim or anything high order, that's another issue ... wouldn't use it for that except maybe to fly out fragments
20:15.53 brlcad relatively low velocity, low forces, or easily time-stepped stuff
20:16.10 brlcad hi caen23
20:35.12 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
20:36.42 caen23 hi :D
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