IRC log for #brlcad on 20180321

00:12.08 starseeker brlcad: could this be involved with the timespec business?
00:12.10 gcibot [ 21371 – Missing timespec definition when compiled with _XOPEN_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE ]
00:41.12 starseeker Stragus: what is the mtSignalWaitTimeout function trying to accomplish?
00:43.33 starseeker brlcad: unless I'm misreading this, cnd_timedwait is a C11 function:
00:43.33 gcibot [ cnd_timedwait - ]
00:45.58 starseeker winces - bit of a rabbit hole here...
00:50.23 Stragus It waits on a condition variable with a timeout
00:50.45 Stragus It's my wrapper for pthreads/winthreads, hence the unusual terminology
00:51.27 Stragus C11 threads aren't supported by many compilers... besides, a thin inline wrapper that works "everywhere" is trivial
00:52.31 Stragus Not sure what version you got, but here's current:
00:54.34 starseeker yeah, that looks very different from src/librt/primitives/bot/gct_decimation/auxiliary
00:55.26 starseeker Stragus: we're planning to bump the minimum standards after the next release to C++11 and as much as C11 as works with MSVC - once we do that, hopefully it'll be easier to integrate your newer code
00:56.11 Stragus Cool. I'm usually all C99 with optional GNU and MSVC extensions, and some kind of fallback without either
00:57.49 starseeker ah, right... could be C99 or C11 I guess
00:58.06 starseeker C++11 for sure
00:59.03 Stragus I very much prefer C unless I'm forced to go C++ (I like when the code is explicit, and does exactly what it shows and nothing else)
01:00.27 Stragus It would be fun to contribute something to BRL-CAD... Preferably paid work, otherwise it would be pieces that I write for myself
01:00.45 Stragus has been writing a high performance fancy PBR OpenGL engine lately
01:03.22 starseeker cool!
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02:26.47 starseeker well, so far, I can't find a way to spoof this that both tinycthread and librt will accept
02:30.55 Stragus tinycthread eh, any reason for that?
02:31.42 Stragus A simple .h wrapper around pthreads/winthreads works great, no libraries needed
02:50.28 starseeker Stragus: preferred to outsource it if possible and use a C standard(ish) API
02:50.48 starseeker unfortunately, it would seem the rest of the world has moved on from C90 for some odd reason
02:53.21 starseeker brlcad: I'm not seeing an easy answer - if I'm understanding this correctly the bu_timer doesn't have the right functionality for what Stragus wants here
02:54.16 Stragus What do I want? gettimeofday() for pthread_cond_timedwait()?
02:54.41 starseeker you mentioned condition variable with a timeout
02:54.48 Stragus Ah, yes
02:55.06 Stragus That seems like a very basic thing to have in any threading API
02:55.36 starseeker sure - and probably a pthreads + Win32 threads implementation is quite possible
02:56.07 starseeker that may even be what your new mmthread.h offers, but retrofitting it to the existing code in librt may or may not be straightforward
02:56.56 Stragus You are certainly welcome to use the latest mmthread.h above, even the Winthreads backend requires something like... Windows 98
02:58.04 starseeker nods - the problem here is this is looking like an increasingly non-trivial effort to support a standard we want to get off of for a feature that's not really production ready at the moment
02:58.43 starseeker for this feature I'd rather try to get your newer version of the code in and working if I was going to tangle with it in a big way
02:58.50 starseeker from what I recall you made a lot of improvements
02:59.14 starseeker but I sure don't want to do that until we get off of C90, and that's what's apparently causing a problem here
02:59.29 Stragus All right
02:59.50 starseeker so I'm faced with a bit of a dilemma
03:01.43 starseeker Stragus: I can't remember - do you usually turn on all the pedantic compiler warnings?
03:02.41 Stragus I don't test beyond -Wall -std=c99
03:03.00 starseeker ah - ok
03:03.01 Stragus Or -std=c89 actually, when trying to make code compile with MSVC
03:05.12 Stragus I don't think you'll touch that with a 10 feet pole, but here's something else I use and love, atomics:
03:05.46 Stragus With backends of x86/amd64 assembly, GNU sync, MSVC interlocked, etc.
03:08.05 starseeker Stragus: very cool
03:09.31 starseeker Stragus: it's not so much that I don't want to look into these things - it's more that we need to get out of the quickstand of ancient standards first
03:10.00 Stragus Sure, right
04:00.00 *** join/#brlcad DenisP (d40d70a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:02.57 brlcad seems simple enough .. the first problem was calling timespec_get() which can be changed to gettimeofday(). cnd_timedwait() didn't come up yet, but also simple enough to deal with. looks like part of the motivation for tinycthread is somewhat covered in this newer version of mmthread.h too.
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10:36.48 Stragus Eh, GCC 7.1 does a decent job at auto-vectorization when you give it a proper memory layout designed for SIMD, and telling it pointers are aligned with __builtin_assume_aligned()
10:37.29 Stragus The unreadable intrinsics path is... 23% faster, yay
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13:32.52 brlcad yep, there's been a lot of effort in that area the past few years
13:33.21 brlcad that's why I've been pressing hard to get rid of aliasing in brl-cad ... that shuts off autovec wholesale
13:36.04 Stragus Indeed. I always have been a big fan of C99's restrict, now I'm a big fan of __builtin_assume_aligned()
13:42.48 Stragus Okay... Nevermind that, my intrinsics were only 23% faster because GCC and -ffast-math turned some sqrt() and divisions into approximates
13:45.31 starseeker there are more issues with C90 gct than just tinycthread, looks like...
13:47.31 starseeker or maybe it's the older POSIX standard
14:48.57 starseeker wow...
14:48.57 gcibot [ The 3D-Printed Curta Calculator - YouTube ]
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16:56.02 starseeker Stragus: out of curiosity, does mmthread implement the C11 API for threads or is that API not ideal for performance situations?
17:01.03 *** join/#brlcad DenisP (d40d70a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:21.47 starseeker phew - OK, at least locally, I'm building again with r70833
17:31.51 starseeker sigh... scanning online, it seems the concensus is that C11 threads haven't taken off and pthreads+win32 wrapping is still the preferred approach for C
18:02.34 Stragus starseeker: The C11 threads API is far from universally supported
18:02.49 Stragus There is no compiler on Windows that implements them as far as I know
18:03.23 Stragus Regarding the API, it's closely modelled on the pthreads API except with different names
18:03.42 Stragus (the mmthread API that is)
18:04.27 Stragus I heard complaints about the C11 thread API, design flaws or something, but I can't see I have paid much attention. I have something that works and wouldn't care about C11 threads either way
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