IRC log for #brlcad on 20180324

00:48.20 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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20:07.05 AdityaGulati Hey. I wanted to ask if no one yet is assigned the task python-brlcad task and wanted to add a proposal for the same.
20:08.26 AdityaGulati I am a former Code in finalist and have some experience with working with brlcad and for other open source organizations as well
20:08.53 AdityaGulati Hope I am not too late and the task hasn't been assigned yet
20:38.18 *** join/#brlcad AdityaGulati (ca034dcc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:57.46 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
21:57.48 brlcad AdityaGulati: I'm not sure what task or assignment you're referring to
21:58.29 brlcad if you're talking about GSoC, students propose projects that get reviewed and possibly selected
21:58.37 brlcad tasks are not defined or assigned
21:58.53 AdityaGulati I was asking if someone was already working to propose for the python brl cad task
21:59.31 AdityaGulati And has someones proposal been selected already?
22:00.56 AdityaGulati BTW can multiple people work on the same project. Like if two people write a satisfying proposal for the same project can both of them be assigned the same?
22:02.52 brlcad but that's my point... there is no "python brl cad task"
22:03.28 brlcad there is a python project idea -- but it's just that -- an IDEA ... you turn that idea into a project of some sort, you expand on it, you define it
22:04.45 brlcad you cannot propose a project that has you working with someone else -- their work cannot influence your progress
22:05.42 brlcad but otherwise, there is nothing that prevents students from working in similar areas of code or with similar languages or with similar objectives. the work just remains independent.
22:08.48 AdityaGulati So for example I was thinking of wrapping the rest of the primitives into python code(which have not yet been added to the git). So could that be my project or do I have to add more goals to it?
22:17.12 AdityaGulati Also before I write the proposal should I just have an idea over how I would add all of the primitives or would I have to wrap one of the primitives to python code because it would take me a little time to exactly get familiarized with the code although looking at it I am pretty sure I would be able to. Like I was more or less able to find relation
22:17.12 AdityaGulati s between the librt/primatives files and the python files the were already in the git repository
22:18.53 AdityaGulati Sorry for asking such basic questions but this being the first GSoc I am trying to participate in I am a little confused with the idea
22:21.12 AdityaGulati brlcad: ping
22:25.44 brlcad AdityaGulati: it's entirely up to you. it's obviously more impressive if you actually submit a code change that demonstrates your coding ability
22:27.03 brlcad gsoc is highly competitive (similar to gci in terms of how many "winners" get recognition)
22:27.24 brlcad so anything you can do that demonstrates your commitment to a valued project will help chances of getting selectd
22:27.50 AdityaGulati And should I run the proposal by you before submitting and so you could tell me what all changes or modifications I could make to increase my chances?
22:27.52 brlcad question -- what makes you interested in the python project (as opposed to one of our priority projects, for example)
22:28.03 brlcad s/the/a/
22:28.43 brlcad you're welcome to run it by me or others, here or on zulip or mailing list, or submit it and await feedback
22:32.39 AdityaGulati Well I have been using python(almost 3 years) more than c and find it pretty easy to code in. Also since I had been looked into a little of BRL CAD's source code when I was participating in GCI I was planning on contributing since then. So this seemed like an awesome project. But alas I had my exams till today so I couldn't really prepare my propos
22:32.40 AdityaGulati al.
22:39.12 *** join/#brlcad AdityaGulati (ca034dcc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
22:39.45 AdityaGulati brlcad: Sorry, my connection went down for a moment.
22:42.45 AdityaGulati BTW till what time can I run the proposal by you. And what are the chances of getting to work on the project if for example I am able to write atleast the initialization for one primative considering I have very less time?
22:51.15 brlcad you're welcome to post your proposal up for feedback. just like gci, there's a whole team of mentors. if you can get ahold of one of the former python devs and get one of them to say they're interested in mentoring you, that would be a huge plus -- but not an easy task
22:51.44 brlcad as for your chances, that's always super hard to say until all the proposals and patches are in
22:53.28 AdityaGulati Okay. Thank you.
22:55.18 brlcad another option to consider would be to talk with the openscad, slic3r, freecad folks and see if there's something exciting you could do there as they also have python projects
22:55.50 brlcad there's no harm asking, it's great to get talented folks regardless and some of the difficulty with gsoc is lining up good talent with available mentors
22:56.10 brlcad finding projects that span projects is also incredibly desirable
22:56.54 AdityaGulati Okay. Will see if any of there projects interest me.

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