IRC log for #brlcad on 20190225

00:17.48 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~textual@unaffiliated/kintel)
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07:04.57 brlcad teepee: apologies on the delay responding but it looked great to me
07:05.12 brlcad I think we should run with it if we can
07:10.10 brlcad tbrowder: I'm a bit behind on e-mail, so no I haven't just yet but I did see your name in my upcoming queue of mails
09:31.12 *** join/#brlcad Caterpillar (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
09:36.21 *** join/#brlcad Caterpillar (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
09:42.45 *** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
10:03.41 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
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11:39.02 tbrowder brlcad: i fugured you are swamped, but then i just started worrying about you, but nothing urgent here
12:16.38 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~textual@unaffiliated/kintel)
13:02.10 *** join/#brlcad yorik (~yorik@2804:431:f721:f1ce:290:f5ff:fedc:3bb2)
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16:25.37 teepee brlcad: sent out a couple of invitations to the github org - just as member, I'll leave status promotion to you :)
16:28.05 teepee I did ask Gina from octoprint if she would be interrested, I guess we can talk after the org publication again
16:29.06 teepee I wonder if it would make sense to also ask klipper (new 3d printer firmware project)
17:06.53 starseek1r brlcad: I'm getting ready to tag - anything you know of that is a show-stopper?
17:07.52 brlcad starseeker: not show-stoppers, no
17:08.13 starseeker anything pending that's worth holding off a day or two?
17:08.30 brlcad littany of bugs being worked
17:08.45 starseeker um. eta?
17:08.59 brlcad I think the most important is probably the gqa issue, but still not a release blockr
17:09.51 starseeker k - I'll roll then, and we can follow on with a patch if we need to
17:13.46 brlcad unrelated, I think I've settled on a workable solution for primitive descriptions, to replace the ad hoc tcl listings, and perhaps be the serialization backend for commands too
17:14.08 brlcad will write it up after I get through these bugs/issues
17:14.57 brlcad related to release, the metaball bug might be the only worth holding on since it affects
17:18.19 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
17:18.43 starseeker brlcad: ah, right, the metaball issue.
17:18.57 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~textual@unaffiliated/kintel)
17:19.47 starseeker brlcad: if we can swat that one quickly that's a point, but I think it's also present in older releases? (i.e. we aren't introducing a regression?)
17:20.05 brlcad I did not check that
17:21.45 brlcad just tested, it's at least present in 7.24
17:22.09 brlcad 7.24.0
17:22.19 brlcad so yeah, not news
17:22.23 starseeker ok
17:22.24 brlcad *new
17:22.42 brlcad almost certainly related to the overlapping bounding boxes
17:23.02 starseeker I'm not familiar with that code - how thorny is it looking?
17:24.34 brlcad I don't know that yet
17:25.04 starseeker k. I'll go ahead and get most of the grunt work out of the way - the merges are large this go around with the date updates in all files
17:31.20 brlcad do we really have no good routine for pretty-printing a matrix? I find that hard to believe but am coming up wanting.
17:41.20 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~textual@unaffiliated/kintel)
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18:55.49 starseeker um... bn_mat_print?
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19:07.24 brlcad starseeker: it sucks
19:08.00 starseeker ah. yeah, that's the only one I'm aware of
19:09.20 brlcad it does a straight up lossy %8.3f
19:09.40 brlcad opennurbs has one and it kind of sucks too
19:09.52 brlcad Matrix (4 rows 4 columns)
19:09.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:09.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:09.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:09.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:09.54 brlcad MATRIX my label:
19:09.57 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:09.59 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:10.02 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:10.04 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:10.13 brlcad first is OpenNURBS, second is bn_mat_print()
19:11.40 starseeker hmm. you'd prefer the ability for the caller to specify numerical precision when printing out?
19:12.50 brlcad optionally, but no -- by default just printing full precision without printing fuzz/noise
19:13.17 brlcad like all those 1's and 0's should just be 0.0 and 1.0
19:13.45 brlcad columns should be lined up, not like this (which is what the other libbn mat print func does):
19:13.50 brlcad 1.123123123 0 0 0
19:13.50 brlcad 0 1 0 0
19:13.50 brlcad 0 0 1 0
19:13.50 brlcad 0 0 0 1
19:14.32 starseeker ah
19:14.40 brlcad I'm just a little surprised given how much we do this
19:15.06 starseeker must confess it's only been during very specific debugging scenarios he's actually dumped the numerics of a matrix
19:15.07 brlcad but I see lots of places in the code even just do a straight up iteration over 16 and %g the values 4 per line
19:15.24 brlcad red/ted need it
19:15.36 brlcad I think that was one of the many custom ones
19:16.22 starseeker nods - I think the thinking there was that hand-editing a matrix in red/ted isn't likely to be practical (too much chance of an invalid matrix getting specified by accident) so there wasn't any point in making them pretty
19:18.40 brlcad useful though if only to read it (oh, that's a scale ... oh that's a translation, etc)
19:19.04 brlcad it simply does a newlineless version of the 3rd form: 1.123123123123e+00 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
19:19.12 brlcad with a space between rows
19:19.50 starseeker actually, in that scenario, it would probably be more useful to present it in exactly that fashion (translate, scale, rot components)
19:19.51 brlcad starseeker: did you have a function that would report the number of precision digits?
19:19.58 brlcad that you were using for nirt?
19:20.23 starseeker you mean when parsing it? I don't think so - I think I was using the C++ streams
19:20.26 starseeker one sec...
19:21.00 starseeker _nirt_str_to_dbl in libanalyze/nirt.cxx
19:21.24 brlcad I can write something up for this, but still looking to not waste time if someone already has done this well enough
19:21.27 brlcad looks
19:22.42 starseeker don't have any pretty-printing though - nirt's bits are stricly for getting the floating point numbers in and out, while trying to be able to reproduce the in-mem number precisely for debugging purposes at need...
19:23.39 brlcad hm, so actually need the reverse -- dbl_to_str
19:24.00 starseeker that's the one above it, iirc
19:24.00 brlcad how are you testing it?
19:24.07 brlcad ah, looking again
19:25.18 starseeker um. I don't know that I've actually got a proper reproducibility unit test set up - the key for me when when I could precisely replicate shots from nirt outputs reading them back in as strings
19:26.12 starseeker it felt like those bits probably belong as wrapped logic down in libbn somewhere, but at the time I was focused on other stuff and the C++11 way was the 'easy' way to get what I was looking for in terms of precision control and parsing
19:28.50 starseeker the dbl_to_str logic isn't actually active yet - I was setting up for ray partition diffing and reporting, but ran out of time/steam before that part got up and running
19:30.47 brlcad hm, so nirt's form is interesting, full representation precision
19:31.06 starseeker yeah, that was newly introduced in the libanalyze refactor
19:31.57 brlcad it's not quite right for printing, at least not what was specified, but I'd have to do some homework to figure out how the other forms are getting it right
19:32.49 brlcad and the undesirable repetition still for useful printing:
19:32.50 brlcad 1.12312312312299989 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 1.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 1.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 1.00000000000000000
19:33.18 starseeker yeah, readability wasn't/isn't the goal in that particular case
19:33.50 brlcad interestingly, only one of the four methods correctly prints what the code specified
19:34.27 brlcad (i.e., double vals[16] = {1.123123123123,0,0,0 ... -> 1.123123123123e+00)
19:35.03 brlcad that's ged's pretty-printer
19:35.14 starseeker not sure I'm following - you're saying I've got a bug in the nirt string<->dbl code?
19:35.22 brlcad looks like it just got lucky
19:35.52 brlcad no, not a "bug" per se
19:36.14 brlcad code is 1.123123123123, so naturally one would like to see that printed
19:36.25 brlcad without resorting to fixed point or other hoops
19:36.39 brlcad ged's printer got it right, but it was just by luck
19:36.57 brlcad 1.123123123123 cannot be exactly represented, but is the ideal output
19:37.44 starseeker ah. I'd probably check the C++ string features to see if they've got something for that, myself...
19:37.46 brlcad printing full precision (i.e., what you're doing in nirt, i.e., 1.12312312312299989) is the next best output
19:38.34 brlcad there's no way to know, I was just surprised one of them got it right .. turns out it used %.12e so it printed 12 precision ..
19:39.03 starseeker what does %g do?
19:39.20 brlcad %g is crap for pretty-printing
19:40.34 brlcad it prints 1.12312 in this case, default .5 precision
19:40.43 starseeker ah
19:41.01 brlcad it however does a much better job on integral printing:
19:41.07 brlcad 1.12312, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
19:41.52 brlcad debatable whether 0 0 0 1 or 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 make for a better default
19:42.25 starseeker would vote the former, for easier reading...
19:42.29 brlcad probably sans decimal
19:43.19 brlcad and I'm back to a fully custom pretty-printer that scans all values for lengths before and after the decimal
19:43.28 brlcad which really seems like something we should have implemented somewhere already
19:43.57 starseeker brlcad: what about %.15g - does that do anything interesting?
19:44.06 brlcad I'll probably implement it and in the process of updating the 1000 places that do matrix printing find one doing it the way I wanted
19:44.16 starseeker heh
19:44.37 brlcad that's just 15 digits of precision, not exponential form
19:45.01 starseeker won't it give you the 1.123123123123 output?
19:45.51 brlcad it does in this instance
19:49.12 brlcad we're getting sort of lucky that there is only one digit of precision on the lhs
19:51.13 starseeker ah, k
20:09.03 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~textual@unaffiliated/kintel)
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22:04.00 starseeker finally.
22:04.05 brlcad indeed
22:04.40 starseeker loves those first-after-year-update merges, always a blast...
22:05.05 brlcad hh
22:05.21 starseeker brlcad: if you want to fire off a distcheck-full on the Mac it would be helpful...
22:06.20 starseeker I'll re-confirm we're good on Windows
22:06.27 brlcad sure, can do
22:07.48 starseeker I usually just check make check on BSD, since afaik we still can't reliably complete due to the threading exhaustion issue
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23:36.20 *** join/#brlcad merzo (

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