Dashboard for Ideas for the Google Code In 2017


  • Coder (C/C++)
  • Web Coder (Javascript/HTML)
  • Modeler
  • Writer

Beginner tasks

These require absolutely no prior experience or knowledge.

  • Anyone: Download and run BRL-CAD (via VM), submit screenshot
  • Anyone: Communications checklist: chat, mailing list, survey
  • Coder: Compile BRL-CAD from source, submit screenshot
  • Web Coder: Clone BRL-CAD website or OGV, submit screenshot
  • Modeler: Model a cup, submit model
  • Writer: Blog about any task, submit link
  • Annotate a primitive: Submit screenshot

Task chain ideas

These would take us more than 2 hours, to be broken up into multiple tasks.

  • C: OpenCL pipelining
  • C: Boolean evaluation debugging
  • Javascript: OGV
  • ThreeJS/Verb: OGV Nurbs
  • C/C++: libbu C++11 threading
    • implement bu_semaphore_acquire/bu_semaphore_release in C++11
    • implement bu_parallel in C++11
  • C/C++: libbu container testing
    • Write program comparing performance of bu_list vs c++ lists
    • Write program comparing performance of bu_list stacks vs c++ queues
    • Write program comparing performance of bu_hash vs c++ map
    • Write program comparing performance of bn_randmt vs c++ random
  • C/C++: primitive unit tests (ProcDBs)
    • arb8/arb7/arb6/arb5/arb4, arbn, ars, datum, dsp, ebm, ehy, ell/sph, epa, eto, extrude, half, hrt, hyp, metaball, pipe, pnts, revolve, rhc, rpc, sketch, submodel, superell, tgc/rec, tor, vol
    • (intentionally leaving out bot, brep, bspline, cline, grip, joint, nmg, part, poly)
  • Docbook/XML: primitive guide
    • arb8/arb7/arb6/arb5/arb4, arbn, ars, datum, dsp, ebm, ehy, ell/sph, epa, eto, extrude, half, hrt, hyp, metaball, pipe, pnts, revolve, rhc, rpc, sketch, submodel, superell, tgc/rec, tor, vol
    • also: bot, brep, nmg
    • (intentionally leaving out bspline, cline, grip, joint, part, poly)
  • Qt/C++: New visualization GUI
  • Qt/C++: geometry viewer
    • BRL-CAD Viewer: (Task 1) Open a simple GLFW window from the source
    • BRL-CAD Viewer: (Task 2) Write a program that opens geometry, executes db_walk_tree(), and gets a bounding box.
    • BRL-CAD Viewer: (Task 3) Print out the bounding box center point into the GUI
    • BRL-CAD Viewer: (Task 4) Display wireframes, regions on to the window.
  • Qt/C++: openscad-style asc-to-display GUI
    • (Task 1) Open a simple Qt window from source
    • (Task 2) Write a program that opens .asc, displays in Qt text window
    • (Task 3) Write a simple program that converts .asc to .g in memory
    • (Task 4) Write a simple program that renders an in-memory .g to .pix
    • (Task 5) Write a program that displays a .pix image into a Qt window
    • (Task 6) Tie it all together: Qt button that converts, renders, and displays.
  • C/C++: appleseed integration
    • Create and render a box in Appleseed and BRL-CAD
    • Write a small program in BRL-CAD that renders an image
    • Write a small program in Appleseed that renders an image
    • Implement an Appleseed hello world plugin
    • Integrate BRL-CAD rendering into Appleseed plugin
  • C: Boolean weaving unit tests
    • implement a regression test for rt_boolweave()
    • implement a regression test for rt_boolfinal()
  • C: Annotation object callbacks
  • C: point cloud object callbacks
    • Implement the prep() and shot() functions for point clouds
    • Implement a function that reads point data from files
    • Integrate function reading points from files into libged
  • Merge push and xpush code
    • Implement an xpush/push unit test
    • Add xpush logic to push command via -x option
    • Eliminate redundate xpush+push code
    • Merge xpush documentation into push documentation
  • C: libged plugin refactoring
  • C/C++: stand-alone geometry viewer GUI
  • C: Centroid/Volume/Surf_area
  • HTML/CSS: website integration
  • Docs: geometry URI specification
  • Docbook/XML: datum docs
  • Disconsidered...
    • C: Layer object callbacks
    • C: image object callbacks

Independent task ideas

These should take one of us 2-4 hours of effort to complete.

  • Implement sphere flake non-recursively
  • Model and render the number "404"
  • Model the word "BRL-CAD"
  • Model the BRL-CAD logo
  • Model a ball and jacks
  • Model an hourglass (with sand)
  • Model dice (with white numbers)
  • Model a chess pawn
  • Model a chess knight
  • Model a chess bishop
  • Model a chess rook
  • Model a chess queen
  • Model a chess king
  • Model a chess board
  • Model a coffee cup (with coffee)
  • Model a soccer ball / fútbol accurately
  • Model a basketball accurately
  • Model a baseball (with stitching)
  • Model a baseball bat (with woodgrain texture)
  • Model a golf ball accurately
  • Model a volley ball
  • Model an American football
  • Model a tennis ball
  • Model a tennis racket
  • Import and render any model
  • Import and render a point cloud