Geometry Service Requirements
- Geometry versioning: revision history of geometry changes such as who did what to the model and for which analysis, when changes were made, by whom, etc.
- Direct association of stored geometry with external data
- Multi-user access controls that allow multiple people to work on the same models at the same time
- Programmable access-controlled interface that utilizes reuseable code for consistent end-to-end access to geometric data.
- Dynamic geometry
- Geometry articulation and editing constraints
- Unified repository of geometry in one storage location.
- Reuse of identical geometry parts (single instancing).
- Improved/advanced collaboration.
Identified Executables
- Thin Client
- Any Language
- Provides:
- Communicates with Geometry Engine via GS Protocol
- Gui Interface
- [GS Dev Thin Client Requirements] (
*Geometry Engine
- C++
- Provides:
- Geometry Management (via SVN)
- Geometry Conversion, Import, Export
- RayTracing
- Communications with external Geometry Engines
- Communications with external Geometry Repositories
- Communications with any other application that implements the GS Protocol
- GS Dev Geometry Engine Requirements
Visual Conception
A Thin Client connected to a Geometry Service, all running on one
physical machine
Thin Clients connected to Geometry Services, each running on independent
physical machines, but connected to a 'headless' Geometry Service. The
'headless' geometry service also serves other enterprise level