Aim of Project
The aim of this project is to provide an online service to users of BRL-CAD to view and share their geometric files (BRL-CAD's native .g file) on browser. Currently in initial development stage, project aimed to have more advanced features in near future with ultimate goal to provide geometry editing features by leveraging BRL-CAD's existing code to maximum extent.
Current Implementation
Brief workflow
JavaScript 3D library, ThreeJS is used for drawing 3D models in browser. But ThreeJS doesn't support .g format. However, it can read obj files. obj is plain text format that can represent 3D geometry. It stores position of vertices, vertex normals and faces etc. You can read more about obj at:
BRL-CAD has converter called g-obj that simply converts specified object(s) from BRL-CAD database .g file to obj file(s). So, right now g-obj plays fundamental role in the working of this project but there are lot of possibilities to replace this with some robust method.
In the end, obj file is given to ThreeJS and it draws entity on browser.
Detailed workflow
Here is the flow diagram of OGV: Media: Flow_diagram_of_online_geometry_viewer.jpeg. We can divide the whole process in following four operations:
- Upload .g file
- Extracting data
- Conversion
- Display
Above four operations are performed by following four files:
upload.php: | It provides a web interface for user to upload .g file. |
upload_file.php: | It extracts data that includes name of .g file and that of its entities and pass it to model_display.php. |
model_display.php: | It provides list of entities for user to choose from. When user clicks the "view" button corresponding to any entity, request is sent to create_obj.php for creating obj file. |
create_obj.php: | As name suggests, when request received from model_display.php, it run g-obj converter that creates obj and respond with appropriate status. If success, entity is displayed on browser. |
Extracting name of .g file and that of its entities:
Name of file is extracted using PHP's $_FILES variable and list of entities of .g file are copied to PHP variable using BRL-CAD's "ls" command.
When .g file is uploaded, user is redirected to model_display.php. When user clicks on "view", add_entitiy() method is called that sends an AJAX request to create_obj.php. In create_obj.php, create_obj() method runs g.obj converter that creates obj file.
Languages used
PHP | 74.3% |
CSS | 13.6% |
JavaScript | 12.1% |
Third party libraries
ThreeJS: | 3D JavaScript webGL library |
BootStrap: | Front-end framework used for CSS work |
pace.js: | Automatic page load progress bar |
jquery: | For AJAX work |
Swift Mailer: | For sending emails |
Top level directories
accounts: | Sign-in signup module, swift mailer |
css: | images, pace.js |
doc: | html, latex |
images | |
js: | ThreeJS |
user_accounts: | Parent directory for user directories. |
Other files
config.php: | A global configuration file. |
doxyfile: | Doxygen file. |
functions.php: | PHP functions |
geo_viewer.sql: | Database schema file (.sql) |
header.php: | Common file for header of webpage. (TODO: There are two header.php files, one in root directory and other in accounts/include. One of these duplicate files need to be removed) | | |
variables.php: | Contain variables. |
Further, detailed comments are written in the source code itself. If you still have doubts, questions etc., please contact at or at IRC at #brlcad channel on freenode network.
Status of Development
See the TODO page to get involved or check on the status of development.
This effort was initiated in 2013 by Harmanpreet Singh as a Google Summer of Code project.