The need to build a legal framework for the implementation of electronic build ecommerce website
The development of electronic commerce in the world has changed the way commerce. However risk risks transaction process is so require solutions not only technically but also need a full legal basis. The practical experience of the world shows to promote e-commerce development, the role of the State must be clearly shown on two areas: provision of electronic services and build a legal system complete, consistent and specific to regulate the relations of e-commerce. If we lack a sound legal basis for e-commerce operation, and consumers will be confused in solving problems related to the agency and the State will be very difficult to have the facility to control the operation of e-commerce.
Moreover, electronic commerce is a new field to create trust for the participants in relation to the e-commerce is an urgency to do with which one is to create nuclear to be a level playing field with those rules are closely united.
In the process web design ecommerce of integration with the world as a member of APEC, Vietnamese actively participate and support "joint action program" that this block was made on the implementation of "Paperless Trade" by 2005 for developed countries and 2010 for developing countries for mutual n. Vietnam is also actively involved in the liberalization roadmap of the e-ASEAN Framework Agreement and comply with the "Principles of Electronic Commerce Steering" in which the mass of water has passed. Therefore we have to meet the demands of the international legal order to socialize and catch up with other countries in the region and the world.
E-Commerce Law
The legal validity of electronic chwsng
Currently under the provisions of Vietnamese law written forms to be used as a master of the form y I f in the civil transactions, commercial, and especially in the economic contract it is a mandatory elements. EC raises the issue must recognize the legality of electronic transactions and electronic documents. State must be recognized legally in the value of the transaction documents through electronic means. Ordinance EC is being drafted to solve this problem. It must introduce the concept of electronic documents and has its own regulations for this kind of writing. No form must be attached to the electronic information as the text value equivalent texts if they ensure the following factors:
Capacity information, the information can be stored and referenced when necessary. To ensure authenticity of the information Ensuring the integrity of information
Source link: the nho dien thoai