libged (Geometry Editing and Commands)
Collaboration diagram for libged (Geometry Editing and Commands):


 Database Objects
 View Manipulation
 Geometry Analysis


file  commands.h
file  ged.h

Detailed Description

Geometry EDiting Library Commands

Functions provided by the LIBGED geometry editing library. These routines are a procedural basis for the geometric editing capabilities available in BRL-CAD. The library is tightly coupled to the LIBRT library for geometric representation and analysis. The libdm API is assumed for commands that manipulate geometric views.

A note to C/C++ developers - calling libged's commands programmatically has a disadvantage compared to calling lower level routines in that input values must pass through string processing. In addition to the overhead induced, this decoupling prevents the compiler from performing a wide variety of checks and optimizations. Generally speaking, if you're writing C/C++ code and are having to construct argc/argv inputs to call a libged function, you'll want to consider calling lower level routines instead to allow the compiler to have more insight into what the code is doing.

If the above isn't possible because the core functionality of the command is implemented only in libged with no lower level interface available, that logic is probably a candidate for refactoring.