Terminal Independent Graphics Display Package. More...

Collaboration diagram for Vector Fonts:


file  vectfont.h


#define brt(x, y)   (11*x+y)
#define drk(x, y)   -(11*x+y)
#define VFONT_LAST   -128
 0200 Marks end of stroke list More...
#define NEGY   -127
 0201 Denotes negative y stroke More...
#define bneg(x, y)   NEGY, brt(x, y)
#define dneg(x, y)   NEGY, drk(x, y)


int * tp_getchar (const unsigned char *c)
void tp_setup (void)

Detailed Description

Terminal Independent Graphics Display Package.

Mike Muuss July 31, 1978

This routine is used to plot a string of ASCII symbols on the plot being generated, using a built-in set of fonts drawn as vector lists.

Internally, the basic font resides in a 10x10 unit square. Externally, each character can be thought to occupy one square plotting unit; the 'scale' parameter allows this to be changed as desired, although scale factors less than 10.0 are unlikely to be legible.

The vector font table here was provided courtesy of Dr. Bruce Henrikson and Dr. Stephen Wolff, US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, Summer of 1978. They had developed it for their remote Houston Instruments pen plotter package for the GE Tymeshare system.

Used by LIBPLOT3 and LIBRT for simple vector fonts.

Vector font definitions, for TIG-PACK fonts.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ brt

#define brt (   x,
)    (11*x+y)

Definition at line 64 of file vectfont.h.

◆ drk

#define drk (   x,
)    -(11*x+y)

Definition at line 65 of file vectfont.h.


#define VFONT_LAST   -128

0200 Marks end of stroke list

Definition at line 66 of file vectfont.h.


#define NEGY   -127

0201 Denotes negative y stroke

Definition at line 67 of file vectfont.h.

◆ bneg

#define bneg (   x,
)    NEGY, brt(x, y)

Definition at line 68 of file vectfont.h.

◆ dneg

#define dneg (   x,
)    NEGY, drk(x, y)

Definition at line 69 of file vectfont.h.

Function Documentation

◆ tp_getchar()

int* tp_getchar ( const unsigned char *  c)

◆ tp_setup()

void tp_setup ( void  )