Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* S H O O T . H
2  * BRL-CAD
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 1993-2024 United States Government as represented by
5  * the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9  * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this file; see the file named COPYING for more
18  * information.
19  */
21 /** @addtogroup rt_shoot
22  *
23  * @brief
24  * Ray Tracing program shot coordinator. This is the heart of LIBRT's ray-tracing capability.
25  *
26  * Given a ray, shoot it at all the relevant parts of the model,
27  * (building the finished_segs chain), and then call rt_boolregions()
28  * to build and evaluate the partition chain. If the ray actually hit
29  * anything, call the application's a_hit() routine with a pointer to
30  * the partition chain, otherwise, call the application's a_miss()
31  * routine.
32  *
33  * It is important to note that rays extend infinitely only in the
34  * positive direction. The ray is composed of all points P, where
35  *
36  * P = r_pt + K * r_dir
37  *
38  * for K ranging from 0 to +infinity. There is no looking backwards.
39  *
41  * */
42 /** @{ */
43 /** @file rt/shoot.h */
45 #ifndef RT_SHOOT_H
46 #define RT_SHOOT_H
48 #include "common.h"
49 #include "vmath.h"
50 #include "rt/defines.h"
51 #include "rt/application.h"
52 #include "rt/xray.h"
56 /**
57  * @brief
58  * Shoot a ray
59  *
60  * Note that the direction vector r_dir must have unit length; this is
61  * mandatory, and is not ordinarily checked, in the name of
62  * efficiency.
63  *
64  * Input: Pointer to an application structure, with these mandatory fields:
65  * a_ray.r_pt ==> Starting point of ray to be fired
66  * a_ray.r_dir => UNIT VECTOR with direction to fire in (dir cosines)
67  * a_hit =======> Routine to call when something is hit
68  * a_miss ======> Routine to call when ray misses everything
69  *
70  * Calls user's a_miss() or a_hit() routine as appropriate passing
71  * a_hit() a list of partitions intersected. Note that only the
72  * hit_dist elements of pt_inhit and pt_outhit are computed. To
73  * compute both hit_point and hit_normal, use:
74  *
75  * RT_HIT_NORMAL(NULL, hitp, stp, rayp, 0);
76  *
77  * To compute just the hit_point, use:
78  *
79  * VJOIN1(hitp->hit_point, rp->r_pt, hitp->hit_dist, rp->r_dir);
80  *
81  * These calculations are deferred to user code to avoid needless
82  * computation in other ray situations.
83  *
84  * Formal Return: whatever the application function returns (an int).
85  *
86  * NOTE: The application functions may call rt_shootray() recursively.
87  * Thus, none of the local variables may be static.
88  *
89  * To prevent having to lock the statistics variables in a PARALLEL
90  * environment, all the statistics variables have been moved into the
91  * 'resource' structure, which is allocated per-CPU.
92  */
93 RT_EXPORT extern int rt_shootray(struct application *ap);
96 /**
97  * @brief
98  * Shoot a bundle of rays
99  *
100  * Function for shooting a bundle of rays. Iteratively walks list of
101  * rays contained in the application bundles xrays field 'b_rays'
102  * passing each single ray to r_shootray().
103  *
104  * Input:
105  *
106  * bundle - Pointer to an application_bundle structure.
107  *
108  * b_ap - Members in this single ray application structure should be
109  * set in a similar fashion as when used with rt_shootray() with the
110  * exception of a_hit() and a_miss(). Default implementations of these
111  * routines are provided that simple update hit/miss counters and
112  * attach the hit partitions and segments to the partition_bundle
113  * structure. Users can still override this default functionality but
114  * have to make sure to move the partition and segment list to the new
115  * partition_bundle structure.
116  *
117  * b_hit() Routine to call when something is hit by the ray bundle.
118  *
119  * b_miss() Routine to call when ray bundle misses everything.
120  *
121  */
122 RT_EXPORT extern int rt_shootrays(struct application_bundle *bundle);
125 /**
126  * Shoot a single ray and return the partition list. Handles callback
127  * issues.
128  *
129  * Note that it calls malloc(), therefore should NOT be used if
130  * performance matters.
131  */
132 RT_EXPORT extern struct partition *rt_shootray_simple(struct application *ap,
133  point_t origin,
134  vect_t direction);
137 /**
138  * PRIVATE: this is new API and should be considered private for the
139  * time being.
140  */
141 RT_EXPORT extern int rt_shootray_bundle(struct application *ap, struct xray *rays, int nrays);
143 /**
144  * To be called only in non-parallel mode, to tally up the statistics
145  * from the resource structure(s) into the rt instance structure.
146  *
147  * Non-parallel programs should call
148  * rt_add_res_stats(rtip, RESOURCE_NULL);
149  * to have the default resource results tallied in.
150  */
151 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_add_res_stats(struct rt_i *rtip,
152  struct resource *resp);
153 /** Tally stats into struct rt_i */
154 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_zero_res_stats(struct resource *resp);
157 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_res_pieces_clean(struct resource *resp,
158  struct rt_i *rtip);
161 /**
162  * Allocate the per-processor state variables needed to support
163  * rt_shootray()'s use of 'solid pieces'.
164  */
165 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_res_pieces_init(struct resource *resp,
166  struct rt_i *rtip);
167 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_vstub(struct soltab *stp[],
168  struct xray *rp[],
169  struct seg segp[],
170  int n,
171  struct application *ap);
173 #ifdef USE_OPENCL
174 struct cl_hit {
175  cl_double3 hit_point;
176  cl_double3 hit_normal;
177  cl_double3 hit_vpriv;
178  cl_double hit_dist;
179  cl_int hit_surfno;
180 };
182 struct cl_seg {
183  struct cl_hit seg_in;
184  struct cl_hit seg_out;
185  cl_uint seg_sti;
186 };
188 struct cl_partition {
189  struct cl_hit inhit;
190  struct cl_hit outhit;
191  cl_uint inseg;
192  cl_uint outseg;
193  cl_uint forw_pp; /* index to the next partition */
194  cl_uint back_pp; /* index to the previous partition */
195  cl_uint region_id; /* id of the "owning" region */
196  cl_char inflip; /* flip inhit->hit_normal */
197  cl_char outflip; /* flip outhit->hit_normal */
198 };
200 RT_EXPORT extern void
201 clt_frame(void *pixels, uint8_t o[2], int cur_pixel, int last_pixel,
202  int width, int ibackground[3], int inonbackground[3],
203  double airdensity, double haze[3], fastf_t gamma,
204  mat_t view2model, fastf_t cell_width, fastf_t cell_height,
205  fastf_t aspect, int lightmodel, int a_no_booleans);
206 #endif
212 #endif /* RT_SHOOT_H */
213 /** @} */
214 /*
215  * Local Variables:
216  * tab-width: 8
217  * mode: C
218  * indent-tabs-mode: t
219  * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
220  * End:
221  * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8
222  */
Header file for the BRL-CAD common definitions.
void float float int * n
Definition: tig.h:74
int rt_shootray_bundle(struct application *ap, struct xray *rays, int nrays)
void rt_res_pieces_clean(struct resource *resp, struct rt_i *rtip)
void rt_add_res_stats(struct rt_i *rtip, struct resource *resp)
void rt_vstub(struct soltab *stp[], struct xray *rp[], struct seg segp[], int n, struct application *ap)
int rt_shootray(struct application *ap)
Shoot a ray.
struct partition * rt_shootray_simple(struct application *ap, point_t origin, vect_t direction)
int rt_shootrays(struct application_bundle *bundle)
Shoot a bundle of rays.
void rt_zero_res_stats(struct resource *resp)
void rt_res_pieces_init(struct resource *resp, struct rt_i *rtip)
fastf_t vect_t[ELEMENTS_PER_VECT]
3-tuple vector
Definition: vmath.h:349
double fastf_t
fastest 64-bit (or larger) floating point type
Definition: vmath.h:334
fastf_t mat_t[ELEMENTS_PER_MAT]
4x4 matrix
Definition: vmath.h:370
fastf_t point_t[ELEMENTS_PER_POINT]
3-tuple point
Definition: vmath.h:355
Definition: seg.h:59
Definition: soltab.h:57
Primary ray data structure.
Definition: xray.h:41
fundamental vector, matrix, quaternion math macros