Can anybody guide me how to start learning about 'NURBS Editing Support' project please? I'm quite interested in this field:) Are there any related learning materials?
I roughly learned about it. Do we need to convert the BRL-CAD models into NURBS representations? I still don't know how to start:(
welcome @Lu Chen -- what's your background with nurbs?
I used AutoCAD before so I'm quite familiar with commands like adding/deleting knots, moving knots, attach/detach splines. But I only know how to use these commands.
ow man! ...
so you have exactly what you need to make a solid proposal for what you'd hope to achieve, you have the user experience
however, working with nurbs in code is a bit crazy complicated
what's your coding background? are you strong in C++?
Yeah I think it's complicated but I still want to have a try haha:)
Yeah, I've learned C++ in my master course
But I'm not sure whether my coding knowledge is enough, because our uni is more focused on Java. So I didn't use C++ that often.
so here's how you get started: 1) make sure one of our high priority areas aren't attractive too, but then if you're still committed to the topic, 2) learn some command line editing via the mged tutorials, 3) make, import, and render some nurbs models, 4) learn the existing nurbs (brep) edit command line interface
Thanks a lot:) I'm not sure about the meaning of the first sentence. Is it an area of high priority or not?
if you want to dive into the deep end of the pool (which I do not recommend), the source code of relevance is src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp, src/libged/brep.c, src/proc-db/*.cpp
you've looked at yes?
first section
nurbs fits into user interface, but it is a very hard topic that will require some proof that you're up to the challenge (in the form of patches)
Yeah, and I found that 'NURBS Editing Support' is on the list as well?
Oh I see
Last updated: Feb 12 2025 at 00:46 UTC