@Sean I managed to create sph
and tor
using in command. And I used the sed command to find the parameters of arb8 and enter the x y z axes but still not able to make arb8 completely, but the sed command make it easier to get me an idea and sometimes it makes some weird arb8's too. :smile:
@Sean Look-> MGED-7.26.0-Graphics-Window-id_0-in.g-Upper-Right-5_23_2020-9_52_53-PM.png :grinning:
MGED-7.26.0-Command-Window-id_0-in.g-Upper-Right-5_23_2020-9_52_56-PM.png :laughing:
Make the first 4 points with a z-coordinate of 0 and the next 4 points with a z-coordinate of 0.5.
I will try.
@Thusal Ranawaka it will let you create invalid arb8, so you do have to make sure your points are in the right order. you specify four points on the bottom face, then four points on the top face.
@Sean @Daniel Rossberg I tried what you said, but it went wrong probably my fault and I didn't have much time. I will try more tomorrow and give you the results.:+1:
Also when you are making a arb8 it only asks the parameters of the x y z axes in the 8 points and it does not ask where the object should place in the graphics window.
@Thusal Ranawaka you really should redo the mged tutorial as you don't seem to understand. it's okay, it's a tough concept if you've never done it before.
it would make no sense for the 'in' command to specify placement in the graphics window because that's just a view into the world. you control that view and can change it however you like completely independently of any geometry. The geometry has a position in the world, and that is what you specify with the in command. You're specifying where it's at, not how it looks in the graphics window.
Think of the graphics window like looking through a camera. The window on your computer is just what you see through the camera. The camera can be pointed and moved around anywhere. That's the view.
When you create geometry with the 'in' command, that has nothing to do with the camera. You are creating something somewhere in the world. If you want to see that thing you made, you might need to point the camera at it if it's not already, but it has no connection to the thing you're creating, the objects you're modeling.
@Sean I managed to create arb8 successfully and today I added some several objects to myscript.txt and I went through the MGED tutorial too. Then, I remembered some commands that I've forgotten past couple of months.
@Sean @Daniel Rossberg Look -> This is the present status of myscript.txt
@Thusal Ranawaka that's coming along well!
it might help to create a "halfplane" aka "hf" object at 0 0 0 with a normal pointing up (0,0,1) so you can see all your objects on a "ground"
@Sean I created all the Arbs and half of the Cones and Cylinders. myscript.txt
Sean said:
it might help to create a "halfplane" aka "hf" object at 0 0 0 with a normal pointing up (0,0,1) so you can see all your objects on a "ground"
I will look on to that too.
@Sean I created all the arbs and the cones I will send the txt file soon.
Because I am chatting on my phone.
@Sean @Daniel Rossberg This is the progress myscript.txt
Thusal Ranawaka said:
Sean Daniel Rossberg This is the progress myscript.txt
Hmm, I'm getting rt_arbn_plot() errors with your script.
see e.g. https://brlcad.org/wiki/Creating_and_editing_arbn_primitives
@Daniel Rossberg Yeah. It shows some errors but it still creates the object.
@Daniel Rossberg I looked at the link you mentioned above and I'll try it tomorrow because it's nearly midnight to ours.
There you can find an example which you can use too ;)
@Daniel Rossberg Yes. I saw it. ;)
Hey @Sean I created all the Arbs and the Cylinders, but I couldn't finish all the objects because of online lessons and school assignments. Look-> myscript.txt
@Thusal Ranawaka that's still progress! good on you. do you have a list of all the entities remaining?
Sean said:
Thusal Ranawaka that's still progress! good on you. do you have a list of all the entities remaining?
@Sean Not really.
@Sean As you can see myscript.txt present status of my script. And these are the objects that I create,
Cones and Cylinders
Can you get a list of everything? That'd help keep track, might have some examples I could point to too.
@Sean These are the objects that I have not create,
@Thusal Ranawaka how did you come up with that list?
@Sean What do you mean?
I mean how did you figure out that those are objects you have not created yet?
Because all the objects that I had created is on myscript.txt and any object that hasn't in it are not created. @Sean
but how do you know the objects and their names? where did you learn about ell1 and binunif for example?
@Sean I took the names from the create option in MGED Command Window there you can see all the object types.
But I only know their names I don't know the shape of it until I create one.
That's a good start. You can see if there are any more not listed on the Create menu from this list: https://brlcad.org/wiki/BRL-CAD_Primitives
Also from this list: http://code.svn.sourceforge.net/p/brlcad/code/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/table.cpp
Hi @Daniel Rossberg I recorrect the rt_arbn_plot errors.
@Sean @Daniel Rossberg I created all the Arbs, Cones and Cylinders and Ellipsoids. :tada:
@Sean @Daniel Rossberg Look myscript.txt . Now have to do the Other Solids. :wink:
I looks nice :grinning:
Did you know that if you want to shift an arb8 by, say, 3 in x direction, you can do this by adding 3 to every x coordinate during its creation?
Nice :happy:
@Sean Hi have a look at myscript.txt I created tor, eto and metaball.
But the other objects are seem to be little tougher to make.
I am looking on to the BRL-CAD Docs > Primitives section.
@Sean Currently working on extrude. It reminds me a task that I completed during GCi. :slight_smile: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
@Thusal Ranawaka Your script is coming along fantastically. If you rename the file to something meaningful like "primitives.tcl" and include a header on the file (you can run "sh/header.sh pd primitives.tcl" to mark it as public domain for example), it's probably in good enough shape to get added to the main repository as an integration test.
and can be updated as you add more primitives.
It looks like the metaball example is going to need some work. It's dumping a slew of errors for me about rt_metaball_point_value_metaball not being implemented. Probably needs a different code on the 'in' command line.
You might also want to check the "top" and "left" views to see how they objects are positioned with respect to each other. They're not presently on a ground plane, all sort of positioned randomly in space. Might look better to put them into a grid or have them all on a flat plane.
Last updated: Feb 12 2025 at 00:46 UTC