World's biggest crude oil tanker is caught on fire near to our coastal shores. :sad:
It has 276,000 tons of crude oil.
If the crude oil leaks, it will be the largest crude oil load which will completely destroy our marine environment.
Thusal Ranawaka said:
It has 276,000 tons of crude oil.
And the biggest tanker in our country can take only 100 tons. :laughter_tears:
thats not good
a stream should be there for off topic conversations because general is much more for (as its name implies) general dev talk
what do you guys think?
we can make this be whatever folks need it to be. an "off topic" channel like this is just fine
on IRC, there are no channels and you just have to keep track of discussions. I kind of prefer that over threads myself, but it does require much more active and daily participation to keep track of everything, and that's notably hard for new contributors
but some channels are there like #ubuntu-offtopic which mostly constitutes of the ubuntu users (and other OS users if there are) who want to talk off topic
guys, is 51.7 peat flops a lot? i'm pounding this poor machine in italy...
hah, peat flops, thanks, apple. Petaflops
That is a lot of flops. I'm not sure what you'd do with 51.7 pairs
@Sean Trump was sent to Maryland Army Hospital. Near you, isn't it?
Yes very close
DC is just a 30-40 min drive depending on traffic and destination.
@Sean Good News and Bad News. Bad News is 1 COVID patient was found inside our country, Good News is 2nd Term Holidays starts from Tomorrow until November.
This is dedicated to the Star Wars fans who wanted to see a retractable lightsaber in real life.
and this is not clickbait.
Hey @Daniel Rossberg :wave:
Happy Thanksgiving to all US Citizens!!! @Sean @starseeker @Jeffrey Liu :wine:
Thanks @Thusal Ranawaka ! I'm thankful for all the awesome energetic folks in our community like you, @Sumagna Das, @Jeffrey Liu, @scorp08 and others that keep things interesting and progressing. Thanks! :-)
#On This Day, the last Google Code-in was held, and a year of open-source contributions to BRL-CAD from @Sumagna Das @Jeffrey Liu and @Himanshu Sekhar Nayak ! :tada:
Sean said:
Thanks Thusal Ranawaka ! I'm thankful for all the awesome energetic folks in our community like you, Sumagna Das, Jeffrey Liu, scorp08 and others that keep things interesting and progressing. Thanks! :-)
:+1: :+1:
Has anyone noticed the dark theme in Github?
its pretty cool
Yeah, I noticed. shrug same data :)
#OTD My first entrance to Open Source and BRL-CAD via Google Code in. 11th December 2019.
Merry Christmas!!! @everyone Thanks to all who keeping this Community active and for our awesome mentors. :evergreen_tree::heartbeat:
Merry Christmas to everyone
I was wondering what kind of research or development projects are carried out in brl , new software suits ? Will we see new opensource projects :))
fun, ses coptor with escort just cruised over, wonder if someone's in big trouble :D
hm, I wonder if the bltouch on a 3d printer can be hacked as a sampling tool for generating point clouds of 3d geometry (obvs, nonoverlapping and minimal gradient)... ok, less if and more if someone has made it available, how it works, etc ... :D and other idle thoughts...
scorp08 said:
I was wondering what kind of research or development projects are carried out in brl , new software suits ? Will we see new opensource projects :))
So I think there is good projects on the way :)
heh, BRL is long gone and I dunno if we'll see new stuff from ARL (though I am finding ARL-DSRC's public docs super-useful)
BRL-CAD is brl/arl's big open source contribution in a long time afaik :) (before then was, uh, ... ping and bits of bsd network stack?)
ya'll watching ?
@Erik it was epic!
Yay for complete internet outage day, yay Comcast
I've been far far far less dissatisfied since switching to "the other company"
Hey @Sean, I just wanted to know, why does my build directory takes so much space on my laptop. The build directory is almost 8GB and the repo is almost 400MB. So, I asked Sumagna, to ask if it's normal. His build directory is 3GB, but he got Ubuntu and I got Windows. Is that the dirrence?
That's probably a lot of it.
Heh, just commented on the other thread.
So, there's a big difference between Ubuntu and Windows?
Windows has different build files than Linux - uses a different build tool, produces different outputs.
oh, Okay
I've not done a direct comparison in a while, but I remember the Windows build dir being pretty good sized.
If you do things like building both Debug and Release configurations, that'll up it even more.
I already got the Debug, but there's a Release folder too.
Ironically the Windows installers tend to be smaller, because we can't include the debug information in those binaries due to MSVC licensing.
so that's 2X
so of your 8gb, it's probably 2-3GB for RELEASE and 3-4GB for DEBUG and 0.5GB for sources
Let me check
there may be 1GB for intellisense too
the indexing that happens so it finds symbols quickly
Release is only 50MB
that's about 3.25 for DEBUG
OK, you've not built Release config. If you do the size will probably be similar to Debug.
so you've got 4GB being consumed somewhere else
By the way, what's the difference between Debug and Release since I am learning?
Debug is less optimized for performance, and includes metadata that allows debuggers to interpret what's happening when the code runs in a form more easily understandable by human beings.
Release is optimized for performance and more compact without that extra information, but is much harder to debug (impractically so in normal circumstances)
Oh, I found it. It's the 'src' file, it's 3.5GB
A source checkout shouldn't be that large - what else is in there?
So, 3.25GB for Debug and 3.5GB for src directory
src is a directory, not a file
Yeah, directory
you have something big in there
A clean SVN checkout of BRL-CAD trunk on Windows here takes 870MB
Okay, inside the src directory, conv
takes about 450MB
starseeker said:
A clean SVN checkout of BRL-CAD trunk on Windows here takes 870MB
I am not sure about it, but when I am checking out, it completed in about 370MB mark
@Thusal Ranawaka I like for hunting for space users on Windows (on Linux it's
Here's the culprit, image.png
The gdal
And the OpenNURB
So that's not (just) a source directory then -- that's a build directory. Those are the two biggest c++ folders and they'll have big compilation products.
I suspect you configured CMake at some point with the source directory as a build directory or similar. So you simply have two compilation folders, each taking up about 3.5GB. You could delete it all and start over if that space matters to you.
What do you mean?
I stated in CMake as, Where is the source code: C:\Users\Thusal Ranawaka\OneDrive\Documents\brlcad
Where to build the binaries: C:\Users\Thusal Ranawaka\OneDrive\Documents\brlcad\build
Sean said:
I suspect you configured CMake at some point with the source directory as a build directory or similar. So you simply have two compilation folders, each taking up about 3.5GB. You could delete it all and start over if that space matters to you.
No, it's not really a matter. But I got only 512GB on my laptop, but still, I can manage
where is that src directory?
@Sean C:\Users\Thusal Ranawaka\OneDrive\Documents\brlcad\src
Sean said:
where is that src directory?
SO, should I specify it for "Where is the Source Code?"?
Thusal Ranawaka said:
Sean C:\Users\Thusal Ranawaka\OneDrive\Documents\brlcad\src
This one?
No, the source code is Documents\brlcad
but at some point, I think you configured your build dir as that too
otherwise Documents\brlcad\src\other\openNURBS would not be 1GB
source should be ...path...\Documents\brlcad and build dir should be ...path...\Documents\brlcad\build or just about anything EXCEPT ...path...\Documents\brlcad
@Sean I think you're in the wrong topic...
Sean said:
but at some point, I think you configured your build dir as that too
Hmm, makes sense. Because I just built brlcad from source using GitHub, and again build directory is 7.20GB.
Repo is 378MB
if it's almost 2x, could some notion of a fat binary be in play?
Hey, where's the brlcad repo?
@Thusal Ranawaka It got taken down while we fixed a couple issues - it'll be back up once we confirm they are fixed. (See above discussion in the Github channel.)
Found an error. image.png
There's a problem with BRL-CAD Setup.
I had a setup file of BRL-CAD and I tried to install it yesterday, but then it got the same error as this. Then I ran the Windows Compatibility troubleshooter, and it set some new settings and the Setup worked then.
@Erik That screenshot of mezzano is actually rather impressive, if I'm understanding correctly that the entire stack (graphics, windowing, etc.) is all in native Lisp?
I believe so, I think you need a little bit of stuff to bootstrap the original os, but once that initial lisp image is provided, it's list all the way down
I d'no, I'm just trying to stir up trouble :D I sit at a mac and log into linux... on rare occasional, I rdp to a windows machine. Nothin' special :D
Well, hot diggity! Plan9 is now under MIT license:
@Erik There's a candidate for your odd OSes pile!
I need an opinion of professional software developers or computer scientists. I studied mechanical engineering working since 5 years around and I thoughts about switching to CS or Comp. Engineering fields as there is more joy, seems not so hard (not involves too many physics) , liked math more annd seems more tech oriented. But here is the break point. I can not study 2+ years means probably cant handle a Msc degree, grad courses etc as do not feel so energy at the moment. Do you guys recommend a bootcamp or maybe 1 year compact programs ? Do you think a degree required of CS?
I think it very much depends on what you have passion/energy for and what you're hoping to do with the degree. ME and CS are quite different engineering degrees. Getting a BS in either I think is helpful professionally but not strictly required. Getting and MS in either is only required if you intend to pursue the very latest technology fields (e.g., robotics).
I don't put much value in bootcamp programs from a professional/hiring perspective. You do those because you want to learn whatever it is they're teaching, like learning a new technology. They're not terribly useful on a resume.
Sean said:
I don't put much value in bootcamp programs from a professional/hiring perspective. You do those because you want to learn whatever it is they're teaching, like learning a new technology. They're not terribly useful on a resume.
what make a resume useful?
I am also pursuing a BTech/BE in mech eng. , from what I have heard from my seniors, to show that you are good at coding, development or CS stuff in general, you should have good projects lined up in your resume, that can prove to the person viewing your resume that you are capable of making good software technologies.
Vikram Atreya said:
I am also pursuing a BTech/BE in mech eng. , from what I have heard from my seniors, to show that you are good at coding, development or CS stuff in general, you should have good projects lined up in your resume, that can prove to the person viewing your resume that you are capable of making good software technologies.
Do you have any decision to switch Computer engineering?
scorp08 said:
Sean said:
I don't put much value in bootcamp programs from a professional/hiring perspective. You do those because you want to learn whatever it is they're teaching, like learning a new technology. They're not terribly useful on a resume.
what make a resume useful?
For those who don't have any degree, adding a degree makes their resume useful. Projects are worthless if you don't first fulfill the required criteria.
scorp08 said:
Do you have any decision to switch Computer engineering?
Not in my degree, but yeah I want to work in the CS field once I graduate
ME and CS, and I assume the appropriate EE in the middle? :D trained maker :D
if all ya'll nerds wanna see what I've been up to, my co is doing a webinar on the 25th
Nifty! Are you presenting?
nope, I'm just the e-janitor
Heh - so they're letting you off easy. Nice.
ayup, I just play computers all day... installing and setting up a100 gpus, scripting mega runs, building an hpc data center... all the fun stuff, no customer crap... I'm the guy workin' ON the biz instead of in it, mwahahaha
Erik said:
ME and CS, and I assume the appropriate EE in the middle? :D trained maker :D
dreaming ecole42 coding school :)
Hey @Erik - have you seen this project?
nope ('fraid I've kinda veered a bit in interests, os's are for wimps... 'arduino' framework is fun for poc, then ya do it 'for real' in atmel low level code C and asm :D )
(or, y'know, fancypants compilers, gimme asm, gimme bytecode, my code comments have clock counts)
Does anyone know how I can convert a .STL or .STP to a .glb/.gltf for free? is probably the thing I would try first for that sort of conversion.
Vikram Atreya said:
Does anyone know how I can convert a .STL or .STP to a .glb/.gltf for free?
That's a perfect candidate for our "GCV" converter, but we don't yet have an importer/exporter for gltf
Anyone familiar with nTopology software?
Apparently not. Just know that it's not open source and they don't apper to have any intention to release it as OSS.
Just want to get some suggestion before starting computer graphics course. Is this a good course for a beginner ?
@Himanshu Sekhar Nayak absolutely! I was just looking at that edX course last week. The course looks like a great basic primer on concepts and walks you through a real working example in just a few weeks.
Sean said:
Himanshu Sekhar Nayak absolutely! I was just looking at that edX course last week. The course looks like a great basic primer on concepts and walks you through a real working example in just a few weeks.
Thanks @Sean. I just hovering around that course and looking into the syllabus. So I will probably start this week.
Erik said:
thats funny and cool at the same time
(watch @starseeker tremble in terror as he realizes I can post images he cannot choose to not click to :smiling_devil: )
<snort> who wouldn't?
Erik said:
What's the main difference between include_directories()
and target_include_directories()
? I am confused while I am learning CMake and stumble upon this.
I commented target_include_directories()
but interchangeably both works?
I know that include_directories()
helps the compiler to search for include files but what about target_include_directories()
adds the directories to the build scripts of all targets in the CMakeLists.txt file, target_include_directories()
to the build script of the given target only.
If there is only one target in the CMakeLists.txt, it doesn't make a difference.
Daniel Rossberg said:
adds the directories to the build scripts of all targets in the CMakeLists.txt file,target_include_directories()
to the build script of the given target only.If there is only one target in the CMakeLists.txt, it doesn't make a difference.
oh... I see. That's why both are working interchangeably since I have only one target. Thanks :happy:
@Daniel Rossberg btw CPack is a better way to install a software? like in CMake we can set targets to install in bin, lib and include and I saw CPack is a better way to accept license or something
Hmm, if I understand correctly, they complement each other, or rather CPack complements CMake. CPack comes as a module in CMake.
You can install the binaries with CMake too, but this is usually not an option for end users, because they need a compiler and time and memory for the build - without ensured success.
Hi all, just wanted to send a heartfelt happy new year to all... I took a much needed vacation with the family the latter half of december so I've not been as visible as usual, but I'm getting back into the groove of things. Hope everyone has a healthy and great upcoming year!
may the fourth be with you? no one? :D
Idk but happened on this day?
nerds. "star wars day"
How to get brlcad stickers? I want one which will make my laptop :cowboy: :sunglasses:
I think we have to get more printed, but I can check on Monday
@Sean :smiley::smiley: I want some.
Am I missing something?
h1manshu@Legion-5P:/mnt/c/Users/Himanshu/Desktop$ brlcad-config --prefix
-bash: /mnt/c/Users/Himanshu/Desktop/windowsBRLCAD/install/bin/brlcad-config: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
the ^M makes it look like you have windows line endings instead of unix?
I installed BRL-CAD in WSL platform.
if you checked it out in windows and copied it to wsl, it'll have windows crlf endings. Try checking out/installing it inside of wsl
if installing it from inside of the wsl image (whichever linux flavor), check/set the git config (I'm assuming this is a code install from a git checkout)
Himanshu Sekhar Nayak said:
I installed BRL-CAD in WSL platform.
You installed in WSL, but you probably checked out using Git for Windows. GfW defaults to windows line-endings on all text files, which is not good for scripts in WSL. You have to clone the repo again.
I shot a ray, once... never found the other end
What could be the meaning of this?
CMake Warning at cmake/FindBRLCAD.cmake:170 (MESSAGE):
'brlcad-config --version' was found and executed, but produced no output.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:139 (find_package)
Found BRL-CAD at Process failed because: The system cannot find the file specified
oops given wrong path :frown: now fine
I came into while going through stackoverflow. Nicely written.
Can anybody recommend a beginner course to start with computer vision?
@Himanshu Sekhar Nayak it depends a bit on what you're trying to do or wanting to learn.. it's a somewhat big field as it's the inverse of computer graphics.
There's loads of outstanding opencv tutorials that are really great for just coding something up, including many bundled with opencv itself.
For a formal class, GaTech has an excellent course up on udacity:
This is a great lecture series; I've listened to most of it and highly recommend it from Dr. Shah at UCF:
I started machine learning specialization recently. So just wondering if NLP or computer vision will be best to move forward.
Honestly, those are both big fields of study so I'd suggest to maybe just go with whichever sounds more interesting to you personally.
Or do a little bit of both and see if one is more appealing. I did and discovered computer vision is incredibly more interesting to me, but I still very fondly recall doing projects in NLP including a robust parts of speech tagger that I'm still very proud of to this day many years later.
Merry Christmas Everyone :holiday_tree: :tada:
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 00:49 UTC