Sean said:
If we had implemented png support for VOL, that would be sufficient
cant the code convert the png file into bw and before that get the dimensions so that the user doesnt have to input anything(or input the neccesary details only)?
it certainly could for an ebm. or it could if you specified a series of png files (or maybe if you happened to have a multilayer png which I think is pretty rare?)
absolutely possible and it would be particularly effective for a 'vol' command that specialized in supporting different data formats
what data formats does vol
internally, only one: unsigned char data
well you can convert pretty much any data to that
using external tools, like in thusal's example -- he converted png to uchar
he used png-bw but he just as well could have used photoshop
i was thinking about feeding the vol
primitive (command or function, whatever it is inside the code) a png file, it will get converted to .bw file inside the code and then use that data
a .bw file is simply a raw data file. if you have intensity values in a C char array (0-255 valued), that's bw data
if you have 8-bit rgb data in a char array, that's our .pix file
Sumagna Das said:
i was thinking about feeding the
primitive (command or function, whatever it is inside the code) a png file, it will get converted to .bw file inside the code and then use that data
you understand the way i talked about? (i might have over-complicated the thing in the message)
or couldnt tell you what i mean
oh, I know exactly what you mean
yes, there's absolutely no problems doing that.
so in which file is the code for vol
we even have a library for doing exactly that (libicv) that would make it pretty easy to support nearly any image format
note that there are several objects that have this exact problem -- VOL, EBM, and DSP
i will try with one, then try to implement in the others
vol and ebm take uint8, dsp takes uint16
that might make a difference
there's also texture mapping and projection mapping that take 3-channel uint8
there's also uv-maps
typically also 3-channel uint8
Sumagna Das said:
that might make a difference
if all data access is routed through a library object, it shouldn't matter
i wiil try to do that
this is going to distract from you GUI goals though :)
GUI goals?
oh, I thought you were helping with testing gui stuff
i am sitting around doing stuff that i can do
apart from studying
that's cool
you know @Sumagna Das , instead of teaching the vol primitive about images, I would suggest approaching this from a different perspective -- either create a vol command or create a gcv plugin that turns images into geometry
Sean said:
you know Sumagna Das , instead of teaching the vol primitive about images, I would suggest approaching this from a different perspective -- either create a vol command or create a gcv plugin that turns images into geometry
any tutorials on gcv plugins?
ok found it
if i have any problem while making the plugin, i will tell you
what should be the mime type?
depends on what inputs/outputs it's going to handle
i used image/png png png
but probably its already used
you can see a list of them in your build_dir/include/bu/mime_types.h
that's okay
i saw them
will it work?
or it doesnt sound right?
i mean it depends what it is you're creating
if you're creating a plugin that reads in png files, then it's going to be a GCV_FILTER_READ and it's input is a BU_MIME_IMAGE_PNG
right now, it reads in png files. might change the method later if it doesnt work
the output side of that plugin, assuming it creates geometry, is going to be a GCV_FILTER_WRITE plugin and it'll make BU_MIME_MODEL_VND_BRLCAD_PLUS_BINARY but that plugin already exists as a built-in so you don't have to describe it
so do i need to add anything to the mime_cad.types if dont change the input?
if you wanted to output something different, that'd be a different plugin
not unless you're creating a new CAD file format ;)
so what do i have to do for png support at least for vol?
if you expand to additional image types, you'd probably change the image type to BU_MIME_IMAGE_AUTO -- with that you define a validation function that lets the plugin decide if it's something it can handle.
you should be able to start with just the PNG mime
for now, i want it to handle atleast the PNG mime
and that's BU_MIME_IMAGE_PNG
that way, someone will be able to run: gcv myfile.png myfile.g
and gcv will recognize myfile.png as a BU_MIME_IMAGE_PNG and pass it on to your plugin (as nothing else handles that mime)
you're only the second person to create a gcv plugin, so really curious to see what is and isn't clear. don't know if you're keeping notes or could write up an example, but pretty cool if you can get it figured out
I tried following the gcv plugin example in the wiki but couldn't understand much
If this example works out, then I might improve the tutorial if I can
hey @Sean what header files i need and any reference i can see for the plugin development because i didnt find any good examples or code with proper documentation of what each part is doing
do you have any inbuilt gcv plugins in the repo which has got good documentation
let me see if I can locate a report I have that goes into detail
other thing is to simply look at what the other plugins are doing, use them as examples
which one is the most easiest to understand?
probably stl or asc
before looking into them, i have to get the macros and functions understood so will have to look into them after the exams.
yeah, there are some macros and functions that we take for granted that are used ALL OVER brl-cad, so we're used to seeing them. but by-large I think what's needed most is shell of an example that works.
maybe we can make one together.. I've actually been meaning to learn the interface more concretely.
Sean said:
yeah, there are some macros and functions that we take for granted that are used ALL OVER brl-cad, so we're used to seeing them. but by-large I think what's needed most is shell of an example that works.
after lookng into the macros and functions, i will try to make at least the shell of the example(more like an "hello world" one).
any place where i can start looking what a macro or a function is used for?
all public macros and functions "should" be documented in the top-level include/ directory. that's where all the public api exists for libraries like BU_* and RT_* and BN_* etc. All libs (e.g., libbu) should have a corresponding main header (e.g., include/bu.h) and most have subheaders in subfolders (e.g., include/bu/vls.h).
feel free to make changes / improvements to the headers for gcv -- that's one of the newest libs so it doesn't have as much documented as the other libs. just submit the changes separate -- do you have commit on the main repo?
Sean said:
feel free to make changes / improvements to the headers for gcv -- that's one of the newest libs so it doesn't have as much documented as the other libs. just submit the changes separate -- do you have commit on the main repo?
i havent committed to the main repo ever
okay, so easiest way to get set up for that is to submit a simple patch -- like if you find some code to clean up, or something you fix, however simple. even submitting this new gcv plugin would work -- submit a patch with a new empty file that is just compiled but doesn't actually have/do anything yet.
basically the process is that you have to submit a patch so it's clear 1) that you know how to communicate via patches and 2) can provide useful patches that are adequately tested (i.e., no flaws) and 3) that you can adhere to the HACKING dev guide.
All I want to say is that I never ever submitted a patch so might need a little help there
Sean said:
basically the process is that you have to submit a patch so it's clear 1) that you know how to communicate via patches and 2) can provide useful patches that are adequately tested (i.e., no flaws) and 3) that you can adhere to the HACKING dev guide.
the 2nd and 3rd one i think i can understand but i need help with the 1st one
exams finished so i can look into the api now
woo hoo!
congratulations @Sumagna Das :)
is there any place where it is documented properly except for the header files?
I'll send you what I have directly
i saw the api but some macros and definitions are used all over brlcad for which i want to look into their documentation
so is their any standalone documentation available for those "everyday use" api or are they documented in the header files?
hey @starseeker can you tell me where i can find documentation for BRL-CAD api which is used nearly everywhere?
is there a way i can use doxygen to generate their documentation?
The "dox" target should generate doxygen output
I'm not sure what state it is in though - it's been a while since anyone has checked it.
then while trying to build, it will be somewhat checked
our lelectricity is gone for some reason so i thought i would check if there's an offline way to see the api as with the electricity, my wifi is gone too
Ah. Yes, if you have the necessary tools installed the "make dox" target will produce the Doxygen output in <build_dir>/doc/doxygen_output
it is giving some warnings
Build Time: Tue Sep 1 17:34:24 2020
Built target timestamp
Scanning dependencies of target dox
Generating ../../doc/doxygen_output/html/index.html
warning: Tag 'PERL_PATH' at line 1799 of file '/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/build/CMakeTmp/Doxyfile' has become obsolete.
To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u"
warning: Tag 'MSCGEN_PATH' at line 1820 of file '/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/build/CMakeTmp/Doxyfile' has become obsolete.
To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u"
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bu/dylib.h:75: warning: end of file while inside a group
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bu/mime.h:96: warning: unbalanced grouping commands
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bu/process.h:166: warning: unbalanced grouping commands
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bn/vectfont.h:85: warning: unbalanced grouping commands
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bn/vlist.h:328: warning: unbalanced grouping commands
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/brep/curvetree.h:36: warning: include file map not found, perhaps you forgot to add its directory to INCLUDE_PATH?
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/brep/util.h:38: warning: include file cstring not found, perhaps you forgot to add its directory to INCLUDE_PATH?
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/rt/calc.h:185: warning: unbalanced grouping commands
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bn/dvec.h:756: warning: documented symbol 'typedef fastf_t pt2d_t' was not declared or defined.
warning: Included by graph for 'defines.h' not generated, too many nodes (63), threshold is 50. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.
warning: Included by graph for 'vls.h' not generated, too many nodes (51), threshold is 50. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.
warning: Included by graph for 'common.h' not generated, too many nodes (238), threshold is 50. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.
warning: Include graph for 'raytrace.h' not generated, too many nodes (86), threshold is 50. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.
warning: Included by graph for 'vmath.h' not generated, too many nodes (98), threshold is 50. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/common.h:469: warning: explicit link request to 'define' could not be resolved
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/common.h:479: warning: explicit link request to 'define' could not be resolved
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/common.h:489: warning: explicit link request to 'define' could not be resolved
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/common.h:493: warning: explicit link request to 'define' could not be resolved
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/common.h:503: warning: explicit link request to 'define' could not be resolved
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/common.h:515: warning: explicit link request to 'define' could not be resolved
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bu/vls.h:680: warning: The following parameters of bu_vls_incr(struct bu_vls *name, const char *regex_str, const char *incr_spec, bu_vls_uniq_t uniq_test, void *data) are not documented:
parameter 'uniq_test'
parameter 'data'
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/bu/file.h:168: warning: explicit link request to 'define' could not be resolved
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/wdb.h:477: warning: The following parameters of mk_bot_w_normals_and_uvs(struct rt_wdb *fp, const char *name, unsigned char mode, unsigned char orientation, unsigned char flags, size_t num_vertices, size_t num_faces, const fastf_t *vertices, const int *faces, const fastf_t *thickness, struct bu_bitv *face_mode, size_t num_normals, fastf_t *normals, int *face_normals, size_t num_uvs, fastf_t *uvs, int *face_uvs) are not documented:
parameter 'num_uvs'
parameter 'uvs'
parameter 'face_uvs'
Built target dox
these are the warnings
It shouldn't matter too much as long as the output gets generated.
it was generated but all i want to know is that are these warnings going to tamper the generated output?
I wouldn't expect them to.
then its ok for me
A few are issues to fix - I'm looking at it now - but you'll mostly still be able to see what you need, if it is there to begin with.
I don't know that GCV has had a lot of attention for doxygen formatting
The API was largely experimental when it was originally written, and doxygen documenting is usually done once an API is considered more stable.
i got gcv reference material. all i wanted was at least some api reference
I fixed the first half of those issues just now. Pretty simple typos and copy-paste errors for the most part.
@Sumagna Das if you update, you should see many of them disappear with the recent commits. would you like to try tackling the rest? or stay focused on gcv? no wrong answer. ;)
i havent really ever tried doxygen. this was my first time. so i think it would take me more time to try fix them
so i think i would stay focused on gcv
okay, no worries, just fixed two more.
if you are curious, you can run"svn diff -cREV" to see what changes have been made, for example, svn diff -c77024 shows how I handled the two lines for vectfont.h and vlist.h that said "warning: unbalanced grouping commands"
i might have to update my local copy
you can see similar changes in the last few commits
basically, each one of those warnings is pretty much a mistake, but nothing critical so it keeps processing
it did generate the documentation
as is expected, yes
there's a chance it might get a dependency graph wrong or might put some symbols into the wrong group is all that might have gone wrong
should all still be there
this documentation was the reference i needed before making the plugin
in the first example, i see that it "filters"
by filtering, does it mean that it just finds out that is there capabilities available for import and export of a specific file or mime type?
there's three types of plugins
[import] –> [filter] –> [export]
{file} –> [import_plugin] –> {geometry}, i.e., an importer typically reads from a file or other source and converts it into gcv's geometry format
a filter processes gcv geometry, i.e., {geometry} –> [filter_plugin] –> {geometry'}
and lastly, an exporter typically does the opposite of an importer, {geometry} –> [export_plugin] –> {file}
so in the case of vol png support, that could take several forms.
option A: there could specifically be a [vol_from_png_import_plugin] that reads a png file and outputs vol geometry.
option B: there could be a general [icv_import_plugin] that reads a png (and any other icv format) and outputs binunif data object(s) and a [img_to_vol_plugin] that turns binunif(s) into a vol.
I followed the example and built a so called plugin
But how do I test it?
@Sean i tried to build it but these errors came up
Scanning dependencies of target libgcv_vol-obj
[100%] Building C object src/libgcv/plugins/vol/CMakeFiles/libgcv_vol-obj.dir/png_read.c.o
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:51:34: error: enum conversion from ‘int’ to ‘enum <anonymous>’ in initialization is invalid in C++ [-Wc
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:51:34: note: (near initialization for ‘gcv_conv_png_read.mime_type’)

/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:52:3: error: initialization of ‘int (*)(const char *)’ from incompatible pointer type ‘void (*)(struct
bu_opt_desc **, void **)’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
52 | create_opts, free_opts, png_read
| ^~~~~~~~~~~
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:52:3: note: (near initialization for ‘gcv_conv_png_read.data_supported’)
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:52:16: error: initialization of ‘void (*)(struct bu_opt_desc **, void **)’ from incompatible pointer ty
pe ‘void (*)(void *)’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
52 | create_opts, free_opts, png_read
| ^~~~~~~~~
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:52:16: note: (near initialization for ‘gcv_conv_png_read.create_opts_fn’)
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:52:27: error: initialization of ‘void (*)(void *)’ from incompatible pointer type ‘int (*)(struct gcv_c
ontext *, const struct gcv_opts *, const void *, const char *)’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
52 | create_opts, free_opts, png_read
| ^~~~~~~~
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:52:27: note: (near initialization for ‘gcv_conv_png_read.free_opts_fn’)
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:53:1: error: missing initializer for field ‘filter_fn’ of ‘const struct gcv_filter’ [-Werror=missing-fi
53 | };
| ^
In file included from /mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/src/libgcv/plugins/vol/png_read.c:3:
/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/include/gcv/api.h:190:18: note: ‘filter_fn’ declared here
190 | int (* const filter_fn)(struct gcv_context *context, const struct gcv_opts *gcv_options, const void *options_data, const char *target);
| ^~~~~~~~~
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
make[3]: *** [src/libgcv/plugins/vol/CMakeFiles/libgcv_vol-obj.dir/build.make:63: src/libgcv/plugins/vol/CMakeFiles/libgcv_vol-obj.dir/png_read.c.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:24415: src/libgcv/plugins/vol/CMakeFiles/libgcv_vol-obj.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:23798: src/libgcv/plugins/CMakeFiles/libgcv_plugins.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:4149: libgcv_plugins] Error 2
png_read.c The example plugin
I'mma go to sleep
Please check it and tell me what the problem is
will do @Sumagna Das
at a glance, it looks like you've got your arguments wrong
I mostly followed the GCV reference
your option callback functions aren't right either
it can't be taken literally, it's just a guide and is out of date on little details
notice the date on it
I was taking it literally
the code has continued to evolve and improve. the existing headers have to be used for the exact signatures and types
Then if there is any errors while following the guide, they can be fixed
In the guide
and I mean the error messages say exactly what the problem is too :smile:
of course, yes
I mean yea they tell me what the problem is but I can't fix it on my own obviously
that's part of the reason it wasn't posted when it was first written. problems were seen while reviewing it and the code was improved, but then ran out of time to go back to the document
Sumagna Das said:
I mean yea they tell me what the problem is but I can't fix it on my own obviously
sure you can :)
I might fix it while trying to make the plugin accordingly
take them one at a time -- the first one, for example, says you provided an int and it wants an enum
I can't fix them if don't get at least some help I mean
I will do it tomorrow
I just shut down my laptop
no worries
happy to help. post your code when you can.
It is there
png_read.c The example plugin
Here it is again
oh, great. yeah, I missed that.
Bye for now
cya tomorrow!
yeah, this looks good. super close.
yeah, main issue is looks like an additional callback was added to struct gcv_filter, so all your callbacks are in the wrong position
which is in that list of errors as "error: missing initializer for field ..."
it's saying you're missing the last one (filter_fn) and then displaying errors on all the ones before it because it's missing the "can read" function.
4th position in struct gcv_filter
hey @Sean you there?
did you have a question @Sumagna Das ? :smile:
yea let me get my editor ready
now tell me what were the problems
i mean which callback function is causing the problems
I see it's missing the data_supported
callback function
right, that is what caused like 5 of the errors displayed
the enum one is new, probably caused by c++ compilation, so may just need a cast.
@Sumagna Das your new test filter actually exposes a flawed assumption in the filter API. it is presently expecting a bu_mime_model_t type. Instead of "BU_MIME_IMAGE_PNG", just leave that in a comment and use BU_MIME_MODEL_UNKNOWN instead.
So what should be there for data_supported
Sean said:
the enum one is new, probably caused by c++ compilation, so may just need a cast.
what should it be casted to?
Sean said:
Sumagna Das your new test filter actually exposes a flawed assumption in the filter API. it is presently expecting a bu_mime_model_t type. Instead of "BU_MIME_IMAGE_PNG", just leave that in a comment and use BU_MIME_MODEL_UNKNOWN instead.
will do that
Sumagna Das said:
Sean said:
the enum one is new, probably caused by c++ compilation, so may just need a cast.
what should it be casted to?
casting it to bu_mime_model_t worked quite well
all that is left is data_supported
made a placeholder data_supported
function (all of the functions are placeholders anyways)
now it is working
building successfully
how to test if the example plugin is atleast working?
the plugin is building successfully but probably it is resulting in a segfault
what should be the command for testing it out?
the plugin is building successfully but probably it is resulting in a segfault
This is unnecessary (I was testing it inappropriately)
@Sean what next? the build part is successful
Sumagna Das said:
casting it to bu_mime_model_t worked quite well
Except that will be wrong. That's forcing one enum type to another, so casting will actually make it mean something else. BU_MIME_MODEL_UNKNOWN gave an error?
lemme try
Sumagna Das said:
how to test if the example plugin is atleast working?
print statements in the callback functions is always a good start
how to call the plugin or run it?
I'd have to consult that doc I sent you myself, I don't recall
man page might have an example
for gcv?
BU_MIME_MODEL_UNKNOWN doesnt give an error
Sean said:
man page might have an example
cant access man page
man page is giving some "nearly impossible to read" language
how are you trying to read it?
man pages are a form of troff, a really old markup language and macros. you don't read them directly, you read them with manual page apps. run "man rt" for example. that said, I just checked and gcv doesn't have a manual page
he doc I sent you is the most up-to-date, and it's obviously not ;)
the installed gcv
binary has no manual entry
hence "I just checked and gcv doesn't have a manual page" :)
The gcv
that is present in the build directory has some serious problems regarding man page
what do you mean?
I used man bin/gcv
And it showed some random characters which don't know the meaning of
ah, that's not how man works
rather -- if you're providing a full path to a man page to the 'man' command, it's (apparently) going to assume it's a manual page
That's probably a behavior of the linux 'man' command.
BSD 'man' does this: morrison$ man bin/gcv
No manual entry for bin/gcv
still, proper usage would just be "man [command]"
"man gcv" for example
it has no manual entry on my laptop too
because as I've said... "gcv doesn't have a manual page"
it does not exist
there isn't one
no entry, not going to work
so ... you can see examples of commands that do work if you like, since it sounds like you're new to man?? but that won't help you with gcv.
like "man find" or "man gcc" or "man cat" to see a variety
inside mged, there is a manual page for 99% of commands (but again, NOT gcv apparently), so you can run "man rt" and "man search" and "man in" etc
on the mged> command line that is
I have used man but not so often
so what should be the way to test the example plugin?
couldnt find anything anywhere
If it compiles, pull a patch together and post it here or to our patches tracker and I can test it, see if I can figure it out more directly.
be sure to svn add your new files so they're included when you run "svn diff > my_changes.patch"
yea it compiles
see if this patch works
applied cleanly
compiled cleanly, but the plugin gets quickly disabled for not having registered itself (I think) morrison$ bin/gcv -i ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png -o mike_tux.g
Input file format: AUTO
Input file path: ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png
Output file path: mike_tux.g
dlsym(0x7fb7b28006f0, gcv_plugin_info): symbol not found
Unable to load symbols from '/Users/morrison/brlcad.trunk/.build/lib/libgcv_plugins/libgcv_vol.dylib' (skipping)
Could not find 'gcv_plugin_info' symbol in plugin
Setting PROJ_LIB to /Users/morrison/brlcad.trunk/.build/share/proj
Driver: PNG/Portable Network Graphics
Files: ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png
Size is 370, 376
Coordinate System is `'
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 0.0, 0.0)
Lower Left ( 0.0, 376.0)
Upper Right ( 370.0, 0.0)
Lower Right ( 370.0, 376.0)
Center ( 185.0, 188.0)
Band 1 Block=370x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
Band 2 Block=370x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
Band 3 Block=370x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
Elevation Minimum/Maximum: 0.000000, 255.000000
zone: 31
epsg: 2147483647
ERROR 1: The transformation is already "north up" or a transformation between pixel/line and georeferenced coordinates cannot be computed for ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png. There is no affine transformation and no GCPs. Specify transformation option SRC_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM to bypass this check.
Segmentation fault: 11
It was handed over to the 'gdal' plugin, which can also handle image data (it creates DSP displacement map geometry i.e., height field objects i.e., terrain geometry)
since it was clean/flawless, I applied your patch. this is definitely in the right direction.
as you can hopefully see, it tried to load the plugin, but failed... "dlsym(0x7fb7b28006f0, gcv_plugin_info): symbol not found""
that symbol is not found because you didn't provide it or export it. it's the line that has COMPILER_DLLEXPORT
there, if you svn up , you should see the update where I fixed it so it at least is loading now.
Thanks for fixes
Sean said:
that symbol is not found because you didn't provide it or export it. it's the line that has COMPILER_DLLEXPORT
where to include that?
@Sumagna Das if you updated, you can see it in the file
can also run svn log and svn diff to see the edits made
lemme see
saw the part where you added it
sumagnadas@hp-laptop:/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/build$ bin/gcv -i ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png -o ./mike_tux.g
Input file format: AUTO
Input file path: ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png
Output file path: ./mike_tux.g
Setting PROJ_LIB to /mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/build/share/proj
Driver: PNG/Portable Network Graphics
Files: ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png
Size is 370, 376
Coordinate System is `'
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 0.0, 0.0)
Lower Left ( 0.0, 376.0)
Upper Right ( 370.0, 0.0)
Lower Right ( 370.0, 376.0)
Center ( 185.0, 188.0)
Band 1 Block=370x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
Band 2 Block=370x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
Band 3 Block=370x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
Elevation Minimum/Maximum: 0.000000, 255.000000
zone: 31
epsg: 2147483647
ERROR 1: The transformation is already "north up" or a transformation between pixel/line and georeferenced coordinates cannot be computed for ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png. There is no affine transformation and no GCPs. Specify transformation option SRC_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM to bypass this check.
ERROR 1: No source dataset specified.
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hDS' is NULL in 'GDALGetProjectionRef'.
ERROR 6: No translation for an empty SRS to PROJ.4 format is known.
Finalized dataset info:
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hDS' is NULL in 'GDALGetRasterBand'.
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hBand' is NULL in 'GDALGetRasterMinimum'.
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hBand' is NULL in 'GDALGetRasterMaximum'.
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hBand' is NULL in 'GDALComputeRasterMinMax'.
Elevation Minimum/Maximum: 0.000000, 0.000000
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hDS' is NULL in 'GDALGetRasterBand'.
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hBand' is NULL in 'GDALGetRasterBandXSize'.
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hBand' is NULL in 'GDALGetRasterBandYSize'.
ERROR: alloc size=0 (cnt=0, sz=2) unsigned short array
ERROR: bu_malloc(0)
ERROR: bu_malloc(0)
Saving stack trace to gcv-44121-bomb.log
bu_semaphore_free(): pthread_mutex_destroy() failed on [6] of [10]
@Sean i dont know if you know this but it failed and it outputted this thing
yes, if you step through in a debugger, you'll see that it goes through each plugin, tries your png_read plugin, and the plugin callback that determines if it can handle that type reports "no", so it proceeds
it then asks the gdal plugin which also supports any type, it's routine says it can handle png, and then the gdal plugin fails to actually handle it
the next part is going to be handled in the plugin itself which is not yet done
can gdal be taken as an example for this plugin as it also handles png files
not really
gdal is a system that reads a ton of terrain formats so it can create terrain geometry. it handles a dozen different image formats internally, one of them being png. the plugin doesn't interact directly with png, it all goes through the gdal library.
i mean all the converters are worth looking at as examples in some sense.
any plugin which directly interacts with png?
I also think you'd probably have better luck reading in via our libicv instead of directly writing libpng code
can do that
i will have to get acquainted with libicv then
lots of fairly simple examples of it in src/util
for example src/util/bwfilter.c or src/util/pix-bw.c
Thanks for giving me some suggestions
Won't have time tomorrow so I will look into that the day after tomorrow.
can i make a very extremely simple documentation for libicv?
if it is needed
@Sumagna Das haha, of course! Please do. Anything you write is appreciated. Simple way to get started is a google doc or wiki page, of course, but if you want to hook it into the repo, can add a doc/docbook/system/man3/libicv.xml or could write it all up as doxygen comments and commit.
@Sumagna Das if you need any help or pointer, let me know -- it'll help if you submit it as a patch since that's our essential onboarding in order to obtain commit access (have to have 2 pristine patches).
if you do the wiki route or something else, no worries.
still useful and helpful!
Sean said:
Sumagna Das if you need any help or pointer, let me know -- it'll help if you submit it as a patch since that's our essential onboarding in order to obtain commit access (have to have 2 pristine patches).
what do you mean by pristine patches?
typically that means patches that don't have some quality or maintenance issue that has to be undone or corrected in order to apply it.
small patches that do simple things is ideal, harder to mess anything up
if it communicates a code change without causing additional work for others (e.g. not calling some function HACKING requires, or throwing an error/warning when compiling , or expressing some obvious bug / broken behavior, or having inconsistent code style, etc), that's generally the measure for a pristine patch.
note that does not preclude "works in progress" patches -- those are fine so long as they don't have other issues.
for example, you could submit a one-sentence doc/docbook/system/man3/libicv.xml file (with corresponding CMakeLists.txt edit to either ignore it or compile it) -- that'd be one patch that's unequivocally forward progress even if it's not practically useful yet.
then could submit a second patch that fills in the doc with more detail. that would pass as well and satisfy commit criteria.
again, assuming no other mistakes are made (e.g., if it doesn't compile, then it wouldn't count as pristine)
i dont know much about xml
do you know the gist of html?
how tags work
i know html
then you know xml
the tags are different in xml, right?
just different tag names are used, but the structure is one in the same
so in the case of libicv, look at one of the others like doc/docbook/system/man3/libfb.xml
if they were the same, then that would have been easier
i was looking at librt.xml
you really only need to know about a couple tags
let me get acquainted with some of the basic xml tags
I mean, outside of some boilerplate stuff at the beginning and end, you could get away with just one <para></para>
which is same as <p></p> in html
and if you put it into the CMakeLists.txt file and run make, the xml will get compiled and it'll tell you if there's a syntax error
let me try making one
run "brlman librt" in a terminal (or "man librt" in mged) to see that librt.xml file rendered
hey Sean i am getting these issues while making libicv.xml file
this is the file :up:
yeah, so it looks like you missed a little bit of that boilerplate that I mentioned
see the file and tell me what i missed
Well it's right there in the error message.
it says you have a refentry, but that tag requires either a refsection or refsect1 tag inside it
search the other examples for refsection or refsect1 and you'll see what's missing.
fixed it
easy peasy ;)
the libicv thing is working
@Sean what should i do now?
So your gcv plugin is now working?
Not the GCV plugin but the document thing which Sean was talking about
@Sumagna Das submit it as a patch if it's compiling cleanly now, use
make sure your svn is up-to-date before running svn diff so that it applies cleanly
always a good idea to take a look at the patch file to make sure it only includes the changes you intended
if you have that libicv manual page compiling, that'd be great to submit as a patch too
I have the manual page compiling actually
Hey @Sean I submitted the patch
Don't know if I did that correctly or not
Awesome @Sumagna Das, taking a look now
@Sumagna Das that was a perfect patch. BRL-CAD now has a libicv manual page stub because of you. thank you!
now if you svn up, you should see it in your tree, possibly with an M for merged. and from there, you can fill out the page with more details, submit that svn diff as a separate patch. Feel free to put in there whatever documentation you feel would be useful to you or others. Can continue to use the other manual pages as a reference, or do your own thing. There's a nice overview of Docbook here:
Congrats and Thank you!! @Sumagna Das
Thanks for letting me know that :smiling_face:️
i should start with calling icv_read, shouldnt i?
Or should I start with something else?
For the manual?
or for the plugin?
You're on Windows right?
linux(precisely ubuntu)
Oh, great. Then I would recommend creating a simple stand-alone test.c
anywhere, this is just so you can create a little test program that demonstrates you're calling things correctly
it's not something that'd go into the repo, it's just for you
i was just asking where i can add them
I know
I'm saying it doesn't matter at all because this is a test program for you to compile by hand
int main(int ac, char *av[]) { ...; return 0;} gcc test.c ; ./a.out
put an icv_init in there for starters
and then compil it
then include the libraries which i want
right, that all just goes on the gcc call
so it'll be something like: gcc -Ipath/to/build/include -Ipath/to/src/include test.c -Lpath/to/build/lib -Wl,-rpath=path/to/build/lib -licv -lbu
can walk you through it
not tonight
very tired today
what time is it?
this should take 5 min tops :)
12 22 am
Sean said:
this should take 5 min tops :smile:
i also have school tomorrow onwards so my parents are telling me to sleep early
Sean said:
thanks for that
agua:~ morrison$ gcc -Ibrlcad.trunk/.build/include -Ibrlcad.trunk/include test.c -Lbrlcad.trunk/.build/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,brlcad.trunk/.build/lib -lbu
agua:~ morrison$ ./a.out
hello world
Here's an update with a few quick icv calls, still does nothing: test.c
agua:~ morrison$ gcc -Ibrlcad.trunk/.build/include -Ibrlcad.trunk/include test.c -Lbrlcad.trunk/.build/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,brlcad.trunk/.build/lib -licv -lbu
had to add -licv
With something like that, you can test opening a png image -- maybe print the image's dimensions using ICV (tomorrow of course)
Sean said:
With something like that, you can test opening a png image -- maybe print the image's dimensions using ICV (tomorrow of course)
might do that. i saw a function which did that actually.
what should bu_mime_image_t
be for png in icv_image_size()
try auto
have you looked at the list of mime types?
i had seen some of them
they're in yourbuilddir/include/bu/mime_types.h
generated during compilation
saw that
and thats a lot of them
but its outputting them wrongly
it's auto-generated off of the official list from IANA -- can see them in misc/mime.types
i mean the width and height
i saw that one
@starseeker so an issue you might be able to help sort out... ran into a problem creating an image-to-geometry plugin for libgcv that hadn't been fully considered when the mime stuff was put in place. gcv's interface technically only handles "bu_mime_model" types or "unknown"/"auto". that type/grouping limitation is technically wrong, and is compounded considering one might want to create geometry off of other types (e.g., excel spreadsheet or something).
@Sumagna Das it's outputting the wrong width/height?
what's the code?
let me check it
this is the file
ahh, I see what's going on
icv_image_size() has no awareness of PNG files, only of PIX and BW files
so it's entirely trying to guess the size based on the file
based on the number of bytes in the file
which is of course wildly wrong for png
if the function were written to take an icv_image_t it would have worked
but it was merely a code migration of some other tool into the codebase
i.e., bad luck on a routine to pick
oooooh, I see -- you fed av[1] but it doesn't even read the file
thats why it is wrong?
the input parameters are data -- so that size value is wrong
because i fed it directly instead of opening it
you didn't feed anything other than an unrelated number
int icv_image_size ( const char * name,
size_t dpi,
size_t file_size,
bu_mime_image_t type,
size_t * widthp,
size_t * heightp
yeah, it looks like the intention is to call icv_read which will store the number of pixels read in the height parameter
according to doxygen it should taking be taking a name
so i passed the file name
you could then pass the number from icv_read to icv_image_size and it'll guess
yes a name -- but it doesn't say that's a filename
it's just a label
"String identifying a particular size"
it's just a label, presumably for debug printing
thats why variable name shouldnt be taken very seriously
yeah, it should be more clear
/me changes it to "label"
oh I see... it actually recognizes official dimension names and uses it as a hint for determining the image size
For example, if you made the name "8K_FUHD", it would know the image "should" be 7680x4320
and it'll report 0 or 1 if the datasize fits
"VGA" implies 640x480, etc
whole list of them in src/libicv/size.c
the photo i was giving it was 1080x1080
one of my renders from blenders( i dont have many pictures lying around)
handles paper sizes too, so you could say the image is A4 and it'll figure out the appropriate width/height pixel ratio given the number of pixels in the image
that's a bit of a complicated construct to document... I get why the person that migrated it from a utility to libicv didn't bother to put anything in the doxygen
it is/was probably documented in a manual page for some other tool
both icv and gcv started as hundreds of independent utilities like png-pix and pix-bw and bwthresh and hundreds of others
instead of hundreds, we started migrating towards a single geometry and single image conversion binary using plugins instead for each of the input/output/filter operation one typically wants to perform
obviously not a polished interface
but that's how these things get created, incremental progress. we still have more conversion capability than any other open source CAD software that I'm aware of... GCV has incredible potential
icv and gcv should probably / eventually merge into just "cv" so you can convert any 2D into 2D, 2D into 3D, 3D into 3D, and 3D into 2D.
updated the doxygen to hopefully clarify -- @Sumagna Das would you svn up and see if it makes enough sense (see include/icv/io.h)
i used libpng to get the width and height from just the image
it worked
here's the file after using libpng test.c
what do you think?
well, I think you're wanting to call libpng or you wouldn't have tried that :)
i saw one of the files in src/util using libpng so i also wanted to try it alongside trying libicv
yes, like I said -- we had/have lots of utilities that do all sorts of image and geometry editing operations stand-alone. developed in a unix style, chainable, extensive. you'll find a dozen or so image formats buried in there including png.
do whatever you want to do for this plugin -- I have no doubt you can get png or icv to work
icv will mean you could automatically support any icv image type including png, pix, bw, ppm, etc .. and turn them into a VOL
i can use libpng for some parts where lbicv cant work
if you make it png specific, the code will undoubtedly be a little easier to implement because libpng is very well documented, but will obviously be limited to some subset of the PNG format
can extend it later
Sumagna Das said:
i can use libpng for some parts where lbicv cant work
you don't need or want to use both... if you rely on libpng, then the input must be png.
for now, it should at least work for png
Sean said:
Sumagna Das said:
i can use libpng for some parts where lbicv cant work
you don't need or want to use both... if you rely on libpng, then the input must be png.
hey @Sean the file right now is standing here test.c
after compiling when i try to run it, it shows this
bu_malloc: Insufficient memory available
bu_malloc: malloc failure
bu_malloc: malloc failure
Saving stack trace to test-26241-bomb.log
bu_semaphore_free(): pthread_mutex_destroy() failed on [6] of [10]
by the way, I added img = icv_read(av[1], BU_MIME_IMAGE_PNG, 0, 0); to your test.c and it correctly recorded the width and height
0, 0 works for the last two arguments
for reading, yes -- docs say that's just a hint if the input is a raw image stream
Oh then its fine
but its doesnt give correct info in its width and height variable, does it?
that way at least, you can go through icv instead of png, but make the plugin still require png for now until libicv improves
Sumagna Das said:
but its doesnt give correct info in its width and height variable, does it?
it worked correctly for me on a 1280x720 image
i am using a 1080x108 as i said earlier
and i am getting
width:357920, height:1
bu_log("width:%d, height:%d\n", img->width, img->height);
what's your icv_read() line?
it does that on AUTO
it is using AUTO
I think the file is getting parsed by a different plugin
yeah, use BU_MIME_IMAGE_PNG instead
worked perfectly
like I said, that makes the plugin limited to PNG just as if you were using libpng, but it will be easy to convert that to AUTO later as AUTO gets improved
there are a bunch of plugins that say they're read anything and I think it just picks the first one
whereas here it should obviously prefer png because of the filename and file contents
next, you'll want to call icv_rgb2gray(img, color, rweight, gweight, bweight);
should i assign the last 3 arguments 0?
yeah, that's right
if you were writing out a png or something, you might want to assign perceptive weights, but not for something like this where the values are intentional
last call should be icv_data2uchar(img); to get the image buffer in unsigned char format (i.e., bw/vol data)
i will try it after a few minutes
after converting it to gray, then uchar, then wrote it into this file
either you have a dimension not specified somewhere, or there's a bug somewhere in what you ran
this is the file
image is 1080x530 for some reason
dont know
this is the real png
oh, fprintf(fp, "%s", vol_data);
that's wrong
i couldnt think of any other way so i used that
basically mean it's going to stop wherever it encounters a particular byte
icv_write() :)
for your plugin, you don't need to write it out
but for testing, it's useful to verify what you did
iwanted to test it out so i wanted to write it out
any other way
fprintf() is going to stop on the first '\0' byte or '\n' newline byte.. which is trivial to encounter in image data
that's just a black and near-black pixel
to write it out manually using stdio, the system call would typically be fwrite() or write().
but icv_write() is going to be simplet
it's just icv_write(img, out_file, BU_MIME_IMAGE_BW);
used that
How did you render the file in mged?
bw-fb -w1080 -n530 ~/Downloads/
bw is raw data, so can just divide file size by 1080 to discover it stopped after 530 lines
this time it worked perfectly
see what it outputs
i cant use that command because it took up the remaining part of my ram as zoom took a lot of ram
can anyone tell me why this window was translucent
If you're using a modern desktop on Linux, up until very recent trunk builds the windows being created for opengl rt outputs were translucent
i am using ubuntu and the most recent build (probably r77092)
did until the data2uchar conversion but what should be done next
make a vol with that data?
but whom to pass that data for making a vol?
@Sean what next
this is the test.c file after cleaning it up
@Sumagna Das great! so yeah, now you successfully read a png, created a bw, so last step would be to make a vol (see mk_vol)
but mk_vol needs a bw file
that should be super easy, so then the next task is to turn this demo into gcv plugin
vol primitives require an external data file still -- ebm and dsp will read directly from an object, but not yet vol
extending vol to read from db objects would be an easy patch for someon
I think ebm was extended in a day
Sean said:
extending vol to read from db objects would be an easy patch for someon
i would have done that but i dont get the laptop for more than an hour after the online classes so cant do it
@Sean what next?
Sumagna Das said:
Sean said:
extending vol to read from db objects would be an easy patch for someon
i would have done that but i dont get the laptop for more than an hour after the online classes so cant do it
can you guide me throught this Sean? i am sitting with the laptop doing nothing anyways
@Sumagna Das there's a patch on sourceforge recently that added in-database support for EBM objects -- you could start by reading that patch
the code for VOL will be very similar and in some places identical
i will see to that then
you can see what this support currently looks like too in the EBM and DSP codes (include/rt/geom.h and src/librt/primitives/ebm and src/librt/primitives/dsp)
is it patch no 539?
that sounds right
I downloaded the patch on my laptop and will see to that tonight
I downloaded the patch on my laptop and will see to that tonight
Sean said:
the code for VOL will be very similar and in some places identical
which files do i have to change at most?
trying to make it work looking at the ebm patch
cant do it right now
one change results in a cascade of failures
so you might wanna do it
i cant work on it for much time this week so can you please do it
if i dont complete a thing by one day, i might forget it by the next day so..
so my temporary workaround for a problem in the atom package for cmake building in atom somehow doesnt work for some reason right now
so it might take days to fix it
if anyone can help me with regex, then it might be fixed sooner
it was a regex related problem
was a regex which extracted the cmake generator from the first line. (atleast thats what i needed)
it gave the file which runs the cmake command Unix Makefiles
before but now it gives * Unix Makefiles
this asterisk is causing problems
can anyone fix this regex so as not to include the asterisk?
What problem are you working around?
the regex was not fixed to get the generator when i installed the package so i had to manually change the regex to fix it
Sumagna Das said:
it gave the file which runs the cmake command
Unix Makefiles
before but now it gives* Unix Makefiles
now this regex is yielding this error
the asterisk is also included from the line in help message of cmake
Sumagna Das said:
the regex was not fixed to get the generator when i installed the package so i had to manually change the regex to fix it
the atom package i installed for cmake building insiide of atom
hey @Sean i just added a function for the vol data checking which temporarily prints the file name and the .g file in mged right now
i was checking the mk_ebm function
how to pass the data object to ebm?
is vol_from_file
the function for extracting vol data from bw file?
Sumagna Das said:
was a regex which extracted the cmake generator from the first line. (atleast thats what i needed)
I'm not understanding what you're doing or where this regex is coming from. It's not anything in BRL-CAD as far as I can tell. Is that maybe some regex in Atom? in CMake? in something else??
Sumagna Das said:
it gave the file which runs the cmake command
Unix Makefiles
before but now it gives* Unix Makefiles
Also "Unix Makefiles" is not a cmake command, so i'm not sure what you're saying here too. That regular expression doesn't match either of those two.
That is fixed
It was not related to BRL-CAD
I was just asking for help
It was regex meant to extract the generator
no problem, I just didn't understand the context
From cmake
sure, but a regex FROM WHAT? :)
you haven't provided context
from you?
From an atom package
Sorry for not providing enough info :sweat:
part of atom, or some atom plugin -- how'd you find this regex?
It was in the package I installed while converting atom to a somewhat ide
It gives me cmake build options in atom
now that's context
So it was probably hard-wired to a specific version of cmake and either needed an update or just had a bug. got it.
Its a bug actually and the creator hasn't even seen to issue created on it
On GitHub
/me nods
@Sean somewhat done on this. i readied the idea of the gcv plugin implementation.
here's the test.c file i was making before the "in-db support for vol" patch work
the png files are same.
i didnt change them but will try with new pictures later.
here are the png files if you dont have them
see if it works on your end.
the file does the work that the gcv plugin will do probably.
1) read png file(s)
2a) convert them to bw data(inside the program)
2b) (if there is more than one png file) concatenate the bw data of all the files into one variable.
3a) make a binunif(?)
3b) make a vol using the in-db object(binunif)
A much more organized test.c
Updated the test.c
Now it gets the files as command-line arguments.
@Sean Can you check if this is what is going to be implemented in the GCV plugin?
definitely, will look at this and test it out tonight
BTW, the code needs the "in-db support for vol" patch to be applied.
yep, got it
Cleaned up the code a little bit. test.c
@Sean does it work as expected?
with in-database support for vol primitive, this will be much more easier now.
@Sean Something i want to ask, Can we pass multiple files to gcv
I agree @Sumagna Das ! much easier. Now that all the major object types support in-database, the next priority will probably be creating "image" objects and allowing VOL, DSP, EBM, etc refer to those in addition to binunif objects for their data. So one could, for example, directly import a png as an object and refer to it for its data.
Sumagna Das said:
Sean Something i want to ask, Can we pass multiple files to
Depends what you mean by that, but probably "yes and no". gcv does have a concept of an "input" and an "output" and it probably would be easy to make either of those be a directory. it's also possible to introduce some sort of list syntax so that input could be a list of input files.
It's undoubtedly very simple right now, probably mostly assumes inputfile outputfile.
Sean said:
I agree Sumagna Das ! much easier. Now that all the major object types support in-database, the next priority will probably be creating "image" objects and allowing VOL, DSP, EBM, etc refer to those in addition to binunif objects for their data. So one could, for example, directly import a png as an object and refer to it for its data.
that is a great idea. We can directly import the PNG files now.
what do you mean?
you mean with gcv right?
Sean said:
you mean with gcv right?
yea...but i have encountered only one problem until now.
takes in only one inputfile
but that only works for EBM. To make it work for VOL either I have to pass in a directory or think of another way.
yeah, I think GCV needs to be modified to handle this
list syntax and/or a directory plugin that auto-converts a directory into a list
gcv could also just be made aware internally when there's a clear pattern in the argv list
for example, I think the intent is clear with: gcv input.stl output.g
but it's also clear with: gcv *.stl output.g (which to gcv will be an argv[] that looks like ["file1.stl", "file2.stl", "file3.stl", "output.g"])
Sean said:
list syntax and/or a directory plugin that auto-converts a directory into a list
I will modify as per this only for the plugin because changing this can create problems in the other plugins.
last thing i want to ask. in which function are the command-line arguments from the gcv
command passed or processed
They are processed in bu_opt_parse()
, but you are probably more interested in the options
array. The column with the (void *)&
gives you the variables where the arguments are written to.
yea, i needed the variable actually
sumagnadas@hp-laptop:/mnt/sda2/github/brlcad/build$ bin/gcv -i ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png -o mike_tux.g
Input file format: BU_MIME_MODEL_UNKNOWN
Input file path: ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png
Output file path: mike_tux.g
Conversion failed
@Sean getting this when trying to run gcv
. It doesnt identify PNG
that's because another plugin is claiming it
iirc, I remember seeing the gdal plugin claiming it, so you might want to disable that one temporarily
i'll take a look here in a little bit
how to disable a certain plugin? do i remove it from the cmakefiles.txt?
@Sean i commented everything in src/libgcv/plugins/gdal/CMakeLists.txt
but still it gives the same error.
i was tryng to use the --input-format=png
but it isnt taking it either. BUt when i use --input-format=stl
, it is getting the input format as BU_MIME_MODEL_STL
. this input-format
issue is also happening with other image formats. I tested it with --input-format=jpeg
and --input-format=bw
and it identifies both of them as BU_MIME_MODEL_UNKNOWN
@Sumagna Das it's going to pull plugins dynamically (that have already been compiled) from the build dir plugins directory
OH! I forgot .. yes, there's an issue because it's specifically looking for geometry mime types and doesn't know about image types...
Sorry about that. That's a deeper issue in how mime types were set up. We have to change them so that it iterates over all possible types, not just geometry.
Sean said:
OH! I forgot .. yes, there's an issue because it's specifically looking for geometry mime types and doesn't know about image types...
Sorry about that. That's a deeper issue in how mime types were set up. We have to change them so that it iterates over all possible types, not just geometry.
the plugin was working perfectly before i guess......
i didnt change the plugin file.
the plugin is working now and converting (only one) png file to a .g file.
Would've been better if gcv took more than one file as input....
the only thing i dont know about is if the other parts of BRL-CAD works with the change in the "mime types" generating area.
@Sumagna Das awesome! can you show it in action?
Sean said:
Sumagna Das awesome! can you show it in action?
bin/gcv -i ./share/tclscripts/mged/mike-tux.png -o mike_tux.g
yielded mike_tux.g
in that file, test
was the sphere which was being made before it worked.
as for now, the plugin can take only one value because gcv doesnt support multiple files input
(I set low/hi values to something more narrow like 40/80)
@Sumagna Das so that's awesome, I think the plugin is probably in good enough shape to commit if the changes weren't disruptive to other code -- at a minimum, should be good to commit the gcv changes.
what do you think it'd take to make gcv take multiple files? thoughts on how to accomplish that best?
will have to see to that
but the thing is that some changes have been made to gcv.c for the mime types issue and if some changes are made to the file right now then it would be impossible to differentiate the "mime types" changes from the "multiple files" changes
anything you can suggest for overcoming this issue?
Sean said:
Sumagna Das so that's awesome, I think the plugin is probably in good enough shape to commit if the changes weren't disruptive to other code -- at a minimum, should be good to commit the gcv changes.
i guess it isnt disruptive to other code but cant tell because i have no way to test it.
You should be able to just make the gcv changes -- and the plugin just won't work. If it's a type that doesn't exist, just might have to #define it to commit then make the mime changes, then remove the define, something like that.
It's disruptive if compilation fails. ;)
Sean said:
It's disruptive if compilation fails. :wink:
that hasnt happened the last time i compiled
Users of the mime types interface are rt, rtwizard, a few utilities like bw-pix and pix-bw, and the overlay command in mged
so maybe make sure rt, bw-pix and the overlay command work without crashing. can also run "make test" as there do appear to be some unit tests.
i changed the files accordingly because it caused some errors during compilation...
If you can post a full svn diff from your top-level, I can take a look at it in a few hours on Sun
Sean said:
so maybe make sure rt, bw-pix and the overlay command work without crashing. can also run "make test" as there do appear to be some unit tests.
rt worked for me for the mike_tux.g, i think.....but it displayed as a grey platform....dont know why that happened
Sean said:
If you can post a full svn diff from your top-level, I can take a look at it in a few hours on Sun
let me do that
Sumagna Das said:
rt worked for me for the mike_tux.g, i think.....but it displayed as a grey platform....dont know why that happened
It's a gray platform because you created a vol where any non-zero value was to be treated as solid. You made low=1 and high=255.
which was the whole image, so you got a box
if you set low to 40 (adjust yourvol low 40) and high to something closer (adjust yourvol hi 80), you'll see something closer to my screenshot.
Sean said:
Sumagna Das said:
rt worked for me for the mike_tux.g, i think.....but it displayed as a grey platform....dont know why that happened
It's a gray platform because you created a vol where any non-zero value was to be treated as solid. You made low=1 and high=255.
i guess the plugin should be able to do something about that...
yeah, that can be the next step after getting everything committed properliy.
it's fine as it is for now, should work fine if you feed it a black and white file
Sean said:
If you can post a full svn diff from your top-level, I can take a look at it in a few hours on Sun
Sean said:
what do you think it'd take to make gcv take multiple files? thoughts on how to accomplish that best?
i was thinking about this and want to suggest a thing. We can make a setting if the plugin takes one file as input, multiple files as input or both of the types of inputs.
i was just going to try to do the vol plugin work again
but i came across one problem
it seems like GCV only takes model mime type and no other type
so any idea how the plugin can be used again?
@Sumagna Das it has the mime type and the file path... what other type information are you thinking about?
I think a first question we should ask is what the command-line usage should look like for a desired conversion goal. Like, what end-state would be ideal? If we're talking about converting a bunch of images into a vol, what could you like "gcv ..." to look like?
sorry for the delay in reply but i was building brlcad again because of some issues.......will start working on it after the rebuild
Sean said:
Sumagna Das it has the mime type and the file path... what other type information are you thinking about?
IIRC i saw ....._MODEL_UNKNOWN as the mime type for the plugin and i think it didnt work with png the last time i tried
Sumagna Das said:
Sean said:
Sumagna Das it has the mime type and the file path... what other type information are you thinking about?
IIRC i saw ....._MODEL_UNKNOWN as the mime type for the plugin and i think it didnt work with png the last time i tried
(because of which i tried to flatten the mime types)
Sumagna Das said:
sorry for the delay in reply but i was building brlcad again because of some issues.......will start working on it after the rebuild
No worries.
Sumagna Das said:
IIRC i saw ....._MODEL_UNKNOWN as the mime type for the plugin and i think it didnt work with png the last time i tried
that's what's confusing me though about what you were saying/asking. In the previous code, MODEL_UNKNOWN was the mime type -- it was unknown because of the limitation/assumption that the input would be a 3D type yet we we're feeding images. We couldn't feed it a proper mime type. But that's why I didn't understand what you meant about "no other type".
That problem is/was fixed by flattening the namespace. I didn't dig into the changes that happened since your patch, though, so there may be a merge or update needed.
i have the patch but it isnt updated for the recent code
was scrolling thru the patch and remembered that most prominent changes were in the mime.cmake files
should i try and apply those changes and see what has to be changed?
got the changes back up and got it building.
should I open a PR for this?
the changes for gcv can be added later in a commit
and also i was thinking about this
there should also be like a BU_MIME_AUTO
for searching all types and returning -1 if there is no such type
made kind of an experimental BU_MIME_AUTO
which works right now
made it work with gcv
this branch contains the changes to the mime type and gcv
i havent opened a PR or something as one thing is left with the vol plugin
after that is done, if you want, i can open a PR
i just wanted to ask something
is there a way to split "/path/a/b;rpath/h/i;/path/y/z"
to ["/path/a/b", "rpath/h/i", "/path/y/z"]
using the functions available in BRL-CAD?
You mean with TCL?
i mean with C functions
I don't know about a general string splitting function in BRL-CAD. You had to do it "the C way".
i was thinking about bu_argv_from_string()
function because it somewhat does what i want
but it only works for whitespace seperated words.
so if i can replace all the ;
with whitespace, this might work.
so it seems like giving path/a/b;path/d/c as an argument doesnt work libbu
Sumagna Das said:
should I open a PR for this?
@Sumagna Das you earned committer rights, so you can commit+push with or without creating a pull request.
I would suggest creating a pull request whenever you want someone to double-check or otherwise review your work, or if there's discussion that you'd like to have before it's merged.
Sumagna Das said:
this branch contains the changes to the mime type and gcv
Hey this looks good to me for the most part. Only things I'm seeing that's maybe an issue is 1) whether it's worth keeping the 2nd-level grouping (e.g., image vs model vs ...) and if it's kept does this change break anything. The lesser 2) issues is wanting to shorten/simplify the api symbols (e.g., bu_mime_t instead of bu_mime_context) so the default usage is more terse.
i kept the 2nd-level grouping as i thought that removing it might break stuff which i didnt want.
and the renaming can be easily done. there's no problem
also, if you have noticed, i added a BU_MIME_AUTO
for searching for all the namespace as i wasnt sure about removing the second level grouping.
Sumagna Das said:
is there a way to split
to["/path/a/b", "rpath/h/i", "/path/y/z"]
using the functions available in BRL-CAD?
There's not because it's just a one-liner with the standard C strsep() function. Example:
Sean said:
Sumagna Das said:
is there a way to split
to["/path/a/b", "rpath/h/i", "/path/y/z"]
using the functions available in BRL-CAD?There's not because it's just a one-liner with the standard C strsep() function. Example:
thanks for that. i will use it later.
But you certainly could add a separator argument to bu_argv_from_strings() (pointer to a string of potential separators, defaulting to all whitespace chars)
if you use that snippet, I left out a free(str);
Sean said:
But you certainly could add a separator argument to bu_argv_from_strings() (pointer to a string of potential separators, defaulting to all whitespace chars)
can add that but right now, i am focusing only on the gcv and mime types part
and also the seperator approach didnt work for multiple files showing either that the file doesnt exist as it is taking the whole argument as a path string or showing permission denied, i dont know why
sounds like you have/had a bug in the separation?
sumagnadas@hp-laptop:~/github/brlcad_git$ build/bin/gcv --input-format png -i ~/Desktop/png/back.png;~/Desktop/png/middle.png -o ../test.g
Bus error (core dumped)
bash: /home/sumagnadas/Desktop/png/middle.png: Permission denied
this is what it is showing without quotes
sumagnadas@hp-laptop:~/github/brlcad_git$ build/bin/gcv --input-format png -i "~/Desktop/png/back.png;~/Desktop/png/middle.png" -o ../test.g
ERROR: option parsing failed
Error - file ~/Desktop/png/back.png;~/Desktop/png/middle.png does not exist!
Invalid argument supplied to -i: ~/Desktop/png/back.png;~/Desktop/png/middle.png - halting.
this is output with quotes
i was trying to get the argument atleast into the plugin but because of the errors, it didnt even get to the plugin.
Ah, well you have a secondary issue there. By default the bash shell is actually what expands ~ into your $HOME path. Putting it into a string, you'd have to detect that in gcv and expand it yourself. Bash doesn't know.
So another issue is that the arguments are being passed to option parsing, and there's clearly some validation function or other logic being called on the -i option to make sure the file exists. You likely have to make it also aware of delimited lists or you need to expand it beforehand so -i "a;b" turns into -i a -i b or something similar.
Sean said:
Sumagna Das said:
this branch contains the changes to the mime type and gcvHey this looks good to me for the most part. Only things I'm seeing that's maybe an issue is 1) whether it's worth keeping the 2nd-level grouping (e.g., image vs model vs ...) and if it's kept does this change break anything. The lesser 2) issues is wanting to shorten/simplify the api symbols (e.g., bu_mime_t instead of bu_mime_context) so the default usage is more terse.
1st part done but not sure if it will break stuff because it didnt break the build atleast
2nd part was easy with a minor rename.
opened a pull request containing the changes......can you please check it?
Last updated: Feb 12 2025 at 00:46 UTC