hey @Sean , the vol of the skeleton worked
the hand which is far/behind( according to dab position), the body and the hand in front are perfectly in position
i wanted to give depth of field and it worked
these are the layers
now i want it to look like it really has depth of field (add lighting which makes it seem like so)
so any help with that?
you need to render instead of looking at the wireframe. Ambient occlusion would probably make that look pretty nice too. try this: rt -A1.3 -c"set ambSamples=32 ambSlow=1"
Can play with the A (higher will make brigher) and ambSamples numbers (higher takes longer to render)
Will do that
it gave a cascade of failures sometimes but in this photo it worked perfectly
Haha, that's fun. Well done @Sumagna Das ! dabs
what kind of failures?
dont remember and dont know how to reproduce them. all i know is they were like
ERROR: vol <some number> > <some number>
oh it happened only when the skeleton was zoomed out
while rt
was it "ERROR vol t1=%g < t0=%g" ?
that's either a bogus message or it indicates ray traversal is not doing what it's supposed to be doing. that'd be tricky to debug, but it's probably due to the ambient occlusion render mode starting rays from inside the vol.
as i stated earlier, it only happened when the skeleton was zoomed out
sure, but did it happen with a simple rt or with rt -c "set ambSamples..."
rt -c "set ambSamples..."
the latter I could see causing trouble. the prior ... hm, could be some inconsistency with grazing rays
yeah, so it's almost certainly caused by rays originating from within the VOL ... the code probably is making assumptions otherwise.
oh ok
if you want to try and fix it, the problem is in src/librt/primitives/vol/vol.c in the rt_vol_shot() function
will try to do that after august...
this month i have school exams so wont have time other than for studying
enjoyed the quarantine till july....now i have to study
Last updated: Jan 09 2025 at 00:46 UTC