@Sean how goes the pursuit of the threading issue?
It's coming along, but no major ah-ha's. I took a pause after vacation to look at the build, and needing to commit, so going to do another little coding excursion before getting back on it this weekend.
Is the game plan to look at replacing our implementation with another, or are you still debugging ours?
well a little bit of both just as some debugging indicates a general corruption elsewhere in the code, but I've shifted mostly to the prior
Not sure what to make of this, but got a bomb on GhostBSD in the libbu's parallel.c: https://brlcad.org/~starseeker/rt-87424-bomb.log
frame #7: 0x0000000830ab93ec libbu.so.20`bu_bomb(str="fatal semaphore acquisition failure EPERM") at bomb.c:180:6
For some reason, bu_semaphore_release(i=19) failed. Could be a bug in the threading, but would want to confirm we're getting into the right preprocessor sections on ghostbsd. I believe it should just be pthreads, same code linux is using, but might somehow be getting into the SUNOS method or some mismatch between bu_semaphore and bu_parallel (unlikely).
Last updated: Feb 12 2025 at 00:46 UTC