@Sean I added you to my Google Doc.
@Sean https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ss9vjJW7heW5LFN9Rxq5JhqQkT0U-2R6LZrDBayYFJ8/edit
that's looking good. I like that you colored the vol layer. Might be nice to have a page on that pixel editor since that really did make things simple, and just mention that any image-editing application will work.
Thusal Ranawaka said:
Sean Need to come up with a suitable topic, Setting up a cup using VOL data?
Is this topic good?
My laptop is super slow, it took about 5 seconds to appear what I type on the screen. :thinking:
Title doesn't matter at this point, but that' a good start
Alright. Thanks.
@Sean Saw your comment.
Sorry @Sean, Will make some progress on the tutorial at night. Lots of homework. :sad:
Sounds good @Thusal Ranawaka As I noted, it's a good start but appears to just be the start. I helped clean up the introduction a fair bit and rewrote a couple sentences so they're easier to read, but on the whole it's looking good.
You probably will want to put more language into explaining what you think a VOL is, maybe explain before talking about the first "slice" why we're evening looking at the volume in terms of slics.
I made some progress in the tutorial.
Excellent @Thusal Ranawaka ! How long until it's functional?
Just couple of steps like conversion of .bw .dsp. Then make the VOL in mged and that's all.
@Sean I created the tutorial until the steps of converting pngs into bw. I will complete the rest in a day or too. My dad changes the password of our wifi router so things are little bit harder now
great! well except for the wifi access part. how does that make things harder? I'd think you either have access or you don't, no? is he trying to limit your internet use or just coincidental?
Yea. My parents dont trust internet, they always say 'Internet is bad' so they always set limitations to internet, now today schools started regularly no social distancing, 5 days a week. Very stressy actually I hate goin school
I meant the tutorial is on Google Docs how could I access it without internet dont worry I ll complete it somehow
Hi @Sean Good News! Tutorial is over.
Just check errors when you got time.
@Sean Just a quick reminder, did you make any changes in the VOL tutorial?
@Thusal Ranawaka I didn't make changes but this looks really awesome!
you seriously made a jump and filled in details from where it was a couple weeks ago
Do I have to add or remove anything?
I don't think you need to add anything. The length and detail is perfect.
I can see the changes that you making like a live video. ;)
Feels like someone is controlling/hacked my laptop.
I love interactive multiuser online editing of docs. It's a powerful construct.
@Thusal Ranawaka I finished editing the tutorial, made lots of suggestions, several comments too on things that should be changed. A couple images need to be updated.
looks great
@Sean WoW! You made a lot of changes, now what?
@Thusal Ranawaka well, there were several comments/questions in there for you to take care of next...
aaand, I see you just closed them all without doing any of them...
I suggest going back through the changes more carefully, accept the edits, but pay closer attention to the comments
there were about a half dozen comments
I saw the comments, butttt...
but what?
I didn't pay close attention to it, I just read it.
I know -- that's the entire point :)
each of those comments was basically the next steps for you,
I am reading it now
you know how to restore them?
Click 'Re-open'
there's at least on more near the beginning about the section titles
@Thusal Ranawaka any progress on the tutorial. the first comment should be pretty easy to resolve...
Um... If there isn't any sources for the Blocky Cup image, I have to model it using mged. That's not much easy, but I'll try.
@Thusal Ranawaka I found the source, but it's a commercial product, so we'd have to get permission to use and redistribute it
it's not open source licensed
you already modeled it though
the vol is a model, we'll just need to reconfigure it to color each layer differently. still I would focus on all the other comments first -- they're easier.
@Sean image.png
that looks really great @Thusal Ranawaka! I see you remembered the AO options :)
so that could replace the main image for now. maybe sometime later we could show how to do it in color like the original image, or how to fill that cup with coffee :)
@Thusal Ranawaka you're SO CLOSE to being done with the tutorial... any chance you are going to be able to work on the 5 comment items remaining?
@Sean The first 2 comments and the last comment, I couldn't understand what it says. Others are okay I guess.
I think you made the changes for the first 2 comments by yourself already
@Sean Sorry, got super busy this week. Got some time to check on VOL Tute now.
I didn't make any changes for the 5 comments... The first comment is that you have a bold section header ... and no other sections. It either shouldn't be a section header or there should be at least a couple more section headers.
@Sean I am back on work with last steps of the tutorial, I created the VOL cup image.png to be replaced instead of the Cup you used from App Store.
So, any suggestions and ideas?
Didn't get it from the app store directly - got it from a search - but yeah I found later that it apparently came from an app in the app store.
@Thusal Ranawaka yeah, I suggest trying to get an image that's closer to the app icon's, maybe just all the same color. What I mean by that is that icon has perspective enabled (run 'set perspective 70') and has super smooth shading. To get the smooth shading, you're going to have to really crank up the number of ambient light samples. I believe you used something like 16 samples, but will need to increase that to like 1000 or something similar.
ah, it's right there in the tutorial, you used 64 samples
let the final be ambSamples=64, but let the first image be something a lot better like ambSamples=1000
with perspective
and try to get that center blue color -- set the object's color to 44/88/120
Sean said:
and try to get that center blue color -- set the object's color to 44/88/120
You mean by creating a region and assign colors and materials? or is there other way?
Because I think we can give only one color to the whole cup because we can't assign colors for every single block like in the actual cup. Can you do it in MGED?
that'll work -- it's just for the picture, not for instructions
right, just one color is fine.
it'd be really awesome to improve vol so that it uses the colors in the input images... :)
so you'd just color the pixels how you want them, create the vol, and ta-da
but that's not today :)
r cup.r u cup.vol (or whatever it's called)
mater cup.r plastic 44 88 120 .
I think it need some lightning.
image.png With Perspective
image.png Set ambSamples to 1000.
I agree, needs a bit more light. Did you add the -A flag? what value did you use?
A few more samples might help in the corner too. Still a little bit of noise in the darkest corner. I suggest something like rt -c "set ambSamples=1000 ambSlow=1" -A1.5 -C255/255/255 -s1024
You could also edit the shader using the combination editor under Edit menu, Combination Editor, type name of object, click the "Shader" button, and then increase the specularity value a little bit.
that'll make it a bit more shiny
@Sean Looks nice, image.png
What do you think?
I think that looks good, but you forgot to turn perspective back on
also, doesn't look like you increased specular, did you?
the azimuth also looks better in the original (the same rotation as the app store image)
the ambient settings look great. could maybe increase that to -A1.7
Sean said:
I think that looks good, but you forgot to turn perspective back on
I turned it on, but I got this output.
you need to be specific with your camera and eye placement with perspective.
it's easy to put an object too close to the camera if you're just spinning it around. it'll look distorted.
try running "autoview" or Z and draw again, then use ae command to spin it (e.g, ae 35 25)
don't use your mouse
Sean said:
You could also edit the shader using the combination editor under Edit menu, Combination Editor, type name of object, click the "Shader" button, and then increase the specularity value a little bit.
So, I'll increase Speculartiy to 0.7 to 1.0
if that's a bit much, .9 might be better
you should see a difference (try without ambSamples to see quickly how it affects the appearance)
My computer freezed.
are you running multiple rt?
run "rtabort" to stop them
that's an autoview? way too close to the camera
Looks bit large.
too big, i.e., too small a view, and too low
Sean said:
that's an autoview? way too close to the camera
that's not bad, what's the ae on that one?
I got that view from rot command
okay, but what's the ae?
type "ae"
215 -25 180
ae stands for azimuth-elevation -- it's how high up and how much rotated the view currently is. so I can see you've spun it all the way around 180 plus 35 degrees, so maybe try "ae 220 -20 180"
that's looks like nearly the right azimuth, but the wrong elevation dir -- try ae 225 -35 180
play with the values until it's close to this:
getting closer!
I think perspective a little bit too much.
I think 60 or 5o will be good, What do you think?
it depends how close it's going to be to the camera
human vision is around 70 for your central field of view, it's around 90 if you include the fuzzy periphery
it's around 120 if you include maximal extents, but won't look right on the kind of camera we simulate
certainly can try 50 if you want
see how it looks to you
a 90 degree perspective may be more what you're expecting
ae 230 -40 180
Perspective 50, image.png
I'm convinced, that looks pretty good
Perspective 90, image.png
just needs a bit more azimuth and elevation still
yep, 90 looks good too, you'd just have to resize the view or crop the image
what ae are you at now?
ae 230 -45 180
Perspective 50 with updated ae image.png
Thusal Ranawaka said:
Perspective 50 with updated ae image.png
This one looks familiar with the Cup.
too close to the camera
it's getting close, but notice how much the tops of the cup flair out vs the other cup
YES... so close
what's your ae now?
230 -40 180
ae 235 -45 180
okay, too much elevation, but azimuth looks like it might be spot-on
ae 235 -40 180
I think that'll do!
so next run "saveview mycup.rt"
that'll save that view to a file in case you need to load it up again later
Did it.
SO, now I have to get the output know?
.png format?
well it's too dark
did you set ambient to -A1.5?
or 1.7 or ?
You told me to set it to -A1.7 earlier.
what was the rt settings on that last image?
rt -c "set ambSamples=1000 ambSlow=1" -A1.7 -C255/255/255 -s1024
geez, you didn't need to do all those two view runs with ambSamples! :)
you do that after you get the view oriented...
try -A2.2
can do ambSamples=32 until we find the right -A setting
image.pngWith ambSamples=32 and -A2.2
ambient's not going to be enough, that's washing out
can you post the .g here? I can check the shader settings
need your all_layers.bw file too
This one? all_layers.bw
almost done, had to recompile -- apparently there was bug reading old vol's
Okay. Take your time;
@Sean So, what's next?
@Sean Are you done with the re-compiling of cup? I got some exams till 22nd then I'll be available from then.
@Thusal Ranawaka Heck no not "done" but I was trying to set up that specific view wasn't I. I think we need a custom light source to avoid the upper left edge of the cup from blending into the side wall of the cup. The angles make them blend together and that doesn't look good. I tried different specularity options, but that didn't help.
Sean said:
Thusal Ranawaka Heck no not "done" but I was trying to set up that specific view wasn't I. I think we need a custom light source to avoid the upper left edge of the cup from blending into the side wall of the cup. The angles make them blend together and that doesn't look good. I tried different specularity options, but that didn't help.
So, what do we do?
Hello @Sean :wave: ,
I had a look at the VOL Tutorial (almost forget it for 3 months) and then I tried to rebuild VOL from the data imported from the old laptop, but looks like the data .bw files were corrupted during the process. So, since I had the .png files of the layers, I tried rebuilding VOL Cup, the first was successful I converted all .png to .bw and combined them to all_layers.bw.
Then I tried the final step which is making VOL in MGED, but when I tried there were fewer changes in the parameters.
You see, when I built VOL Cup successfully on my old laptop using MGED 7.26.0 (then I was using this version) and the parameters needed to VOL looks like this,
And after I moved to my new laptop I built MGED from source, I used 7.32.3 which looks like this,
There are two new parameters called,
Take data from file or database binary object [f | 0]:
Enter name of file/object:
in the MGED 7.32.3.
Can you explain what those 2 new parameters are? A bit confusing to me...
Support was added for in-memory vol data - you need to tell the command if you're referencing a file on the filesystem or a binary object in the .g file
There's a some sort of an error.
Last updated: Feb 12 2025 at 00:46 UTC