Via WeeChat? But, I don't know if there is a ready to use plugin for this.
did find this:
If it works. I couldn't find a confirmed alternative.
Maybe Errbot ( could work too. It's chatbot with backends for zulip (, and IRC. An issue entry ( suggests that it could be used as a bridge too.
hello @Michal Hanus
Hi Sean, thank you for the Qt tasks, I am really looking forward to doing them!
Hello I am Mike and I'm in GCI. I can't wait to learn how to use BRL-CAD to do the chess board project.
awesome, welcome Mike!
do you plan on trying any of the coding tasks or will you be sticking to the non-coding tasks?
I'm not sure yet im still trying to understand the prgram
well hope you have fun either way -- there's someone here all the time so feel free to ask questions
have you claimed the tutorial task yet?
that'll really help you get started
Not yet I'll probably do that one next
Hey guys! I'm really looking forward to working with BRL-CAD for the GCI competition. I'm particularly interested in the QT tasks so I'll definitely check those out. Hope we can all have some fun over the next few weeks :)
Welcome @Mahdi , that's fantastic. There will be probably more of them when the GUI project is developing.
That's great to hear. I was also skimming over the official website and noticed a discrepancy between the homepage design and the wiki design -- was that intentional? Is there a plan to include a redesign of the wiki pages as a task?
Well also be adding more Qt tasks so keep checking the lists. Probably separate projects too with slightly different goals but working towards a unified result.
@Mahdi not intentional! Will be a bunch of website tasks getting added tomorrow, including wiki styling. It’s better at, but still needs more work.
Hi, good afternoon everyone, i am Mitesh Gulecha, and i am interested in Modelling as well as programming tasks
Welcome @Mitesh , gold luck and have fun!
@Mitesh good luck of course (sorry, german auto-correction:-)
Hi, good afternoon everyone, i am Mitesh Gulecha, and i am interested in Modelling as well as programming tasks
Welcome Mitesh! Which programming tasks sound the most interesting to you right now?
I was wondering for the"Learn basic 3D modeling using BRL-CAD, part #1 of 2" do we use the Introduction to MGED pdf
how are you doing so far @Mike Hulbig ?
I'm doing pretty good I'm starting to understand the program
Welcome Mitesh! Which programming tasks sound the most interesting to you right now?
presently sir i am trying "to compile brl cad source in your computer" task.
Hey Team! I'm just working on doing the 'Write a blog post on any GCI task you've completed' task on GCI, and I was just wondering if there was a specific place you wanted the blog to be? Medium, perhaps?
@Sean Mind lending me a hand here? I want to get started ASAP :)
the blog post can be anywhere
medium would be great
Sent it in!
lol why didn't that message send
lol why didn't that message send
that's a nice write-up @ItsPugle ! sounds like you're really having a good time
I am! I'm enjoying GCI so much
that's great
I've already got a bookmarks folder full of tasks that I wanna work on
sounds like someone is going to try and win ;)
Hey, it's a free trip to US! I'd love to have it, but that's not why I'm doing this :)
god that's so cheesy
winners earn quite a lot more than just a trip to the US :)
it's a pretty solid celebration with other perks
Oh lol /shrug
well good luck regardless!
Thanks :heart:
it's pretty much anyone's game at this point
I thought there would be a few people who are blasting through tasks
this is only day 3 :)
True true, but still
do you know the rabbit vs hare story?
anyone who consistently completes a task a day is almost certainly going to be in the top 5
That's true
plus we have harder and easier tasks .. if people are doing a great job on harder tasks, that will look really good for them
quality over quantity
Yeah yeah
(That should be the Motto of GCI)
/me points at those Appleseed tasks
/me looks up appleseed
well that's the open source project, yes
we have tasks to get BRL-CAD working with Appleseed
those would be examples of somewhat harder tasks I was just mentioning
I don't really know much about graphics and modelling, but I'll have a look
slightly harder, but incredibly valuable to us ... ;)
and a fun project
we broke it up into about a half dozen tasks for starters, but we can probably turn that into 20 tasks all by itself
I think I might try-out
(i.e., if someone gets them all done, we have more we'll add)
oh lord
I'll try-out, but I don't htink I'll actually get anywhere without me breaking something
the first one is very easy
if you have trouble with it, you should back up and do the brl-cad tutorials
then maybe come back to it
grand prize contenders tend to complete 40-80 tasks, so plenty of time to get familiarized first
Ah sweeto
So im working on the goblet in the tutorial and i pressed ctrl z to undo an action and now it won't stop spinning
please help its still spinning
@Mike Hulbig :))) ctrl 0
@Daniel Rossberg Thank You!
Regarding usage of previous year tasks: There is only a small overlap with this years tasks and some of the mentors mentored last year too. It wouldn't be a good idea to use them again ;)
A question(Please don't mind). The speed of checking tasks seems to be reduced(no offence).. Is everything alright?
A question(Please don't mind). The speed of checking tasks seems to be reduced(no offence).. Is everything alright?
heh, yes -- it's exhausting, but fun! it will increase and decrease throughout GCI depending on what we're all doing. it will likely increase substantially Fri-Mon as there is more mentor availability (at least I am available more)
pretty typical for all orgs to try to take a little breath after the first 10 days
nice....All the very best:)
Where are these files located in the src files?
Hey, what task are you attempting? It looks like your program isn't finding the QT libraries. Did you make sure to link it properly?
Hi @everyone
Gratitude to all the mentors and all the participants.
Finally returning for GSOC. Very excited. Missed alot ;)
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 00:49 UTC