@Sean Can you please tell me which all parts are falling apart in my task "Model a chess rook " that you checked earlier.
I abandoned it and thought that it would be better to submit appleseed task1 first and meanwhile I can work out on my modelling task issues
@Mitesh I did in the screenshot. That's a cross-section view. Notice how parts in the interior are open and come together at a singular point. You probably should make the interior solid, or at least insure everything connects at more than a point.
Can you pls send me the screenshot? ...I couldn't open the task messages
why not?
im not sure if its a bug in version 7.26.4 but every once in a while one of my objects get corrupted and become another shape in the database, while preserving its name
this problem has not occured while i was using 7.26.0..
@Jeff Sieu does it stay that way if you close and reopen? does it happen after a particular set of commands or GUI actions?
we've not heard of any other reports (yet)
certainly haven't seen that myself...
Yes, it stays that way after I close and reopen. I'm not sure of the particular steps to reproduce it, as I've only had this problem occur twice so far.
there is a bug report task, if you can find a way to reliably reproduce the steps
if it's clear what is wrong, like you open the db and something is clearly wrong, that's "reliable" too -- but have to see what you're referring to -- can you show a screenshot of the issue?
why not?
I got the screenshot....I opened my mail and then GCI mail of the task
Okay, I'll see if I can reproduce the bug.
I don't have a screenshot of it, but what happened was: Supposed I have primitives a and b. While I'm doing other stuff like selecting, creating other primitives (not touching a or b), at some point the shape of a becomes that of b -- an exact replica. Then the original shape that a represents just vanishes.
As a side note, I have submitted my current task for review ^^
pasted image
The Original iPod, Designed in 2001 with BRL-CAD
Please tell me how to get a cross-section view?
@Mitesh rt has a -k cutting plane option. Run "man rt" to read about it (or "brlman rt" if your manpath isn't set), but basically it takes a plane equation. For example rt -k1,0,0,0 will cut along the X-axis.
Can I used the method that was shown in tutorial?
subtracting cube from rook.r.....
i got this....is it ok?halfrook.PNG
oh what
all this time i've been creating a new rpp then a new comb that subtracts this rpp to get a cross section
i think it should be making a new comb to subtract one rpp from another
@Jeff Sieu hehe
@Mitesh using a cutting rpp is perfectly fine too. notice how in that cutaway cross-section, the second torus is only touching at singular points -- that means it's not attached and would slide down the shaft if printed. The top torus is also not connected, but it's between two other things that are so it would merely spin in place.
at least, maybe -- it looks like the top one might actually be attached on the top side -- would have to zoom in for more detail
Okk i will make the changes and submit.
Thank you so much.
I've also submitted my task hehe
i have also submitted the task with the changes as required
Studying for the Science tests tomorrow, Will do the task when I got some free time.
Good luck for your tests!
I been having a problem where mged will crash when I try to open the combination editor or the Attribute editor
@caleb parks that usually happens when you make an bad edit to some combination (the gui is unforgiving) -- does it happen on any model or just one you're working on? post your .g file here and I can take a look
it happens on any file. here is a new one test.g
ah, well then that's very different.. that sounds like a problem with your build or installation. is this a brl-cad you compiled?
yes it is compiled from source
using what cmake options?
and what platform?
I am on mac and I used these cmake options
hm, did you install?
or are you running from the build dir?
I installed it
and when you run mged, how to you run it?
I type "mged [filename]" into a terminal without the quotes and where [filename] is the file I want to open in mged
if you run "which mged" does it say /usr/local/brlcad/bin/mged ?
then doubly bizzare
lets see if we can catch the crash in a debugger
run "lldb /usr/local/brlcad/bin/mged"
or "lldb /usr/local/brlcad/bin/mged [filename]"
then open the combination editor
if it crashes, you'll be at an lldb prompt
type "bt" at that prompt and paste it here
after I run that first command it doesn't run mged
never mind I had to tell it to run the program
here is what bt gave me:
__pthread_kill + 10
frame #1: 0x00007fff9a784457 libsystem_pthread.dylib
pthread_kill + 90abort + 129
frame #3: 0x00007fff9a5fc592 libsystem_c.dylib
abort_report_np + 181__chk_fail + 48
frame #5: 0x00007fff9a622ef8 libsystem_c.dylib
__chk_fail_overflow + 16__strcpy_chk + 83
frame #7: 0x000000010f49d2f1 libitcl.3.dylib
Itcl_CreateArg + 273Itcl_CreateArgList + 723
frame #9: 0x000000010f49a187 libitcl.3.dylib
Itcl_CreateMemberCode + 119Itcl_CreateMemberFunc + 212
frame #11: 0x000000010f49a692 libitcl.3.dylib
Itcl_CreateMethod + 226Itcl_ClassConstructorCmd + 489
frame #13: 0x00000001121aca22 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218TclExecuteByteCode + 33595
frame #15: 0x0000000112202870 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclCompEvalObj + 224TclEvalObjEx + 125
frame #17: 0x000000010f4a2770 libitcl.3.dylib
Itcl_ClassCmd + 800TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #19: 0x00000001121ad874 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalEx + 2612Tcl_EvalEx + 26
frame #21: 0x000000011221cd57 libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_FSEvalFileEx + 535Tcl_SourceObjCmd + 167
frame #23: 0x00000001121aca22 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218Tcl_EvalObjv + 60
frame #25: 0x00000001121ae4e4 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjEx + 388Tcl_NamespaceObjCmd + 4961
frame #27: 0x00000001121aca22 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218TclExecuteByteCode + 33595
frame #29: 0x000000011223d120 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclObjInterpProcCore + 816TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #31: 0x00000001121ad874 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalEx + 2612Tcl_VarEvalVA + 167
frame #33: 0x00000001121aefe0 libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_VarEval + 144Itcl_FindClass + 206
frame #35: 0x000000010f4a0e3f libitcl.3.dylib
Itcl_ClassInheritCmd + 543TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #37: 0x00000001121f876b libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclExecuteByteCode + 33595TclCompEvalObj + 224
frame #39: 0x00000001121ae3dd libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjEx + 125Itcl_ClassCmd + 800
frame #41: 0x00000001121aca22 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218TclEvalEx + 2612
frame #43: 0x00000001121ace3a libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_EvalEx + 26Tcl_FSEvalFileEx + 535
frame #45: 0x00000001121be6e7 libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_SourceObjCmd + 167TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #47: 0x00000001121acc9c libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_EvalObjv + 60TclEvalObjEx + 388
frame #49: 0x00000001122297a1 libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_NamespaceObjCmd + 4961TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #51: 0x00000001121f876b libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclExecuteByteCode + 33595TclObjInterpProcCore + 816
frame #53: 0x000000010f4a422e libitcl.3.dylib
Itcl_EvalArgs + 414ItclHandleStubCmd + 244
frame #55: 0x00000001121aca22 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218TclExecuteByteCode + 33595
frame #57: 0x000000011223d120 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclObjInterpProcCore + 816TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #59: 0x00000001121acc9c libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_EvalObjv + 60TclEvalObjEx + 388
frame #61: 0x000000011223c7a8 libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_UplevelObjCmd + 184TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #63: 0x00000001121f876b libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclExecuteByteCode + 33595TclObjInterpProcCore + 816
frame #65: 0x00000001121aca22 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218TclEvalObjvInternal + 1129
frame #67: 0x00000001121f876b libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclExecuteByteCode + 33595TclCompEvalObj + 224
frame #69: 0x00000001121ae3dd libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjEx + 125TkInvokeMenu + 471
frame #71: 0x00000001123175a8 libtk.8.5.dylib
MenuWidgetObjCmd + 968TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #73: 0x00000001121acc9c libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_EvalObjv + 60TclEvalObjEx + 388
frame #75: 0x000000011223c7a8 libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_UplevelObjCmd + 184TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218
frame #77: 0x00000001121f876b libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclExecuteByteCode + 33595TclObjInterpProcCore + 816
frame #79: 0x00000001121aca22 libtcl.8.5.dylib
TclEvalObjvInternal + 1218TclEvalEx + 2612
frame #81: 0x00000001121ace3a libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_EvalEx + 26Tk_BindEvent + 4360
frame #83: 0x00000001122e203a libtk.8.5.dylib
TkBindEventProc + 346Tk_HandleEvent + 1148
frame #85: 0x00000001122efcae libtk.8.5.dylib
WindowEventProc + 110Tcl_ServiceEvent + 129
frame #87: 0x000000011222d85c libtcl.8.5.dylib
Tcl_DoOneEvent + 156event_check + 90
frame #89: 0x000000010005548c mged
main + 9052start + 1
frame #91: 0x00007fff9a568235 libdyld.dylib
start + 1hm, it looks like some sort of validation debug check in itcl is getting triggered
type "up" 6 times and "where"
where is not a recognized command
have you used a debugger before?
I just need to know which frame/function you're in right now
frame #6: 0x00007fff9a623145 libsystem_c.dylib__strcpy_chk + 83
okay, so up one more time
then "p argv"
I got this:
warning: could not execute support code to read Objective-C class data in the process. This may reduce the quality of type information available.
error: use of undeclared identifier 'argv'
what we're doing is going up the call stack and taking a look at things at the point that everything went wrong
"up" again -- which frame does it say now?
frame #8: 0x000000010f49b3c3 libitcl.3.dylib`Itcl_CreateArgList + 723
"p arglist"
error: use of undeclared identifier 'arglist'
then assuming that fails: "p decl"
error: use of undeclared identifier 'decl'
okay, so I think the next step is to recompile and reinstall with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
something isn't right, but there's not enough info to figure it out like this
debug build will either just work (quite possible) or we'll get better debug info
so you can quit lldb
one more thing you can run (on the terminal command line) is: otool -L /usr/local/brlcad/bin/mged
this is what I got from that command:
@rpath/libtclcad.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libged.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libwdb.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libdm.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libitk.3.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current version 3.4.0)
@rpath/libtermio.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libicv.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libnetpbm.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
@rpath/libanalyze.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libclipper.4.dylib (compatibility version 4.0.0, current version 4.6.0)
@rpath/librt.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libgdiam.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
@rpath/libvds.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.1)
@rpath/libbrep.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libopenNURBS.2012.10.245.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 2012.10.245)
@rpath/libp2t.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.1)
@rpath/libtinycthread.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
@rpath/liblz4.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
@rpath/libnmg.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
@rpath/libbg.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libitcl.3.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current version 3.4.0)
@rpath/libfb.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libpkg.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
/opt/X11/lib/libGLU.1.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.1.0)
/opt/X11/lib/libGL.1.dylib (compatibility version 4.0.0, current version 4.0.0)
@rpath/libbn.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libbu.20.dylib (compatibility version 20.0.0, current version 20.0.1)
@rpath/libregex.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.4)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1238.60.2)
@rpath/libtcl.8.5.dylib (compatibility version 8.5.0, current version 8.5.19)
@rpath/libtk.8.5.dylib (compatibility version 8.5.0, current version 8.5.0)
@rpath/libpng16.16.dylib (compatibility version 16.0.0, current version 16.29.0)
@rpath/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.11)
/opt/X11/lib/libXrender.1.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.0)
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation (compatibility version 150.0.0, current version 1349.8.0)
/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 275.0.0)
/opt/X11/lib/libSM.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.1.0)
/opt/X11/lib/libICE.6.dylib (compatibility version 10.0.0, current version 10.0.0)
/opt/X11/lib/libX11.6.dylib (compatibility version 10.0.0, current version 10.0.0)
/opt/X11/lib/libXext.6.dylib (compatibility version 11.0.0, current version 11.0.0)
/opt/X11/lib/libXi.6.dylib (compatibility version 8.0.0, current version 8.0.0)
@rpath/libtermlib.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.7.1)
that all seems to be fine,
give the debug build a test
got these error when trying to build the debug build:
In file included from /Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/src/libbu/uuid.c:25:
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/include/bu/uuid.h:58:28: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_create(uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)], size_t nbytes, const uint...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/include/bu/uuid.h:58:113: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
...nbytes, const uint8_t *bytes, const uint8_t namespace_uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/include/bu/uuid.h:94:34: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_encode(const uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)], uint8_t cp[STATIC_A...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/include/bu/uuid.h:94:64: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_encode(const uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)], uint8_t cp[STATIC_A...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/include/bu/uuid.h:103:44: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_decode(const char *cp, uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)]);
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/src/libbu/uuid.c:45:28: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_create(uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)], size_t nbytes, const uint...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/src/libbu/uuid.c:45:113: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
...nbytes, const uint8_t *bytes, const uint8_t namespace_uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/src/libbu/uuid.c:113:34: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_encode(const uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)], uint8_t cp[STATIC_A...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/src/libbu/uuid.c:113:64: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_encode(const uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)], uint8_t cp[STATIC_A...
/Users/RPS/Documents/BRL-CAD/brlcad-svn-trunk/src/libbu/uuid.c:124:44: error:
static array size is a C99 feature [-Werror,-Wc99-extensions]
bu_uuid_decode(const char *cp, uint8_t uuid[STATIC_ARRAY(16)])
10 errors generated.
make[2]: [src/libbu/CMakeFiles/libbu-obj.dir/uuid.c.o] Error 1
make[1]: [src/libbu/CMakeFiles/libbu-obj.dir/all] Error 2
the combination editor opens when mged is compiled as a debug build
I didn't see the "Screenshot of command window" part when I read the description. I think I have to start again from the beginning, LOL.
LOL are you doing the tutorial
I claimed that because I had exams and won't be able to do coding task for a while.
Tutorials are fun and so easy, Have you done those?
Yeah I've done the tutorials. Pretty fun to see a couple of commands become 3D objects. How were your exams?
Naseef, you should have the .g files you created. Load them, do a ray-trace (rt), type your name in the command window, and make the screen shot.
But, I have modified them in later tasks, Is that Okay?
Well, submit what you have.
where are the sample databases?
Sample databases are located in share/db folder.
@caleb parks
@Daniel Rossberg what is difference between oed and sed command?
is for editing/changing a primitive, e.g. the points of an arb8, the height of a cone, etc..
is for editing/changing the matrix of an element in a combination. If you add something to a combination there is always a transformation matrix associated to it. The default is the identity matrix, but you can change it.
okk got that
I am getting this error when tried to run g-obj command to export a .obj fileerror.PNG
@Mitesh that's because you attempted to export a 'brep' object, which cannot (yet) be exported as triangles (which the obj format wants)
we have code for that, but it's not hooked up
could be a half dozen tasks to investigate and try and get export of brep working... ;)
could be a half dozen tasks to investigate and try and get export of brep working... ;)
sorry i din't get this
I mean if you or someone else wanted to try and get g-obj working on a brep object, that could probably be added as a set of tasks
a mini project
like the GUI tasks or the chess pieces
what exactly are Brep object?
when you were modeling, there are different types of entities like ellipsoids (ell), truncated cones (tgc), combinations (comb), torus (tor), ...
there are a handful in brl-cad and other CAD systems that are not simple like ell .. but complex shapes. these include triangle meshes (bot) and nurbs boundary representation objects (brep)
and a few others
this page talks about it a bit: https://brlcad.org/d/node/82
is there any docuementation that tells how the g-obj works?
could be a half dozen tasks to investigate and try and get export of brep working... ;)
seems interesting to me, i wouldn't mind having a go but I'm not sure if I'd be able to pull it off :)
it is a very much an "advanced" topic
I mean, c'mon... who doesn't already know about "non-uniform basis-spline surface boundary representation geometry" :)
I am not very good in programming skills as you would have seen earlier
@Mitesh everyone has to start somewhere -- I wouldn't suggest starting with a brep/nurbs task but I also would still encourage you to try other coding tasks. I'm writing up some new ones as we speak.
a fun way to get started is to try and model with code
okk i will give them a try...
just take it slowly, read a lot, and ask questions when you get stuck
actually i am thorough with c++ but when it comes to modelling with code....it feels little hard
just take it slowly, read a lot, and ask questions when you get stuck
Hey Mentor,
I'm working on the task Design a single gearwheel in LibreCAD, import it to BRL-CAD and extrude it to make it 3D.
I couldn't find the gear plugin
a doubt is something you are unsure of ... how is that a doubt?? I think you're using the wrong word. :)
I'm am uncertain about libreCAD plugins myself but a quick search of the web shows https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/tree/master/plugins/gear
implies you're probably using an older version (quite likely if you didn't compile it yourself)
or possibly there's some build-time configuration for enabling that particular plugin -- you'd have to go back to your compile+install of librecad to see if it's there, if it was compiled, if it was installed.
I didn't compile it, I installed the precompiled version available on Sourceforge
well there you go, that's why
@Siddharth you can use the NightlyBuild version available on sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/librecad/files/Windows/NightlyBuilds/master/
Don't worry about "alpha" in the name, it is as stable as the stable release versions
@LordOfBikes Hey! I don't know if you remember but you corrected my task which was compiling LibreCAD from source, but it didn't work because there was something wrong for mac. You also ask me to keep the version I compiled in case you solve this during GCi, do you have any news about it?
@LordOfBikes Thanks a lot, it worked
Thanks @Lucas Prieels for asking. I remember, but I have no news here. We don't have an active Mac developer yet who can approve your observations. I have access to a Mac Mini, but haven't found the time yet to check this myself. But it's still on the TODO list :wink:
Fine @Siddharth you're welcome!
Alright, no problem! I'm normally going to access to a linux computer in a few days, so I'll try again
I used the command dxf-g gear.dxf gear.g and got the following result, which I think Converted successfully but I can't extrude in MGED extrude-error.PNG gear-conversion.PNG
The hyp doesn't get raytraced when we add new primitives....is it a bug?hyp.PNG
Probably. Because even i tried using that and had saame problem ..but no one replied ..so i just went on using other primitives
okk...its a bug...there is also a task to correct this bug..
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC