Can't believe we're finally at the end of GCI. I know it was only a month ago when I registered on Zulip but dang, it feels way longer. Thanks everyone for making this one of the most memorable few weeks of my life.
Yeah! Maybe it's the end of GCI 2017, But not the end of GCI or Open Source! You're not leaving us, are you?
I haven't got to do any tasks for more than 20 days due to my exams and other things. I will do my best in GCI 2018. Until then, I'll try to contribute to BRL-CAD (and other Open Source projects) as much as I can.
I'm not going to be leaving but work and school are really pushing my schedule to its limits so I probably wont be as active. I totally feel you with the exams thing as I've been trying to balance GCI with everything else and it hasn't worked out. Oh well, it was fun regardless.
I totally agree. In this short month-long period I've really got to know a lot more about how to work with a large codebase, how to collaborate people across the globe that you may not even know, etc. It really taught me that communication is the key when it comes to collaborating with others.
Overall, I feel that I've only scratched the surface but it was really nice to learn new things from scratch, like how to 3D model with MGED, and of course get to meet all of you guys. :simple_smile:
Agreed! Meeting everyone and getting to learn about things has probably the best part. It's really cool to see yourself growing instantly with each mentor feedback. I mean, we all pretty much started in BRL-CAD as noobs who couldn't even manage to compile the software but now we know at least that much information to guide others
Got to learn many new things. This competition made me more confident...totally enjoyed here...talking and knowing you guys was an awesome experience. If I have willingly or unwillingly hurt anyone i am deeply sorry.
Thank you very much.I hope to see you guys next year too..All the very best and good luck for your future. :thumbs_up: :simple_smile:
I've learned a lot from GCI , That's why I love it. I've never used Qt or CMake before. I didn't even knew this legendary BRL-CAD existed before I joined GCI. and of course, Appleseed, a very fast 3D renderer.
Thanks @Mitesh
Well, Let's keep those emotional messages until 17th. We still got 3 days to go!
@Mahdi @Mahdi LOL.
What do you mean?
Laughing Out Loud. ;)
If you can Unreact, I can Edit.
The edit history is still there ;)
My words are written in history (Zulipchat, Hopefully)
ZULIP FEATURE REQUEST : Emoji Reaction History
I have some problems with getting the messages because my internet is working at 0.5% of it's regular speed.
Hey guys...just forgot to mention...happy uttarayan everyone..(Festival of kites in india)
It's a Hindi word right? What does it mean? (google translate doesn't seems like helping)
I don't exactly know...but according to astrology it means sun movement towards north....Other word is Makar Sankranti
pasted image
So does it takes place in a different city each year, or just in Gujarat and Ahmedabad?
I don't know but there are very less places where people celebrate it with full enjoyment...The best craze of this festival is seen in ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Sounds like this is a great time to visit those cities!
Sounds like this is a great time to visit those cities!
It is great indeed. I have not seen myself getting up so early and still enjoying :laughing: are welcome..but if you really want to see it maybe tom is the best day...cause tom it ends officially.Sorry are welcome..but if you really want to see it maybe tom is the best day...cause tom it ends officially.Sorry
There's always next time ;)
It is possible to still submit "tasks" even after the last claimed task is completed? As in, they aren't recorded in GCI or anything, but just submitted here. I feel like there's quite a few things I would like to do but the time left does not permit it.
You can submit tasks until 17th.
Of course anyone can continue contributing, even when GCI has finished.
Only the GCI platform will close, thus one have to use the organisation ways to contribute after then.
This will not be credited by Google, but contributors will find their names in commit messages and contributor lists.
The common ways are to communicate about task or issues on IRC or here or mailing lists and then to submit patches on sourceforge or pull requests on github.
for details.
so, due to time difference , GCI will end at different time in different countries :(
January 17, 2018 at 22:30 (Sri Lanka Standard Time) / Wednesday, January 17 (17:00 UTC)
But honestly though, after GCI, like right after 3 days later, technically we can just work on top of each other's subtasks
I find it rather weird to be doing instances of the same task
Seems as though we're doing replicas of the code
I mean, when it comes to stuff like code where creativity (or shall I say, variation) doesn't really have much room to manifest.
But for things like models or websites, I feel that multiple submissions are great ways to learn from one another's work, as you know, the creativity aspect is there.
Yeah, I agree. Did you do the website task?
Can you accept multiple tasks today?
or just one
still the rules are same :cry:
Yeah, I agree. Did you do the website task?
It seems as though quite a few did the website tasks.
Codein Moved to Next phrase!
just now!
I mean, to the : Claim new task deadline
so . its over ?
No, But you can't claim tasks anymore
that is over . now only thing that can happen is approval of my current task :sob:
LOL! One of us is going there! :D
Two of us!
Wait no more tasks can be completed?
ya :sob:
Only the one you have currently claimed
Oh dang I didn't know that was today ;-;
no more
I forgot to hit accept :((((((((((((
Accept what?
I was going to accept a task but I forgot to press accept
Dang now I lost 2 days
Do you mean submit to review? Or are you a mentor?
No, I finished a task and was going to accept another task to work on but the message said I couldn't accept anymore.
Yeah, I'm a mentor guys
Mahdi, You like to time travel back to past hour, don't you?
Last week was actually pretty hectic
I don't wanna go through that again
I mean, Last hour
I didn't like the class I was in an hour ago
so you could claim that task.
That's good
At least you're paying attention?
Which is a good thing
Thanks Jeff for the supportive comments
School is important :P
@Jeff Sieu are mentor of GCI?
OH what
My Schools start in about 2 months, LOL.
BRL-CAD logo
Jeff enjoy your trip lool
lol are mentor of what/whom?
We aren't sure who is to win yet ;)
@Mitesh That was a joke :)
quite will
@Jeff Sieu are mentor of GCI?
No, but I'd love to be one...
Maybe next year, :P
oh sory...didn't get that
So far, how many tasks did you succeeded, and including how many priority? (everyone)
Is this the time? Maybe we can discuss about this after end of GCI?
Well GCI has basically ended
Well it can't change of more than one task so ...
Maybe eventually was not a good word :)
I still have one task to complete.
Is this the time? Maybe we can discuss about this after end of GCI?
My favorite moment throughout this contest was when I forgot the letter L came before M
I think @William Cook may win, he was very confident ;)
Okay, I've done 13. AFAIK 4 of them were priority
My favorite moment throughout this contest was when I forgot the letter L came before M
Honestly I think William Cook did win
@Lucas Prieels inside joke ;)
Jeff enjoy your trip lool
I think @William Cook is also aiming for the trip?
I think @William Cook may win, he was very confident ;)
He even named a topic after him :)
Not sure... He joined GCI very late
William was going through some family issues too
I had exams and family events (not issues), pc issues, etc. I didn't do any tasks for about 20 days.
even woke up late
How you know?
i started doing tasks from 2nd jan the day examinations started in my school
I think everyone had exams :) And my wifi went down for two days last week
How you know?
He told everyone here
I don't think the mentors care about our circumstances
We either performed well or we didn't
I think everyone had exams :) And my wifi went down for two days last week
even my wifi is down and the helpline guys are being rude , i "accidentally" shouted at a guy for 2 minutes on the call
Ya :laughing:
i was a lil angry
I didn't had my router for the entire December so I used a 4 mbps mobile connection.
how do you think ranking was updated ?
The top ten is randomly generated
You just know whether you're in the top ten or not
Or rather -- the top ten is derived from the number of tasks completed, but within the top ten the order is sorted alphabetically.
The top 10 is top 10 students who have completed more than 5 tasks for the specific organization
Or rather -- the top ten is derived from the number of tasks completed, but within the top ten the order is sorted alphabetically.
That's what I was thinking.
sorted alphabetically
:even i have done more than 5 tasks, i thought i could've made it in the top 10
Yeah my message wasn't clear :) I thought you were talking about
by the way for whom was this the last year of GCI ?(Age-wise)
I initially started out by doing lots of tasks so I got on the leader board which probably indicates that it is to an extent based on number of non-beginner tasks completed
The top 10 is top 10 students who have completed more than 5 tasks for the specific organization
What if there are more than 10 students who have completed above 5?
then top 10 amongst them
top 10 of them
the last hour was nail bitting....very hard...
do you mean the last 48 hours?
even i have completed 8-9 tasks for BRLCAD(all non beginner)
no last hour...
my whole day , i wasted looming arround my laptop. I had hope i could do atleast 2 more tasks if i was luckky
Last hours of what?
Rahil really worked hard to be honest
He joined late but was still dedicated
Thanks, i did enjoy the modellng in mged
He never losed hope....very brave @Rahil Malik ...
the other day i was using powerpoint and i got frustrated how shift grips couldn't work :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
He never losed hope....very brave @Rahil Malik ...
:smile: I tried , thanks.
Me too! LOL
Last hours of what?
i thought to do the 5th task of appleseed..but couldn't do it and also couldn't claim that task.......
I wanted to do the Qt tasks, When I returned after exams, They were gone!
but still i want to do it now
I wanted to do the Qt tasks, When I returned after exams, They were gone!
same happened with me in the chess king task
There were new QT tasks
I wanted to do the Qt tasks, When I returned after exams, They were gone!
Why didn't you tell it to the mentors? They could unlock it for you
sometimes reaching the destination becomes difficult but we know that we did our best....Now lets gulp the disappointment and start a new begining with more stronger determination...there always next time ;) We know that we enjoyed..
I totally agree. In this short month-long period I've really got to know a lot more about how to work with a large codebase, how to collaborate people across the globe that you may not even know, etc. It really taught me that communication is the key when it comes to collaborating with others.
Overall, I feel that I've only scratched the surface but it was really nice to learn new things from scratch, like how to 3D model with MGED, and of course get to meet all of you guys. :simple_smile:
you HAVE totally just scratched the surface. we hope you all hang around, keep working on things, and take your skills to the next level. hope you all had fun too! :)
I find it rather weird to be doing instances of the same task
it is weird @Jeff Sieu ... we want everyone to have a chance at the interesting tasks, but also have to get everyone up to speed which can be quite involved (e.g., the appleseed tasks). that's not a normal way of doing development, just an aspect of GCI.
Now that GCI is coming to an end, it would be great to get some feedback from everyone:
same happened with me in the chess king task
if you're only missing one piece, you can do it and pull a scene together .. we're setting things up to have the complete sets available as sample models
congratulations @everyone
It ends :slightly_frowning_face:
ya :( :pensive:
Enjoyed a lot, though
Failed to complete my last tasks. I'm 75% done. :disappointed_relieved:
Congratulations everyone for contributing to a successful GCI. I wanna thank the mentors for all the hard work they put in organizing and judging the tasks and all the students for being awesome. Good luck with your studies guys!
My holidays weren't ended yet, So I got plenty of time to do fun things with BRL-CAD community just like we did in the past few weeks!
It was so fun
Failed to complete my last tasks. I'm 75% done. :disappointed_relieved:
which one was that?
The Learn MGED part 2. :D
614 tasks abandoned! That's huge!
that's pretty typical across the program -- people try a task and give up
I don't know for the others, but I don't like to give up :) The only task I abandoned was because I had to claim another task before the "claim new task" deadline :)
Also, I suppose you won't tell us who are the winners because Google does? :)
And what tasks have not been claimed?
Yes, we do not announce the winners. Google does.
sometimes the winners learn before the public announcement, but even then they're not supposed to say anything until after Google does
I tried to explore new stuff
That's why I abandoned 2 tasks and ran out of time in one
I learnt a lot of stuff that I didn't know
Did anyone get an email?
Regarding finalist or winner?
My friends from other organisations did
I didn't receive any mails about finalists or winners from Google Code-In, Have you?
I think only grand prize winner got contacted by Google yet, as they have to submit additional documents.
But the winners are also advised to not make this public until Google announced the winners official next week.
So try to be patient please :wink:
Which means, I'm not a Grand Prize winner. What? No, I'm not disappointed. ;D
everyone really did a great job, lots learned, excellent work all around
I can already tell there are a few that if they didn't win this year, will likely win if they compete again next year ... it's a huge leg up
If I won this year, I can't win again, So I won't have enough motivation to participate next year. But If I didn't, I'll be working so hard to win next year. That's a good thing IMO.
@Michal Hanus was in the top-10 with the rest of you .. and he was one of the grand prize winners last year :) couldn't win again, but did some really great work and is now working on a new tool
How hard he might have worked if he could win again?
before GCI was as popular as it has become, you could have done exactly that, and some did
the results are as awesome and devastating as you might imagine :)
hence the relatively new rule
still a huge advantage to anyone that comes back a second year if they didn't win, so long as they still focus on quality
Even if I did win, I'll participate till I don't get into college
Also I'm organising a workshop in my school to tell students about Google code in
19 minutes until winners published.
3dfullmoon0611-0701_laveder_22449611.jpg But this pic looks cool on my Red-Blue 3D glasses.
Resultsss !!!
I'm not a winner or finalist, But I already knew that :D
congratulations to the winners and other finalists
Congratulations guys!
Congratulations @Jeff Sieu and @Mahdi and everyone :tada: :thumbs_up:
I'm not a winner or finalist, But I already knew that :D
you really did a fantastic job despite coming into the competition a little late. there was record-breaking competition this year too. I can only imagine the advantage several people will have if they do gci again!
I'm definitely participating in GCI this year, it was awesome and this is going to be my last year.
And I didn't enter the competition late, I actually joined GCI the same day GCI was opened (maybe a few hours late). But I didn't complete any tasks within 10th December to 11th January due to exams and problems with my PC.
Congrats everyone
Hi everyone
Seems like i missed quite a lot.
But seriously BRL-CAD not in GCI this year??? :cry:
@Mitesh BRL-CAD takes a break this year. Speaking for myself, I've currently so many job related tasks that I find hardly the time to answer your question :wink:
Hopefully, in a few weeks the situation will become better, but this years GCi was too early for me.
Yea, I thought GCI will be on December.
Gci was indeed early this year
@Mitesh VERY early.. it started very shortly after the last GSoC event (the mentor summit), I think 2-4 weeks earlier. Hopefully we can do GCI this year, though, if we take GSoC easy enough!
I can join as a spectator this time, I guess.
Hi @Naseef, or you could be a participant ... work on some code!
I'll be 18 this year :(
I'll be 18 this year :(
You're so close @Naseef !
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC