Hello,I am Lawal AbdulQoyum participating in the GCI.The "Create a facebook banner for BRL_CAD" task isa bit tasking and i find it really interestiing.
Are there any doing well outside of Zulip?
I think everyone doing well is on zulip
Is Michael Hanus doing well? I know he was the winner last year
Is Michael Hanus doing well? I know he was the winner last year
@Michal Hanus has done super well on every task he attempted. those competing are fortunately he can only be a grand prize winner once :)
we didn't have as many coding tasks last time, so this has been more fun for everyone
Look good so far?
Are you working on a task?
Wich one?
LibreCAD onepager
well except for the huge background image that would need to be cited and have appropriate licensing, it looks nice yes
The background img isnt copyrighted
You still need to cite it
Oh ok,
It's a courtesy thing
Does the site look good though, i rlly want to impress
@William Cook you should join the LibreCAD mailing list and IRC channel, talk with @LordOfBikes more about this
Ive already joined both of those
that image of a guy sitting in front of a computer is wrong for LibreCAD -- that's BRL-CAD
Ill change it, sry bout that
The background img isnt copyrighted
you have to prove that
Ill just cite it
Just in case
well citing is always good when you submit works to someone else
what the licensing terms are depends on a whole bunch of other issues
Aw ok, is IRC the best way to contact lordofbikes?
if it's truly public domain (which I doubt), then you just need to show where it says that
I don't know, you'll have to ask @LordOfBikes :)
mailing list, irc are probably both good
Why do i need to speak with him?
Im going to anyways, im just wondering lol
well you're designing a website for the librecad folks, you should speak with them :)
they're a partner organization
otherwise, you're having fun learning and that's good too
Oh, I thought you were the same company, just different software lol
most open source projects are "communities" ...kind of like clubs
lots of clubs have very related interests and some people help with lots of different projects
I help out with a number of different ones, for example
Aw ok.
Which ones?
brl-cad, freebsd, haiku, bzflag, stepcode, libcsg, libirc, buildconf, ftgl, ... lots of little patches here and there
but most of my attention is on coordinating the broader CAx community, which is helping accelerate open source CAD/CAM/CAE tool development
Idk if this looks nice or not lol
which involves tools like BRL-CAD, LibreCAD, FreeCAD, OpenSCAD, Slic3r, OGV, LinuxCNC, and STEPcode, among others
suggestions would be to not go much further without talking with librecad guys unless you just want to keep playing
there are LOTS of good GCI tasks including BRL-CAD web development tasks
oh ok
I didnt realize I was bothering yall, sorry : /
Since the US military still uses brl-cad, are you in contact with them? If there's some critical bug found do you have to tell them? Or do they do their own thing
heh not bothering, just a lot going on and you might as well be asking me what I think about the meltdown bug :)
it's an interesting convo for a while, but there's a lot going on so it's hard to focus
they still support development and in close frequent contact, but they do their own thing
Ok im moving to a new task
Finally! The task I've really wanted to work on just got released :) thanks whoever that was
Finally! The task I've really wanted to work on just got released :) thanks whoever that was
which task was that?
I've honestly always wanted to do the wiki redesign because it physically hurt me to read the content. I feel like my inner altruist called out to me to make nobody have to go through that again.
Hello Mahdi : )
Hi william
How's it going
I've honestly always wanted to do the wiki redesign because it physically hurt me to read the content. I feel like my inner altruist called out to me to make nobody have to go through that again.
me too tbh
It's been a long night.
Are any of u done with the redesign wiki task?
Nah, wbu?
Sry my response are delayed
Im not done either.
@Sean How do I join the mailing list?
NVM, I've already subscribed
Morning everyone :) (or night for some)
Yeah, I was also wondering if we were allowed to stay here after GCI is over
I've honestly always wanted to do the wiki redesign because it physically hurt me to read the content. I feel like my inner altruist called out to me to make nobody have to go through that again.
go for it .. there's a handful of web tasks now and a variety of ways you can approach them
I've honestly always wanted to do the wiki redesign because it physically hurt me to read the content. I feel like my inner altruist called out to me to make nobody have to go through that again.
me too tbh
us too, nobody is happy with how things are ... it just takes time and effort and everybody that can work on the website well usually prefers doing c/c++ code instead
Yeah, I was also wondering if we were allowed to stay here after GCI is over
absolutely, we hope you will! open source doesn't end with GCI ... we work on BRL-CAD all year all the time :)
Hi , I had been working on a task with librecad and it's been 12 hrs since it has been reviewed .it's a kind request if someone could please review it , I would be grateful for the same.Thank you
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC