@Siddharth try not to spam other Streams or Topics
Your latest question is about a special task, so you can look at the Google Code-in Stream if there is already a topic about this task.
If not, feel free to set a new topic for this channel to ask. You can set Stream and Topic above your text input box.
This makes it easy to keep focus on a Stream or Topic by hiding others for a intense conversation.
So now, get to your question. The intention behind this task is, that the current site is outdated. This is because there are only a few people having permission and they prefer other tasks in the community. So the goal for the new site is, to have as less as possible maintenance. That means no specific information that may become mature, e.g. install instructions or version numbers. These informations are kept at our other resources like github, sourceforge or wiki.
So the main function for the new site is to give general info about LibreCAD community and link to more maintained resources.
You may add a screen shot or two on the new site, but I don't see the place for an image gallery there.
I think the wiki would be the right place for an image collection if needed at all.
What kind of images do you have in mind for an image gallery?
I'm trying to make it somewhat like I made the image gallery of BRLCAD, just a smaller version of it
Hey Mentor, I've submitted my task for review, please have a look.
I think the mentors do what they can to review our tasks as fast as possible but they work and they also need to rest. Moreover they are not many to review and there are a lot of tasks waiting. Also maybe it's the middle of the night for them! So be patient... :-)
its the middle of the night for me -- 12:47 AM hehe
Okay, I'm Sorry, I'll be a mentor next to next year and I'll try to give back as much as possible :relaxed:
Great! I'm only 16 so I'll probably participate again next year.
Aw ok, is IRC the best way to contact lordofbikes?
@William Cook , there is no best way, in Open Source communities the key lies in patience. You have to consider different time zones and people doing other things, like earn one's living or spend time with family.
It took a while to read the Zulip history, but I'm still not clear about your intention. You asked about compiling and website and hinted, that this is not GCI related. Can you clarify this?
I was trying to implement an interactive demo on the sit for LibreCAD, it didnt work out, i just submitted what i had done already.
OK, I'll have a look
Thank you so much : )
Let me know what you think :wink:
I've evaluated a bunch of GCI tasks and now it't time for bed here. I will look at your work tomorrow.
Ok sounds good
I've evaluated a bunch of GCI tasks and now it't time for bed here. I will look at your work tomorrow.
thanks @LordOfBikes ! rest well ... down to the last few days
Good night @LordOfBikes
Too late, the short night is over and job begins, but thanks anyway :wink:
Lol, LordOfBikes good morning :wink:
Hi @LordOfBikes , did u get a chance to look at the site i submitted for the LibreCAD onepager?
@William Cook yes, I did. It's defintely better than your first submission. We will take account of it when we discuss results after GCI has finished.
Ok thanks, i appreciate it :smile:
If u have time i would appreciate it if u could take a look at my question i posted in stream "William Cook"
Sorry, I already missed my bed time deadline, I'm off now :person_in_bed:
Its fine lol
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC