Which programming languages are you guys planning on learning? I think Go would be fun to use
c# i need that for making and assigning scripts to model in unity3d
Seeing the tasks...i would like to improve c++ programming...later on I have't planned but would like to learn as many as i can ;)
i want to be a game designer and thats even my new year resolution , i will learn to make and release atleast one game this year
Tbh, I'd rather think more in terms of what I want to make, then what programming language to use. It's kind of a secondary thing.
Well, generally you would assume that if you plan on studying a programming language you would have a motivation beyond 'just learning'
Not that learning more programming languages isn't good, but it seems as though all too many people get caught up with the "What language should I learn now? What language is important in the 21st century" thing
C++ is my first language and also my favorite, I've learned various languages during last 3 years and I've mostly wrote C# when I was making games with Unity3D. I'm currently learning Python so I can step into A.I. programming.
Yeah, personally I don't like those articles but I do believe the syntax of a language does affect the programmer
hey have you released any game on steam ??
C++ is my first language and also my favorite, I've learned various languages during last 3 years and I've mostly wrote C# when I was making games with Unity3D. I'm currently learning Python so I can step into A.I. programming.
Even beyond the syntax there are other nuances
I mean, I don't think many people want to program using Visual Basic ;)
my teacher recommends me learning dotnet
Yeah, but I do find it interesting to discover the different programming paradigms
LOL, I haven't made anything which could be called a Game.
LOL, I haven't made anything which could be called a Game.
if you make progress , do let me know
What languages do you guys know as of now?
can we share our email addresses ?
Yeah, like learning a functional language can really help people used to object oriented understand how to approach problems differently
I do know a bit of python, java, js, c, cpp
can we share our email addresses ?
Click on the profile pic , LOL.
i just realized that
Does mysql count
i am soooo stupid :face_palm:
I know python, java, and cpp
C/C++, Swift, a bit of Python (I learned it a long time ago) and also a bit of HTML, CSS, JS (even though they're not programming languages)
Yes, OOP
Everyone's stupid at something, Ha ha
But I've never really worked on a large scale project for any of those before though
c++ is wonderful but my god it is just such a pain to work with
Especially when you try learning about generic programming
As in generic types?
LOL, I haven't made anything which could be called a Game.
if you make progress , do let me know
I've made few playable projects and if I really want, I could make a good game in a few weeks. I just need more dedication and motivation.
That would be great if we could work on something all together (except BRL-CAD of course)
if its possible we could work together
LOL, I haven't made anything which could be called a Game.
if you make progress , do let me know
I've made few playable projects and if I really want, I could make a good game in a few weeks. I just need more dedication and motivation.
Yeah, I'd be down to work on a project with you guys
We could start our own open source app
yes, i could help
Maybe we could start the next big open source project!
i'd try to help
We first need a more precise idea :)
Yeah! I think this was the actual purpose of GCI: get students to want to engage in more open source and potentially create their own
A multi-platform chat app?
like Zulip.
But realistically, there has to be moderators to maintain such code
@Naseef In your free time , i would love if you could send me those playable projects
There are far too many and we need specific knowledge on networking protocols
i got one more...rahil sended me this link...we can also take part in it...Www.launchforth.io
And setting up stuff like unit testing
like Zulip.
Mitesh, made a chatting application
Ya we could all do this , its an competition organized by HP
but it only worked for lan
Not to rain on our parades or anything, but to do something like a chatting application won't be the best of ideas in my opinion.
@Naseef In your free time , i would love if you could send me those playable projects
It's been a long while since I uninstalled Unity, But my project files are still here. I'll send them.
The learning gap is probably too high
@Naseef In your free time , i would love if you could send me those playable projects
It's been a long while since I uninstalled Unity, But my project files are still here. I'll send them.
great :smile:
What if we created a virtual assistant?
For what?
for any OS?
It's like trying to reinvent the wheel: if you aren't gonna make it better, what's the point
Yeah, multiplatform
Like Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, Bixby
www.launchforth.io is a great idea , you have to model using your imagination about how the first city in mars would be like , i think so , only group of 3s can enter ,(probably)
Most of those applications are OS specific
Or maybe I'm thinking too realistically here.
Mitesh is working on one such AI
There are no well-known open-source virtual assistant.
The whole process wouldn't really be about making the next big product but rather an opportunity to learn and grow :)
I agree
of course, I was just kidding.
i have a pewdiepie video going on on another tab :laughing:
I really dislike current virtual assistants because I have no idea where the data is being sent or used
If we could design our own assistant we would have an option to let it manage all that information locally
more safer for user
You watch pewdiepie? have you seen Scare PewDiePie on Youtube TV?
i just saw on epidsode . i thought that series didn't go well and youtube cancelled scare pewdiepie season 2
Is anyone actually down to go through with the virtual assistant idea? Add an emoji to this comment if you are.
i would try my best but after march
It was cancelled for some other reasons
ohhh, do you know ?
ok guys...would ask for leave...feeling little tired today...see you tom...good night and sweet dreams
Anyone here have Github Student Pack?
What's that?
Siraj Raval recently uploaded a video about Unity's new Machine Learning feature, You might like to check that out.
I don't really like c# lol
I have been programing in go lately and it is fun to use. It does alot of thinks correctly that alot languages don't.
I write Haskell
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC