Thank you to all the students for your hard work! You've all made this a truly monumental GCI this year. In particular, you've helped our community in so many ways, from new geometry models, to testing and research, to fixing builds, to helping fix our website, to helping us with major development, and so much more.
Hopefully you all realize that you remain welcome in the community and can become core contributors, participating in development or even taking on projects of your own. All you need to do is be consistent in your participation by continuing to work on things of interest to you. However little or much you can, it's appreciated.
If anyone is looking for specific ways they can help, a few areas where we need helpers and initiative right now is on A) cleaning up the website, B) getting appleseed rendering working, C) getting our docs online, D) developing a brand new Qt interface, and E) making a game ... those are all in no particular order. If they sound interesting, ask where / how you can begin or just start working.
I feel like getting B to work so much, but I'm still rather stuck on the whole rt shootray problem..
well @Jeff Sieu don't get discouraged -- you made excellent progress and, now that GCI is coming to an end, I'll have a LOT more time to help and work with you on it in a couple days
Also, @Daniel Rossberg , what have I missed out in halfspace.patch?
@Sean That sounds splendid! :smiley:
Making a game ? Which engine to use ?
@Rahil Malik why BRL-CAD of course, as much possible
But BRLCAD is a solid modelling open source software . We can make the cool models here right ?
What about cameras and scripts needed ?
@Rahil Malik why BRL-CAD of course, as much possible
@Sean That sounds interesting. Can you explain it?
Also, @Daniel Rossberg , what have I missed out in halfspace.patch?
For example you create a Halfspace with new, but there is no delete. And sometimes the Lua object owns the Halfspace and sometimes it's only a wrapper. There we would need a flag for this.
Designing these Lua objects right would be the result of a longer development process.
Up, you are right, it meant @Jeff Sieu
Sorry for this :confounded:
@Sean I'm interested in : D) developing a brand new Qt interface
but why use Qt? how native Qt Applications look?
If anyone is looking for specific ways they can help, a few areas where we need helpers and initiative right now is on A) cleaning up the website, B) getting appleseed rendering working, C) getting our docs online, D) developing a brand new Qt interface, and E) making a game ... those are all in no particular order. If they sound interesting, ask where / how you can begin or just start working.
What kind of game are you mentioning?
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC