Which text editors do you guys use?
though I wouldn't necessarily reduce it to "text editor" .. more of an environment
Hm, would you recommend it? I'm currently using sublime with the vim commands but was wondering if I was missing something by not using vim or emacs
heh, of course I'd recommend it
most devs are married to their editor environment investment of choice
I'll check it out thanks lol hopefully I can choose one to commit to
any environment can suffice -- the lesson though is to not let any of them be a crutch and to learn whatever you use in and out so that you are proficient with it, never shying away from finding a faster way of doing development
Are there any other dev tips you would suggest to a newbie? Like, if you could tell your younger and inexperienced self a couple of things what would they be?
at your age, it would be to pay even more attention in my math classes. I always did well, but I could have pushed myself harder.
also, and probably more importantly, to write code ... every day. become and open source contributor, take on a project, however simple or small at first.
If I go back and work on a project that I already submitted will it be evaluated again for the competition?
which project?
LibreCAD website.
I haven't submitted the second attempt yet. I'm almost done with the second attempt though.
The first one was accepted is why I was wondering if I could try again.
I don't think you should bother
there are so many other tasks that are valuable and interesting
Oh ok. Im already almost done with it lol
Im not doing it for my benefit, im doing it to improve the site. I only want to showcase my skills. :wink:
if you think of them in terms of "points" -- most of the website tasks would be worth like 1 points, maybe 2 if it's truly exceptional work that is immediately usable (which it almost never is). most of the coding tasks would be worth like 3 points right off the top, more if someone does an outstanding job.
Ok, how many points do i need to earn to be in the lead?
there aren't actually points -- i just mean in terms of how they'll be perceived when we evaluate
there are always exceptions too
for example, there have been some outstanding models made which are neither coding nor web work, quality work
Aw ok lol. Well im almost done with the site anyways lol. Ill start on some coding task afterwards, by coding task u mean like fixing bugs, gui improvements etc?
the point is to focus on quality -- just like learning a text editor in and out so your quality as a developer is always improving
if you think of them in terms of "points" -- most of the website tasks would be worth like 1 points, maybe 2 if it's truly exceptional work that is immediately usable (which it almost never is). most of the coding tasks would be worth like 3 points right off the top, more if someone does an outstanding job.
How many points would that be for modeling tasks in general?
it completely depends on the quality of the models, how much attention to detail they have, how much detail they have, etc
now that we're fully off-topic .. I suggest a topic change if there are more questions :)
sorry @Mahdi for hijacking the topic with a sidebar
Sublime and Atom are pretty good text editors, and If you're looking for an ennvironment, XCODE seems to suit me
Ok, how many points do i need to earn to be in the lead?
Hey @William Cook Don't focus on the number of tasks, I'd suggest to focus on quality because what @Sean taught me was that It's all about contributing to the open source community, We should focus on the quality so that they could at least use our work somewhere in the development of the community, We all put so much time in the tasks, we students research and do the tasks, the mentors guide us on each step when we're stuck. This all should result in something. Winning the grand prize is a later thing :simple_smile:
I use visual studio code for programming. It is a great lightweight text editor for programming.
@Sean No worries haha. You're definitely right about focusing on math but with work and school biting away time it's really hard to just sit down and do some math. I practice for competitive programming hoping that it might simultaneously improve my overall math skills lol
But that probably only goes so far
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC