Hey! I was wondering (that's a question for the admins): for you, is BRL-CAD a work that you get paid for (and if yes, how do you earn money since it's open source) or just a hobby?
I guess they do it as a hobby
That's the point behind Open Source
A good friend of mine was a mentor for KDE last year, He told me that the mentors don't get any money, They too get goodies like we do, I guess a quilt or Jacket
Salute and hats off to the admins :ok_hand: :raised_hands:
Beside the fun, this is a reason for us too, seeing our work is appreciated and honoured.
Many thanks!
there are some groups that fund specific development, like the U.S. military funds things they need, but GCI and GSoC mentors do it without getting paid
everyone has their own reasons, but for me it's fun to work on Open Source, it's a really great way to learn, it's very meaningful work, and did I say it's fun? :)
it's usually better than a classroom for learning, it's usually even better than professional development teams in terms of productivity
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC