@Naseef er, starting new thread here ...
for what it's worth, appleseed integration is one of the more important task sets in our list .. there's currently 4 coding tasks there, and once those are done we have a whole bunch more
I'd like to all of those.
I think I can claim the appleseed task again after current one is approved. Until that, I'm gonna work on getting appleseed to compile.
okay, no rush or worries if you want to work on other stuff too -- I'm just very excited about that one in particular as we've been working with the appleseed developers for a couple years on this project
and they just provided the hooks that we need last week
so this is very much real active development research / implementation
I'm following this guide on building appleseed : https://github.com/appleseedhq/appleseed/wiki/Building-appleseed-on-Linux
Do you think it's out of date?
Do you think it's out of date?
Nope, Franz updated that just last week
Okay I'm going to start again from the beginning.
Hope this time it'll compile correctly.
pasted image Everything is perfect now...
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~$ cd /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks$ cd appleseed-master/
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master$ mkdir build
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master$ cd build
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build$ export APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES=/home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build$ export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/include
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build$ export CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib
naseef@HIGHSPEED-PC:~/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build$ cmake \-D WITH_DISNEY_MATERIAL=ON \
-D Boost_ATOMIC_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_atomic-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_CHRONO_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_chrono-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_date_time-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_filesystem-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_python-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_python-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_REGEX_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_regex-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_system-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_thread-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-D Boost_WAVE_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$APPLESEED_DEPENDENCIES/lib/libboost_wave-gcc48-mt-1_61.so.1.61.0 \
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
Target architecture: x86_64
-- Using gcc 5.4.0 as the compiler
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Boost version: 1.61.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
-- atomic
-- chrono
-- date_time
-- filesystem
-- regex
-- system
-- thread
-- wave
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so (found version "1.2.8")
-- Found PNG: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/lib/libpng.so (found version "1.6.28")
-- Found IMATH: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/include
-- Found OPENEXR: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/include
-- Found XERCES: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/include
-- Found OPENIMAGEIO: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/include
-- Found OPENCOLORIO: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/lib/libOpenColorIO.so
-- Found OSL: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/include
-- Found SEEXPR: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/include
-- Found SEEXPREDITOR: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/prebuilt-linux-deps/include
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:388 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
/usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPythonLibs.cmake:265 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
CMakeLists.txt:572 (find_package)-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
Looks like I have to install PythonLibs. I think I'll be able to find it in apt.
Should I install libpython3.0 or libpython3.5?
or 2.7?
Found it in CMakeList line 570
W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.7/libpython2.7-dev_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Is that a part of this challenge?
I'll try again after an update.
after 'apt update', It works!
woo hoo!
I mean the 'apt install'
Apparently the cmake is successful this time.
-- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found version "4.8.7")
Qt QTOPENGL library not found.
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build
Should I install the missing stuff and run CMake again?
do their docs indicate qt4 or qt5?
You will need Qt 4.8 (or later in the 4.x series)
Important: appleseed will not build using Qt 5.x or later, you do need a 4.x version of Qt.
okay, that's good then
I'm going to install Doxygen and QtOpenGL anyway. Just for satisfaction.
If I didn't, for every problem coming next, I'll blame on myself for not install these.
Well, I probably wouldn't need doxygen.
wouldn't hurt but probably not
if you make progress, you'll want to join appleseed's Slack channel so you can get help from their developers
that'll be better than reading doxygen
I need a @appleseed mail to join
finally executed 'make'
my pc can't handle make and chrome at the same time, probably low memory. Currently it's 4% completed. Thanks for your help @Sean
I'll ask them about that -- I think if you post to their forum, they can invite you
I'll try it.
The build process is taking over my pc
memory usage swings around 30% to 99%
It's 40% done now.
[ 48%] Generating ../../../sandbox/shaders/maya/as_maya_addMatrix.oso
Illegal instruction
src/appleseed.shaders/CMakeFiles/appleseed.shaders.dir/build.make:3752: recipe for target '../sandbox/shaders/maya/as_maya_addMatrix.oso' failed
make[2]: [../sandbox/shaders/maya/as_maya_addMatrix.oso] Error 132
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:228: recipe for target 'src/appleseed.shaders/CMakeFiles/appleseed.shaders.dir/all' failed
make[1]: [src/appleseed.shaders/CMakeFiles/appleseed.shaders.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
Was it a joke? It went 40% to 48% very fast generating *.oso files. and stopped here.
LINE 3752: @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold --progress-dir=/home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build/CMakeFiles --progress-num=$(CMAKE_PROGRESS_90) "Generating ../../../sandbox/shaders/maya/as_maya_addMatrix.oso"
Now I have to run it again from the beginning :(
it may take a few attempts
if you run make VERBOSE=1 it should give a more detailed message about what it ran and what failed
Okay, I'll try to run it again.
you don't need to start over, just run make VERBOSE=1 after it stops
it will pick up where it stopped
verbose mode produces a LOT of output, so you don't usually want to run that from a beginning of a compile
That's what I'm going to do, The console windows was still open.
I wonder if anyone ever built appleseed on Ubuntu 16.04 :thinking_face:
naseef, you can request an invite here: https://slackin-pohcdrcgcs.now.sh
[ 41%] Generating ../../../sandbox/shaders/maya/as_maya_addMatrix.oso
cd /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build/src/appleseed.shaders && /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/sandbox/shaders/maya
cd /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/build/src/appleseed.shaders && ../../../sandbox/bin/oslc -O2 -DNDEBUG -I"/home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/src/appleseed.shaders/include" -o /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/sandbox/shaders/maya/as_maya_addMatrix.oso /home/naseef/GCI2017/appleseed-tasks/appleseed-master/src/appleseed.shaders/src/maya/as_maya_addMatrix.osl
Illegal instruction
The same error again!
kind of*
I'll ask the appleseed guys over slack.
maybe I should do it from the beginning again.
It just takes 30 mins to come to this point.
so first rule of development, nothing is black magic .. starting over without changing anything shouldn't result in a change
that's an illegal instruction
that usually means some sort of compiler incompatibility
update gcc?
so that could be the issue -- what did their build instructions say
they may require compiling with clang
or a newer version of gcc
I just ran make.
so you didn't follow the instructions and it didn't work? :)
look for build instructions
It said 4.8 and I have 5.4
So I thought it'll work.
request your invite and join their #dev
Creating Account now.
do I really have to read "User Terms of Service"?
hi everyone
i am facing one issue in the first task of appleseed and brl cad:
i used this to make an .obj file.
$ g-obj -o sample.obj sample.g sample_object
when i import it in appleseed studio and started rendering i got only pink screen and no object....
is there any mistake in my steps?
thank you
I setup the scene with blenderseed. franz
helped me.
pasted image
Ya he asked me to take help from you...thanks buddy,
can you tell me how to setup blenderseed...i have installed blender
It’s fine to use blenderseed but that is not a solution relevant to any of the GCI tasks ...
For the first task for example, that’s more about export and import knowing the minimal of both so you can do the next tasks
The following tasks can all be done with that simple sphere import wh ch doesnt require blenderseed
Yeah, Wait, I'll give you a link...
Are you getting my messages?
Looks like there is a network error.
Oh yeah, There was a network error.
I am on appleseed task2# and I am trying to run this on visual studio:
but I am getting these errors. Can you please help me out...errortask2.PNG
I did this to include header files of brlcad:-Capture1.PNG
Is this correct?
Hmm, the first thing I'm seeing is that you created a C++ file from the example application. Although C code can usually be easily transferred to C++ it's not guaranteed. There are small differences in the conventions.
Therefore, how does it behave when you compile it as C (Source.c or rtexample.c)?
And naturally, you need to set-up the BRL-CAD environment in your Visual Studio project with include and library folder etc..
for setting up environment I did this:
project menu--> Project properties ---> c/c++ ---> Additional include directories---> Added include and libraries folder of brlcad
is it ok?
also i change the extension from .cpp to .c
From the above settings I am getting this:LNK.PNG
for setting up environment I did this:
project menu--> Project properties ---> c/c++ ---> Additional include directories---> Added include and libraries folder of brlcadis it ok?
I think the BRL-CAD include directory is H:\brlcad_install\include\brlcad which means that the additional include directories are
H:\brlcad_install\lib is not an include directory. This folder needs to be set in "Linker" as the directory where it should search for additional libraries.
In addition, you have to set in "Linker" the BRL-CAD libraries libbu, libbn, librt, and some more.
I have added the lib folder to "linker additional library directories"
but can you please tell me how to set in linker libraries libbu, libbn, libbrt etc.
Should it be added in same "linker additional library directories"
No. There should be a simple "additional libraries" or similar somewhere.
additional dependencies?
Looks good.
when I click to edit it I get this screenadd1.PNG
should I simply write "libbn.lib" and press enter or should I enter the file with its directory?
You shouldn't add the path (directory) here. You already set it in the other dialog field.
okk...thank you so much...will update he result after I make changes:).
got this error
That's probably because your executable can't locate your .dll file. Try moving the dll to the same directory as the .exe
Thanks there are no errors but only something like this:
okk gotit...the ray is in model.g...right?
wait there is no model.g....
something's wrong ?
I should also place a .g with altleast one obj file with the .exe file.
Am I right or wrong?
In the project setting there is a "Debug" entry. There you can set the arguments. Set a BRL-CSAD geometry .g file there, and make sure that the program will find it.
you mean command arguements?Commandarg.PNG
I'm getting this error, is it something to do with my computer? pasted image
ok i think its my computer's problem
i have added spere.g in debugging--->command arguments but I am still getting thisempty.PNG
Can you please tell me wh
i have added spere.g in debugging--->command arguments but I am still getting thisempty.PNG
at should I do?
I got something....
when i did this:-something.png
i got this:-something1.png
Please tell me where am I making mistake.
You have to set there only the arguments, not the program itself. And, make sure the program can find the given .g file.
when i add only "sphere.g" in the command argument i get only this statement "usage: C:\....."
Can you pls tell me how to make sure that program can find the given .g file
sphere.g has to be in the working directory of the program. Or, you could give the full path as parameter.
The "sphere.g" is in the working directory of program but i get the same thing:
OK, what else says the usage statement?
Sorry I didn't get you..Do you mean what other changes give usage statement?
if I add sphere.g at the end of $(TargetPath) in command tab I get the same statement
What I meant was: What says the usage statement? Did you read it? What parameters expects the program?
And? Do you see any discrepancy between the required parameters and the parameter you gave?
... Sorry, the model.g is in the usage statement.
Capture7.PNG capture8.png
What I think is that rtip must not be null and for that there must be some value for argv[1] and title...
am i right?
How does this answer my question?
What is the minimum number of parameters the program requires?
In Capture6.PNG you marked some lines, but have you read them?
okk its 2
Right. One is the file name, and the other one(s)?
so its should be a .g as well as .obj file? right?
No. What are the objects in a BRL-CAD database?
sphere sph
I don't know your geometry but if you have called your sphere "sphere" then that is it.
I have one question....we have already included the brlcad database so doesn't that mean that object is also included by default?
There is no default object in a BRL-CAD database.
okk....so how should i add the object now?
Usually you have many objects in a .g file, even more then one top object. And the investigation routines can be applied to lower level objects too.
okk....so how should i add the object now?
Simply add its name as the second parameter.
got it
Thank you so much
Always read the fine manual - or usage statement ;)
ya...I should have read that
can we see the ray that hits the geometry?
I tried to understand the examples from src/rt
These are not so easy to understand for me and I think it will take some time for me.
I think I should do the 3dmodelling tasks first.
can we see the ray that hits the geometry?
It depends on what you mean with "see". You could set a break point in the hit() function. Then the program execution will stop always when a ray hits the geometry.
Hi! I've compiled the rtexample.c program and I see how to modify it but I don't know at all how to write an image... Can someone help me? Thanks!
Hi! I've compiled the rtexample.c program and I see how to modify it but I don't know at all how to write an image... Can someone help me? Thanks!
@Lucas Prieels so the example just fires one ray. You need to fire a grid of rays, and then store the result in an image array. It's then really easy to write that image data out as PPM data. You basically print a 3 line text header, and then a dump of the image array bytes. There is lots of examples on the web showing this.
I can't seem to get anything that is imported to render in appleseed.
you need to create a light source or create an ambient lighting source
this is an environment EDF
if you join the appleseed slack channel, they can help walk you through it
Has anyone reached 5th task of appleseed
Has anyone reached 5th task of appleseed
I think that if someone succeded the 5th task, the admins would have add a 6th one
Someone is just now working on it and ... nearly successful
Is it you @Jeff Sieu ? :joy:
For Appleseed #4, we basically just have to compile the sphereobject.cpp file using cmake and add a std::cout << something in the intersect function, right?
basically. it would be good if you customized it a bit but the main point is to figure out how their plugins work, how the build works, etc
it's a surprisingly easy task -- surprised more didn't do it
This is really weird. I'm able to build the plugin.cpp file which has a RENDERER_LOG_INFO("%d", bu_parallel_id());
line. But when I try to load the appleseed project file in appleseed.studio, it gives me that same error: while defining object "sphere": invalid model "brlcad_object".
If I have a line like struct application ap;
in plugin.cpp though, the project does not give any error.
So, somehow calling any functions from BRL-CAD gives problems
@Jeff Sieu that's because of a thing called dynamic loading
notice that you are not recompiling appleseed or brl-cad
you're just compiling your plugin
the way that works is appleseed has code that says "open this library, look for this function, run it"
in the plugin, there's a specifically named function that essentially registers the rest of the functions
to compile the plugin, the compiler just needs to know the names of the functions you are calling
it doesn't need to actually need the functions themselves just yet ... not until the library is loaded
does this mean that I'll need to load the library files from brl-cad as well?
when it tries to load the library, it sees that this is a library that calls a bunch of functions, one of them being bu_parallel_id() ... and since it doesn't have the definition of that function (or know where to find it), it ends up failing
sort of
when you build the plugin, you need to tell it that the plugin depends on that library
notice the line at the bottom of the CMakeLists.txt file
that's where it tells it that the plugin depends on the appleseed libraries
so the first thing to try is simply add the other libraries your using to that list
ohh i see
Thank you so much @Sean !
woo hoo!
did you get my other comment about not needing to shoot a grid of rays?
did you get my other comment about not needing to shoot a grid of rays?
Yeah, so if I'm not wrong, this task is about getting BRL-CAD objects to render in Appleseed, right?
unless that's just a crazy amount of additional work, it's to at least make progress in that direction
we can make more tasks to get there, but rendering in appleseed is indeed the goal
franz added those procedural plugin hooks for us to do exactly that
Well, the project file does load now. I haven't got to actually making the ray-tracing stuff to work yet because I was so frustrated. But I think now I can try to actually get it to work. Maybe I can get it done by today...
submit what you have and I'll add a step 6
Oh okay...
well after fixing the other issues mentioned
don't need to shoot a grid, need to prep during frame setup, etc
I don't think it will suddenly all work if you do that, but it is needed regardless
it's a surprisingly easy task -- surprised more didn't do it
Actually, the third task was easy but I had a lot of problem because I had download Appleseed a few days before they submit a patch which made it work :)
I was thinking that it would need some basic math to translate it into the right position, because the object may be translated in Appleseed as well, on top of any translation in the .g file
submit what you have and I'll add a step 6
Actually, the third task was easy but I had a lot of problem because I had download Appleseed a few days before they submit a patch which made it work :)
there were lots of things that could potentially go wrong .. that's why it was a task at all ;)
Help, trying to run rt_shootray in the appleseed plugin gives me this
Database title: Untitled BRL-CAD Databasert_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it rt_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it rt_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it rt_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure Saving stack trace to appleseed.studio-12681-bomb.log BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511 BU_ASSERT failure BU_ASSERT failure *** Error in [1] 12681 segmentation fault (core dumped) ../../../bin/Release/appleseed.studio
what does function BU_ASSERT does?
Think it asserts that a boolean is true
But I don't know why this doesn't work though. It's just a copy paste of the rt example program and yet I couldn't get it to work
rt example doesn't have function that prints such logs..maybe some other internal function..
Hi! How is it possible to make the appleseed #3 program to take a .obj file with a name we specify while running?
Hi! How is it possible to make the appleseed #3 program to take a .obj file with a name we specify while running?
Any idea @Jeff Sieu (I know you’ve done this task so I suppose you know how to do it)
i have one...take input of through gets(variable); and place that variable in the fuction
What is appleseed #3 again
APPLESEED integration: Write a small C/C++ program in appleseed that renders an image (task #3 of 5)
You simply make it read from an appleseed project file
You simply make it read from an appleseed project file
Really? That’s enough? So I just take for example project.appleseed instead of scene.obj? I thought it was less easy :)
The fourth one is not as simple as it looks...simply adding cout<<""; won't work since sphereobject builds a plugin and not .exe and we cannot execute a plugin..
Also, I was wondering how rt_shootray can be done in the plugin though. Seems like it's asynchronous but intersect() requires the output right away (in the case of bool intersect()
, it needs to know whether it's a hit or a miss right away).
what is the role of intersect in plugin?
"Compute the intersection between a ray expressed in object space and the surface of this object and return detailed intersection results."
and this detailed results go where?
I mean where are they stored?
IntersectionResult& result
I mean why do we want intersect()?
just to check whether the ray thrown intersects or not?
So that you'd know how to "render" the object?
what i thought was that if we use rt_shootray() instead of intersection?
am i going correct?
By right, Appleseed should call intersect() and it's our job to replace whatever is inside intersect with the results from BRL-CAD's raytrace.
hmm...now it seems..pretty hard
bingo...task 4 done..appleseed...onto 5
BINGO !!!!
In task 5 the rt+shootray() should be called but the function should shoot ray on which file?
i have submitted #4...now I am trying for #5....when I added a new source I got this...pls help me outstdiint.PNG
I have added all the libraries and header files correctly...because when i build it in other visual studio project individually it was built successfully.
okk...got the solution..there are supoose to be changes in c/c++ settings
Can't Visual Studio open a CMake project?
Visual studio can open the .sln file generated from cmake
How to call main() of another .c file in a dll file..both enclosed in same project in visual studio
how to initialize argc and argv without int main()?
I want to claim appleseed#5 befor 17:00 utc....but my #4 is in submission...Pls tell me what should i do?
I want to claim appleseed#5 befor 17:00 utc....but my #4 is in submission...Pls tell me what should i do?
I think there's nothing to do, Just wait and pray :) I also had a pending task and I abandoned it to be sure I can work on my CSS file for the last two days
same here, i have 4 tasks ready in advance and even i can't do anythnig about it
Wow that's pretty sick, which kinda tasks?
modelling(mainly), thank god my priority task didn't go useless
I had also prepared tasks in advance, I stopped to do it one week ago but I still have Appleseed #4 almost done, just a little bug to find, the two annot bugs I tried to find for hours (which I finally didn't found but I think I'm close) and the BRL-CAD modeling task which I had done the half
you knew what was coming :laughing:
But there are rules so :) I'm still going to work on appleseed because I like it even if it doesn't matter for the GCI
Well, you too
I had 2 tasks in advance, but they were in-progress and there wasn't enough time before the last task could be claimed so :/
seems like all are facing same issues...
comming back to topic....
what should i do if i don't want argc and argv?
Why do you want to initialize them without main?
in sphereobject there is no main() function...it gives dll as output...but to integrate it with rtexample i need to exclude main()
any ideas?
Is it possible for the plugin to print things in another file using fstream?
I think appleseed handles argv somewhere, but it may not be exposed to the plugin
Sorry, forget what I was saying that can't work
Regardless, you can simply hardcode in a database name and object name, instead of receiving them as argc and argv parameters.
we need argc and argv just to check whether the input databse and objects are correct or wrong...right?
and argv
are used as input into the rtexample
program to tell it the path of the BRL-CAD database in question and the object(s) in it. In your case, these are simply unneeded as you can simply hardcode in the values as strings.
ok...so where there is argv or argc i should replace it with the name of database and object file
instead of argc object and instead of argv database?
sorry...argv[1]=database name
Has your 4th been accepted?
no it's still in submission
last minute
Too bad...
time's up
Hi I'm getting this error when trying to run the plugin, even after the initialisation of ap->a_resource: something about ptbl being a bad pointer.
Context: everything from rtexample.c is ran in the correct order in the appleseed plugin file. Used to get an error for something like null resource pointer, but fixed that by initialising it at first. Now I run into this problem. This error also only appears when rt_shootray is called.
dbpath: /home/jeff/Documents/Appleseed5-6/sphere.g objectpath: /home/jeff/Documents/Appleseed5-6/sphere.g ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f6491320: s/b struct partition(x87687681), was pt_hd magic(x87687680), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/bool.c, line 1490 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f6491370: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f6491320: s/b struct partition(x87687681), was pt_hd magic(x87687680), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/bool.c, line 1490 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f6491370: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 Saving stack trace to ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 appleseed.studio-26692-bomb.log ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 ERROR: bad pointer 0x7f20f64912f0: s/b bu_ptbl(x7074626c), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0), file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/libbu/ptbl.c, line 51 [1] 26692 segmentation fault (core dumped) ../../../bin/Release/appleseed.studio
This is really weird. I'm able to build the plugin.cpp file which has a
RENDERER_LOG_INFO("%d", bu_parallel_id());
line. But when I try to load the appleseed project file in appleseed.studio, it gives me that same error:while defining object "sphere": invalid model "brlcad_object".
got same issue....
Help, trying to run rt_shootray in the appleseed plugin gives me this
Database title: Untitled BRL-CAD Databasert_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it
rt_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it
rt_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it
rt_shootray() resp=0x7f026f01db80 uninitialized, fixing it
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
Saving stack trace to appleseed.studio-12681-bomb.log
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT((void *)((&solidbits->l)->forw) != (void *)NULL), failed, file /home/jeff/Documents/brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c, line 1511
BU_ASSERT failure
BU_ASSERT failure
*** Error in [1] 12681 segmentation fault (core dumped) ../../../bin/Release/appleseed.studio
Unfortunately still stuck on this
sorry ..still working
i am still getting the same error...even after i changed cmake.txt
I mean cmakelists.txt
int rtshoot()
int argc = 3;
const char **argv;
const char* n_argv[] = { "sphereobject","sphere.g","sph" };
argv = n_argv;
/* Every application needs one of these. The "application" * structure carries information about how the ray-casting should * be performed. Defined in the raytrace.h header. */ struct application ap; /* The "raytrace instance" structure contains definitions for * librt which are specific to the particular model being * processed. One copy exists for each model. Defined in * the raytrace.h header and is returned by rt_dirbuild(). */ static struct rt_i *rtip; /* optional parameter to rt_dirbuild() that can be used to capture * a title if the geometry database has one set. */ char title[1024] = { 0 }; /* Load the specified geometry database (i.e., a ".g" file). * rt_dirbuild() returns an "instance" pointer which describes the * database to be raytraced. It also gives you back the title * string if you provide a buffer. This builds a directory of the * geometry (i.e., a table of contents) in the file. */ rtip = rt_dirbuild(argv[1], title, sizeof(title)); if (rtip == RTI_NULL) { bu_exit(2, "Building the database directory for [%s] FAILED\n", argv[1]); } /* Display the geometry database title obtained during * rt_dirbuild if a title is set. */ if (title[0]) { bu_log("Title:\n%s\n", title); } /* Walk the geometry trees. Here you identify any objects in the * database that you want included in the ray trace by iterating * of the object names that were specified on the command-line. */ while (argc > 2) { if (rt_gettree(rtip, argv[2]) < 0) bu_log("Loading the geometry for [%s] FAILED\n", argv[2]); argc--; argv++; } /* This next call gets the database ready for ray tracing. This * causes some values to be precomputed, sets up space * partitioning, computes bounding volumes, etc. */ rt_prep_parallel(rtip, 1); /* initialize all values in application structure to zero */ RT_APPLICATION_INIT(&ap); /* your application uses the raytrace instance containing the * geometry we loaded. this describes what we're shooting at. */ ap.a_rt_i = rtip; /* stop at the first point of intersection or shoot all the way * through (defaults to 0 to shoot all the way through). */ ap.a_onehit = 0; /* Set the ray start point and direction rt_shootray() uses these * two to determine what ray to fire. In this case we simply * shoot down the z axis toward the origin from 10 meters away. * * It's worth nothing that librt assumes units of millimeters. * All geometry is stored as millimeters regardless of the units * set during editing. There are libbu routines for performing * unit conversions if desired. */ VSET(ap.a_ray.r_pt, 0.0, 0.0, 10000.0); VSET(ap.a_ray.r_dir, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0); /* Simple debug printing */ //VPRINT("Pnt", ap.a_ray.r_pt); //VPRINT("Dir", ap.a_ray.r_dir); /* This is what callback to perform on a hit. */ ap.a_hit = hit; /* This is what callback to perform on a miss. */ ap.a_miss = miss; /* Shoot the ray. */ (void)rt_shootray(&ap); /* A real application would probably set up another ray and fire * again or do something a lot more complex in the callbacks. */ return 0;
added this function and called it in intersect function()....am I wrong anywhere?
rtip = rt_dirbuild("sphere.g", title, sizeof(title));
there's something wrong in this line..
i have used argc=3
infact replaced argv[1] with sphere.g and argv[2] with sph completely....in the source code
in which folder should I place all the .dll files?
@everyone any ideas?
@Mitesh, I'm not involved with appleseed, but if you are in doubt, it should work, when you put them into the same folder with the executable
Thank you @LordOfBikes . . but the program generates a plugin....so should I place it in the same folder as that of plugin?
I think you can create plugins folder in your application folder for it or use QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath()
See http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/plugins-howto.html#locating-plugins for details.
thank you..i will look at it
Actually, I think you can set APPLESEED_SEARCHPATH=<dll folder>
@Jeff Sieu i tried setting the path...but still got the same issue...
@LordOfBikes is there any other way...actually i have never used QT
I get this whenever I add the "rtip=rt_dirbuild("sphere.g", title, sizeof(title));" line
if I remove it, it works
any ideas?
@Mitesh, best is you copy/paste the whole log output into a file and attach it here
here are the logs of the sphereobject
I don't think that adding H:\BRLCAD7.26.0\bin to APPLESEED_SEARCHPATH was a good idea, but you may tray to add this directory to your PATH environment variable. This way, every program can find the BRL-CAD DLLs.
Or, you could give the brlcad.dll a try: https://sourceforge.net/projects/brlcad/files/BRL-CAD%20Runtime%20Libraries/7.26.0/
Download the devel package there. Even if its strong point is the C++ interface (which would be a choice here too) it exports some C functions as well: https://sourceforge.net/p/brlcad/code/HEAD/tree/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/brlcad.def
@Jeff Sieu If Appleseed really runs in parallel the semaphores in BRL-CAD have to be activated: bu_semaphore_init(RT_SEM_LAST)
in the C++ interface.
thanks @Daniel Rossberg but when I added the folder to the environment and also added brlcad.dll...I got the same issue....
i added brlcad.dll to the bin folder
but it's a lib
it has both lib and dll....added lib to lib folder and .dll to bin folder
.dll is also a library
Dynamic Link Library!
but all the dll files are placed in BIN folder and libs are placed in lib folder... .dll is a plugin
i added brlcad.dll to the bin folder
You have to link your program to this DLL to, instead of linking it to the standard BRL-CAD lib~ libraries.
You're right. That's how it works in Windows.
okk...got that
Hi everyone. I tried linking it with only brlcad.dll...but again got the same error..."while defining object sphere....."
@Jeffrey Liu For what I understood, you are looking for a way to write an own application using BRL-CAD libraries?
@Daniel Rossberg something like that - I'm working on the 5th appleseed task, which requires me to call rt_shootray() from an appleseed plugin.
I recommend to use another library, which already uses librt, as template. This could be done in BRL-CAD's main repository. There, you can use a copy of such a library, name it libappleseed, remove all it's source files (in the copy), put your own files in, and adapt the CMakelist.txts.
Another possibility is to put it in rt^3 (do the experimental features compilation task first). There, you can copy src/coreInterface (e.g. to src/appleseed) and use this as template for your own work.
Ah, thank you for the advice! I was only thinking about configuring BRLCAD externally and not internally. However, in this case, I would then need to somehow link the appleseed libraries then, right?
Yes, this should be possible in the usual way. I assume, you have already a configuration using the appleseed libraries.
Before starting,I wanted to know what basically we have to do in Appleseed task #2
#2 refers to this example: https://brlcad.org/wiki/Example_Application
It recommends to take this one and change it such that it shoots a grid of rays. Build it and you are essentially done.
Yes, this should be possible in the usual way. I assume, you have already a configuration using the appleseed libraries.
I do, but the configuration for the appleseed libraries is also internal, so I think I might be facing the same difficulty one way or the other.
Which OS are you working on?
For now, I think I'll try linking the BRLCAD libraries into appleseed because starseeker already provided me with some references to follow.
For Windows, there is a "dirty" trick to link own applications with BRL-CAD: https://sourceforge.net/projects/brlcad/files/BRL-CAD%20Runtime%20Libraries/7.26.0/brlcad-7.26.0_dll_devel.zip/download
Oh wow, thanks for sharing this! I hadn't come across this beforehand. If I'm not mistaken, is this basically a dll that I can place inside of the proper directory, allowing for me to call librt functions?
Some librt functions, but mainly the C++ interface methods. They support the ray-trace too.
Thank you, I'll try working with this first then.
@Daniel Rossberg Would something like this be correct?
include_directories (C:\Users\JeffL\Downloads\brlcad-7.26.0_dll_devel\include)
Sorry, I'm not very familiar with CMake.
This doesn't look wrong. Visual Studio will tell you if it's indeed correct.
Alright, so I'm getting this error now when trying to compile a test:
2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'brlcad.lib'
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(720,5): error MSB6006: "link.exe" exited with code 1104.
I found the location of brlcad.lib, but I don't know how to link it through CMake.
In the project settings in Visual Studio there is a setting for additional library directories.
yea there is a setting
Alright, I'll do it manually for now.
Well the build worked... now time to test it
BTW, by the same way you can link with librt etc..
Oh wait, so if I just link with librt through VS, do I still need to use the brlcad.dll/lib and everything? Or could I just link to the src/librt and then work from there?
I asked starseeker about how I might do this on the other Appleseed channel - please let me know if there would be something wrong with this method.
has anyone built appleseed from source?
just trying
what? building appleseed?
it now points to osl(open shading language) which is pointing to openimageio
by pointing, i mean pointing out errors
Which OS are you working with?
osl needs oiio 2.0 but apt offers 1.x something version
apt install openimageio-dev openimageio-tools
it says unable to locate package
the package is libopenimageio-dev but it offers 1.7 version
On Debian buster it is 2.0.5.
you are working on debian?
does debian use dpkg?
you are working on debian?
does debian use dpkg?
does debian use dpkg?
yeah like sudo dpkg install ....
Yes, it uses this too.
but in ubuntu its different
dpkg -i or --install
On Debian it's rather apt install ~
Ubuntu is Debian based.
btw, if i upgrade from 18.04 to 19.04, will it do anything to my data or the a data on the windows partition of this laptop?
i know its a LTS but openimageio is present on that one as version 2.0.5
An upgrade should not touch your data (e.g. what ever is in the /home directory), but it may require some reconfiguration to get back the old behavior.
I had just a fight with OpenShadingLanguage. This build.patch made it build.
I found no way to build appleseed on Linux.
Me too but trying
I found no way to build appleseed on Linux.
Now, after some days trying, I finally succeeded. If anybody has questions regarding building Appleseed on Linux, feel free to ask.
There is a wiki page about this: https://github.com/appleseedhq/appleseed/wiki/Building-appleseed-on-Linux
However, I didn't found it helpful, except what it says about PYTHONHOME in the last section.
i couldnt even build it completely
it stopping somewhere or the other
i even had to upgrade the whole os from an LTS to a normal version (which i am now regretting)
from 18.04 to 19.04
these errors are coming for which i am rebuilding with some extra options but what are these errors and how to fix them if they come back
In appleseeds CMake settings (use the cmake-gui), there is an entry for boost static (serach for these two words to find the actual name). Switch it to OFF, and the boost error schould have been gone.
Then, did you installed Open Shading Language?
i didnt install osl but used the libraries from the prebuilt ones
btw my cmake-gui is not working
sayin segmentation fault(core dumped)
trying to build appleseed again
i had to install cmake-qt-gui
its building and btw boost static was already off
Did you installed libboost-all-dev?
this came
many of the packages are reporting this so what should i do?
Is synaptic installed?
You could also try apt install libboost-all-dev
Then start it, and use this to install libboost-all-dev.
sudo aptitude install libboost-all-dev
i used this
it is installing
sorry gotta go for a few seconds
hi. was trying to run rtexample.c in visual studio 15. I have added the folders of header files in "additional include directories", but I am still getting this error. Can anyone please help me out
Is it possible, that you added the include paths for the release, but not the debug configuration?
Daniel Rossberg said:
Is it possible, that you added the include paths for the release, but not the debug configuration?
the project properties under debug menu are same as the properties in above pictures
I guess its using same properties.
I can't see the include paths in above picture.
Do you guess or do you know?
You have to look for the project's debug configuration settings. (Do you know how/where?)
Daniel Rossberg said:
I can't see the include paths in above picture.
Do you guess or do you know?You have to look for the project's debug configuration settings. (Do you know how/where?)
this one right?
No. Look at the top of this settings dialog. There you see "Configuration: Release". You need to switch it to debug (or "both").
Daniel Rossberg said:
No. Look at the top of this settings dialog. There you see "Configuration: Release". You need to switch it to debug (or "both").
okay I changed that. but still same errors.
Wait. I haven't included a folder.will try again
got it. Thank you so much @Daniel Rossberg
got this in output. Also the cmd screen exits within a second.
why does the program returns 2 instead of 0?
@Mitesh if you are attempting to do the appleseed tasks, I suggest connecting up with @Jeffrey Liu to see his work and where he left off at. amazing progress. you'd want to start from there if you're wanting to carry that torch.
Sean said:
Mitesh if you are attempting to do the appleseed tasks, I suggest connecting up with Jeffrey Liu to see his work and where he left off at. amazing progress. you'd want to start from there if you're wanting to carry that torch.
alright :+1: i will contact him. Thank you
Mitesh said:
got this in output. Also the cmd screen exits within a second.
why does the program returns 2 instead of 0?
This is hard to say without knowing the program. I would expect a return 2;
(or similar) in the main() function.
Daniel Rossberg said:
Mitesh said:
got this in output. Also the cmd screen exits within a second.
why does the program returns 2 instead of 0?This is hard to say without knowing the program. I would expect a
return 2;
(or similar) in the main() function.
yeah it was the bu_exit(), there was some problem with command line arguements that leaded it to exit the code with 2.
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC