All mentors that responded should now have an invite. If you don't and are interested in mentoring, please let me know as soon as possible.
I'll send info out about adding tasks soon. I'm going to bulk-upload most of the outstanding tasks from last GCI as a starting point, but please start thinking about tasks. Emphasis is on tasks that we can immediately use, however small. Task chains for anything that'd take a core dev more than 2 hours.
Please feel free to ask questions and discuss ideas.
Nice to meet!
I was a Student Developer in GSoC 19 with INCF and I'm really eager to mentor/co-mentor projects in GCI 2019.
Could you point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
We could really use more GCI mentors. If you’re able to help, especially over the next couple weeks as there’s an initial rush of kids, help would be greatly appreciated.
If you can just write up task ideas, that can help — go to to brainstorm or send me task write-ups via e-mail or here.
Even if you can only help review student submissions 1 day a week, that would help. Send me a message and I’ll get you set up.
If you’re willing to do more, that would be great too of course.
I was wondering about GCI team information. Wasn't there a GCI dashboard site with a team or mentor list? Or do I mix up things with GSoC?
Do you mean this one: ?
In my GCI dashboard I only see Welcome, Tasks and Timeline. Presumably this looks different for org admins.
I'm not sure if it was there in past. I know there is a team/mentor site in the GSoC dashboard, and maybe this fooled me.
Probably this changes when the content opens today and I'm only too impatient :wink:
Maybe, I've this link for the mentors list: (as an admin)
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC