Sorry I was asleep. I'm attempting to export the c++ files to JavaScript files.
Or format them is a better word.
It's not directly for a task. But I'm implementing the outcome on a task.
@Sean Could u help me resolve this issue please.
If you have time ofc :wink:
oops, sorry !
That is the syntax of the command, when i execute it though it outputs the screenshot shown earlier in the msg history.
That is the output of the command.
@Sean Could u help me resolve this issue please.
what you're trying to do is kind of a super advanced topic for a bit of code using Qt
on the surface, though, that's a simple header-not-found message from the compiler
which happens when you don't tell the compiler where headers are located
so ... tell the compiler where your header include directories are for Qt, and that error should go away
So include the .h files also?
how do you tell the compiler where your header include directories are?
Im not using a compiler.
say I'm compiling some file.c
sure you are
Ok im super confused lol.
sure you are ;)
@Sean i am kinda noob at this currently, so it would be helpful if you could tell me as what exactly was Cmake summary ?
@vasugarg please don't hijack topics -- make sure you post questions with the right subject ;)
otherwise it gets confusing
like this one being named (no topic)...
So i need to reference the header files?
Ok @Sean
@William Cook no, and I have no idea what that paste is trying to show
@William Cook take a step back because you're missing some fundamental step
Ok. Thanks
what is it that you're trying to do?
Im trying to format cpp files as js files using clang++
you say "format cpp files", but clang++ is a compiler -- you're technically "compiling cpp files" and the output of that compilation is a transformation to javascript
wrong subject again :)
but now it kind of fits
Yes Sean thats what im trying to do.
@William Cook so if you were to compile a file.cpp that had a #include "file.h", how does the compiler know where file.h is at?
So should i just do it in other one ?
General Help
@vasugarg it's fine either way now, but you need to be consistent so the conversation isn't fragmented across subjects
i thought this was related to compiling so . . .
it's fine, but you started the conversation somewhere esle
so imagine someone else reading this thread and seeing you paste a link to the compiling page
it makes no sense
i am actually having troubles with Zulips's ui
Sean, so i need to move the QT library to the same file the cpp files are located?
@William Cook you already asked me that and the answer was no! :)
you've not answered my question
I dont know the answer
how does the compiler know where headers are at?
so that's a very critical (and fundamental) piece of information that is getting in the way of you making progress
Ok, I think i found an article with the answer
lets see it
so that page holds the answer
ironically the guy with 0 points has the better answer overall
see the response from "Cheers and hth. - Alf"
the checked response is okay, but missing some important points
Ok sec, havent got that far lol
So i could do -I <path>
To include the qt library?
bingo ;)
-I is how you tell nearly all compilers where to find headers that are not in standard search locations
Ok good, and where is the QT library located?
standard search locations include system directories like /usr/include and local directories (like your current directory)
you tell me
I didn't install it :)
there's probably another stack overflow asking that ;)
Ok i think i got it, thank you so much :wink:
Now it cant find these files even after including QT library.
Do the files need to be contained in " instead of <>?
Wait dont answer yet, i think i know
Im not using a compiler.
This made my day.
I'm a noob lol
just FYI ... it's almost always useless to paste error messages without pasting the command or action that preceded the errors --- i.e., what YOU did that resulted in an error
seeing error is only magic / mystery / a problem because you've not yet learned or tried to read what they're telling you
Oh ok
but focusing on the error without reading what it says and without relating that to what you did means you won't learn
Im sorry.
don't be sorry ... just trying to help you learn how to learn what all these things mean
Oh ok, thank you.
we've nearly all been there at some point
It's all good to be a noob -- we all get better. But I do think what you're trying to do is really difficult and that you might learn more if you start off with some other task
This isn't directly a task
the point is to learn, though -- when you see an error -- google it at a minimum, or ask stack overflow and READ ... lots and lots of reading
I meant task in a general sense sorry
yeah, you're not going to suddenly show a qt GUI in the browser
that's not how this all works ;)
Ok lol
I googled it but cant find it
Wait, im stupid
I got it lool
What did you do?
nah, man don't say that :laughing:
Wait, im stupid
Having trouble finding the files that are listed in that screenshot
No I mean what did you do to resolve it lol
I didnt, i thought i did lol
looks like you need some more -I paths
I know sean, im trying to find the paths to list though xD
though <cmath> is a system header -- so that's probably related to the translation capabilities
Oh ok
@Sean , if you are free , can you review my task at google Code-in .But its totally up t0 you ;)
you're hijacking a task :P
and tasks are always reviewed in order
i've had to say that a surprising number of times this year :)
Zulip allows for bots right? You could make a task for a student to make a bot that says that whenever they ask for a task to be reviewed :)
Actually, Only 8 days are left for this competition & I have my exams going on too, so i have made some tasks in advance :)
@Sean is it still anyone's game at this point?
I try not to pay attention to that until the end, focus on being usefully productive
I think there's at least a half dozen contending really well
Me maybe lol
Jk ive been practically useless
I really want to figure out how to do this
I mean my overall goal, not this individual goal lol
What exactly are you doing though? From what I understood you essentially want to create an interpreter
No, im wanting to make an interactive demo of LibreCAD to put on the site
Are you using Qtwebkit?
No, I was trying to use cheerp in order to compile the c++ files as javascript files but its not working correctly
I've investigated multiple options, such as cloud basing LibreCAD and running it from their, ive tried using a windows emulator on the site, ive tried converting the c++ to webassembly, etc
Im also working though alot of hardship, my cousin took his own life on christmas, my aunt died of copd on the same day, and on top of all of that my dad has been given only a few weeks to live. Im stressing out nonetheless.
i'm sorry to hear all that
We're here for you man
Its fine : )
Coding is my escape, only problem is im bad at it lol
I used to be bad at coding.
No, you are not , everybody develops and you are already progressing great
Now I'm escaping, too.
Im finished with the site, im just waiting to submit it till last minute so i have a chance to try and implement the program demo
@William Cook I can't imagine the stress of all that, but if you need help, you should ask for it, ask to see a professional -- there are people that can help
U mean a doctor?
Probably a therapist
Eh, they only put me on medicine, the only time they actually talk is when i was hospitilized.
Ok this is my final attempt using emscripten.
Im stuck, i included qt libraries and the h files
Wait, i might have got it
Hi @Sean
Is Clang very different from GCC? Can we compile same program on any compiler without code changes? Is there any performance differences between Clang and GCC?
I'm going to build BRL-CAD with clang. I know there is a task about this, But I feel bad for doing too many compiling tasks. So I'm doing this on my own. :D
Clang is surprisingly fast! It took me about 1.5 hours to build BRL-CAD with GCC, But just 32 mins and 2 seconds with Clang.
those two compilers are very similar in behavior, but implemented very differently.
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC