Will we stay with https://brlcad.org/wiki/Deuces or use https://brlcad.org/wiki/Google_Code_In/2017/Tasks for the GCi 2017 suitable tasks?
not the deuces page, it's out of date -- right now, just gathering titles/ideas.
we'll need a system for managing / uploading the tasks -- might just use zulip's scripts or the API directly.
so, yeah -- the wiki ;)
does anyone know how to connect zulip to our irc channel?
(or know where the docs for that are at)
We need a designs page
what do you mean?
A stream to talk about design tasks?
I'm not sure about zulip's terms
if it's gci-related, we can talk here :)
just like to keep everyone in the same channel as much as possible
i mean, topic.
just set a new subject like you did here .. this is an "ideas page" topic thread
@Naseef what's your coding background?
I've coded SDL games.
oh, cool!
Spent more than a year with Unity C#
Just learned CSS animations yesterday, It's easy and cool.
so that opens up lots of possibilities
I've been using blender since 2014
project-wise, that's relevant for the appleseed work as well as the new GUI development projects (for which there are three, with slightly different but related goals)
are you familiar with the appleseed integration in blender?
Just did the splash screen task and submitted to review
Still not installed appleseed yet.
what platform are you on?
I bet we could set up a VM image for you with it pre-installed
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04, Planning to install 17.10
(with ISO, not upgrade)
I suggest trying the Linux download here: https://appleseedhq.net/download.html
instead of compiling from source -- or did you try that alread
haven't tried it yet.
I've a bit limited storage and internet.
uh oh, what's that mean?
BRL-CAD is way bigger than appleseed :)
neat, the appleseed devs just posted this today: https://twitter.com/appleseedhq/status/936298172279918592
appleseed's user interfaces: http://appleseed.studio, appleseed-maya, appleseed-max, blenderseed. #opensource #VFX #Blender3d @AdskMaya @Adsk3dsMax https://twitter.com/appleseedhq/status/936298172279918592/photo/1
- appleseedhq (@appleseedhq)I've 250 GB hard drive but I've installed Ubuntu on a 10 GB partition (including home dir).
ah, okay, that's not "too" bad .. BRL-CAD will take about 2-4GB to download and compile from source
And I have 60 GB per month internet
already used it all.
you'll probably want to turn off static library building
now using a mobile network.
Fortunately, Next month is starting at Dec 4.
i've downloaded over mobile ... not too terrible, maybe an hour or two
what's your wireless data speed?
3.6 mbps mobile, 64 mbps home internet.
home internet is currently slowed down to 100 kpbs.
My CSS animation task. My first :D
oh, nice animation! you know in years past we'd have tasks to implement our logo in CSS
think you could do something with https://brlcad.org/img/logo_color.png
just set a new subject like you did here .. this is an "ideas page" topic thread
Did I create a topic?
like your dot that turns into your name, our logo chain link that rotates around
just set a new subject like you did here .. this is an "ideas page" topic thread
Did I create a topic?
no, you quoted a reply
look right above where you're typing -- it says ideas page
change that
I see that.
think you could do something with https://brlcad.org/img/logo_color.png
@Naseef did you see this question?
Like an animation?
It looks like hinge to me.
it is
like a bike chain link
Like a physics based game?
but in terms of animating it as a logo, like you did in css
a looping animation.
Did I tell you that I just learned CSS animation yesterday?
yes you did
i was thinking something like what you have, a circle that morphs into two, then swings around into the logo shape, and then appears colorized
Imagining it.
IF that sounds interesting to you, I can add a task for you to try it
if not, don't worry abou tit
That's interesting, Sound challenging too
I'll probably learn a lot of new things while doing this.
Quick illustration of my animation for BRL-CAD.brlcad-logo-anim.png
i like it! maybe make the white center animate downwards (like mitosis) when going from step 2 to 3
Yeah, That's a good idea.
Instead of starting as a circle, It'll start as a box and slowly become a circle.
Last updated: Feb 13 2025 at 00:46 UTC