Hello, I need to know how can I submit my proposal for Google Summer of Code in BRL-CAD, if I have expertise in AutoCAD 2D only.
@Majid Razzak CAD experience isn't as important as is coding experience. What kind of programming experience do you have?
@Sean Sorry for the late reply. I am student of MIT in Virtual University of Pakistan and am in 3rd semester now. I learnt C++ and assembly language in my studies. But learnt HTML5, CSS and learning PHP and SQL nowadays.
@Majid Razzak Thanks, that sounds like interesting and relevant experience. I suggest you look over the list of project ideas and see which sound interesting to you, then install and try some tutorials to understand the basics.
auto cc=m_database.Get("sad"); cc->SetName("yoyoyoyo"); cout<<cc->Name()<<endl; //prints yoyoyoyo cout<<m_database.Get("sad")->Name()<<endl; //prints sad
So it appears Get() returns a new object with the properties of the object in the database. How do I get a reference to the object in the m_database than a clone with similar paras (which is useful for reading the parameters, but for editing parameters u need the original one).
Or is there a different way to edit the parameters of an object?
I want to do things like create a sphere,edit position of a sphere to a database using coreinterfaces before finalizing on the proposal because that might give me an idea about the depth, workload of the project. Im currently working towards this. I appreciate it if you can give directions towards this. Or is this too big to do in few hours?
Is there a way to send the commands (the ones you'd type into the command window of mged) to somewhere and get them executed on the database?
@Sean @Daniel Rossberg @whoEverKnowsThis
Please ignore 1) and 2) in my above message. I solved them.
I replaced BRLCAD::ConstDatabas with BRLCAD::MemoryDatabase in the rt^3 project.
Now the database can be edited (although no editing has been implemented in GUI)
In the rt^3 QtGui , using C++ coreintafaces,
I added a Ellipsoid
set it to be a Sphere with given center and radius
did m_objectsTreeView->Rebuild() to show newly added in the tree view in the left
saved to a .g file
Now my biggest concerns are how hard will it be to integrate realtime rendering and wireframes to display the contents of a BRLCAD::MemoryDatabase on the graphics window.
Also please answer 3) from the message 2 messages before. Do you think I can use the implementation in MGED for this?
Hello All! I am planning on solving the big issue with https://github.com/BRL-CAD/OGV-meteor/issues/68 and going forward I want to show some gifs of my progress.
Last updated: Feb 12 2025 at 00:46 UTC