Stream: Google Summer of Code

Topic: BRL-CAD-Google Summer of Code

view this post on Zulip Majid Razzak (Mar 31 2019 at 10:15):

Hello, I need to know how can I submit my proposal for Google Summer of Code in BRL-CAD, if I have expertise in AutoCAD 2D only.

view this post on Zulip Sean (Mar 31 2019 at 18:04):

@Majid Razzak CAD experience isn't as important as is coding experience. What kind of programming experience do you have?

view this post on Zulip Majid Razzak (Mar 31 2019 at 21:42):

@Sean Sorry for the late reply. I am student of MIT in Virtual University of Pakistan and am in 3rd semester now. I learnt C++ and assembly language in my studies. But learnt HTML5, CSS and learning PHP and SQL nowadays.

view this post on Zulip Sean (Apr 01 2019 at 03:33):

@Majid Razzak Thanks, that sounds like interesting and relevant experience. I suggest you look over the list of project ideas and see which sound interesting to you, then install and try some tutorials to understand the basics.

view this post on Zulip Sadeep Darshana (May 01 2019 at 07:03):


auto cc=m_database.Get("sad");
cout<<cc->Name()<<endl;  //prints yoyoyoyo
cout<<m_database.Get("sad")->Name()<<endl;  //prints sad

So it appears Get() returns a new object with the properties of the object in the database. How do I get a reference to the object in the m_database than a clone with similar paras (which is useful for reading the parameters, but for editing parameters u need the original one).

Or is there a different way to edit the parameters of an object?

I want to do things like create a sphere,edit position of a sphere to a database using coreinterfaces before finalizing on the proposal because that might give me an idea about the depth, workload of the project. Im currently working towards this. I appreciate it if you can give directions towards this. Or is this too big to do in few hours?

Is there a way to send the commands (the ones you'd type into the command window of mged) to somewhere and get them executed on the database?

@Sean @Daniel Rossberg @whoEverKnowsThis

view this post on Zulip Sadeep Darshana (May 01 2019 at 08:39):


view this post on Zulip Sadeep Darshana (May 01 2019 at 08:46):

Please ignore 1) and 2) in my above message. I solved them.

I replaced BRLCAD::ConstDatabas with BRLCAD::MemoryDatabase in the rt^3 project.
Now the database can be edited (although no editing has been implemented in GUI)

In the rt^3 QtGui , using C++ coreintafaces,
I added a Ellipsoid
set it to be a Sphere with given center and radius
did m_objectsTreeView->Rebuild() to show newly added in the tree view in the left
saved to a .g file

view this post on Zulip Sadeep Darshana (May 01 2019 at 08:59):

Now my biggest concerns are how hard will it be to integrate realtime rendering and wireframes to display the contents of a BRLCAD::MemoryDatabase on the graphics window.
Also please answer 3) from the message 2 messages before. Do you think I can use the implementation in MGED for this?

view this post on Zulip Quentin Paden (Jun 01 2019 at 16:29):

Hello All! I am planning on solving the big issue with and going forward I want to show some gifs of my progress.

view this post on Zulip Vagabond (Apr 02 2023 at 06:00):


Last updated: Oct 09 2024 at 00:44 UTC