If you are interested in mentoring for GSoC this year, please introduce yourself and what projects you're willing to mentor.
To get started, I'm willing to mentor practically any project but will be focusing on the priority projects listed at http://brlcad.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas#High_Priority_Topics
of particular importance to me is appleseed integration, ray bundling (coherent ray tracing), and qt gui work
I would like to mentor online geometry backend. I would also request, let's not do OGV interface this year and rather give priority to mediawiki 3D geometry extension.
@pooh (inder) interesting idea, any particular reason to make it specific to mediawiki? I know we've talked about that before but it is either quite tricky or very simple, depending on the geometry supported.
@Sean Mediawiki because firstly our wiki is on mediawiki and it would be really great to be able to document geometries interactively on our wiki. Secondly, even mediawiki had an interest in such an extension when we started with OGV. On last GSoC mentor summit I had the chance to talk with mentor from mediawiki and it seems that requirement has still not been met. If BRL-CAD could be one of the supported platforms on mediawiki and hence later wikipedia, that I believe would be great.
Regarding difficulty, what I am thinking about is embedding our OGV viewer into mediawiki, so that as we keep working on our web viewer the mediawiki extension keeps improving along with. That embedding of the OGV viewer would be a comparatively simpler task.
I realize, there's a lot of gluttony in that response :laughing: However, still I would not advice further work on OGV interface, at least not before we have solved the backend problems (as much as we can).
@pooh (inder) do you think you could write up an ideas page with more detail? like the other task ideas
@pooh (inder) Invitation for the GSoC site is on the way.
@Sean Yes, I will write that down.
Yeah! I would also like to mentor OGV again.
I like the idea of mediawiki extension. And since we won't be dealing with front end interface, we can include polishing the conversion process (.g to .obj) There were some errors previous year.
Also, We need to clean up the Github repository of OGV. I will test and merge the latest code to master. And also add some known issues in github repo which students can fix as a part of their GSoC proposal.
would one of you update the ideas page? if we're not going front or back-end work, they should be removed/replaced with what we do want them to propose
Hello everyone, I've seen some people on the mailing list who are interested in "python geometry". I could help on with this project if the community finds the project a relevant one, else I'd like to assist any of the experienced mentors with their projects and provide as much help as I can from my side. Cheers !
that's where I'm not sure what the project would be -- there's the one on our ideas page which was from someone very involved in python. could be that project and if there's a solid proposal, sure. if it's something else, you'd need to help them define what that project would be and then get them to demonstrate their skill.
@ih8sum3r @Shubham Rathore @Panda (Gauravjeet Singh) @pooh (inder) would any of you guys be able to write up an ogv task idea, just a paragraph or two? I fear we're not going to get a proposal at this point without someone stepping up to help promote it
Working on it right now!
@Sean @Shubham Rathore @ih8sum3r I created a list of issues for GSOC and @Panda (Gauravjeet Singh) arranged them according to priority at https://github.com/BRL-CAD/OGV-meteor/projects/1?fullscreen=true
Let me know if you have more issues in mind.
http://brlcad.org/wiki/Online_Geometry_Viewer_Back-end Updated the wiki page
@all What are your thoughts on having a small notification bar at brlcad.org with link to GSoC ideas page?
That sounds fine to me
If anyone is interested in being a GSoC mentor and is not on the GSoCAx mailing list or our mentors (private) group here on Zulip, please let me know. The application will be going in soon, but mentors are always welcome!
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 00:49 UTC