Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* L O D . H
2  * BRL-CAD
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2004-2024 United States Government as represented by
5  * the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9  * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this file; see the file named COPYING for more
18  * information.
19  */
21 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 /* @file lod.h */
23 /** @addtogroup bv_lod */
24 /** @{ */
26 /**
27  * @brief Functions for generating view dependent level-of-detail data,
28  * particularly for meshes.
29  */
31 #ifndef BV_LOD_H
32 #define BV_LOD_H
34 #include "common.h"
35 #include "vmath.h"
36 #include "bu/ptbl.h"
37 #include "bv/defines.h"
41 /* Given a view, construct either an oriented bounding box or a view frustum
42  * extruded to contain scene objects visible in the view. Conceptually, think
43  * of it as a framebuffer pane pushed through the scene in the direction the
44  * camera is looking. If the view width and height are not set or there is
45  * some other problem, no volume is computed. This function is intended
46  * primarily to be set as an updating callback for the bview structure. */
47 BV_EXPORT extern void
48 bv_view_bounds(struct bview *v);
50 /* Given a screen x,y coordinate, construct the set of all scene objects whose
51  * AABB intersect with the OBB created by the projection of that pixel through
52  * the scene. sset holds the struct bv_scene_obj pointers of the selected
53  * objects. */
54 BV_EXPORT int
55 bv_view_objs_select(struct bu_ptbl *sset, struct bview *v, int x, int y);
57 /* Given a screen x1,y1,x2,y2 rectangle, construct and return the set of all scene
58  * objects whose AABB intersect with the OBB created by the projection of that
59  * rectangle through the scene. */
60 BV_EXPORT int
61 bv_view_objs_rect_select(struct bu_ptbl *sset, struct bview *v, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
63 /* Storing and reading from a lot of small, individual files doesn't work very
64  * well on some platforms. We provide a "context" to manage bookkeeping of data
65  * across objects. The details are implementation internal - the application
66  * will simply create a context with a file name and provide it to the various
67  * LoD calls. */
68 struct bv_mesh_lod_context_internal;
70  struct bv_mesh_lod_context_internal *i;
71 };
73 /* Create an LoD context using "name". If data is already present associated
74  * with that name it will be loaded, otherwise a new storage structure will be
75  * initialized. If creation or loading fails for any reason the return value
76  * NULL.
77  *
78  * Note that "name" should be a full, unique path associated with the source
79  * database. libbu will manage where the context data is cached.
80 */
81 BV_EXPORT struct bv_mesh_lod_context *
82 bv_mesh_lod_context_create(const char *name);
84 /* Free all memory associated with context c. Note that this call does NOT
85  * remove the on-disk data. */
86 BV_EXPORT void
89 /* Remove cache data associated with key. If key == 0, remove ALL cache data
90  * associated with all LoD objects in c. (i.e. a full LoD cache reset for that
91  * .g database). If key == 0 AND c == NULL, clear all LoD cache data for all
92  * .g databases associated with the current user's cache.
93  */
94 BV_EXPORT void
95 bv_mesh_lod_clear_cache(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, unsigned long long key);
97 /**
98  * Given a set of points and faces, calculate a lookup key and determine if the
99  * cache has the LoD data for this particular mesh. If it does not, do the
100  * initial calculations to generate the cached LoD data needed for subsequent
101  * lookups, otherwise just return the calculated key.
102  *
103  * This is potentially an expensive operation, particularly if the LoD data set
104  * must be generated for the mesh.
105  *
106  * If user_key != 0, it will be used instead of the mesh data hash as the db
107  * key to be used for subsequent lookups. Typically calculated with
108  * bu_data_hash from user supplied data, if the mesh data is not
109  * the desired source of the key.
110  *
111  * Note: to clear pre-existing cached data, run bv_mesh_lod_clear_cache();
112  *
113  * @return the lookup key calculated from the data */
114 BV_EXPORT unsigned long long
115 bv_mesh_lod_cache(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, const point_t *v, size_t vcnt, const vect_t *vn, int *f, size_t fcnt, unsigned long long user_key, fastf_t fratio);
118 /**
119  * Given a name, see if the context has a key associated with that name.
120  * If so return it, else return zero.
121  *
122  * Users of this feature need to be aware that it is the responsibility
123  * of the application to maintain the LoD cache data and keep it current -
124  * it is quite possible, in a data sense, for the LoD data to be out of
125  * date if something has changed the named geometry object and not updated
126  * the cache.
127  *
128  * The advantage of this feature, if the application does maintain the
129  * data correctly, is to make it possible to load a high level view of
130  * a large model without having to hash the full mesh data of the model
131  * to retrieve the data.
132  */
133 BV_EXPORT unsigned long long
134 bv_mesh_lod_key_get(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, const char *name);
136 /**
137  * Given a name and a key, instruct the context to associate that name with
138  * the key.
139  *
140  * Returns 0 if successful, else error
141  */
142 BV_EXPORT int
143 bv_mesh_lod_key_put(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, const char *name, unsigned long long key);
145 /**
146  * Set up the bv_mesh_lod container using cached LoD information associated
147  * with key. If no cached data has been prepared, a NULL container is
148  * returned - to prepare cached data, call bv_mesh_lod_cache with the original
149  * mesh input data. This call is intended to be usable in situations where
150  * we don't want to pull the full mesh data set into memory, so we can't assume
151  * the original data is present.
152  *
153  * Note: bv_mesh_lod assumes a non-changing mesh - if the mesh is changed after
154  * it is created, the internal container does *NOT* automatically update. In
155  * that case the old struct should be destroyed and a new one created.
156  *
157  * A bv_mesh_lod return from this function will be initialized only to the
158  * lowest level of data (i.e. the coarsest possible representation of the
159  * object.) To tailor the data, use the bv_mesh_lod_view function. For lower
160  * level control, the bv_mesh_lod_level function may be used to explicitly
161  * manipulate the loaded LoD (usually used for debugging, but also useful if an
162  * application wishes to visualize levels explicitly.)
163  */
164 BV_EXPORT struct bv_mesh_lod *
165 bv_mesh_lod_create(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, unsigned long long key);
167 /* Clean up the lod container. */
168 BV_EXPORT void
171 /**
172  * Given a scene object with mesh LoD data stored in s->draw_data, reduce
173  * memory footprint (for use after client codes have completed use of a
174  * particular level's info, but aren't done with the object. Main use case
175  * currently is OpenGL display lists - once generated, we can clear the
176  * internally stored LoD data until the level changes. Note that there is a
177  * re-loading performance penalty as a trade-off to the memory savings. */
178 BV_EXPORT void
181 /**
182  * Given a scene object with mesh LoD data stored in s->draw_data and a bview,
183  * load the appropriate level of detail for displaying the mesh in that view.
184  * Set reset == 1 if the caller wants to undo a memshrink operation even if the
185  * level isn't changed by the current view settings.
186  *
187  * Returns the level selected. If v == NULL, return current level of l. If
188  * there is an error or l == NULL, return -1; */
189 BV_EXPORT int
190 bv_mesh_lod_view(struct bv_scene_obj *s, struct bview *v, int reset);
192 /**
193  * Given a scene object with mesh LoD data stored in s->draw_data and a detail
194  * level, load the appropriate data. This is not normally used by client codes
195  * directly, but may be needed if an app needs manipulate the level of detail
196  * without a view. Set reset == 1 if the caller wants to undo a memshrink
197  * operation even if the level isn't changed by the current view settings.
198  *
199  * Returns the level selected. If level == -1, return current level of l. If
200  * there is an error, return -1; */
201 BV_EXPORT int
202 bv_mesh_lod_level(struct bv_scene_obj *s, int level, int reset);
204 /* Free a scene object's LoD data. Suitable as a s_free_callback function
205  * for a bv_scene_obj. This function will also trigger any additional
206  * "free" callback functions which might be defined for the LoD container. */
207 BV_EXPORT void
212 /* In order to preserve library barriers, a number of operations needed to
213  * realize LoD drawing are defined at other library layers and made available
214  * to the core LoD management logic with callbacks */
216 /* Set function callbacks for retrieving and freeing high levels of mesh detail */
217 BV_EXPORT void
218 bv_mesh_lod_detail_setup_clbk(struct bv_mesh_lod *lod, int (*clbk)(struct bv_mesh_lod *, void *), void *cb_data);
219 BV_EXPORT void
220 bv_mesh_lod_detail_clear_clbk(struct bv_mesh_lod *lod, int (*clbk)(struct bv_mesh_lod *, void *));
221 BV_EXPORT void
222 bv_mesh_lod_detail_free_clbk(struct bv_mesh_lod *lod, int (*clbk)(struct bv_mesh_lod *, void *));
226 #endif /* BV_LOD_H */
227 /** @} */
228 /*
229  * Local Variables:
230  * mode: C
231  * tab-width: 8
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236  */
Header file for the BRL-CAD common definitions.
int bv_mesh_lod_key_put(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, const char *name, unsigned long long key)
void bv_mesh_lod_context_destroy(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c)
int bv_view_objs_rect_select(struct bu_ptbl *sset, struct bview *v, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
void bv_view_bounds(struct bview *v)
Functions for generating view dependent level-of-detail data, particularly for meshes.
struct bv_mesh_lod * bv_mesh_lod_create(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, unsigned long long key)
int bv_mesh_lod_view(struct bv_scene_obj *s, struct bview *v, int reset)
int bv_mesh_lod_level(struct bv_scene_obj *s, int level, int reset)
struct bv_mesh_lod_context * bv_mesh_lod_context_create(const char *name)
int bv_view_objs_select(struct bu_ptbl *sset, struct bview *v, int x, int y)
void bv_mesh_lod_detail_setup_clbk(struct bv_mesh_lod *lod, int(*clbk)(struct bv_mesh_lod *, void *), void *cb_data)
void bv_mesh_lod_clear_cache(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, unsigned long long key)
void bv_mesh_lod_memshrink(struct bv_scene_obj *s)
unsigned long long bv_mesh_lod_key_get(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, const char *name)
void bv_mesh_lod_detail_free_clbk(struct bv_mesh_lod *lod, int(*clbk)(struct bv_mesh_lod *, void *))
void bv_mesh_lod_free(struct bv_scene_obj *s)
void bv_mesh_lod_destroy(struct bv_mesh_lod *l)
unsigned long long bv_mesh_lod_cache(struct bv_mesh_lod_context *c, const point_t *v, size_t vcnt, const vect_t *vn, int *f, size_t fcnt, unsigned long long user_key, fastf_t fratio)
void bv_mesh_lod_detail_clear_clbk(struct bv_mesh_lod *lod, int(*clbk)(struct bv_mesh_lod *, void *))
void float float * y
Definition: tig.h:73
void int * c
Definition: tig.h:139
void float * x
Definition: tig.h:72
fastf_t vect_t[ELEMENTS_PER_VECT]
3-tuple vector
Definition: vmath.h:349
double fastf_t
fastest 64-bit (or larger) floating point type
Definition: vmath.h:334
fastf_t point_t[ELEMENTS_PER_POINT]
3-tuple point
Definition: vmath.h:355
Definition: ptbl.h:53
struct bv_mesh_lod_context_internal * i
Definition: lod.h:70
struct bv_scene_obj * s
Definition: defines.h:392
Definition: defines.h:489
fundamental vector, matrix, quaternion math macros