Routines for application setup and supplying information to user programs. More...

Collaboration diagram for Applications:


file  app.h


enum  bu_dir_t {


DEPRECATED const char * bu_argv0_full_path (void)
char * bu_getcwd (char *buf, size_t size)
char * bu_getiwd (char *buf, size_t size)
const char * bu_getprogname (void)
void bu_setprogname (const char *path)
const char * bu_which (const char *cmd)
const char * bu_whereis (const char *cmd)
FILE * bu_temp_file (char *filepath, size_t len)
 Routine to open a temporary file. More...
const char * bu_temp_file_name (char *filename, size_t len)
int bu_fchmod (int fd, unsigned long pmode)
 Wrapper around fchmod. More...
DEPRECATED const char * bu_brlcad_dir (const char *dirkey, int fail_quietly)
 BRL-CAD specific path queries. More...
DEPRECATED const char * bu_brlcad_root (const char *rhs, int fail_quietly)
 Locate where the BRL-CAD applications and libraries are installed. More...
const char * bu_dir (char *result, size_t len,...)
void bu_mkdir (const char *path)
void bu_dirclear (const char *d)

Detailed Description

Routines for application setup and supplying information to user programs.

Routines for inspecting and reporting characteristics of the current running application environment.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ bu_dir_t

enum bu_dir_t

(unknown) current working directory


(unknown) initial working directory


(read-only) user executables (bin)


(read-only) object libraries (lib)


(read-only) object libraries (libexec)


(read-only) C/C++ header files (include)


(read-only) data files (share)


(read-only) documentation, (DATA/doc)


(read-only) manual pages, (DATA/man)


(read/write) temporary files (TEMP)


(read/write) user home directory (HOME)


(read/write) user cache directory (BU_CACHE_DIR)


(read/write) user config directory (HOME/.app)


(n/a) optional executable extension


(n/a) optional library extension


always the last entry, for iterators

Definition at line 292 of file app.h.

Function Documentation

◆ bu_argv0_full_path()

DEPRECATED const char* bu_argv0_full_path ( void  )

DEPRECATED: This routine is replaced by bu_getcwd(). Do not use.

returns the full path to argv0, regardless of how the application was invoked.

this routine will return "(BRL-CAD)" if argv[0] cannot be identified but should never return NULL. this routine is not thread-safe.

◆ bu_getcwd()

char* bu_getcwd ( char *  buf,
size_t  size 

Routine for obtaining the current working directory.

Result is written into the provided buf, up to size chars, and returned. If buf is NULL, dynamically allocated memory will be returned and must be free'd via bu_free().

◆ bu_getiwd()

char* bu_getiwd ( char *  buf,
size_t  size 

Routine for obtaining the initial working directory during application startup.

Result is written into the provided buf, up to size chars, and returned. If buf is NULL, dynamically allocated memory will be returned and must be free'd via bu_free().

◆ bu_getprogname()

const char* bu_getprogname ( void  )

Get the name of the running application. application codes should call bu_setprogname() first to ensure that the program name is stored appropriately on platforms that do not have an intrinsic method for tracking the program name automatically.

while this routine is thread-safe and reentrant, the static string returned is shared amongst all threads.

◆ bu_setprogname()

void bu_setprogname ( const char *  path)

Set the name of the running application. This isn't strictly necessary on platforms that have an intrinsic method for tracking the program name automatically, but is still recommended for portability and is necessary on some strict modes of compilation.

while the implementation relies on a static string shared across all threads, this routine is thread-safe and reentrant.

◆ bu_which()

const char* bu_which ( const char *  cmd)

returns the first USER path match to a given executable name.

Routine to provide BSD "which" functionality, locating binaries of specified programs from the user's PATH. This is useful to locate binaries and resources at run-time.

caller should not free the result, though it will not be preserved between calls either. the caller should strdup the result if they need to keep it around.

routine will return NULL if the executable command cannot be found.

◆ bu_whereis()

const char* bu_whereis ( const char *  cmd)

returns the first SYSTEM path match to a given executable cmd name.

Routine to provide BSD "whereis" functionality, locating binaries of specified programs from the SYSTEM path. This is useful to locate binaries and resources at run-time.

caller should not free the result, though it will not be preserved between calls either. the caller should strdup the result if they need to keep it around.

routine will return NULL if the executable command cannot be found.

◆ bu_temp_file()

FILE* bu_temp_file ( char *  filepath,
size_t  len 

Routine to open a temporary file.

Create a temporary file. The first readable/writable directory will be used, searching TMPDIR/TEMP/TMP environment variable directories followed by default system temp directories and ultimately trying the current directory.

The name of the temporary file will be copied into a user-provided (filepath) buffer if it is a non-NULL pointer and of a sufficient (len) length to contain the filename.

This routine is guaranteed to return a new unique file or return NULL on failure. The file should be closed via fclose() when it is no longer needed. The temporary file will be automatically unlinked on application exit. It is the caller's responsibility to set file access settings, preserve file contents, or destroy file contents if the default behavior is non-optimal.

The temporary file may no longer exist after a call to fclose(), so do not close a handle until you are are done accessing it. Calling fileno()+dup()+fdopen() can obtain a second handle on an open file.

This routine is NOT thread-safe.

Typical Use:

FILE *fp;
char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
fp = bu_temp_file(&filename, MAXPATHLEN); // get a named temp file
fclose(fp); // close the file when you're done
fp = bu_temp_file(NULL, 0); // get an anonymous temp file
bu_fchmod(fileno(fp), 0777);
while (fputc(0, fp) == 0);
int bu_fchmod(int fd, unsigned long pmode)
Wrapper around fchmod.
FILE * bu_temp_file(char *filepath, size_t len)
Routine to open a temporary file.
Definition: common.h:239

◆ bu_temp_file_name()

const char* bu_temp_file_name ( char *  filename,
size_t  len 

Generate a temporary file name using a prefix (if supplied), the current process ID, and the current thread's ID

This function writes into buffer and returns a temporary file name that is unique to a process / thread pair. The caller can further distinguish the generated name using a specified filename prefix. When not supplied, the PACKAGE_NAME (BRL-CAD) is used as the prefix.

Note that the filename parameter doubles as both a prefix specifier as well as a return buffer.

filenameprefixes the name, doubles as return buffer if len is set
lentotal size of the available filename buffer
name in the form of prefix_procID_threadID. This will be 'filename' or, when NULL, a read-only STATIC buffer will be returned that will be the caller's responsibility to bu_strdup() or otherwise save before a subsequent call.
// e.g., BRL-CAD_123_456
const char *generic = bu_temp_file_name(NULL, 0);
// e.g., BRL-CAD_123_456 -> saved to supplied buffer
char generic[25] = {0};
bu_temp_file_name(generic, 25);
// e.g., prefix_123_456
const char *prefix = bu_temp_file_name("prefix", 0);
// e.g., prefix_123_456 -> saved to supplied buffer
char prefix[25] = "prefix";
bu_temp_file_name(prefix, 25);
// e.g., /path/to/temp/dir/BRL-CAD_123_456 -> combine with bu_dir for fullpath
char tmpfil[MAXPATHLEN];
const char* tmp_filename = bu_temp_file_name(NULL, 0);
bu_dir(tmpfil, MAXPATHLEN, BU_DIR_TEMP, tmp_filename, NULL);
const char * bu_dir(char *result, size_t len,...)
const char * bu_temp_file_name(char *filename, size_t len)
Definition: app.h:302

◆ bu_fchmod()

int bu_fchmod ( int  fd,
unsigned long  pmode 

Wrapper around fchmod.

Portable wrapper for setting a file descriptor's permissions ala fchmod().

◆ bu_brlcad_dir()

DEPRECATED const char* bu_brlcad_dir ( const char *  dirkey,
int  fail_quietly 

BRL-CAD specific path queries.

NOTE: this API is replaced by bu_dir()

For example: bu_brlcad_dir("doc", 1); is now: bu_dir(NULL, 0, BU_DIR_DOC, NULL);

Report the relative paths being used to hold BRL-CAD applications, libraries, and data.

Recognized keys include:

Key Looks Up
bin Directory containing applications
lib Directory containing libraries
include Directory containing headers
data Directory containing shared data
share Directory containing shared data
doc Directory containing documentation
man Directory containing Unix man pages
A STATIC buffer is returned. It is the caller's responsibility to call bu_strdup() or make other provisions to save the returned string, before calling again.

◆ bu_brlcad_root()

DEPRECATED const char* bu_brlcad_root ( const char *  rhs,
int  fail_quietly 

Locate where the BRL-CAD applications and libraries are installed.

NOTE: this API is replaced by bu_dir()

For example: bu_brlcad_root("share/tclscripts/isst/isst.tcl", 1); is now: bu_dir(NULL, 0, BU_DIR_DATA, "tclscripts", "isst", "isst.tcl", NULL);

The BRL-CAD root is searched for in the following order of precedence by testing for the rhs existence if provided or the directory existence otherwise:

BRLCAD_ROOT environment variable if set run-time path identification BRLCAD_ROOT compile-time path current directory

A STATIC buffer is returned. It is the caller's responsibility to call bu_strdup() or make other provisions to save the returned string, before calling again.

◆ bu_dir()

const char* bu_dir ( char *  result,
size_t  len,

Find a particular user, system, or runtime directory.

This function writes into buffer and returns, if found, the path to a given filesystm resource. The caller may specify paths to subdirectories and/or filenames as a NULL-terminated vararg list.

Paths returned will use the native directory separator. Callers may also manually concatenate subdirectory resources (e.g., "share/db/moss.g") using forward slashes and they will be converted to the native separator.

resultif non-NULL, buffer should have >= MAXPATHLEN chars
lenis the size of the result buffer
...must be one of the above enumerations or a string/path
Full path to the specified resource will be returned. This will be 'buffer' or, when NULL, a read-only STATIC buffer will be returned that will be the caller's responsibility to bu_strdup() or otherwise save before a subsequent call to bu_dir() returns.
// e.g., /home/user
const char *pwd = bu_dir(NULL, 0, BU_DIR_CURR, NULL);
// e.g., /opt/brlcad/bin/rt
char rt[MAXPATHLEN] = {0};
execl(rt, "rt", NULL);
// e.g., C:\\BRL-CAD 7.123.4\\bin\\librt.dll
const char *lib = bu_dir(NULL, 0, BU_DIR_LIB, "librt", BU_DIR_LIBEXT, NULL);
// e.g., /opt/app-7.123.4/share/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl
char ts[MAXPATHLEN] = {0};
bu_dir(ts, MAXPATHLEN, BU_DIR_DATA, "tclscripts/mged", NULL);
bu_dir(ts, MAXPATHLEN, ts, "help.tcl", NULL);
// e.g., C:\\BRL-CAD 7.123.4\\libexec\\mged\\tops.exe
const char *tops = bu_dir(NULL, 0, BU_DIR_LIBEXEC, "mged/tops", BU_DIR_EXT, NULL);
Definition: app.h:299
Definition: app.h:296
Definition: app.h:295
Definition: app.h:297
Definition: app.h:293
Definition: app.h:307
Definition: app.h:306

◆ bu_mkdir()

void bu_mkdir ( const char *  path)

Create a directory specified by the string "path". Default mode on platforms using mkdir will be "775"

◆ bu_dirclear()

void bu_dirclear ( const char *  d)

Recursively delete all files and subfolders in directory d