Routines that find and report on the objects within BRL-CAD geometry databases. More...

Collaboration diagram for Database Searching:


file  search.h

Data Structures

struct  db_search_context
 Execution context for the -exec filter. More...


#define DB_SEARCH_TREE   0x0
 Do a hierarchy-aware search. This is the default. More...
#define DB_SEARCH_FLAT   0x1
 Do a flat search without hierarchy. More...
#define DB_SEARCH_HIDDEN   0x2
 Search using hidden objects. More...
 Return the set of unique directory pointers instead of full paths. More...
#define DB_SEARCH_QUIET   0x8
 Silence all warnings. More...
#define DB_SEARCH_PRINT_TOTAL   0x10
 Print total number of items found in search. More...
#define DB_LS_PRIM   0x1
 filter for primitives (solids) More...
#define DB_LS_COMB   0x2
 filter for combinations More...
#define DB_LS_REGION   0x4
 filter for regions More...
#define DB_LS_HIDDEN   0x8
 include hidden objects in results More...
#define DB_LS_NON_GEOM   0x10
 filter for non-geometry objects More...
#define DB_LS_TOPS   0x20
 filter for objects un-referenced by other objects More...
#define DB_LS_CYCLIC   0x40
 filter for objects with a cyclic reference in subtrees More...


typedef int(* db_search_callback_t) (int, const char *[], void *)


struct db_search_contextdb_search_context_create (void)
 Allocates a new context. More...
void db_search_context_destroy (struct db_search_context *ctx)
 Free a context created by db_search_context_create. More...
void db_search_register_exec (struct db_search_context *, db_search_callback_t)
 Register a callback for -exec filters. More...
void db_search_register_data (struct db_search_context *, void *)
 Register a userdata for the callback. More...
int db_search (struct bu_ptbl *results, int flags, const char *filter, int path_c, struct directory **path_v, struct db_i *dbip, struct db_search_context *ctx)
 Search for objects in a geometry database using filters. More...
void db_search_free (struct bu_ptbl *search_results)
size_t db_ls (const struct db_i *dbip, int flags, const char *pattern, struct directory ***dpv)
int db_cyclic_paths (struct bu_ptbl *cyclic_paths, const struct db_i *dbip, struct directory *sdp)

Detailed Description

Routines that find and report on the objects within BRL-CAD geometry databases.

Functionality for searching .g files.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DB_SEARCH_TREE   0x0

Do a hierarchy-aware search. This is the default.

Definition at line 147 of file search.h.


#define DB_SEARCH_FLAT   0x1

Do a flat search without hierarchy.

Definition at line 148 of file search.h.


#define DB_SEARCH_HIDDEN   0x2

Search using hidden objects.

Definition at line 149 of file search.h.



Return the set of unique directory pointers instead of full paths.

Definition at line 150 of file search.h.


#define DB_SEARCH_QUIET   0x8

Silence all warnings.

Definition at line 151 of file search.h.


#define DB_SEARCH_PRINT_TOTAL   0x10

Print total number of items found in search.

Definition at line 152 of file search.h.


#define DB_LS_PRIM   0x1

filter for primitives (solids)

Definition at line 183 of file search.h.


#define DB_LS_COMB   0x2

filter for combinations

Definition at line 184 of file search.h.


#define DB_LS_REGION   0x4

filter for regions

Definition at line 185 of file search.h.


#define DB_LS_HIDDEN   0x8

include hidden objects in results

Definition at line 186 of file search.h.


#define DB_LS_NON_GEOM   0x10

filter for non-geometry objects

Definition at line 187 of file search.h.


#define DB_LS_TOPS   0x20

filter for objects un-referenced by other objects

Definition at line 188 of file search.h.


#define DB_LS_CYCLIC   0x40

filter for objects with a cyclic reference in subtrees

Definition at line 189 of file search.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ db_search_callback_t

typedef int(* db_search_callback_t) (int, const char *[], void *)

Definition at line 40 of file search.h.

Function Documentation

◆ db_search_context_create()

struct db_search_context* db_search_context_create ( void  )

Allocates a new context.

◆ db_search_context_destroy()

void db_search_context_destroy ( struct db_search_context ctx)

Free a context created by db_search_context_create.

◆ db_search_register_exec()

void db_search_register_exec ( struct db_search_context ,

Register a callback for -exec filters.

◆ db_search_register_data()

void db_search_register_data ( struct db_search_context ,
void *   

Register a userdata for the callback.

◆ db_search()

int db_search ( struct bu_ptbl results,
int  flags,
const char *  filter,
int  path_c,
struct directory **  path_v,
struct db_i dbip,
struct db_search_context ctx 

Search for objects in a geometry database using filters.

The db_search function is a programmatic find-style interface that lets you search for objects in a geometry database. This function searches the database using a supplied list of filter criteria.

The function returns a count of objects matching the filter criteria and can provide the resulting matches in binary format as either db_full_path or directory objects depending on the flags (i.e., depending on whether this is a flat or hierarchical search).

There are a LOT of filter possibilities. See the search(n) manual page for details.

[out]resultsis a bu_ptbl holding either db_full_path or directory pointers.
flagsis a bit field for setting various search options.
filteris a string defining search filters to be used.
path_cis the count of directory paths to be searched.
path_vis one or more directory paths to be searched. If path_v itself is NULL, all top-level objects are searched
dbipThe database instance pointer corresponding to the current geometry database.
ctxContext for -exec. Can be NULL if there are no -exec filters present.
Negative return values indicate a problem with the search, and non-negative values indicate a successful search. Non-negative values correspond with the number of objects found.
Return values
-2Return code when db_search is called with a NULL dbip.
-1Return code when the plan search string is invalid.
0Return code when the search completed successfully but no matches were found.
>0Return code when the search completed successfully and matched one or more objects.

The following example assumes a database instance pointer (dbip) is available and ready to use.

size_t i = 0;
struct bu_ptbl results = BU_PTBL_INIT_ZERO;
const char *plan = "-name *.s -or -below -type region";
int matches = db_search(&results, DB_SEARCH_HIDDEN | DB_SEARCH_QUIET , plan, 0, NULL, dbip, ctx);
for (i = 0; matches > 0 && i < BU_PTBL_LEN(&results); i++) {
char *path_str = db_path_to_string((struct db_full_path *)BU_PTBL_GET(&results, i));
bu_log("%s\n", path_str);
bu_free(path_str, "free db_fullpath_to_string allocation");
int bu_log(const char *,...) _BU_ATTR_PRINTF12
void bu_free(void *ptr, const char *str)
Definition: ptbl.h:83
#define BU_PTBL_LEN(ptbl)
Definition: ptbl.h:95
#define BU_PTBL_GET(ptbl, i)
Definition: ptbl.h:97
char * db_path_to_string(const struct db_full_path *pp)
Silence all warnings.
Definition: search.h:151
int db_search(struct bu_ptbl *results, int flags, const char *filter, int path_c, struct directory **path_v, struct db_i *dbip, struct db_search_context *ctx)
Search for objects in a geometry database using filters.
void db_search_free(struct bu_ptbl *search_results)
Search using hidden objects.
Definition: search.h:149
Definition: ptbl.h:53

Note: Be aware that if you are using db_search to filter pre-built lists of paths, you need to check that your generated path list is NOT empty before calling db_search. If you accidentally send an empty path list into db_search, it will assume you wanted a tops list, which has a good chance of returning unwanted results.

◆ db_search_free()

void db_search_free ( struct bu_ptbl search_results)

Properly free the table contents returned by db_search. The bu_ptbl itself, if not put on the stack, will need to be freed by the same calling function that allocated it.

◆ db_ls()

size_t db_ls ( const struct db_i dbip,
int  flags,
const char *  pattern,
struct directory ***  dpv 

db_ls takes a database instance pointer and assembles a directory pointer array of objects in the database according to a set of flags. An optional pattern can be supplied for match filtering via globbing rules (see bu_path_match()). If pattern is NULL, filtering is performed using only the flags.

The caller is responsible for freeing the array.

Returns - integer count of objects in dpv struct directory ** array of objects in dpv via argument

◆ db_cyclic_paths()

int db_cyclic_paths ( struct bu_ptbl cyclic_paths,
const struct db_i dbip,
struct directory sdp 

db_cyclic_paths searches for cyclic paths in the database, either in all objects or checking whether a specific dp is cyclic within its subtree.

If sdp is NULL, ALL directory pointers in the database are checked. This is a complete validation of the whole .g file, and the only way to comprehensively search for any cyclic paths present. The return count will be the number of combs with a cyclic reference in their subtrees.

If sdp is non-NULL, the search will be limited to checking only the tree below sdp for a cyclic reference to sdp.

If a cyclic_paths is non-NULL it will be used to return db_fullpath entries for the cyclic paths found.