Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* D B _ F U L L P A T H . H
2  * BRL-CAD
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 United States Government as represented by
5  * the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9  * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this file; see the file named COPYING for more
18  * information.
19  */
21 #ifndef RT_DB_FULLPATH_H
22 #define RT_DB_FULLPATH_H
24 #include "common.h"
26 #include "vmath.h"
28 #include "bu/color.h"
29 #include "bu/vls.h"
30 #include "rt/defines.h"
34 struct resource; /* forward declaration */
35 struct db_i; /* forward declaration */
36 struct directory; /* forward declaration */
38 /** @addtogroup db_fullpath
39  *
40  * @brief
41  * Structures and routines for collecting and manipulating paths through the database tree.
42  *
43  */
44 /** @{ */
45 /** @file rt/db_fullpath.h */
47 /**
48  * The fp_bool array can optionally hold a boolean flag
49  * associated with each corresponding dp in fp_names. This
50  * array must be manually maintained by the client code in
51  * order for it to have valid data - many functions using
52  * full paths (for example, conversion from strings) don't
53  * have knowledge of a specific boolean tree.
54  */
55 struct db_full_path {
56  uint32_t magic;
57  size_t fp_len;
58  size_t fp_maxlen;
59  struct directory ** fp_names; /**< @brief array of dir pointers */
60  int * fp_bool; /**< @brief array of boolean flags */
61  int * fp_cinst; /**< @brief array of comb tree instance specifiers */
62 };
63 #define RT_CK_FULL_PATH(_p) BU_CKMAG(_p, DB_FULL_PATH_MAGIC, "db_full_path")
65 #define DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_DIR(_pp) (((_pp)->fp_len > 0) ? (_pp)->fp_names[(_pp)->fp_len-1] : NULL)
66 #define DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_BOOL(_pp) ((_pp)->fp_bool[(_pp)->fp_len-1])
67 #define DB_FULL_PATH_SET_CUR_BOOL(_pp, _i) ((_pp)->fp_bool[(_pp)->fp_len-1]) = _i
69 #define DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_COMB_INST(_pp) ((_pp)->fp_cinst[(_pp)->fp_len-1])
70 #define DB_FULL_PATH_SET_CUR_COMB_INST(_pp, _i) ((_pp)->fp_cinst[(_pp)->fp_len-1]) = _i
72 #define DB_FULL_PATH_LEN(_pp) ((_pp)->fp_len)
73 #define DB_FULL_PATH_POP(_pp) ((_pp)->fp_len > 0) ? (_pp)->fp_len-- : (_pp)->fp_len
75 #define DB_FULL_PATH_GET(_pp, _i) ((_pp)->fp_names[(_i)])
76 #define DB_FULL_PATH_GET_BOOL(_pp, _i) ((_pp)->fp_bool[(_i)])
77 #define DB_FULL_PATH_SET_BOOL(_pp, _i, _j) ((_pp)->fp_bool[(_i)] = _j)
78 #define DB_FULL_PATH_GET_COMB_INST(_pp, _i) ((_pp)->fp_cinst[(_i)])
79 #define DB_FULL_PATH_SET_COMB_INST(_pp, _i, _j) ((_pp)->fp_cinst[(_i)] = _j)
81 #define DB_FULL_PATH_ROOT_DIR(_pp) ((_pp)->fp_names[0])
85 /* db_fullpath.c */
86 RT_EXPORT extern void db_full_path_init(struct db_full_path *pathp);
88 RT_EXPORT extern void db_add_node_to_full_path(struct db_full_path *pp,
89  struct directory *dp);
91 RT_EXPORT extern void db_dup_full_path(struct db_full_path *newp,
92  const struct db_full_path *oldp);
94 /**
95  * Extend "pathp" so that it can grow from current fp_len by incr more names.
96  *
97  * This is intended primarily as an internal method.
98  */
99 RT_EXPORT extern void db_extend_full_path(struct db_full_path *pathp,
100  size_t incr);
102 RT_EXPORT extern void db_append_full_path(struct db_full_path *dest,
103  const struct db_full_path *src);
105 /**
106  * Dup old path from starting index to end.
107  */
108 RT_EXPORT extern void db_dup_path_tail(struct db_full_path *newp,
109  const struct db_full_path *oldp,
110  b_off_t start);
113 /**
114  * Unlike rt_path_str(), this version can be used in parallel.
115  * Caller is responsible for freeing the returned buffer.
116  */
117 RT_EXPORT extern char *db_path_to_string(const struct db_full_path *pp);
119 /**
120  * Append a string representation of the path onto the vls. Must have
121  * exactly the same formatting conventions as db_path_to_string().
122  */
123 RT_EXPORT extern void db_path_to_vls(struct bu_vls *str,
124  const struct db_full_path *pp);
126 /**
127  * Append a string representation of the path onto the vls, with
128  * options to decorate nodes with additional information.
129  */
130 #define DB_FP_PRINT_BOOL 0x1 /* print boolean operations */
131 #define DB_FP_PRINT_TYPE 0x2 /* print object types */
132 #define DB_FP_PRINT_MATRIX 0x4 /* print notice that a matrix is present */
133 #define DB_FP_PRINT_COMB_INDEX 0x8 /* print non-zero comb tree instance specifiers */
134 RT_EXPORT extern void db_fullpath_to_vls(struct bu_vls *vls,
135  const struct db_full_path *full_path,
136  const struct db_i *dbip, /* needed for type determination */
137  int fp_flags);
140 RT_EXPORT extern void db_pr_full_path(const char *msg,
141  const struct db_full_path *pathp);
144 /**
145  * Reverse the effects of db_path_to_string().
146  *
147  * The db_full_path structure will be initialized. If it was already
148  * in use, user should call db_free_full_path() first.
149  *
150  * Returns -
151  * -1 One or more components of path did not exist in the directory.
152  * 0 OK
153  */
154 RT_EXPORT extern int db_string_to_path(struct db_full_path *pp,
155  const struct db_i *dbip,
156  const char *str);
159 /**
160  * Treat elements from argv[0] to argv[argc-1] as a path specification.
161  *
162  * The path structure will be fully initialized. If it was already in
163  * use, user should call db_free_full_path() first.
164  *
165  * Returns -
166  * -1 One or more components of path did not exist in the directory.
167  * 0 OK
168  */
169 RT_EXPORT extern int db_argv_to_path(struct db_full_path *pp,
170  struct db_i *dbip,
171  int argc,
172  const char *const*argv);
175 /**
176  * Free the contents of the db_full_path structure, but not the
177  * structure itself, which might be automatic.
178  */
179 RT_EXPORT extern void db_free_full_path(struct db_full_path *pp);
182 /**
183  * Returns -
184  * 1 match
185  * 0 different
186  */
187 RT_EXPORT extern int db_identical_full_paths(const struct db_full_path *a,
188  const struct db_full_path *b);
191 /**
192  * Returns -
193  * 1 if 'b' is a proper subset of 'a'
194  * 0 if not.
195  */
196 RT_EXPORT extern int db_full_path_subset(const struct db_full_path *a,
197  const struct db_full_path *b,
198  const int skip_first);
200 /**
201  * Returns -
202  * 1 if 'a' matches the top part of 'b'
203  * 0 if not.
204  *
205  * For example, /a/b matches both the top part of /a/b/c and /a/b.
206  */
207 RT_EXPORT extern int db_full_path_match_top(const struct db_full_path *a,
208  const struct db_full_path *b);
211 /**
212  * Returns -
213  * 1 'dp' is found on this path
214  * 0 not found
215  */
216 RT_EXPORT extern int db_full_path_search(const struct db_full_path *a,
217  const struct directory *dp);
220 /**
221  * Function to test whether a path has a cyclic entry in it.
222  *
223  * @param fp [i] Full path to test
224  * @param lname [i] String to use when checking path (optional). If NULL, use the name of the current directory pointer in fp.
225  * @param full_check [i] Flag to instruct the cyclic test to check using all directory pointers in fp, not just the lname/current dp test.
226  * @return 1 if the path is cyclic, 0 if it is not.
227  *
228  * By default, only the leaf (or test_name if supplied) will be used to test if
229  * the path is cyclic. If full_check is set, all object names in the path will
230  * be checked, as well as lname if set. This more expensive check is not
231  * necessary if calling code is checking for cyclic paths as paths are being
232  * built, but is necessary to fully "clear" a db_full_path from an arbitrary
233  * source. Calling code must use its knowledge of the origins of the full path
234  * (or lack thereof) to determine how much validation work is needed.
235  */
236 RT_EXPORT extern int db_full_path_cyclic(const struct db_full_path *fp, const char *lname, int full_check);
238 /**
239  * Build the transformation matrix obtained when traversing the path
240  * to the specified depth.
241  *
242  * Returns -
243  * 1 OK, path matrix written into 'mat'.
244  * 0 FAIL
245  *
246  * Called in librt/db_tree.c, mged/dodraw.c, and mged/animedit.c
247  */
248 RT_EXPORT extern int db_path_to_mat(struct db_i *dbip,
249  struct db_full_path *pathp,
250  mat_t mat, /* result */
251  int depth, /* number of arcs */
252  struct resource *resp);
254 /**
255  * For a given path, return the "net" boolean operation of the
256  * path. If a subtraction is found along the path, overall path
257  * is regarded as a subtraction. Else, if an intersection is found
258  * op is reported as an intersection. Else, union is reported.
259  */
260 RT_EXPORT extern int
261 db_fp_op(const struct db_full_path *pathp,
262  struct db_i *dbip,
263  int depth, /* number of arcs - 0 == all */
264  struct resource *resp);
266 /**
267  * Determine the color operative at the current directory pointer (the leaf
268  * node) of the path according to available information and rules.
269  *
270  * If nothing can be determined default color is set.
271  */
272 RT_EXPORT extern void db_full_path_color(struct bu_color *c,
273  struct db_full_path *pathp,
274  struct db_i *dbip,
275  struct resource *resp);
278 /** @} */
282 #endif /*RT_DB_FULLPATH_H*/
284 /*
285  * Local Variables:
286  * tab-width: 8
287  * mode: C
288  * indent-tabs-mode: t
289  * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
290  * End:
291  * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8
292  */
Header file for the BRL-CAD common definitions.
void int * c
Definition: tig.h:139
#define b_off_t
Definition: common.h:223
void db_pr_full_path(const char *msg, const struct db_full_path *pathp)
void db_add_node_to_full_path(struct db_full_path *pp, struct directory *dp)
void db_extend_full_path(struct db_full_path *pathp, size_t incr)
int db_full_path_subset(const struct db_full_path *a, const struct db_full_path *b, const int skip_first)
int db_full_path_cyclic(const struct db_full_path *fp, const char *lname, int full_check)
void db_fullpath_to_vls(struct bu_vls *vls, const struct db_full_path *full_path, const struct db_i *dbip, int fp_flags)
void db_dup_full_path(struct db_full_path *newp, const struct db_full_path *oldp)
int db_fp_op(const struct db_full_path *pathp, struct db_i *dbip, int depth, struct resource *resp)
void db_dup_path_tail(struct db_full_path *newp, const struct db_full_path *oldp, b_off_t start)
int db_string_to_path(struct db_full_path *pp, const struct db_i *dbip, const char *str)
void db_path_to_vls(struct bu_vls *str, const struct db_full_path *pp)
int db_full_path_search(const struct db_full_path *a, const struct directory *dp)
int db_argv_to_path(struct db_full_path *pp, struct db_i *dbip, int argc, const char *const *argv)
void db_full_path_init(struct db_full_path *pathp)
char * db_path_to_string(const struct db_full_path *pp)
int db_path_to_mat(struct db_i *dbip, struct db_full_path *pathp, mat_t mat, int depth, struct resource *resp)
int db_identical_full_paths(const struct db_full_path *a, const struct db_full_path *b)
void db_free_full_path(struct db_full_path *pp)
void db_full_path_color(struct bu_color *c, struct db_full_path *pathp, struct db_i *dbip, struct resource *resp)
int db_full_path_match_top(const struct db_full_path *a, const struct db_full_path *b)
void db_append_full_path(struct db_full_path *dest, const struct db_full_path *src)
fastf_t mat_t[ELEMENTS_PER_MAT]
4x4 matrix
Definition: vmath.h:370
Definition: color.h:54
Definition: vls.h:53
size_t fp_len
Definition: db_fullpath.h:57
int * fp_cinst
array of comb tree instance specifiers
Definition: db_fullpath.h:61
int * fp_bool
array of boolean flags
Definition: db_fullpath.h:60
uint32_t magic
Definition: db_fullpath.h:56
size_t fp_maxlen
Definition: db_fullpath.h:58
struct directory ** fp_names
array of dir pointers
Definition: db_fullpath.h:59
fundamental vector, matrix, quaternion math macros