75 #ifndef NMG_TOPOLOGY_H
76 #define NMG_TOPOLOGY_H
Header file for the BRL-CAD common definitions.
fastf_t vect_t[ELEMENTS_PER_VECT]
3-tuple vector
double fastf_t
fastest 64-bit (or larger) floating point type
fastf_t plane_t[ELEMENTS_PER_PLANE]
Definition of a plane equation.
fastf_t point_t[ELEMENTS_PER_POINT]
3-tuple point
Edge NURBS curve geometry.
fastf_t * ctl_points
array [c_size]
long index
struct # in this model
struct knot_vector k
curve knot vector
int c_size
number of ctl points
struct bu_list l
NOTICE: l.forw & l.back are NOT stored in database. For bspline primitive internal use only.
int pt_type
curve point type
struct bu_list eu_hd2
heads l2 list of edgeuses on this curve
point_t e_pt
parametric equation of the line
long index
struct # in this model
struct bu_list l
NOTICE: l.forw & l.back not stored in database. For alignment only.
struct bu_list eu_hd2
heads l2 list of edgeuses on this line
struct edgeuse * eu_p
Ptr to one use of this edge.
long index
struct # in this model
long is_real
artifact or modeled edge (from tessellator)
NMG topological edge usage.
struct vertexuse * vu_p
first vu of eu in this orient
struct edgeuse * eumate_p
eu on other face or other end of wire
int orientation
compared to geom (null if wire)
long index
struct # in this model
uint32_t * magic_p
for those times when we're not sure
struct bu_list l2
member of edge_g's eu_hd2 list
struct edge * e_p
edge definition and attributes
struct bu_list l
cw/ccw edges in loop or wire edges in shell
struct edgeuse * radial_p
eu on radially adj. fu (null if wire)
union edgeuse::@4 g
struct edge_g_cnurb * cnurb_p
struct edge_g_lseg * lseg_p
long index
struct # in this model
struct bu_list f_hd
list of faces sharing this surface
plane_t N
Plane equation (incl normal)
Face NURBS surface geometry.
fastf_t * ctl_points
array [size[0]*size[1]]
point_t min_pt
min corner of bounding box
long index
struct # in this model
point_t max_pt
max corner of bounding box
int dir
direction of last refinement
struct bu_list f_hd
list of faces sharing this surface
int s_size[2]
mesh size, u, v
struct knot_vector u
surface knot vectors
int order[2]
surface order [0] = u, [1] = v
int pt_type
surface point type
struct knot_vector v
surface knot vectors
point_t min_pt
minimums of bounding box
struct face_g_plane * plane_p
long index
struct # in this model
struct face_g_snurb * snurb_p
point_t max_pt
maximums of bounding box
int flip
!0 ==> flip normal of fg
struct bu_list l
faces in face_g's f_hd list
struct faceuse * fu_p
Ptr up to one use of this face.
NMG topological face usage.
struct face * f_p
face definition and attributes
struct shell * s_p
owning shell
struct faceuse * fumate_p
opposite side of face
int orientation
rel to face geom defn
long index
struct # in this model
struct bu_list lu_hd
list of loops in face-use
struct bu_list l
fu's, in shell's fu_hd list
int outside
RESERVED for future: See Lee Butler.
Definition of a knot vector.
fastf_t * knots
pointer to knot vector
int k_size
knot vector size
point_t min_pt
minimums of bounding box
long index
struct # in this model
point_t max_pt
maximums of bounding box
struct loopuse * lu_p
Ptr to one use of this loop.
long index
struct # in this model
struct loop_a * la_p
NMG topological loop usage.
struct loop * l_p
loop definition and attributes
int orientation
OT_SAME=outside loop.
long index
struct # in this model
struct loopuse * lumate_p
loopuse on other side of face
struct bu_list l
lu's, in fu's lu_hd, or shell's lu_hd
struct bu_list down_hd
eu list or vu pointer
struct faceuse * fu_p
owning face-use
long index
struct # in this model
char * manifolds
structure 1-3manifold table
long maxindex
# of structs so far
struct bu_list r_hd
list of regions
point_t min_pt
minimums of bounding box
long index
struct # in this model
point_t max_pt
maximums of bounding box
struct bu_list s_hd
list of shells in region
struct nmgregion_a * ra_p
long index
struct # in this model
struct bu_list l
regions, in model's r_hd list
struct model * m_p
owning model
point_t min_pt
minimums of bounding box
long index
struct # in this model
point_t max_pt
maximums of bounding box
struct bu_list fu_hd
list of face uses in shell
struct vertexuse * vu_p
internal ptr to single vertexuse
long index
struct # in this model
struct nmgregion * r_p
owning region
struct bu_list lu_hd
wire loopuses (edge groups)
struct bu_list eu_hd
wire list (shell has wires)
struct bu_list l
shells, in region's s_hd list
struct shell_a * sa_p
point_t coord
coordinates of vertex in space
long index
struct # in this model
NMG topological vertex - the simplest element of the topology system.
long index
struct # in this model
struct vertex_g * vg_p
struct bu_list vu_hd
heads list of vu's of this vertex
Vertexuse NURBS parameters.
fastf_t param[3]
(u, v, w) of vu on eu's cnurb
long index
struct # in this model
long index
struct # in this model
vect_t N
(opt) surface Normal at vertexuse
NMG topological vertex usage.
union vertexuse::@2 a
struct shell * s_p
no fu's or eu's on shell
struct edgeuse * eu_p
eu causing this vu
struct vertex * v_p
vertex definition and attributes
struct loopuse * lu_p
loopuse contains single vertex
struct vertexuse_a_cnurb * cnurb_p
long index
struct # in this model
uint32_t * magic_p
for those times when we're not sure
struct bu_list l
list of all vu's on a vertex
struct vertexuse_a_plane * plane_p
fundamental vector, matrix, quaternion math macros