Todo List
Global bg_3d_obb (point_t **pnts, const point_t *points_3d, int pnt_cnt)
- the GeometricTools engine has an implementation of the stack needed to do this:
Global bg_dist_pnt3_line3 (fastf_t *dist, point_t pca, const point_t a, const point_t p, const vect_t dir, const struct bn_tol *tol)
For efficiency, a version of this routine that provides the distance squared would be faster.
Module bg_plane
- this API may need to be simplified. A lot of the closest point calculations, for example, should probably just concern themselves with the calculation itself and leave any tolerance based questions to a separate step.
Global bg_ray_vclip (point_t a, point_t b, fastf_t *min_pt, fastf_t *max_pt)
the function name implies this takes a point,dir for a,b but it actually takes a line segment going from points a to b!
Global bn_htov_move (vect_t v, const hvect_t h)
make tolerance configurable
Global bn_mat_angles (mat_t mat, double alpha, double beta, double ggamma)
make tolerance configurable
Global bn_mat_angles_rad (mat_t mat, double alpha, double beta, double ggamma)
make tolerance configurable
Global bn_mat_arb_rot (mat_t m, const point_t pt, const vect_t dir, const fastf_t ang)
make tolerance configurable
Global bn_mat_is_non_unif (const mat_t m)
make tolerance configurable
Global bn_mat_scale_about_pnt (mat_t mat, const point_t pnt, const double scale)
make tolerance configurable
Global bn_sobol_sph_sample (point_t sample, const point_t center, const fastf_t radius, struct bn_soboldata *s)
investigate the scrambling method to see if basic Sobol sequence can be improved on for spherical sampling Also relevant:
Global bn_vec_ortho (vect_t out, const vect_t in)
make tolerance configurable
Global bn_vec_perp (vect_t new_vec, const vect_t old_vec)
make tolerance configurable
Class bound_rpp
move to vmath.h
Global bu_color_from_rgb_floats (struct bu_color *cp, const fastf_t *rgb)

consider stdarg ... to consolidate all the from functions, e.g., // 3 colors bu_color_create(struct bu_color **colors, "red", "0/255/0", "#0000ff", NULL);

inconsistent input/output parameters!

Module bu_hash
- need much better discussion here. Key points:
Global bu_process_close (struct bu_process *pinfo, bu_process_io_t d)
misnomer, this does not close a process. Probably doesn't need to exist; just call fclose().
Global bu_process_exec (struct bu_process **info, const char *cmd, int argc, const char **argv, int out_eql_err, int hide_window)
eliminate the last two options so all callers are not exposed to parameters not relevant to them.
Global bu_process_open (struct bu_process *pinfo, bu_process_io_t d)
misnomer, this does not open a process. Probably doesn't need to exist; just call fdopen().
Global bu_process_read (char *buff, int *count, struct bu_process *pinfo, bu_process_io_t d, int n)
arg ordering and input/output grouping is wrong. partially redundant with bu_process_fd() and/or bu_process_open().
Global bu_process_wait (int *aborted, struct bu_process *pinfo, int wtime)
'aborted' argument may be unnecessary (could make function provide return value of the process waited for). wtime undocumented.
Module bu_rb
check implementation given the following note:
this one shouldn't need to be global.
Global bu_semaphore_free (void)
per hacking, rename to bu_semaphore_clear()
Global bu_vls_encode (struct bu_vls *vp, const char *str)
consider a specifiable quote character and octal encoding instead of double quote wrapping. perhaps specifiable encode type: BU_ENCODE_QUOTE BU_ENCODE_OCTAL BU_ENCODE_XML
Global bv_mat_aet (struct bview *v)
this routine is suspect and needs investigating. if run during view initialization, the shaders regression test fails.
Global db_follow_path_for_state (struct db_tree_state *tsp, struct db_full_path *pathp, const char *orig_str, int noisy)
- need to extend this to support specifiers orig_str to call out particular instances of combs in a tree...
File events.h
- eventually these should probably be augmented by common purpose specific options (i.e. define a BV_X_CONSTRAIN so the calling application can map either x or X to the enabling of that particular motion constraint during editing, for example...) However, I think we'll also need to pass the lower level info as there are too many purpose specific possibilities to encode them all up front.
Global GED_CHECK_ARGC_GT_0 (_gedp, _argc, _flags)
- where should this go?
Global ged_set_transparency (struct ged *gedp, int argc, const char *argv[])
- belongs in view?
Module ged_state
- both the drawn state and the selection state need a rethink, particularly since they need to sync when an interface is visually indicating one or both sets of information.
Global HCROSS (a, b, c)
implement me
page Main Page
- need introduction/overview.

macro function syntax instead of constant (DEPRECATED)

macro function syntax instead of constant (DEPRECATED)

macro function syntax instead of constant (DEPRECATED)

macro function syntax instead of constant (DEPRECATED)

Global mk_freemembers (struct bu_list *headp)
- document this...
Global nmg_break_all_es_on_v (uint32_t *magic_p, struct vertex *v, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol)
- document...
Global nmg_edge_fuse (const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol)
- this needs MUCH better documentation...
Global nmg_edge_g_fuse (const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol)
- this needs MUCH better documentation...
Module nmg_ray
- these structs and ray_in_rpp are versions of librt functionality, and we need to think about how/where to merge them into a common function and struct that are available to both libraries without introducing a coupling dependency.
Global pc_param::ctype
convert to enum after pc becomes a dependency of rt
Global RT_BADNUM (n)
These should probably be vmath macros
Global rt_bound_internal (struct db_i *dbip, struct directory *dp, point_t rpp_min, point_t rpp_max)
This function needs to be modified to eliminate the rt_gettree() call and the related parameters. In that case calling code needs to call another function before calling this function That function must create a union tree with tr_a.tu_op=OP_SOLID. It can look as follows : union tree * rt_comb_tree(const struct db_i *dbip, const struct rt_db_internal *ip). The tree is set in the struct rt_db_internal * ip argument. Once a suitable tree is set in the ip, then this function can be called with the struct rt_db_internal
  • to return the BB properly without getting stuck during tree traversal in rt_bound_tree()
this should not be public API, push container and iteration down into LIBRT. External applications should not use this.
Global rt_dsp_internal::dsp_name
make this a pointer, name of data file
Class rt_object_selections
This structure is tentative and subject to change or removal without notice.
Global rt_pattern (struct rt_pattern_data *data, rt_pattern_t type)

- maybe start here?

Class rt_point_labels
- eventually this should fade into a general annotation framework
Global rt_poly_roots (bn_poly_t *eqn, bn_complex_t roots[], const char *name)
- should this be moved to libbn?
Class rt_selection
This structure is tentative and subject to change or removal without notice.
Class rt_selection_operation
This structure is tentative and subject to change or removal without notice.
Class rt_selection_query
This structure is tentative and subject to change or removal without notice.
Class rt_selection_set
This structure is tentative and subject to change or removal without notice.
Class rt_selection_translation
This structure is tentative and subject to change or removal without notice.
Class rt_texture
replace txt_specific in liboptical
Global rt_texture_load (struct rt_texture *tp, const char *name, struct db_i *dbip)
replace txt_load_datasource in liboptical
Global rt_texture_lookup (fastf_t *data, const struct rt_texture *tp, const struct uvcoord *uvp)
replace txt_render in liboptical
Global rt_vlist_copy (struct bu_list *dest, const struct bu_list *src)
- replace these with the appropriate libbn calls specifically passing &RTG.rtg_vlfree
Global V3PNT_IN_RPP (_pt, _lo, _hi)
should not be using >= <=, '=' case is unreliable
Global V3PNT_IN_RPP_TOL (_pt, _lo, _hi, _t)
should not be using >= <=, '=' case is unreliable
Global V3RPP1_IN_RPP2 (_lo1, _hi1, _lo2, _hi2)
should not be using >= <=, '=' case is unreliable
Global VPROJECT (a, b, c, d)
consistency, the result should come first
Global wmember::wm_mat
Should be a matp_t