void | nmg_edge_g (struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Compute the equation of the line formed by the endpoints of the edge. More...
int | nmg_use_edge_g (struct edgeuse *eu, uint32_t *magic_p) |
| Associate edgeuse 'eu' with the edge geometry structure identified by 'magic_p', where magic_p is the pointer to the magic entry of an edge_g_lseg. More...
int | nmg_demote_eu (struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Demote a wire edge into a pair of self-loop vertices. More...
void | nmg_je (struct edgeuse *eudst, struct edgeuse *eusrc) |
| Move a pair of edgeuses onto a single edge (glue edgeuse). More...
void | nmg_unglueedge (struct edgeuse *eu) |
| If edgeuse is part of a shared edge (more than one pair of edgeuses on the edge), it and its mate are "unglued" from the edge, and associated with a new edge structure. More...
void | nmg_jeg (struct edge_g_lseg *dest_eg, struct edge_g_lseg *src_eg) |
| Join two edge geometries. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_me (struct vertex *v1, struct vertex *v2, struct shell *s) |
| Make wire edge. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_meonvu (struct vertexuse *vu) |
| Make an edge on vertexuse. More...
int | nmg_keu (struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Delete an edgeuse & its mate from a shell or loop. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_find_matching_eu_in_s (const struct edgeuse *eu1, const struct shell *s2) |
| If shell s2 has an edge that connects the same vertices as eu1 connects, return the matching edgeuse in s2. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_findeu (const struct vertex *v1, const struct vertex *v2, const struct shell *s, const struct edgeuse *eup, int dangling_only) |
| Find an edgeuse in a shell between a given pair of vertex structs. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_find_eu_in_face (const struct vertex *v1, const struct vertex *v2, const struct faceuse *fu, const struct edgeuse *eup, int dangling_only) |
| An analog to nmg_findeu(), only restricted to searching a faceuse, rather than to a whole shell. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_find_e (const struct vertex *v1, const struct vertex *v2, const struct shell *s, const struct edge *ep) |
| Find an edge between a given pair of vertices. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_find_eu_of_vu (const struct vertexuse *vu) |
| Return a pointer to the edgeuse which is the parent of this vertexuse. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_find_eu_with_vu_in_lu (const struct loopuse *lu, const struct vertexuse *vu) |
| Find an edgeuse starting at a given vertexuse within a loopuse. More...
const struct edgeuse * | nmg_faceradial (const struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Looking radially around an edge, find another edge in the same face as the current edge. (this could be the mate to the current edge) More...
const struct edgeuse * | nmg_radial_face_edge_in_shell (const struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Looking radially around an edge, find another edge which is a part of a face in the same shell. More...
const struct edgeuse * | nmg_find_edge_between_2fu (const struct faceuse *fu1, const struct faceuse *fu2, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Perform a topology search to determine if two faces (specified by their faceuses) share an edge in common. If so, return an edgeuse in fu1 of that edge. More...
struct edge * | nmg_find_e_nearest_pt2 (uint32_t *magic_p, const point_t pt2, const mat_t mat, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| A geometric search routine to find the edge that is nearest to the given point, when all edges are projected into 2D using the matrix 'mat'. Useful for finding the edge nearest a mouse click, for example. More...
void | nmg_eu_2vecs_perp (vect_t xvec, vect_t yvec, vect_t zvec, const struct edgeuse *eu, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Given an edgeuse, return two arbitrary unit-length vectors which are perpendicular to each other and to the edgeuse, such that they can be considered the +X and +Y axis, and the edgeuse is +Z. That is, X cross Y = Z. More...
int | nmg_find_eu_leftvec (vect_t left, const struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Given an edgeuse, if it is part of a faceuse, return the inward pointing "left" vector which points into the interior of this loop, and lies in the plane of the face. The left vector is unitized. More...
int | nmg_find_eu_left_non_unit (vect_t left, const struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Given an edgeuse, if it is part of a faceuse, return the inward pointing "left" vector which points into the interior of this loop, and lies in the plane of the face. The left vector is not unitized. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_find_ot_same_eu_of_e (const struct edge *e) |
| If there is an edgeuse of an OT_SAME faceuse on this edge, return it. Only return a wire edgeuse if that is all there is. More...
int | nmg_is_vertex_in_edgelist (const struct vertex *v, const struct bu_list *hd) |
| Check if a vertex is in use within a list of edges. More...
int | nmg_is_edge_in_edgelist (const struct edge *e, const struct bu_list *hd) |
| Check if edge e is present within a list of edges. More...
void | nmg_edgeuse_tabulate (struct bu_ptbl *tab, const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree) |
| Build the set of pointers to all edgeuse structures in an NMG model that are "below" the data structure pointed to by magic_p, where magic_p is a pointer to the magic entry of any NMG data structure in the model. More...
void | nmg_edge_tabulate (struct bu_ptbl *tab, const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree) |
| Build the set of pointers to all edge structures in an NMG model that are "below" the data structure pointed to by magic_p, where magic_p is a pointer to the magic entry of any NMG data structure in the model. More...
void | nmg_edge_g_tabulate (struct bu_ptbl *tab, const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree) |
| Build the set of pointers to all edge geometry structures in an NMG model that are "below" the data structure pointed to by magic_p, where magic_p is a pointer to the magic entry of any NMG data structure in the model. More...
void | nmg_edgeuse_with_eg_tabulate (struct bu_ptbl *tab, const struct edge_g_lseg *eg) |
| Build an bu_ptbl list which cites every edgeuse pointer that uses edge geometry "eg". More...
void | nmg_edgeuse_on_line_tabulate (struct bu_ptbl *tab, const uint32_t *magic_p, const point_t pt, const vect_t dir, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Given a pointer to any nmg data structure, build an bu_ptbl list which cites every edgeuse pointer from there on "down" in the model that has both vertices within tolerance of the given line. More...
void | nmg_e_and_v_tabulate (struct bu_ptbl *eutab, struct bu_ptbl *vtab, const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree) |
| Build lists of all edges (represented by one edgeuse on that edge) and all vertices found underneath the NMG entity indicated by magic_p. More...
int | nmg_2edgeuse_g_coincident (const struct edgeuse *eu1, const struct edgeuse *eu2, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
int | nmg_mark_edges_real (const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree) |
| Sets the "is_real" flag on all edges at or below the pointer passed. Returns the number of flags set. More...
struct edgeuse * | nmg_pop_eu (struct bu_ptbl *stack) |
| Convenience wrapper to retrieve and remove the last edgeuse element from the stack bu_ptbl. More...
int | nmg_move_edge_thru_pnt (struct edgeuse *mv_eu, const point_t pt, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Moves indicated edgeuse (mv_eu) so that it passes thru the given point (pt). The direction of the edgeuse is not changed, so new edgeuse is parallel to the original. More...
int | nmg_break_edge_at_verts (struct edge *e, struct bu_ptbl *verts, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Split an edge into multiple edges at specified vertices if they are within tolerance distance. More...
int | nmg_break_edges (uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Apply nmg_break_edge_at_verts() to all edge/vertex combinations present in the NMG model below the NMG element with the magic number pointed to by magic_p. More...
int | nmg_edge_fuse (const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Fuse vertices and edges according to tol. More...
int | nmg_edge_g_fuse (const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Fuse edge_g structs. More...
struct edge_g_lseg * | nmg_pick_best_edge_g (struct edgeuse *eu1, struct edgeuse *eu2, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Given two edgeuses with different edge geometry but running between the same two vertices, select the proper edge geometry to associate with. More...
int | nmg_eu_is_part_of_crack (const struct edgeuse *eu) |
| Check if eu is part of a loop but is not correctly connected topologically to other edges in the loop. More...
void | nmg_radial_join_eu (struct edgeuse *eu1, struct edgeuse *eu2, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| Make all the edgeuses around eu2's edge to refer to eu1's edge, taking care to organize them into the proper angular orientation, so that the attached faces are correctly arranged radially around the edge. More...
int | nmg_break_all_es_on_v (uint32_t *magic_p, struct vertex *v, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
int | nmg_break_e_on_v (const uint32_t *magic_p, struct bu_list *vlfree, const struct bn_tol *tol) |
| As the first step in evaluating a boolean formula, before starting to do face/face intersections, compare every edge in the model with every vertex in the model. More...
int | nmg_wedge_class (int ass, double a, double b) |
| Determine if the given wedge is entirely to the left or right of the ray, or if it crosses. More...