Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* N M G _ C O N V . H
2  * BRL-CAD
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 1993-2024 United States Government as represented by
5  * the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9  * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this file; see the file named COPYING for more
18  * information.
19  */
20 /** @file rt/nmg_conv.h */
22 #ifndef RT_NMG_CONV_H
23 #define RT_NMG_CONV_H
25 #include "common.h"
26 #include "vmath.h"
27 #include "bu/list.h"
28 #include "bu/ptbl.h"
29 #include "bn/tol.h"
30 #include "bv/vlist.h"
31 #include "bg/defines.h"
32 #include "rt/geom.h"
33 #include "rt/hit.h"
34 #include "rt/seg.h"
35 #include "rt/application.h"
36 #include "rt/soltab.h"
37 #include "nmg.h"
41 struct rt_db_internal; /*forward declaration*/
43 struct hitmiss {
44  struct bu_list l;
45  struct hit hit;
46  fastf_t dist_in_plane; /**< @brief distance from plane intersect */
47  int in_out; /**< @brief status of ray as it transitions
48  * this hit point.
49  */
50  long *inbound_use;
52  long *outbound_use;
54  int start_stop; /**< @brief is this a seg_in or seg_out */
55  struct hitmiss *other; /**< @brief for keeping track of the other
56  * end of the segment when we know
57  * it
58  */
59 };
63 /**
64  * Ray Data structure
65  *
66  * A) the hitmiss table has one element for each nmg structure in the
67  * nmgmodel. The table keeps track of which elements have been
68  * processed before and which haven't. Elements in this table will
69  * either be: (NULL) item not previously processed hitmiss ptr item
70  * previously processed
71  *
72  * the 0th item in the array is a pointer to the head of the "hit"
73  * list. The 1th item in the array is a pointer to the head of the
74  * "miss" list.
75  *
76  * B) If plane_pt is non-null then we are currently processing a face
77  * intersection. The plane_dist and ray_dist_to_plane are valid. The
78  * ray/edge intersector should check the distance from the plane
79  * intercept to the edge and update "plane_closest" if the current
80  * edge is closer to the intercept than the previous closest object.
81  */
82 struct ray_data {
83  uint32_t magic;
84  struct model *rd_m;
85  char *manifolds; /**< @brief structure 1-3manifold table */
87  struct xray *rp;
88  struct application *ap;
89  struct seg *seghead;
90  struct soltab *stp;
91  const struct bn_tol *tol;
92  struct hitmiss **hitmiss; /**< @brief 1 struct hitmiss ptr per elem. */
93  struct bu_list rd_hit; /**< @brief list of hit elements */
94  struct bu_list rd_miss; /**< @brief list of missed/sub-hit elements */
96 /* The following are to support isect_ray_face() */
98  /**
99  * plane_pt is the intercept point of the ray with the plane of
100  * the face.
101  */
102  point_t plane_pt; /**< @brief ray/plane(face) intercept point */
104  /**
105  * ray_dist_to_plane is the parametric distance along the ray from
106  * the ray origin (rd->rp->r_pt) to the ray/plane intercept point
107  */
108  fastf_t ray_dist_to_plane; /**< @brief ray parametric dist to plane */
110  /**
111  * the "face_subhit" element is a boolean used by isect_ray_face
112  * and [e|v]u_touch_func to record the fact that the
113  * ray/(plane/face) intercept point was within tolerance of an
114  * edge/vertex of the face. In such instances, isect_ray_face
115  * does NOT need to generate a hit point for the face, as the hit
116  * point for the edge/vertex will suffice.
117  */
120  /**
121  * the "classifying_ray" flag indicates that this ray is being
122  * used to classify a point, so that the "eu_touch" and "vu_touch"
123  * functions should not be called.
124  */
126 };
128 #define NMG_PCA_EDGE 1
129 #define NMG_PCA_EDGE_VERTEX 2
130 #define NMG_PCA_VERTEX 3
132 /**
133  * global nmg animation plot callback
134  */
135 RT_EXPORT extern void (*nmg_plot_anim_upcall)(void);
138 /* From nmg_rt_isect.c */
139 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_nmg_print_hitlist(struct bu_list *hd);
140 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_nmg_print_hitmiss(struct hitmiss *a_hit);
141 RT_EXPORT extern void rt_isect_ray_model(struct ray_data *rd, struct bu_list *vlfree);
143 /************************************************************************
144  * *
145  * NMG Support Function Declarations *
146  * *
147  ************************************************************************/
148 #if defined(NMG_H)
150 /* nmg.c */
151 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_ray_segs(struct ray_data *rd, struct bu_list *vlfree);
153 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_to_arb(const struct model *m,
154  struct rt_arb_internal *arb_int);
155 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_to_tgc(const struct model *m,
156  struct rt_tgc_internal *tgc_int,
157  const struct bn_tol *tol);
158 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_to_poly(const struct model *m,
159  struct rt_pg_internal *poly_int,
160  struct bu_list *vlfree,
161  const struct bn_tol *tol);
162 RT_EXPORT extern struct rt_bot_internal *nmg_bot(struct shell *s,
163  struct bu_list *vlfree,
164  const struct bn_tol *tol);
165 RT_EXPORT extern struct rt_bot_internal *nmg_mdl_to_bot(struct model *m,
166  struct bu_list *vlfree,
167  const struct bn_tol *tol);
168 struct db_tree_state; /* forward declaration */
169 RT_EXPORT extern union tree *nmg_booltree_leaf_tnurb(struct db_tree_state *tsp,
170  const struct db_full_path *pathp,
171  struct rt_db_internal *ip,
172  void *client_data);
173 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_bool_eval_silent; /* quell output from nmg_booltree_evaluate */
174 RT_EXPORT extern union tree *nmg_booltree_evaluate(union tree *tp,
175  struct bu_list *vlfree,
176  const struct bn_tol *tol,
177  struct resource *resp);
178 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_boolean(union tree *tp,
179  struct model *m,
180  struct bu_list *vlfree,
181  const struct bn_tol *tol,
182  struct resource *resp);
187 /* nmg_tri_mc.c */
188 RT_EXPORT extern void nmg_triangulate_model_mc(struct model *m,
189  const struct bn_tol *tol);
190 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_mc_realize_cube(struct shell *s,
191  int pv,
192  point_t *edges,
193  const struct bn_tol *tol);
194 RT_EXPORT extern int nmg_mc_evaluate(struct shell *s,
195  struct rt_i *rtip,
196  const struct db_full_path *pathp,
197  const struct bg_tess_tol *ttol,
198  const struct bn_tol *tol);
201 /* nmg.c */
202 RT_EXPORT extern void nmg_stash_model_to_file(const char *filename,
203  const struct model *m,
204  const char *title);
207 #endif
211 #endif /* RT_NMG__CONV_H */
213 /*
214  * Local Variables:
215  * tab-width: 8
216  * mode: C
217  * indent-tabs-mode: t
218  * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
219  * End:
220  * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8
221  */
Header file for the BRL-CAD common definitions.
fastf_t vect_t[ELEMENTS_PER_VECT]
3-tuple vector
Definition: vmath.h:349
double fastf_t
fastest 64-bit (or larger) floating point type
Definition: vmath.h:334
fastf_t point_t[ELEMENTS_PER_POINT]
3-tuple point
Definition: vmath.h:355
void rt_nmg_print_hitlist(struct bu_list *hd)
void(* nmg_plot_anim_upcall)(void)
void rt_isect_ray_model(struct ray_data *rd, struct bu_list *vlfree)
void rt_nmg_print_hitmiss(struct hitmiss *a_hit)
Definition: tol.h:72
Definition: list.h:132
Information about where a ray hits the surface.
Definition: hit.h:61
long * inbound_use
Definition: nmg_conv.h:50
struct hitmiss * other
for keeping track of the other end of the segment when we know it
Definition: nmg_conv.h:55
vect_t inbound_norm
Definition: nmg_conv.h:51
fastf_t dist_in_plane
distance from plane intersect
Definition: nmg_conv.h:46
long * outbound_use
Definition: nmg_conv.h:52
vect_t outbound_norm
Definition: nmg_conv.h:53
int start_stop
is this a seg_in or seg_out
Definition: nmg_conv.h:54
struct bu_list l
Definition: nmg_conv.h:44
int in_out
status of ray as it transitions this hit point.
Definition: nmg_conv.h:47
NMG topological model.
Definition: topology.h:289
int face_subhit
Definition: nmg_conv.h:118
struct model * rd_m
Definition: nmg_conv.h:84
struct bu_list rd_hit
list of hit elements
Definition: nmg_conv.h:93
uint32_t magic
Definition: nmg_conv.h:83
struct seg * seghead
Definition: nmg_conv.h:89
char * manifolds
structure 1-3manifold table
Definition: nmg_conv.h:85
const struct bn_tol * tol
Definition: nmg_conv.h:91
struct bu_list rd_miss
list of missed/sub-hit elements
Definition: nmg_conv.h:94
struct soltab * stp
Definition: nmg_conv.h:90
struct application * ap
Definition: nmg_conv.h:88
struct xray * rp
Definition: nmg_conv.h:87
fastf_t ray_dist_to_plane
ray parametric dist to plane
Definition: nmg_conv.h:108
vect_t rd_invdir
Definition: nmg_conv.h:86
int classifying_ray
Definition: nmg_conv.h:125
point_t plane_pt
ray/plane(face) intercept point
Definition: nmg_conv.h:102
struct hitmiss ** hitmiss
1 struct hitmiss ptr per elem.
Definition: nmg_conv.h:92
Definition: seg.h:59
NMG topological shell.
Definition: topology.h:261
Definition: soltab.h:57
Primary ray data structure.
Definition: xray.h:41
Definition: tree.h:148
fundamental vector, matrix, quaternion math macros